
She Calls Me Darling

Wedy didn't know what to wear for the dinner party thing Irene invited to even though she already told Wendy the appropriate attire. Business casual.

Do I go with slacks and a shirt?

A skirt and a blouse?

A black short dress?


Wendy had a couple hours to go before Irene would come to pick her up, and she had no one else to call for help except the one and only Joy.


"I knew she was into you!" Joy exclaimed the moment Wendy opened the door for her. "Irene is literally ASKING YOU OUT!"

"Can we not do this now?"

"AMND YOU SAID YES!" Joy roared.

Within the next half hour, Joy put together Wendy's attire for the night. A dress that cut above the knees and a blazer to complete the look with a pair of 1. inche heels.  

"You sure about this?" Wendy said doubtfully while looking herself in the mirror.

"Positive!" Joy gushed. "Irene totally has the hots for you." She checked her phone for the time. "Irene will almost be here soon."

As if on cue, the doorbell rang and Wendy barely had time to grab her phone and purse befofre Joy peactically shoved her to teh door. Joy swung the door open without even looking through the peekhole to be sure that it was Irene at teh door.

"Ready to - oh, hello," Irene looked a little disconcerted seeing Joy in Wendy's apartment. "I didn't know you were havng friends over."

"Ah, i was just leaving!" Joy replied quickly "I was just making sure Wendy was dressed well for tonight. She's not fashion savvy if you know what I mean. Have a good time!" She shoved Wendy at Irene so that their fronts crashed into each other, and Joy slamed the door shut.

"Your friend is very...eccentric," Irene commented whiel Wendy tried to regain her composure.

"Oh hahah! that's just joy," Wendy chuckled nervously.

"Well, she seems like a fun person. Shall we?" Irene held an arm out like a gentlewoman, completely catching Wendy off guard at the gesture.

"Um...sure...." She tentatively held on to the crook in ireme's elbow and Irene walked them out to the car. It felt a little awkward and forced. Couldn't they just walk like normal people?

Why was Irene acting so extra?


Once they got to the prviate party, Wendy couldn't believe what the hell kind of place irene brought her to. It was a very gorgeous clubhouse complete with beautiful grass, trail, and fountain. There were lights hanging like it was some sort of party - which it was obviously. 

But there were also a lot of important people Wendy only recognized from the news or industry magazines.

She immediately felt out of place being a commoner, and wearing dress clothes from an inferior store that she could afford.

"You look good," Irene said when they got out of the car. 

"T-tahnks. You look great too."

Irene looked very pleased and led her into the clubhouse. People greeted Irene left and right like she was some kind of goddess. 

Honestly, she really could be. Irene looked so regal and elite. Every part of her was so well prepared.

They were assigned to table 7, where there were already people seated and chatting among each other. They all looked up and smiled at them in greeting - more to Irene since she was well known. Wendy was just her sidekick tonight.

Wendy joined Irene at the table and listened to the small talk everyone made. They included her every now and then, but since she wasn't really an accomplished person, there wasn't much to talk about in that regard. However, everyone seemed to think that Wendy was irene's wife or something, which made Wendy feel a little weird inside. 

What the hell is wrong with me?

Why did Irene even ask me to come here?

She felt Irene gently rubbing her knuckles and she looked at the woman to find her watching her with concern. "Everything ok?" Irene murmured.

Wendy faked a smile and nodded and looked at everyone at the table. It was going to be a long one.


The dinner event went by with all the speeches and people toasting to others. Even Irene went to speak, and she really looked so y and cool calmly walking up to the podium and speaking with conviction and intelligence only people in the business sphere knew of.

"What did you think?" Irene asked when she got back from talking.

"Um...impressive," Wendy replied, which made Irene's eyes glow like an excited puppy.

"Thank you."


The dinner ended pleasantly although Wendy didn't feel like she particularly belonged here. She wondered if Irene just wanted to show off tonight or something since she made that speech earlier. It made her feel a little too giddy so she shook off the thought as she followed Irene around as she socialized here and there with random people. 

The only other thing was Irene holding her hand the WHOLE TIME!

While Wendy felt honored that she was holding the hand of the Irene Bae, she also felt the curious and judging looks of the other people here. 

They definitely think I'm her sugar baby, she thought.

How old is Irene Bae anyway?

Definitely older than me.


Irene didn't mmuch feel like going to her office today, but she did need to be present for various meetings and a lot of emails to write. She much liked surprising Wendy and having their impromptu make out sessions. Irene was afraid Wendy would book it out of there but so far, the latter had always just followed her lead. 

Ah...the feeling of Wendyy's lips against hers was gloriousssssss...she could just imagine - 

"IRene I didn't think you were up to my bet," Jjisoo said, and Irene jolted out of her daydream whne the door slammed shut.

Irene gave her a cold look and crossed her arms as she leaned against teh wall beside her. "Who let you in? You're supposed to knock."

"Well, you should lock your door then," Jisoo shrugged. She was Irene's secretary, a secretary that Irene let her ex-personal assistant hire and which she greatly regretted letting happen. "Besides, talk of the dinner was you and that American Wendy."

"Canadian," Irene corrected.

"Same diference. Anyway, I didn't know you were into young girls." her secertary waggled her eyebrows wildly.

"This has nothing to do with that," Irene replied.

"Oh?" Jisoo smirked. "Then how is it that you conveniently got a date right after I said that you were gonna be a lonely old spinster when you retire?"

"SAY TAHT AGAIN!" Irene leapt over her desk and grabbed her by the lapels of her dress suit before Jisoo panicked and had to calm her down before a fight went down.

"gosh it was a joke," Jisoo said once Irene regained her composure. "Pleasure to talk to you again. You've been missing for a while."

"The pleasure is not mine," the other woman growled. "I expect you to have more respect and KNOCK for once. Also, I've sent you some reports to work on and I expect you to be diligent."

"Geez louise, someone's got a huuuuuge cucumber up her , hahahahahaha!" Jisoo laughed to herself and flounced away. "Definitely Jennie's type of woman," she muttered under her breath. 


sorry for short update and going MIA. it's been stressful lately with research and work. let me know your thoughts and what you did for christmas if you celebrate. i can't believe another year is going by.






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I'm keeping the video game and will not buy any other game until May when I'm done. unless steam has a huge sale for like 80% off hahahahaha. jk.


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Chapter 10: Could it be because of Irene pulling some strings? Or Eunbi is someone she knows or she's a competitor?
2072 streak #2
1692 streak #3
Chapter 1: I'm bookmarked this to read later~
WluvsBaetokki #4
Chapter 10: Oooh somethings brewing... Eunbi being her new boss... feels like a jealous bunny would come out
Riscark #5
Chapter 10: I ain't gonna lie, I kinda forgot what's happening since it's been too long, but I get the gist of it. I wonder, could it be Irene pulled some string to help wendy get her new job?
blanketlove 93 streak #6
Chapter 10: yay thanks for updating!! im still here
Leo0209 #7
Chapter 10: Is irene jealous? Is something else happening? When is wendy gonna find out? I’m curious!
2072 streak #8
Chapter 1: Thanks for the update!
luisainer #9
Chapter 9: I really like this fic looking forward to new updates so you awesome
Junariya #10
Chapter 9: Author nim please continue update the story.