Chapter 9

Black Meets Pink : Cold Night and Cherry Blossoms (JenSoo University AU fic)

Image result for outside club

"Aren't you hungry? Let's go get some dinner." Kai kindly offered. "I know a great place. They make the best steak in all of Seoul."

But Jennie declined despite the boy's enthusiasm. "Maybe... maybe next time?" She said. "I'm sorry, you're a really nice guy and I know I've only been distracted since earlier but... well, I really am just too distracted. So... can we maybe just postpone? Besides, this is only the first time we met."

"Ha... hmm" Kai scratched his chin, a bit flustered. "I-I don't really see why not. Postponing only means I can see you again next time."

"Yeah." She nodded.

"A second date?"

"I suppose?"

"Okay." Kai nodded.

Jennie smiled. She produced a small piece of paper and a pen from her bag, wrote something on it and then gave it to Kai. "That's my number. Call me whenever you'd like to reschedule that steak. I'm really sorry but I gotta go." She said and left a bit hurriedly.


Back in the club, Jisoo and Chaeyoung were on their way to hit the bar when the dancefloor was starting to get lit.

"Two grasshoppers!" Jisoo winked at the bartender as soon as her elbow touched the counter.

"What's going on on the dancefloor?" Chaeyoung asked loud enough amidst the loud music.

"Why? You wanna dance?"

"No~ It looks like somebody's grabbing everyone's attention."

It does look like there was a solo show happening. Jisoo tried to get a clearer view. In the middle of the dancefloor was a familiar girl, whipping her ponytail but her bangs remains undisturbed. She singlehandedly took over the dancefloor so easily with her moves.

"Hey, I know that girl." Chaeyoung suddenly blurted out.

"You do?" Jisoo asked, quite surprised. She looked over Chaeyoung and then back at the dancefloor. If she's not wrong that's vomit girl's surprise friend from the blind date earlier. "How do you know her?"

"For some reason she always comes to the music hall when I'm practicing." Chaeyoung explained.

"Grasshoppers for the ladies!" The bartender announced and gave them their drinks.

"Wow she's really good at dancing!"

"Wanna challenge?" Jisoo taunted.

"What?? No!" Chaeyoung shrieked. Then she paused. "You mean, you???" She laughed. "Chi, you can't be serious!"

"Wow, thanks for the support Chaeng!" Note the sarcasm. Jisoo took a big gulp from her drink. "I'm going in." She said and disappeared into the dancefloor.


"Come on, where did they go?" Jennie was mumbling to herself as she fiddles through her phone. She's been trying to call both Seulgi or Lisa but neither would answer their phones.

Before they left the cafe, Seulgi definitely told Jennie to call her when something's wrong. Well, nothing's wrong but if she's not answering now, what would happen if there really was something wrong? She tried dialing Seulgi's number again one more time.



"Hello, sweetheart!"

Jennie almost jumped. "Seulgi!"

"Calm down!" Seulgi laughed on the other line. She sounded drunk already. "How's your date? Why are you calling?"

"We'll just meet again next time. Anyway do you kno--"

"Ooh! Going for a second date, I see! Hey, your friend Lisa's not bad. She's killing it on the dancefloor!"

"You're with Lisa?"

"Yeah! Baekhyun and Sehun asked if we didn't mind going out together like a double date. We didn't mind!"

"Sounds like you're having fun."

"We are! And--oh!? Looks like Jisoo is here too!"


"Wanna join us? We're here at Kronos Club!"


It's been hours later. Jennie has been pacing back and forth wondering what she's doing waiting at a convenience store in front of Kronos Club. She ditched her date to scout out of a club like she's some undercover cop. What exactly is she expecting here.

'I want to apologize.' She told herself in her mind. That was a pretty bad first impression she left there.

'Then why am I not going in?' She asked herself, again in her mind.

Then out of nowhere, three black cars arrived and parked in front of the club. The middle car was a Rolls Royce accented with gold plated steel outlines on the bumber. Men in black suits came out of the first and third car and raided inside the club.

Jennie stopped in her tracks as she saw what was happening. Is something wrong? She was worried. "What is happening?" She said out loud.

Inside the club, Chaeyoung was still having fun with Jisoo. She's already had a few drinks and is drunk enough to be dancing when a man in a black suit suddenly grabbed her arm and started dragging her out of the club.

"Chi! Chi~!!" Chaeyoung screamed, scared and bewildered.

Jisoo, alerted, looked for Chaeyoung immediately amongst the crowd when another man in a black suit also grabbed her.

"Let me go!" Jisoo tried to resist. She tried to resist until they were out of the club and she saw the cars lined up in front.

Across the street, Jennie was watching. Something tells her she shouldn't be standing there and witness what was happening. But with the way those men were handling Jisoo, she couldn't help but worry.

A woman stepped out of the Rolls Royce in front of them. Jisoo foolishly cowered down as soon as she saw her. She ing hates it everytime. The night was too quiet for Jisoo's liking. The sound of the pavement against the madame's heels were too loud. Every single step was daunting.

"Mum..." Chaeyoung's voice quivered as her mother stopped in front of Jisoo. She was worried. And scared too.

Jisoo composed herself despite the thick tense atmosphere and tried to be respectful. "Good evening, Mrs. P--"


But Jisoo was greeted back with a crisp slap across her face. Jennie gasped and turned around covering across the street.

"Mum!!!" Chaeyoung shrieked in shock.

"Imbecile!" The madame's voice resonated, it even rendered Jennie scared and her knees wobbly. "How dare you bring my daughter to a place like this you !"

"I came here by myself! You have no right to do that to Jisoo mum!" Chaeyoung butted in to defend her best friend.

"Haven't I told you to stop hanging out with a murderer's daughter like her??!" The madame reprimanded. She waved her hand once and in cue the men started dragging Chaeyoung into the car despite her protests. Then the madame turned her attention back to Jisoo again whose throbbing cheek looked stinging red. But much to the madame's surprise, Jisoo remained composed.

"If you ever come near my daughter, or even my son, again, you won't just get a slap in the face." The madame warned.

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surprise???? it's been 3 years almost. wow? uhm.. hello, hi


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1120 streak #1
Chapter 24: Hi authy 👋👋👋
yimica #2
Chapter 24: Hi
1120 streak #3
Chapter 1: oh gosh i got to know this just because i only saw this on yt so i come here immediately...
Chapter 23: This isnt abandoned right?? Ignoring the hets, I can't get enough of this story.
Chapter 23: omgaddd,, i love your storyyyyy, please update soon!
qazedctgb12345 #6
qazedctgb12345 #7
Chaelisa_lisarose #8
Chapter 22: Please update authornim
stankimsojung #9
Chapter 22: Thank you for the multiple update!!! I am so curious to know more about what happened that nice and also can’t wait for more Jensoo to happen
Bandaidalc #10
Update please. ?