Chapter 57 (Safety Pin)

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Polarium, Polarea

Saturday, November 22nd, 2025 

“One thing we can confirm from the samples you sent is poison. However, we still don't know if this poison has long-term effects on the victim's body,” Gaeul explained as Wonyoung nodded, absorbing the information about the blood sample and syringe she had sent some time ago.

“We also classify it as poison and are still working on further research on it. I'm sure it's not just a common poison because its effects are severe and it doesn't completely leave the victim's body. However, I haven't found what triggers the poison and what its antidote might be.” Wonyoung rubbed her temples anxiously, memories of the incident flooding back, making her sigh deeply. “Even though it didn't immediately affect Yujin Unnie's body, within an hour, her condition deteriorated rapidly. Initially, she felt weak and dizzy, then her body started tingling, and her breathing became heavy and labored. Shortly after, she lost consciousness with a cold sweat, her body turning pale and blueish because of a lack of oxygen.”

“You said that her condition improved after receiving oxygen therapy and energy flow. Are there any other things affecting Yujin's condition? Will she be able to use her powers without any effect?” Gaeul asked.

Wonyoung shook her head, “I don't know. I haven't allowed her to train or use her powers. I'm still worried that her body hasn't fully recovered.” The stern expression on her face remained. “She recovered quickly with the same poison antidote given to Kkura Unnie. But I can't rest comfortably. At the very least, I need to know everything about this poison. I don't want anything bad to happen to Yujin Unnie because of my carelessness.”

“You don't need to worry; we'll keep examining the poison. I'll keep you informed of any results,” Gaeul reassured, soothingly rubbing Wonyoung's arm.

“Thanks, Unnie. I wouldn't know what to do without you all.” Wonyoung expressed gratitude with a faint smile. “Tomorrow I will meet Eden Kim and her Ruler Line to discuss our mission. I made a deal with her. As you said, they have the Phoenix Ruler and I think they can help us find answers about the poison.”

Gaeul nodded in understanding, prompting a furrow in Wonyoung's brow. The older girl seemed unfazed by what she was about to do. On the contrary, she appeared supportive, as indicated by the nod she gave.

“You're not bothered if I ally with her?” Wonyoung asked cautiously. “I mean, I could tell her about all of you.”

Gaeul chuckled and shook her head. “Eden Kim already knows our status because of that; she never collaborates with IllaFemme or BlueJeans. She always works with famous soloists or participates in OST projects featuring popular actors and actresses. You've officially been announced as the top executive of Victory Project, one of the largest shareholders of UnityEnt, and Eden Kim likely knows your identity and maybe your motives. With Eden Kim joining our project, she is probably already considering allying with you. Eden Kim knows we gather energy from our fandom because she does the same. Now that we're on the same project, indirectly, it benefits both parties.”

“What do you mean that Eden Kim also gathers energy like us?” Wonyoung frowned, absorbing the information shared by Gaeul.

“Yes, at first, I thought she would use it for her realm, to protect Ukioia, but it turns out she doesn't. She has left her realm for years and spends more time in Gaia and other realms. We still didn't know what she used the energies she got after all.” Gaeul handed over a manuscript she obtained from Yunjin.

“Different from you, who has two birthstones as a Ruler. Ukioia has two Rulers with different birthstones. The Dragon and the Phoenix Ruler. While Eden Kim is not in Ukioia, her realm is guarded by the Phoenix Ruler. Eden Kim is a Dragon Ruler.” Gaeul seemed to ponder before offering a faint smile to Wonyoung. “There's a lot of things I don't understand. That's what Rulers matter and the one that The Chosen One Circles do. If Yujin invites Eden Kim to her livestream, I believe Yujin already knows how Eden Kim works. That means Yujin also knows the purpose of collecting this energy. Your Scepter is already on the move, so I think you should meet them and make an alliance.”

Wonyoung appeared deep in thought after Gaeul's words. She remembered what Yujin had said, along with the countless things Yujin kept to herself. She unintentionally did it; Yujin promised to tell her everything, yet until now, they hadn't discussed anything.

“Did you know why Yunjin Unnie is always careful but stern with Yujin Unnie? I feel like she knows something I don't.” Wonyoung asked cautiously, fully aware that her question if found suspicious, could alter their relationship.

