Break the Cycle - FINAL (Part 2)

Break the Cycle
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The suburban home nestled in the quiet neighborhood seemed to exhale tranquility under the soft morning sun. Dahyun sat on the patio, her favorite spot to savor the peaceful moments before the world fully awakened.


A gentle breeze played with her hair as she glanced across the front yard, where Sana was tending to the garden, her figure illuminated by the early Sunday morning light.


Sana's presence was captivating, a striking picture against the backdrop of blooming flowers and vibrant greenery. As she gracefully watered the plants, her radiant smile reflected the joy of the moment.


Dahyun's gaze lingered on Sana, captivated by the effortless elegance she carried, a living embodiment of grace and poise.


Under the golden hues of the sunrise, Sana turned, her gaze meeting Dahyun's. Her eyes, like rich chocolate, held a warmth that transcended the morning chill. A smile curved on Sana's lips, a silent greeting exchanged between them, though words weren't needed to convey the connection they shared.


In that fleeting moment, Dahyun felt her heart dance with an inexplicable flutter. It was as if time slowed down, granting her the chance to absorb the beauty of the scene before her—the serene morning, the picturesque setting, and the enchanting figure of Sana.


The air felt charged with unspoken emotions, a silent melody that resonated between them. Dahyun couldn't help but feel a rush of admiration and something deeper—a gentle stirring in her heart that defied easy explanation.


As Sana continued her task, Dahyun watched, her heart swelling with a mixture of fondness and an unspoken longing. The sight of Sana in her element, nurturing life with tenderness, ignited an indescribable warmth within Dahyun. It was a moment she wished could stretch into eternity, a scene she wanted to etch into her memory forever.


With a subtle sigh, Dahyun closed her eyes, imprinting the image of Sana, the early morning sunlight, and the tranquil ambiance onto her soul. In that moment, she knew that some things were beyond words—feelings that transcended the boundaries of explanation.


As Dahyun savored the tranquil moment with her eyes closed, the ambiance of the peaceful morning wrapped around her like a comforting blanket. Amidst the serenity, a faint voice called her name, distant yet familiar, barely audible against the backdrop of her dreamy thoughts.




The voice echoed softly, a mere whisper that seemed to drift from afar. It tugged at the edges of her consciousness, a gentle interruption to her reverie. Each repetition of her name grew louder, more insistent, breaking through the delicate veil of her daydream.




This time, the voice was clearer, more defined, resonating with a sense of urgency. It was a voice she recognized, but in the haze of her drowsiness, she couldn't quite place it.


Unconsciously, she tightened her grip on the dream, desperately trying to hold onto the serene scene she'd painted in her mind.




The urgency in the voice escalated, breaking through the peaceful bubble she'd woven around herself. Suddenly, she felt a gentle shake, jolting her awake from the tranquility she'd been lost in.


Her eyes fluttered open, the vivid imagery of the suburban patio and Sana's radiant smile dissipating into the hazy fog of sleep. Reality flooded back in, and Dahyun found herself disoriented, her body aching from exhaustion.


As she struggled to make sense of the situation, the realization dawned upon her—it had all been a dream. A disappointed sigh escaped her lips as she blinked, adjusting to the world around her.


"Dahyun, are you okay? You were out for a while," a concerned voice spoke, bringing her back to the present.


Turning her head, Dahyun's gaze met Jihyo's worried expression. The events of the day rushed back to her—the whirlwind of emotions, the exhaustion from a rollercoaster of events. She must have succumbed to fatigue, slipping into an unintended slumber.


Dahyun tried to sit up, her body protesting every movement as the ache reverberated through her. Disappointment gnawed at her heart, realizing that the beautiful moment she'd experienced was nothing more than a figment of her imagination—a fleeting dream that had felt all too real.


For a brief moment, she closed her eyes, attempting to capture the remnants of the dream before they dissipated entirely. Yet, the vivid imagery slipped away like grains of sand through her fingers, leaving behind an empty longing—a yearning for something that existed solely in the realm of her subconscious.


With a heavy sigh, Dahyun focused on the present, pushing aside the wistful remnants of the dream. Though disappointed, she acknowledged the beauty of the reverie, even if it was confined to the realm of her imagination.


