Chapter 63 (Eclipse)

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Turchase, Seoul

Wednesday, December 3rd, 2025 

“Is my flight still on schedule?” Wonyoung dabbed her lips with a napkin after finishing her lunch.

“Yes, we have already rescheduled all your appointments when you're in ia, Miss Jang,” her secretary replied, greeted by a nod from Wonyoung.

“Miss Kim, we’re sorry, you won't be able to meet her—Miss Kim!” The commotion outside diverted Wonyoung's attention.

“Sorry, I'll check on that,” her secretary said, leaving the private room to assess the situation outside.

“I have to meet her or—”

“Miss Kim, you can't meet her right now. Miss Jang will—”

The door opened, and Jiwoo entered, followed by Wonyoung's secretary and bodyguard.

“Should I follow your secretary and bodyguard to leave this place and let you regret everything?” Jiwoo's gaze remained fixed on Wonyoung.

Wonyoung clenched her jaw, considering Jiwoo's words. Two days had passed since that night's events, and during that time, Wonyoung had chosen to avoid and immerse herself in her work.

“Please leave us alone,” she said to her secretary and bodyguard.

Wonyoung's gaze shifted to Jiwoo as they were left alone.

“I didn't break our agreement and continued to support your mission through my Ruler Line. What more do you want?” Wonyoung initiated the conversation between them.

“Last night, Yujin joined our mission when she was still in Cairo. Did she get your permission?” Jiwoo asked directly.

“I let her do whatever she wanted, and I won't touch your Scepter or demand you do the same just because my Scepter joined your mission. You can keep your Scepter away from every mission. Is that breaking our agreement?”

“She almost got shot, and you didn’t even care?”

“Almost. But she didn’t.” Wonyoung replied, and Jiwoo sighed at the response.

“Do you love her?” Wonyoung stared at Jiwoo, who took a seat in front of her. “An Yujin. Do you love her? What if, last night, she really got shot and died? Won't you regret it?”

Wonyoung sighed and took a sip of water in front of her. She didn't want to discuss this now.

“Can it be called love if there's no trust in it?” she asked hoarsely, and Jiwoo sensed the disappointment in Wonyoung's tone.

“The Elder is right. What happened that night was my Ruler Line's mistake. I apologize for not informing you sooner. There were many things I had to consider and—”

“You're here to tell me that you're on An Yujin's side?” Wonyoung took a deep breath, looking tired of the current situation. “I don't even remember anything, and all I know is that you lied to me. All of you lied to me!”

As the conversation unfolded between Wonyoung and Jiwoo, the tension in the room seemed to thicken with each passing moment. Wonyoung's emotions swirled within her—a maelstrom of anger, frustration, and aching vulnerability.

Jiwoo smiled bitterly at Wonyoung's counter-question, understanding how frustrated Wonyoung was with this situation.

“You don't need to meddle in what happens between me and my Scepter. I don't care about what happens in your Ruler line. Our business is nothing more than the agreement we made, and—”

“Do you think I don't know that you made that agreement for Yujin?” Jiwoo reached into her blazer pocket and handed a USB to Wonyoung. “I don't understand what's on this. Heejin asked me to give it to you after what happened last night. You can contact her directly if there's anything you don't understand.”

Wonyoung clenched her jaw upon hearing Jiwoo mention Heejin, the Phoenix Ruler, who was the reason she agreed with Jiwoo. And whatever happened in the past was still vague in her memories.

“You heard for yourself what the Elder said. I left my ruler line to fulfill my ego. Yes, it's true. I left them for seven long years, and maybe you can't believe any of my reasons. But let me reiterate to you that I'm not on anyone's side. From the beginning, I told you, I'm doing all this for Ukioia and Astreaia. For the Chosen One Circle. I don't want any more misunderstandings between us.” Jiwoo seemed hesitant before taking a deep breath and moistening her lower lip. “I know it will be hard for you to trust me. I can’t change our past, but I will make up for all the mistakes that happened in the past.”