“I can only say that Yujin has a deep and complicated relationship with some gifted people, which can be both good and bad for her,” Gaeul responded diplomatically. “Yunjin Unnie is one of the gifted who met Yujin in less than pleasant circumstances. I'm not saying their relationship is bad. On the contrary, Yunjin Unnie doesn't want anything bad to happen to Yujin, so she sometimes acts a bit stern towards her. Perhaps you've often heard how difficult it is to handle Yujin because of that, which is why she doesn't stay in Gallia.”

Wonyoung nodded in understanding. To some extent, she had heard about Yujin's actions from the Pillars and their leader.

“Gaeul Unnie, this is the medical and lab report you requested. We still haven't confirmed whether the poison has long-term effects or not. It's also unknown whether the poison's effects are contagious.” Someone entered, looking surprised to find Gaeul not alone in her office. The girl nodded, awkwardly bowing before handing over the documents Gaeul requested.

“I think this is the first time we've met without palace protocols,” Wonyoung said, approaching. “Jang Wonyoung.” She extended her hand.

“Kim Jiwon.” Jiwon accepted Wonyoung's handshake, squinting her eyes as she realized what Wonyoung was doing upon their touch. The Ruler in front of her was openly screening her, causing Jiwon to struggle to hide her smile.

“I believe the effects of the poison are not contagious because there were no effects on me or those around Yujin Unnie,” Wonyoung responded to the information Jiwon provided a moment ago.

Jiwon appeared to be mulling before offering a faint smile to Wonyoung. “I—we still don't have a definite answer about this poison, but I think you are Yujin Unnie's protector. You're a Ruler and a Healer. I mean, you have high immunity energy, and Yujin Unnie's body accepts you as the poison's antidote. Your presence by her side alleviates the pain and hinders the poison's progression in her body. Your presence enhances her immune system.”

Jiwon seemed to understand what she was doing as she explained, and Wonyoung nodded with a small smile upon hearing Jiwon's response. The girl didn't seem careless at all.

“Maybe one day we will have a casual conversation with other 04 liners. Are you up for mingling?” Wonyoung chuckled as she asked. “We can talk about everything.”

“My pleasure, Your Highness,” Jiwon replied.

Wonyoung furrowed her brow, her lips forming a pout, as she heard how Jiwon addressed her. Among the gifted people she knew, Kim Jiwon was one of the same age, but she rarely met her. The girl was always busy and outside Polarea whenever the two realms held meetings. Yunjin said Jiwon has other solo activities which makes her always busy alone.

“Wonie or Wonyoungie, just call me that. We are the same age, right? I already befriended the other 04 liners, so I wish we could be friends too.”

Jiwon nodded and shifted her gaze to Gaeul.

“If there's nothing else you need, I'll return to the stadium. Yunjin Unnie needs a sparring partner because Zuha Unnie and Dani are still in Gaia.”

“Ah, right, Zuha will depart to Osaka and Dani has a photo shoot with BlueJeans this afternoon. You can join Yunjin Unnie, but be careful and don't get hurt. And tell her, we have a meeting at Victory in an hour.” Gaeul explained, smiling at Wonyoung, who couldn't take her eyes off Jiwon, looking intrigued as Jiwon mentioned being Yunjin's sparring partner. “As you already know, Jiwonie is our healer, but she always behaves like a warrior.”

“Chaeyeon Unnie is also a healer but can be a warrior. On the other hand, as a warrior, Hyewon Unnie can be a healer. It's good to excel outside our nature, right?” Wonyoung stated it with a smile.

Jiwon nodded, this time with a small smile. She seemed calm, and for some reason, it unsettled Wonyoung.

“Jiwon-ah… I'm sorry for asking this, but do you have a partner? I mean, a bonding soul.”

Jiwon chuckled at the question, which was quite familiar to her. The same question was asked a year ago, and she would respond with the same answer to test one of her theories.

“Do you think I look like a philautia?” she countered with a smile revealing her dimples.

Wonyoung shrugged. “Some philautia I know still ended up having a partner for their Ruler. So, who knows?”

“Some philautia I know still ended up having a partner for their Ruler. So, who knows? There's no guarantee you're not philautia, even if you have a partner. As a Pillar, all you can do is ensure your Ruler and their line stay in perfection.”

Jiwon smiled widely, nodding in agreement with Wonyoung's words.

You are truly one soul in two different bodies. “I am not a philuvia and have never been one. Naoi Rei is mine.”