As Dahyun gradually eased into the present, the familiarity of the surroundings seeped in—a private waiting room at the hospital where Haseul worked. It was a place she'd become all too acquainted with over the past few months, each visit etching its mark in her memory.


Sitting up gingerly, Dahyun surveyed the room, recognizing the telltale signs of the hospital's corridors, the subdued lighting, and the hushed tones that filled the air. Her attention shifted to Jihyo, who had settled beside her on the waiting room couch, a reassuring presence in the midst of uncertainty.


"Hey, how's everything?" Dahyun's voice carried a mix of concern and weariness, tempered by a faint glimmer of hope.


Jihyo turned towards her, her expression a blend of exhaustion and relief. "Everyone's still getting their labs done," she explained, her voice tinged with a hint of fatigue. "But Akira — he made it through surgery. The bullet didn't hit anything vital, so he's going to be okay."


A wave of relief washed over Dahyun, a weight lifted from her chest at the news of Akira's survival. The tension that had coiled within her began to unravel, replaced by a sense of gratitude for the positive outcome.


"Thank goodness," Dahyun murmured, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "I was worried it might've been worse."


Jihyo nodded, her eyes reflecting the shared relief. "It was touch and go for a while, but Haseul and the team did an amazing job."


Dahyun's mind whirred with unspoken questions, a myriad of concerns etched across her features like a map of worry. Jihyo, attuned to the turmoil beneath Dahyun's surface, offered a gentle smile—a silent reassurance amidst the tumultuous thoughts.


The unspoken query hung in the air, palpable in the way Dahyun hesitated, her gaze fixed on Jihyo as if seeking solace and answers in equal measure. Before she could voice the question that lingered on her lips, Jihyo's soft voice broke through the unspoken tension.


"Sana's in the VIP Suite," Jihyo began, her tone carrying both concern and relief. "She's with her mother. The doctors needed to patch up her arm after the extraction device was removed at the warehouse, but she's alright. A bit banged up and bruised, but she's going to be okay."


As those words sank in, a rush of emotions flooded Dahyun—relief surged through her veins, mingled with a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. The weight of worry that had settled in her chest lifted, replaced by a profound sense of gratitude.


A sigh escaped Dahyun's lips, a mixture of relief and a lingering echo of concern dissipating into the air. Her shoulders relaxed, the tension she'd been carrying melting away like snow under the morning sun. Sana, despite the trials and dangers, was safe, and that realization buoyed Dahyun's spirits.


Jihyo nodded in understanding, the silent exchange carrying volumes of unspoken empathy between them.


As the minutes trickled by in the hospital's corridor, the quiet was momentarily interrupted by the sound of brisk footsteps approaching. Jeongyeon emerged from the other end of the hallway, engrossed in conversation with a nurse holding a patient chart.


Acknowledging the nurse with a nod and a grateful smile, Jeongyeon bid her farewell before striding over to where Dahyun and Jihyo sat in the waiting area. Without preamble, she took the seat beside Dahyun, the exhaustion etched on her face mirroring the weariness that marked both Dahyun's and Jihyo's features.


Dahyun's eyes scanned Jeongyeon's face, noting the familiar signs of fatigue and concern that mirrored her own emotions. It was a shared weariness, a silent testament to the trials they'd all endured.


"How did it go?" Dahyun inquired softly, her voice laced with concern.


Jeongyeon exhaled wearily, her shoulders sagging slightly. "Same old thing," she replied, her tone carrying a blend of exhaustion and resignation. "A few bruises and scratches here and there, but nothing too serious."


A hint of relief flickered across Dahyun's expression, tempered by a lingering worry for their team's well-being. Even in the midst of reassurances, the weight of responsibility lingered, a constant reminder of the dangers they faced in their line of work.


The weight of the unspoken hovered in the air, a palpable silence that lingered between the three teammates. Dahyun, grappling with the whirlwind of emotions swirling within her, broke the heavy quiet that enveloped them.


"I still can't wrap my head around it," she murmured, her voice carrying a mix of disbelief and sorrow. Her thoughts drifted to SinB, a fallen comrade-turned-traitor whose actions had upended the very foundation of their team. "Out of all of us, I never thought it would be her..."