Wonyoung couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal that gnawed at her from within. The revelations Jiwoo laid before her were like shards of glass cutting through the fragile facade of her reality. She had trusted Jiwoo and had believed in the sincerity of their agreement, only to find herself ensnared in a web of lies and deceit.

“I'm not defending Yujin. But if I were in her position and Jungeun were in yours, I would do the same thing. I would keep my mouth shut and not let Jungeun remember that awful day.” Jiwoo's eyes appeared watery as she said this. “If only I could, I wish I could erase all the bad memories from Jungeun's head. But of course, I can't, because instead, those bad memories continue to reside in her head and slowly destroy her. Those memories turned Jungeun into a monster. Those memories are one of the reasons why Yujin ended up lying to you.”

“If she trusted me, she should have told me all that. But she chose not to because she didn't trust me. An Yujin doesn't—”

“I ask you again, do you love her?”

“I love her, but she doesn't love me.”

Despite her anger and hurt, Wonyoung couldn't deny the undeniable pull she felt towards Yujin. It was a love born from the depths of her soul, a connection that transcended time and space, a glimmer of longing for the truth buried beneath layers of deception. But it was a love tainted by doubt and fear, haunted by the specter of past betrayals and shattered trust. Could she truly allow herself to love Yujin and open her heart once more to the possibility of happiness? Or would she remain trapped in her own insecurities, forever condemned to dwell in the shadows of her past?

“And you let Yujin win because you think like that.” Jiwoo shook her head with a bitter smile. She never expected Yujin to get what she wanted, which makes Wonyoung doubt her love. “I heard from Gyuri Unnie that you worry about the scars on Yujin's stomach. I heard you also worry about the nightmares that always haunt her. Do you think she got those scars and nightmares after she saved Jiheon?”

Jiwoo laughed bitterly. In the end, she had to recount that terrible memory.

“Jungeun. Kim Jungeun made the scar on Yujin's stomach. My Scepter drew her sword on you, injured your Scepter who was trying to protect you, and became your shield. My Scepter almost killed your Scepter. Jungeun went crazy like that to save me. And that madness happened because The Elder brainwashed her with all the nonsense theories that turned Jungeun into a monster. Isn't it ironic?”

Wonyoung was stunned to hear Jiwoo's confession. Jiwoo's words struck a chord deep within Wonyoung's soul, stirring emotions she had long suppressed. The scars on Yujin's stomach, the nightmares that plagued her restless nights—they were a testament to the pain and suffering she had endured in silence.

“Just like Delta Team chose to keep you away from your Pillar and Scepter, I chose to leave Jungeun after the attack on my Ruler Line seven years ago, hiding from them and hoping Jungeun and my Ruler Line would be okay. But it turns out I was wrong. The biggest mistake I'll ever make was allowing The Elder to influence them. The Elder used my Ruler Line for their purposes. Jungeun didn't even know that the body she had seen for years wasn't mine, and The Elder managed to convince them that killing you and taking your birthstone was the best way to heal me.”

Jiwoo exclaimed with frustration. “I might not know the details of what happened that day. But if you're ready, I can lend you my memories to know what happened that day.”

“Why?” Wonyoung narrowed her eyes. “Why do you insist on wanting to mend my relationship with her? She doesn't even care, and—”

“Because you love her, and Yujin loves you. Someone has to say all this on Yujin's behalf because Yujin won't ask for help for herself. That sassy girl loves to destroy herself.” Jiwoo responded calmly. “Why do you think Yujin stayed quiet and left, leaving your situation like this? It was so irresponsible—not the usual Yujin that I have known for years.”

Jiwoo gives Wonyoung a bitter smile.

“The wound still haunts her, and that girl is too stubborn to forgive herself. For years, she blamed herself for your death, and do you think she'll let you go back to doing the same thing? She knows that without memories of your past, she'll make you fall in love with her again. That's why she's trying to keep her distance. If you love her, I hope you can soften her heart and knock on her stubborn head. Don't let the Ankh heirloom control her and turn Yujin into the real monster.”

