The culprit

Flaring Affection (FA)
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"What's next?" Brad, the man with the scar mark on his face, asked the ex-Mayor, Fuji. They were having the best moment of their lives, rejoicing over the death of Rex.


"What do you mean by that stupid question?" Fuji was a mess, he was drunk and excited. "Rex is out of the way, it's time for me to be the next head of the southern mafia clan. That's what's next."


"What about Park Min, he won't let you have that position, you and I know how ambitious he is. He might adopt another child just like he did with Rex, if that happens, then all our effort will be for nothing."

Brad wasn't far from the truth to their best understanding. The former mafia leader, Park Min would do just anything to make sure power never leaves his family.


"That's not an issue. I will become the next mafia leader, it has been my ultimate dream, but first I have to get my hands on those diamonds. No one knows who's with the diamonds or where they are, I need them to regain all the power, fame, and money I need. That's going to be our next mission."


"Brilliant," Brad smirked. "With Rex out of the picture, it's only a matter of time before we find out who has the diamonds, once that is done, we'll wage war against the Park clan." Brad drank his wine in one go, he was overwhelmed with gladness and so was Fuji.





Baekhyun had returned to the forest. He hurriedly made his way into the hut, he smiled when he saw Rex still sleeping.


He set the things he bought aside and sat down next to Rex. He felt her forehead to know if she was running temperature, but she was fine. 

He took a few minutes to observe the woman in front of him. He had always felt that something was off about Rex, and now it all made sense. 


He looked away from her and sighed. He wasn't happy because he couldn't figure out who was behind the car accident.


"Why the long face?" The sweet melodious voice brought the bodyguard back to reality. He tilted his head aside and smiled.


"You're finally awake."


"I've been awake for a while now, thanks to the squirrel and the birds." She sat up, her eyes not leaving Baekhyun's. "I also caught you staring at me. Are you into me?"


Baekhyun chuckled. "Great sense of humor you got there. I never knew you had it." 


Rex laughed at the rider's words. She ran her fingers through her hair and sighed. "What happened? You seem disappointed."


Baekhyun said nothing. He picked up a bottle of water, uncapped it, and handed it over to Rex. "Here, drink this."


"Thanks." She drank it and set it aside. "What's going on? I need to know."


"I was unable to find the person behind the accident." He sighed in disappointment. "This isn't who I am, I've never had problems getting the information I need." He was beside himself as he felt useless at that moment.


Rex saw through him, she knew what he was going through because she was no stranger to such horrible feelings.


She moved closer to Baekhyun, and slowly embraced him. Oh dear God, it felt so good, so relaxing. She had always wanted to embrace her bodyguard, she had always wanted to feel him so close. She didn't care about what his reaction would be, all she wanted was to embrace him and have him in her embrace.


Baekhyun was quite shocked, but he liked it. He said nothing and just let Rex do whatever she wanted. 


"Disappointment is one thing no man on earth has control over. We're all humans in the end and disappointment must happen. Don't beat yourself to it, it's not your fault at all." She pulled away to look him in the eyes and smiled so genuinely at him, and her beautiful eyes melted Baekhyun's heart.


"We'll figure this out together." She muttered and Baekhyun nodded with a smile.


"Of course, my lady." He gently embraced her for a while before pulling away to look her in the eyes. "I couldn't uncover the culprit today because of my newfound weakness. I know what my weakness is, but I won't let it pull me down, I will make that weakness my driving force, a burning fire running through my blood and I will become unstoppable just so that I can protect that weakness." His voice was gentle and tender. His mind was void of all thought, and slowly he leaned closer to Rex and pressed a soft kiss on her forehead.


It lasted for a few seconds, but the feeling between the both of them was so strong and pure. He pulled away and caressed her hair before looking at her overwhelmed face.


"I bought some yummy goodies. I will get you some." Baekhyun got up, but Rex held his hand, thereby stopping him from moving.


"Your weakness, what could it be?" She was curious to know what it was, but the rider smiled.


"I will let you know when the right time comes." He turned around and walked away. His heart was beating faster than usual and so was Rex.


Rex felt like screaming, but she couldn't. She lay on the bed and wrapped her hands around her body. She was overwhelmed with joy, it felt like butterflies were dancing in her stomach and the feeling was amazing.


She looked at the man she has grown to love so much, she watched his every move and she found everything about him perfect.


"Here, eat this. It's a vegetable and chicken salad. Jongin said it's your favorite." He set the takeout plate in front of her. "I need to give Sehun a call, he needs to make sure the diamonds are safe, it might be the next target," Baekhyun said, and immediately, Rex's eyes doubled in size.


Things began to make more sense to Rex. The person behind the accident what's to kill her and then search for the diamonds, and the diamonds are right in her mansion.


"We have to go back right now," Rex said and Baekhyun looked at her with confused eyes.


"Your wounds are still fresh, you need to rest and heal." Baekhyun tried to make her see the reasons, but she refused.


"No, I can't do that. Whosoever planned to kill me is after two things, I can't let them have it." She was tense and unsettled. She stood up to park her things, but Baekhyun stopped her.


"Cara." He called softly, and immediately she became calm. She turned around and looked at him with sad eyes. That was the first time someone called her by her real name.


The bodyguard walked up to her and stood in front of her. 

"I know what you're scared of. The person behind the accident wants to acquire more power, fame, and wealth, and the only way to do that is to have you, the southern m

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Chapter 13 of 'Flaring Affection' is out, please check it out and let me know what you think.


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39 streak #1
I would love to read more about them..hope authornim continues this amazing story ❤️ 😍
Chapter 20: Yes sure sis ☺️
Nlnz2016 #3
Chapter 20: Hi. Yes, I’ll read it for sure! Thanks
halforblack #4
Chapter 20: Yes I will definitely read this
39 streak #5
Chapter 20: Yup.. interested 😍🤩🤗
743 streak #6
Chapter 20: Yes, I would!
743 streak #7
Chapter 18: I am loving what I have read so far! I am looking forward to see what happens next!
743 streak #8
Chapter 16: Baekhyun is a true hero! <3
743 streak #9
Chapter 14: That was a harsh truth. :(
743 streak #10
Chapter 13: An interesting and hot chapter! ;)