SinB had been the third recruited under Dahyun's command, a trusted ally through years of shared missions, a camaraderie forged in the fires of adversity. The weight of their history together added to the turmoil within Dahyun—a conflict of emotions battling for dominance, yet grief and sadness rose above all else.


Jihyo, sensing the turmoil within her younger teammate, placed a comforting hand on Dahyun's shoulder. "We couldn't have foreseen this, Dahyun," she said softly, her voice a soothing balm amidst the storm of emotions. "None of us did. We can't blame ourselves for her choices."


Turning her gaze to Jeongyeon, whose eyes reflected a storm of guilt and regret, Dahyun acknowledged the weight of the burden her First Lieutenant carried—the haunting memory of being the one who had ultimately ended SinB's life.


With a gentle resolve, Dahyun turned her gaze towards Jeongyeon, a glimmer of understanding and empathy shining in her eyes. Reaching out, she gently enveloped Jeongyeon's hand in her own, cradling it between her palms as a silent reassurance of solidarity and support.


"You made the best choice you could, unnie," Dahyun spoke softly, her voice carrying an unwavering conviction. "In that moment, you did what you had to do. None of this is on you, and you mustn't blame yourself for any of it."


Her grip on Jeongyeon's hand tightened ever so slightly, a gesture meant to convey the depth of her sincerity. Dahyun's gaze held an unwavering assurance, a silent affirmation of the trust and bond that had transcended the trials they faced together.


Jeongyeon, visibly moved by Dahyun's words, felt a lump form in , her eyes misting with a mixture of emotions. Dahyun had been more than a comrade; she'd been like a sister, a steadfast presence through the storms of their lives.


"Dahyun, I..." Jeongyeon's voice wavered, choked with emotions, struggling to find the right words. Tears welled up in her eyes, defying her attempts to hold them back.


Despite Dahyun's heartfelt reassurance, a profound sadness enveloped her—a deep-seated sorrow for the loss of someone who had once been a trusted ally and friend. SinB's demise weighed heavily on her conscience, a burden she carried with a heavy heart.


The scene at the rooftop played on an endless loop in Jeongyeon's mind, each detail etched vividly as if it were happening before her eyes once more. The urgency of the moment, the adrenaline-fueled rush, the split-second decision that had altered the course of everything.


She could see it all—the rooftop, the trail of gunshots, the tension in the air thick enough to suffocate. The memory was etched with painful clarity—the sight of SinB standing there, a gun aimed at one of her dearest friends. It had been a moment of heart-wrenching conflict, a battle between loyalty and duty, friendship and necessity.


In that crucial instant, training and instinct had taken over. Jeongyeon's hands had moved before her thoughts could catch up, the echo of the gunshot resounding through the stillness of the rooftop. It was an act of protection, a desperate attempt to safeguard her team, yet it had resulted in a loss that weighed heavily on her soul.


Dahyun's heart ached in resonance with Jeongyeon's sorrow. The weight of responsibility and the ache of regret mirrored within her as she grappled with her own sense of culpability. She, too, carried the burden of their team's trials and the consequences of their actions, each decision etched with the haunting shadows of what could have been.


There was an unspoken understanding between them—a shared grief that transcended words. As Jeongyeon's tears fell freely, a testament to the depth of her pain, Dahyun felt an overwhelming urge to offer solace, to be the anchor in the tempest of emotions that raged within them.


Without a word, Dahyun reached out, enfolding Jeongyeon in a tender embrace. She held her with a steady strength, offering a comforting sanctuary amidst the storm of emotions. Jeongyeon, consumed by sorrow, leaned into the embrace, her sobs escaping in waves against Dahyun's shoulder.


In that moment, Dahyun knew that no amount of words could alleviate the pain they shared. She had to be the pillar of strength, the reliable captain that her team needed in their moment of vulnerability. Despite the turmoil in her own heart, she anchored herself, offering a steady embrace—a silent reassurance that they were not alone in their grief.


As they held each other amidst tears and unspoken sorrow, Dahyun silently vowed to carry the weight of their shared burden, to navigate the tumultuous tides alongside her team, offering support and solace in the face of their collective anguish. The embrace was a poignant reminder that in their moments of vulnerability, the strength of their unity remained unbroken.