At that moment, Wonyoung felt mixed feelings coursing through her veins. She couldn't change the past; she couldn't undo the mistakes that had been made. But she could choose to embrace the future—to confront her fears and insecurities head-on and to fight for the love she knew she deserved.

Not now, but one day she’ll know.




Jang’s Residence, ia

Wednesday, December 3rd, 2025 

“Did you put all this in my car?” Wonyoung walked into Gyuri's office without knocking. She stopped in front of her sister's desk and placed a folder and envelope containing photos and recordings she found in her car days ago. As she gazed at the folder and envelope containing the damning evidence of Yujin's clandestine activities, Wonyoung couldn't help but feel a pang of betrayal. The woman she had trusted with her heart had kept secrets from her, weaving a web of lies that threatened to unravel the very fabric of their relationship. “Why did you do this to me? Did you know the Elder gave me another file at the same time?”

Gyuri diverted her gaze from her laptop screen and looked at Wonyoung. She took off her glasses and leaned back in her chair. She didn't say anything; she was observing the weary expression on her sister's face. Seeing her sister's demeanor, she knew Wonyoung had been through rough days.

“Are you flying across the globe to meet me and rescheduling all those important meetings of your projects to trust me or just to add me to the list of people you want to judge?” Gyuri's question made Wonyoung close her eyes for a moment.

“Unnie, what do you want?”

“I should be the one who is asking you what you want by coming to me and bringing all this.” Gyuri tilted her head, looking closely at her beloved sister's face while pointing to the folder and envelope on the table.

“Tell me that I can trust you.”

“You’re here, and I know you trust me, Sis.”

“I'm trying, Unnie. I'm trying to trust you!”

“You don't need to try. You have to trust me, even if I’m the only one who is against your destiny.” Gyuri stood up from her chair, gesturing for Wonyoung to sit on the sofa in her office.

Wonyoung sank deeper into the plush sofa. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, her mind swirling with emotions. The series of events that had come together, coupled with dozens of hours of air travel, had drained her energy. The weight of betrayal and deceit bore down on her shoulders, threatening to suffocate her with their oppressive presence. She felt a sense of disillusionment creeping into her soul as the mere foundation of trust upon which she had built her relationships crumbled beneath her feet.

Gyuri just shook her head and went to the corner of the room to make tea.

“Looking at your state, it seems like the conversation between you and Yujin isn't going well,” Gyuri said as she prepared a cup of peppermint tea for Wonyoung.

“I hate you. I hate her,” Wonyoung whispered. Her eyes stared at the ceiling of the room, once again becoming teary. “I hate all of you.”

“You have the right to hate everyone who lied to you,” Gyuri replied calmly. Though she felt guilty seeing how frustrated and exhausted Wonyoung looked, Gyuri wouldn't be provoked and was prepared to accept whatever her sister would do. She understood how chaotic Wonyoung felt right now.

“Why did you do this? Why did you plot this 'drama' with them? You're my sister, Unnie, at least you should be on my side!”

“I lied to you because I'm on your side. I had to lie because it was the only way to protect you.” Gyuri placed a cup of tea in front of Wonyoung and took a seat across from her.

“Couldn't you find another reason?! How can you consider lying to me as protecting me? Why does everyone use that excuse to validate their sins?”

“Because there is no other reason,” Gyuri said as she sipped her tea. “I didn't know what happened that night besides hearing news of your car accident. All I knew was that you were treated at Astreaia and remained in a coma state for weeks. I couldn't do anything because Eunbi Unnie asked me not to ask questions and to follow what The Elder wanted. After you woke up and your condition improved, they treated you in Quebec. Again, I didn't ask anything and visited you whenever I could. For me, your recovery and no longer being in Gallia or Astreaia are things I should be grateful for. You may blame me, but I'm grateful you lost your memories, so you don’t need to remember what happened to you.”


Her sister's words echoed in her mind, stirring up a stormy mix of guilt and resentment. Gyuri's admission of complicity in the deception only served to deepen the complication between them, leaving Wonyoung feeling adrift in a sea of uncertainty.

“Until Jinsol and Sooyoung came to me and told me everything a year later,” Gyuri's voice trembled as she said that.

