Unsolved puzzle

Flaring Affection (FA)
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Rex woke up to the sound of birds chirping. She stared into a blank space, trying to remember what happened, and like a hurricane, the memories of what had happened rushed back. She gasped and sat up, but felt a sharp pain around her right ribs, but she ignored it.


She smiled and embraced her body. She thought she wouldn't make it, but she did. She looked around and noticed that she was in a hut, a beautiful hut. She was about to get up when she noticed that her upper body was .


Another gasp of shock left . She quickly wrapped her body with the blanket, she looked around, searching for anyone in the room, but no one was there. She got up and walked outside still with the blanket around her chest. She was scared, yet alert, ready to attack anyone.


Baekhyun stood behind her, he was amazed at her bravery and alertness. He chuckled and walked closer to her. 


"Ever so brave." His voice caught her attention, and immediately, she turned around, ready to attack but was suddenly frozen on the spot. Her eyes doubled in size, she couldn't believe her eyes and she was short of words.


Right in front of her was her bodyguard, the man she had fallen in love with. He wore only sweatpants without any shirt, his hair was wet and he had a small towel around his neck. He was the pure definition of hotness.


She shook her head to stay focused. The man was just too hot and y to be ignored, but she fought back the desire. She stared at Baekhyun without saying a word.


The rider approached her and smiled. "I thought I would have to take you to the hospital, but glad you're finally awake." He looked at her properly with so much care. "How are you feeling?" He asked, all she could do was mutter his name.


"Baekhyun..." Her voice was so tender and gentle. His name sounded so sweet in the rider's ear and that was her real voice, the voice he heard the night she hugged him.


"Yes, Rex, it's me. Don't worry about your secret, it's safe with me, my lady." He winked at her and held her by the hand.


"It's cold outside, go in and get changed. I bought some beautiful gowns, you can be yourself in front of me, I don't mind." He smiled at her and walked away.


Rex stood like a robot watching her bodyguard. She felt like hugging him and thanking him for saving her life, but she couldn't. She went back inside the hut, she didn't know what to do after what just happened outside, but one thing she was sure about was the fact that she has to bathe.


She stripped off her pants, wrapped a towel around her body properly, and went back outside. She saw Baekhyun beside the fire he made and she stood beside him.


The rider felt her immediately, he looked at her and stood up "Not bothered by the cold?"


"Not that." She bit her bottom lips as she felt embarrassed standing in front of her bodyguard as a woman.


"You want to take a bath?" He asked.




"Alright. I already set a bucket of warm water for you behind the hut. The place is hidden perfectly well, even the birds won't see you." He said the last part playfully and she smiled before walking away.


Baekhyun went into the hut and changed into comfortable clothes. He arranged the room and switched off the lamp. He made sure the room was conducive enough for his boss.


When he was done, he went back to what he was cooking outside. He knew that Rex was still recovering, so he decided to make vegetable soup.


The soup was still cooking, but his mind was clouded with thoughts that he didn't notice when Rex went back into the hut.


Meanwhile, Rex was confused about what to wear. She looked at the clothes Baekhyun bought, but she loved the gowns so much. She picked up the sky-blue gown and wore it after wearing her . She arranged her hair neatly, wore the pink flip-flop slipper she found next to the bag containing her clothes and she went back outside to join Baekhyun.


It was a bit difficult to sit next to Baekhyun due to the cut on her rib, but she tried her best to, although she felt weird.


"Were you able to change the bandage?" Baekhyun asked and she smirked.


"Yes, I did. I'm not weak."


Baekhyun smiled, she was the ruthless Park Rex after all. "Of course, you're not weak, that's a fact. You're the strongest and bravest person I've ever seen, and I'm so proud to be your bodyguard."


Rex was touched. Hearing such compliments made her happy. She looked at Baekhyun and smiled. "Thank you for saving me and thank you for the compliment." She looked up at the beautiful morning sky and she grinned softly. The view was lovely and she loved the peace of the forest. 


She closed her eyes as she enjoyed the refreshing air. She had always wanted to be in a peaceful environment without having to be someone she was not.


"This is the first time I've seen you this happy, you must love it here," Baekhyun said while adding another piece of wood to the fire.


"I do love it here. It's so peaceful, calm, and full of good vibes." She looked at Baekhyun and sighed. "Now that you know my true identity, do you feel different about me?" She couldn't stop herself from asking. It was about time they talked about it.


"What do you mean by different?" Baekhyun turned his attention to her, but she didn't look away.


"I mean do you feel weird about me? Like do you find me a weaker being or a worthless being?" 


"I don't feel that way about you at all, and I never will. I told you before, and I will say it a thousand times more. You're the bravest, strongest, and most interesting person I've ever seen in my life, and the amazing part of it is that you're a woman doing what a man can do, and you do it even better. You don't have to worry about such things because you will always be the best." 


The rider spoke his mind, he told her the truth, and that made her feel a lot better. Baekhyun was very different from her father, and his words gave her hope.


"Thank you." She thanked him again and the rider sighed.


"Can you please stop saying that?" He stood up and put out the fire. He took an empty bowl he had bought and served her soup in it.


"You're my boss, my job is to protect you, and that's what I did. Please stop thanking me." He set the bowl of soup in front of her with a bottle of water and smiled.


"Eat up, you need your energy back." 


Rex smiled and she began to drink the soup. She thought it would be tasteless, but the rider turned out to be a better cook than the cook in her mansion.


"This is so tasty and delicious." She was amazed and Baekhyun simply smiled at her expression, but her beautiful voice kept on giving him different kinds of feelings. He loves her voice so much that he can listen to her all day.


"You have a beautiful voice." He said while staring into a blank space.


"Thanks." She was shy but extremely happy about his compliment. She also missed speaking with her real voice. She looked at his side view, all she could see was perfection. The man was handsome in every aspect.


She kept on staring at him and that was when she realized that she knew nothing about him apart from the fact that he was the nightcrawler.


"I'm not trying to be nosey, but I just realized that I know nothing about you apart from the fact that you're the mysterious nightcrawler."


Baekhyun looked at her, it occurred to him that they know nothing about each other. "That's true. We've never talked about ourselves." 


"Well, everything has a starting point. Why don't we reintroduce ourselves?" Rex asked and Baekhyun nodded.


"Great idea." The rider lifted his eyes and looked at the bright blue sky.


"I'm Byun Baekhyun, a medical doctor by profession. I studied overseas and got my first job there, but something terrible happened to my dad and that made me return to Korea, but it was already too late. Mr. Fuji, the ex-Mayor, had framed him

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Chapter 13 of 'Flaring Affection' is out, please check it out and let me know what you think.


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38 streak #1
I would love to read more about them..hope authornim continues this amazing story ❤️ 😍
Chapter 20: Yes sure sis ☺️
Nlnz2016 #3
Chapter 20: Hi. Yes, I’ll read it for sure! Thanks
halforblack #4
Chapter 20: Yes I will definitely read this
38 streak #5
Chapter 20: Yup.. interested 😍🤩🤗
743 streak #6
Chapter 20: Yes, I would!
743 streak #7
Chapter 18: I am loving what I have read so far! I am looking forward to see what happens next!
743 streak #8
Chapter 16: Baekhyun is a true hero! <3
743 streak #9
Chapter 14: That was a harsh truth. :(
743 streak #10
Chapter 13: An interesting and hot chapter! ;)