Weeks slipped by, carrying with them a subtle transformation within the Minatozaki Estate. The aftermath of the traumatic events at the abandoned warehouse had shifted the dynamics between Sana and her mother, ushering in a quiet evolution that softened the tension that had once gripped their relationship.


Sana, after being taken back home along with her mother, found herself navigating a new chapter in their familial bond. The air between them seemed lighter, the walls of distance and unease crumbling slowly. Initially awkward, Sana's demeanor shifted gradually, her approach to her mother turning softer and more compassionate.


Observing the subtle changes, it became evident that this woman was the sole family Sana had left. The understanding grew within her that her mother's intentions had always been rooted in love and concern for her well-being. With this newfound comprehension, Sana no longer avoided her mother's presence.


At the dinner table, they sat together, engaging in conversations that were small but meaningful. The silences between them were no longer suffocating but rather a comfortable companionship. Sana found herself opening up, sharing snippets of her day, exchanging gentle smiles and nods in moments of connection.


Surprisingly, Sana began accepting the tentative gestures of affection—a gentle hug here and there, a subtle yet heartfelt embrace that conveyed more than words ever could. In those fleeting moments, a glimpse of healing emerged, a bridge being built between a mother and daughter who had weathered their own storms in isolation for far too long.


In the quiet of their home, a few days after their release from the hospital, Sana and her mother found themselves seated in the cozy embrace of the living room. The tension that once lingered between them had softened, replaced by an unspoken understanding born from shared experiences and newfound empathy.


Sana, fiddling with the hem of her shirt, hesitated before finally voicing the thoughts that had long remained a mystery—a puzzle shrouded in the legacy her late father had left behind.


"Mom," Sana began, her voice hesitant yet tinged with a quiet resolve. "I've been trying to make sense of everything... about Dad and what he got himself into. I just... I can't understand it."


Her mother, her gaze filled with a mixture of sorrow and understanding, met Sana's eyes. There was a long moment of contemplative silence, as if her mother were carefully choosing her words, delicately navigating the intricate web of emotions and unspoken truths.


"I know, sweetheart," her mother finally replied, her voice carrying the weight of years of untold stories. "Your father... he was involved in things that he thought would protect us, provide for us. But sometimes, those decisions lead to consequences that we can't foresee."


Sana's brow furrowed with a mix of frustration and a desire to comprehend the incomprehensible. "But why? Why did he choose that path? Why keep it all hidden?"


Mrs. Minatozaki’s expression was a blend of tenderness and sorrow as she sought to unravel the enigma of Sana's late father.


"Sana, your father was a brilliant man," Mrs. Minatozaki began, her voice tinged with both reverence and affection. "He was intelligent and caring, and his love for us was immeasurable. But there are things that Hidemitsu twisted, things that aren't as they seem."


Sana listened intently, a mix of curiosity and longing in her eyes, as her mother delved into the intricacies of her father's character.


"Despite what Hidemitsu claimed about your father, there's a different truth to it," her mother continued, a hint of defiance in her tone. "Your father was anything but selfish. When Hidemitsu approached him for Project Genesis, it wasn't out of selfishness. It was out of protection—protection for his best friend's beloved."


Mrs. Minatozaki's voice carried a weight of conviction, a determination to unveil the obscured truth. "He didn't want his best friend's wife to become a lab experiment, a subject for what Hidemitsu called a 'scientific miracle.' Your father's refusal wasn't a denial of help; it was an act of safeguarding someone he cared deeply about."


Sana's brows furrowed in contemplation, piecing together the fragments of a narrative long kept hidden. The revelation painted a different picture of her father—a portrait of a man driven not by selfish ambition but by a selfless desire to shield others from harm, even at the cost of being misunderstood.


In that moment of clarity, a newfound understanding bloomed within Sana—a deeper appreciation for the complexities of her father's character, the sacrifices he had made, and the untold depths of his love and care.


Their conversation, though laden with the weight of revelations and unspoken truths, wove a narrative of compassion and selflessness—a legacy that sought to redefine the shadows cast upon her father's memory. And in this revelation, Sana found a bittersweet comfort—a reassurance that amidst the tangled webs of secrecy, her father's heart had always been guided by love and a sense of protection for those he held dear.