“I knew that what happened to you wasn't an accident. You were almost killed that night because your attackers wanted your birthstones, or whatever it was. Those bastards... I wanted to destroy The Elder when I knew what happened. How could they deceive your family?” Gyuri grimaced bitterly, remembering that day. “But Solie and Youngie asked me not to do anything and focus on your recovery. That was also the time when I found out that The Elder told your Pillar that you had passed away.”

“What?!” Wonyoung furrowed her brow. “The Elder told my Pillar that I had passed away?”

Gyuri nodded.

“After that incident, your Pillar and Tier decided to leave Gallia and Seoul for a long time. Meanwhile, the others continued to stay by your side to take care of you.”

“What happened to my pillar and tier?”

Gyuri didn't answer immediately and walked to her desk. She seemed busy with her laptop before an email notification popped up on Wonyoung's phone.

Wonyoung frowned at seeing the email from Gyuri, which contained several files with the names of her Pillar and Tier.

“Don't you have any files about An Yujin?” She asked when she didn't find Yujin's name.

“I don't have any files about her except for what I put in your car.” Gyuri reached for the folder and envelope containing information about Yujin and brought them in front of Wonyoung, choosing to sit beside her sister. “For your info, I got this illegally. Yujin can sue me because I paid someone to follow her for the past three years. And even then, I didn't get all the information. An Yujin often disappears without a trace, like a ghost.”

“What do you mean?”

“I don't know what magical powers she has. She could be in Seoul during the day, and at night, she could be in Berlin, Cape Town, Chefchaouen, or somewhere else. There was even one time when Yujin was in two different places at the same time. I remember last year she was in Florance and Quito at the same time. Do you think that makes sense?”

Wonyoung sighed, realizing Yujin could do that with tunnel time, teleportation, or even doing something crazy with the Ankh heirloom.

“You didn't know what she was doing for the past two years?”

“I tried to find out. But you know she was born into a respected diplomatic family, and her personal data is perfectly hidden. I couldn't even get a report on Baek Jiheon's kidnapping case, as you asked. Saerom doesn't have it. Even though the case became public, it was one of the cases that was resolved discreetly.”

Wonyoung took a long breath. Her head was throbbing again. There was too much information she had to be careful about when making a decision.

“You have every right to feel deceived and betrayed. But your Ruler Line is not at fault, Sis. They were trying to protect you in their own way.” Gyuri spoke gently, with a gaze that never left Wonyoung. “Those who were in Gallia with you and took care of you all this time made important decisions to hide you and were considered traitors by your Pillar. What I know is that they had to do it to save you and your Pillar. But I also have great respect for your Pillar. If I were in their position and found out you were still alive and lied to for years, I would have destroyed Gallia right then and there. But your Pillar made a different decision. They considered your condition and chose to go along with the plot that had been going on all this time. They didn't want to hurt you.”

“But in the end, I'm still hurt.” Wonyoung's voice was almost a whisper. “And it hurts so bad, Unnie.”

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1752 streak 0 points #1
Didn’t have a chance to read much yet but wanted to let you know that you’re doing a great job! Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing with us!
Pholux #2
Chapter 69: i'm still visiting this website because of your story, authornim. Thank you for writing this wonderful story, happy fifth anniv to Violet I guess haha. See you on the next update :)
1752 streak #3
Chapter 30: Saw the warning but got through it! Hope your day or night is going well!
1752 streak #4
Chapter 29: oh my gosh, now i have to go back and reread with the songs playing in the background!!
1752 streak #5
Chapter 28: wait a minute! wait a minute!!! i need to reread that again!
1752 streak #6
Chapter 27: Thanks for the comments response! I hope our comments encourage you!
1752 streak #7
Chapter 25: i almost forgot loona was in this fic!!! until i saw your note and of course the tags lol!
wonyoandyuj #8
Chapter 68: I hope they have a happy ending they are miserable enough in real life😮‍💨
1752 streak #9
Chapter 23: ugh just reading an izone fanfic after along time gets me in the feels!!!