For the umpteenth time, Wonyoung frowned, hearing Jiwon's confession. “I'm sorry, I thought Rei had a bonding soul with Zuha Unnie. Didn't Zuha Unnie like the type of Rei? And not to mention both of them are Japanese.”

This time, not only Jiwon but Gaeul also laughed, hearing Wonyoung's words.

“You're wrong. Zuha Unnie likes the tsundere type, not the adorable type like Rei. And both Zuha and Rei type are Korean girls, Wonie.”




Kala Lake, Chrysalis Village

Saturday, Noember 22nd, 2025 

Chaeyeon sighed deeply as she made her way through the serene landscape of the lake park, the gentle rustling of leaves and the distant sounds of nature creating a backdrop to the weighty conversation she was about to have. The afternoon air carried a subtle chill, adding a touch of melancholy to the atmosphere.

Upon spotting Yujin in the soft glow of sunlight, leaning against a sturdy tree with her eyes closed, Chaeyeon couldn't help but feel a pang of concern. The shadows of the past seemed to linger, casting a subtle gloom over the present moment. Yujin's stance, though outwardly calm, betrayed an internal struggle that Chaeyeon was determined to address.

Moving closer, Chaeyeon observed the delicate shapes of Yujin's face, the furrowed brows, and the subtle downturn of her lips, revealing the emotional turmoil within. A sense of responsibility weighed heavily on Chaeyeon's shoulders, knowing that the conversation ahead held the potential to shape Yujin's mindset in the crucial days to come.

Seating herself beside Yujin, Chaeyeon took a moment to absorb the quietude of the surroundings, the tranquil lake reflecting the fading hues of the afternoon sky. The air was thick with unspoken words, and Chaeyeon chose her opening carefully. Yujin is still in her state closing her eyes. Despite this, Chaeyeon knew Yujin wasn't asleep. A message from Yujin a few minutes ago led her to this place. A message asking her to meet.

“I heard Wonyoung will allow you to resume training next month,” Chaeyeon began, her voice soft yet firm, resonating with the gravity of their situation.

Yujin, still with closed eyes, nodded slightly, acknowledging the impending return to a realm of physical and emotional challenges. Chaeyeon, too, could feel the weight of the upcoming battles, both within and beyond the training grounds.

“What do you think? Do I still need training?” Yujin asked, her voice betraying a yearning for affirmation.

Chaeyeon, perceptive as ever, sensed the silent plea in Yujin's voice, urging her to unravel the layers of doubt that had settled within.

“What you need is trust.” Chaeyeon carefully chose her words, aiming to address the core of Yujin's uncertainties.

With a hesitant smile, Yujin finally opened her eyes, revealing a complex mixture of determination and vulnerability. Her eyes met Chaeyeon, who looked at her with unwavering sincerity, an invitation for Yujin to delve into the reservoir of self-assurance that lay dormant within her.

Yujin's eyes, a canvas of conflicting emotions, opened wider, absorbing Chaeyeon's wisdom. The sun cast a warm glow upon them as if nature itself sought to imbue the moment with a touch of reassurance.

“Trust in yourself. Trust yourself that you can protect her. Trust yourself that you will win this challenge.” Chaeyeon continued with her words, weaving a narrative of resilience and empowerment.

As Yujin absorbed the gravity of Chaeyeon's counsel, a flicker of uncertainty danced in her eyes. Chaeyeon, however, was determined to dispel the shadows of doubt that threatened to engulf Yujin's spirit.

“Do you think I can?” Yujin asked softly, her voice trembling, a delicate whisper that echoed the vulnerability lurking beneath the surface.

“If not you, then who?” Chaeyeon took a deep breath, her gaze unwavering, understanding what was troubling the younger girl. “I'm not saying this to burden you or to shift all the responsibility onto you. You're not alone, An Yujin. You have us. You have Wonyoung. Also, everything that you have been doing for the past two years,” Chaeyeon paused for a moment. “I want you to believe that history won't repeat itself. Stop playing like a loser, Yujin-ah. Don't give them a chance to oppress you again. You are different now from five years ago.”

The air between them grew charged with a shared history, a tapestry of trials and tribulations that had forged bonds stronger than any training regimen. Chaeyeon, at this moment, was not just a mentor; she was a pillar of support, urging Yujin to recognize the reservoir of strength within herself.