In the quiet moments that followed her conversation with her mother, Sana's thoughts drifted to her best friend, Momo. The weight of the situation, with Momo's father being implicated as the mastermind behind the harrowing events, weighed heavily on Sana's heart.


She wondered how Momo was coping with the revelations, the turmoil that had enveloped her friend's life. Sana longed to offer comfort, to bridge the gap that had grown between them in the wake of the unfolding events. But the instructions to refrain from contacting the prime suspect's family held them apart, a barrier she couldn't breach.


Sana's attempts to reach out were met with silence, a void where their friendship used to thrive. It pained her to be distanced from someone who had been her closest confidante, especially in times of turmoil like this.


To add to her sense of isolation, a notable absence stung—a lack of visits from Captain Kim Dahyun, a friend she had come to rely on for guidance and support. The sudden absence left a hollow ache within Sana's heart, a void where her trusted captain's presence used to bring comfort.


As days passed and the silence between her and Momo persisted, Sana grappled with a sense of helplessness. She yearned to offer reassurance, to convey that their friendship could withstand the chaos that encircled them.


Yet, the imposed distance and the absence of familiar faces left her feeling adrift in a sea of uncertainty, a longing for connection that remained unfulfilled.


With a resolute determination burning within her, Sana paced her room, her mind set on bridging the gap that had emerged between her and Momo. The lingering silence and the unspoken distance were unbearable, and Sana knew she had to make an effort to reach out, to reassure her friend that she wasn't alone in this turmoil.


Her resolve firm, Sana approached her giant closet, concealing the entrance to the secret passage behind the walls of their estate. With practiced ease, she navigated the concealed pathway, each step a testament to her unwavering determination.


Emerging behind the familiar walls of her home, Sana made her way stealthily towards the service tunnel that led to the other side of the street, just beyond the confines of their estate's gates. Her heart raced with a mix of nerves and determination as she navigated the shadows, propelled by the urgency to reach out to her friend.


The tunnel stretched ahead, its familiarity a comfort amidst the uncertainty of her mission. Sana's steps were sure, her mind focused on the sole purpose of finding Momo and offering the reassurance she needed to hear.


As she neared the end of the tunnel, the gates of the estate looming ahead, Sana steeled herself for the moments to come. With a deep breath and a heart full of resolve, she pushed open the exit, stepping into the dimly lit street just beyond the reach of her home's boundaries.


With determined steps, Sana ventured forth, her gaze fixed on the path ahead. The weight of the situation, the importance of her mission, spurred her on. With each stride, she drew closer to the chance of rekindling a connection that had weathered storms and stood the test of time—a friendship resilient enough to overcome the shadows of adversity.


As Sana turned the corner, her thoughts consumed by the mission to reach out to Momo, she collided unexpectedly with a solid chest. A gasp escaped her lips, the sudden contact jolting her momentarily. Before she could fully register what had happened, arms enveloped her in a familiar embrace.


The warmth that surrounded her, accompanied by the comforting scent of freshly laundered clothes, instantly made Sana's tense muscles relax. The embrace, an unexpected yet soothing encounter, brought a sense of familiarity and security that she hadn't realized she needed.


As Sana looked up to the face of the person holding her, her eyes met a pair of warm, understanding orbs. It was none other than Kim Dahyun, the captain whose absence had left a void in Sana's life during these challenging times. The relief that washed over Sana was palpable, a mix of surprise and gratitude.


"Dahyun," Sana breathed, her voice a mixture of surprise and relief. She hadn't expected to run into her captain here, outside the confines of their estate.


Dahyun's arms, a source of unwavering support, held her a little tighter, offering silent reassurance. "Sana," Dahyun replied, a gentle smile playing on her lips. There was an unspoken understanding between them, a shared acknowledgment of the complexities they had each been navigating in the aftermath of recent events.


In that impromptu embrace on a dimly lit street corner, Sana found a moment of solace—a connection with someone who had been a pillar of strength in her life. Dahyun's presence, a beacon of support, reminded Sana that she wasn't alone in her journey to mend fractured bonds and navigate the shadows that loomed over their lives.




The car cut through the city streets, the familiar hum of the engine filling the comfortable silence between Dahyun and Sana. Both lost in their thoughts, the unspoken questions lingered in the air, a weight that settled between them despite the ease of their companionship.


As they drove, Sana found herself stealing glances at Dahyun, the captain focused on the road ahead, her expression calm yet pensive. With a deep breath, Sana gathered her courage, the pressing question lingering on her mind for weeks finally finding its way to her lips.


"Dahyun," Sana began, her voice steady yet tinged with a hint of vulnerability, "why haven't you come around lately?"


The question hung in the air, and for a moment, the only sound was the faint hum of the passing traffic. Sana's gaze shifted to Dahyun, anticipation and curiosity etched in her eyes, yearning for an explanation that would soothe the ache of Dahyun's absence during the tumultuous days that had followed their ordeal.


Dahyun glanced at Sana briefly, her features softening with a blend of understanding and sincerity. A contemplative pause followed, as if Dahyun was carefully choosing her words, navigating the delicate terrain of unspoken emotions.


"I'm sorry, Sana," Dahyun replied, her voice tinged with a mix of regret and resolve. "I wanted to give you space to process everything that happened. Sometimes, I worry that my presence might add to the weight you're carrying."


Her words carried a weight of concern, a desire to protect Sana from any added burden, even if it meant keeping her own support at bay. The unspoken care and consideration woven into Dahyun's explanation spoke volumes about the depth of their connection—a friendship rooted in understanding and unwavering support.


Sana took in Dahyun's explanation, a mixture of gratitude and longing stirring within her. In that moment, amidst the urban landscape that stretched before them, she realized the depth of Dahyun's selfless concern—a captain who sought to shield her from further distress, even if it meant staying in the background.


Sana listened to Dahyun's explanation with a mix of understanding and a lingering sense of longing. As the captain spoke, expressing concern and the desire to give her space, Sana's heart swelled with gratitude for Dahyun's thoughtfulness.


"I appreciate that, Dahyun," Sana responded, her voice soft and filled with genuine gratitude. "But sometimes, I feel... it would have been better if you were around, you know? Just to accompany me."


Her words held a subtle implication—a yearning for the familiar presence of the captain. Sana's gaze shifted from the passing scenery to meet Dahyun's eyes, her expression a blend of appreciation and a silent plea for companionship.


"I've gotten used to having you around," Sana admitted, her voice tinged with a vulnerability she rarely showed. "It helps me sleep better at night, knowing you're nearby and that I'd be safe."


The confession hung in the air, a testament to the depth of trust and comfort that Dahyun's presence had brought into Sana's life. In that vulnera

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momoringmylove #1
bakeland #2
Chapter 21: I spent about 4-5hours to read it.God damn!It’s sooooo gorgeous!! I mean I seldom enjoy stories between Dahyun and SANA but in this I really have a sense of well-being.It’s all because of love!! I have to have a important exam this year which cause me anxiety.However,this story really relives me a lot! I gained great confidence and power. I believe that I can make it through as I have TWICE!Wish everyone a happy future!
Chapter 21: Thanks for this wonderful story 😊😊
SaiDa Bonus chapter pleasee 💜🤍
Um_what #5
Chapter 21: I’ve been following this story for years. Would always be so excited when there was an update. It’s been an amazing journey. Thank you so much for writing this I look forward to your future works!
Saida13 #6
Chapter 21: Thank you so much Authornim for this Beautiful story. Maybe a bonus chapter for Saida moments. God bless you.Can't wait for your another wonderful story
Jamess #7
Chapter 21: wow the final was beyond amazing 😁👍👍
reveluv316 805 streak #8
thanks for the update
Jamess #9
Chapter 19: aww man….i knew that was dahyun and her team that came up😁😝…anyway i can’t wait for the final 🥹
Chapter 18: Did Mina betray them? To friends and parents? Oh no, I can't believe it, I'm in denial 😭
Where is Chaeyoung anyway? She wasn't even mentioned in the chapter...
Now I remembered a scene of Mina in the bathroom saying something like 'why did it have to be you Sana?', at the time I thought she had a crush on the co-captain, but it was actually a clue?? I'm so confused lol
Oh, and did I really think we were going to have the trisal saidahmo here? But in the racing scene between Dahyun and Momo it seemed that she gave up for Sana, oh how sad ;-;
I'm waiting for the next chapter to see how this ends 👀