“How can I be different if I keep getting hurt?” Yujin bit her lower lip anxiously. Her voice was tinged with a vulnerability that sought solace in Chaeyeon's wisdom. “I don't care if I have to get hurt for the Ruler Line. But it feels frustrating to realize I'm getting hurt when I'm not protecting her. It's like being reminded of myself five years ago, always coming back from missions with injuries and making her worry. Making Wonyoung so protective of me. It's the same pattern, Unnie, and I'm worried.”

The shadows of past wounds, both physical and emotional, cast a complex tapestry over Yujin's present. As she spoke, Chaeyeon sought to unravel the threads of doubt, gently guiding Yujin toward the light of self-acceptance.

Yujin, her gaze fixed on the horizon, awaited Chaeyeon's response, a yearning for clarity etched on her features. The golden hues bathed Yujin's face, accentuating the strength and resilience that lay beneath the surface.

“You've been hurt often, even when Wonyoung wasn't by your side,” Chaeyeon remarked, her words a gentle reminder that the battles Yujin faced transcended the confines of a training ground. With an empathetic smile, she sought to navigate the intricate terrain of Yujin's emotions.

“You say that just to comfort me,” Yujin responded, her skepticism a reflection of the lingering doubts that haunted her. “You know how likely I am to get hurt when facing those who obstruct my goals. In the last five years, I've only been injured three times, and two of them were because of Ankh and Aksa heirlooms. And you know how many times I've been hurt since Wonyoung came back. You're a healer; you're also a pillar and an odd eye; you know what I've been doing all this time, and you must be aware of the changes that have happened to me.” Yujin pressed, her eyes seeking validation in Chaeyeon's gaze.

Chaeyeon, choosing her words with precision, responded, “It's natural, Yujinie. Didn't she explain to you how your body reacts when you realize your healer is near you?”

Yujin furrowed her brows upon hearing that question, and after a moment, she smiled, realizing who Chaeyeon was referring to.

“I thought she said that just to scare me. It turns out it's true, huh? My body becomes spoiled because I sense Wonyoung's presence.” Yujin admitted it with a laugh. Her laughter was a release of tension.

Yujin let the realization settle in with a deep exhale, feeling as though Chaeyeon's insights had highlighted the invisible strands that connected her to Wonyoung.

“I know Wonyoung is getting more mature and is capable of handling all her problems. I just don't want to be one of the things that bother her. She has a lot on her plate.” The weight of responsibility, both towards herself and towards Wonyoung, hung in the air like an unspoken pact.

“You are part of her priorities, not a problem to her. As much as you want to protect her until you can't tell the truth, as much as Wonyoung tries to protect you in her way,” With a gentle touch, Chaeyeon ruffled Yujin's hair, an act both comforting and affectionate. Her words carried a weight of sincerity as she attempted to convey the truth. “Do you know the deal Wonyoung made with Jiwoo?”

“Heirloom?” Yujin asked uncertainly.

Chaeyeon shook her head.

“Wonyoung knows within The Chosen One Circle only Astreaia and Ukioia have pure-birth Phoenix Ruler, and she wants the Phoenix Ruler's ability for research and healing.” The weight of responsibility and concern etched lines on Chaeyeon's face, and as she continued to explain Wonyoung's motivations, “She's concerned about your condition after that attack, and she won't be at ease until she knows what they injected into you.”

“But I'm okay now. I've recovered and am fine.” Yujin protested and made Chaeyeon laugh with a trace of understanding and empathy.

“That's according to

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1752 streak 0 points #1
Didn’t have a chance to read much yet but wanted to let you know that you’re doing a great job! Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing with us!
Pholux #2
Chapter 69: i'm still visiting this website because of your story, authornim. Thank you for writing this wonderful story, happy fifth anniv to Violet I guess haha. See you on the next update :)
1752 streak #3
Chapter 30: Saw the warning but got through it! Hope your day or night is going well!
1752 streak #4
Chapter 29: oh my gosh, now i have to go back and reread with the songs playing in the background!!
1752 streak #5
Chapter 28: wait a minute! wait a minute!!! i need to reread that again!
1752 streak #6
Chapter 27: Thanks for the comments response! I hope our comments encourage you!
1752 streak #7
Chapter 25: i almost forgot loona was in this fic!!! until i saw your note and of course the tags lol!
wonyoandyuj #8
Chapter 68: I hope they have a happy ending they are miserable enough in real life😮‍💨
1752 streak #9
Chapter 23: ugh just reading an izone fanfic after along time gets me in the feels!!!