I Would Look Into Those Eyes

Break the Cycle
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The streets of Seoul had long darkened as the city's vibrant nightlife came to life. Neon lights and bustling pedestrians painted the cityscape, masking the secrets concealed beneath its glamorous façade.


In a quiet corner of the city, away from the flashing lights and ceaseless traffic, Nabong's Diner stood like a well-kept secret. Its unassuming exterior hid the discreet shelter of Kim Dahyun's elite team and two of Seoul's most prominent heiresses.


Dahyun and Sana stood side by side in the cozy loft space of Nabong's Diner, surrounded by the aroma of the homemade stew they were attempting to cook. Sana held a wooden spoon in her hand, and her face was a mixture of concentration and amusement. The stew had become an ongoing experiment, and Dahyun couldn't help but laugh.


Dahyun playfully nudged Sana's shoulder. "You know, Sana, I've seen recruits in my unit who can't cook any better than this. You might be a secret culinary genius."


Sana giggled, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "I'd like to think of myself as the Picasso of cooking, but maybe that's a stretch."


As they continued to stir the pot, their hands occasionally brushed against each other, sending subtle yet electric sensations through both of them. The loft was filled with their easy laughter, the sound of their growing connection.


Amidst the culinary chaos, they shared inside jokes and anecdotes from their past, learning more about each other with each passing minute. They reminisced about the rough start of their relationship, remembering the days when they had misunderstood each other, misjudged, and even disliked one another. It seemed like a lifetime ago.


Dahyun leaned closer to Sana, her voice soft and warm. "You know, when I first met you, I never imagined we'd end up here, making a mess in a kitchen together."


Sana turned to Dahyun, her eyes locking onto the captain's gaze. "I know what you mean. We've come a long way since then, haven't we?"


Dahyun nodded, her fingers grazing Sana's. "And I'm glad we did."


Their gazes held, and in that moment, the unspoken words hung in the air. They hadn't broached the topic of confessing their feelings, and the weight of their current situation loomed in the background. But that night, under the dim light of the loft, they found solace in the simple joy of being together, flirting, and sharing a genuine connection that had grown beyond the boundaries of their roles.


Sana reached for a small sprig of parsley, which had somehow ended up on Dahyun's cheek. She gently brushed it away, her fingers lingering against Dahyun's skin. "Dahyun, thank you for being here with me, for keeping me safe."


Dahyun's smile was tender as she replied, "I'll always be here, Sana, no matter what. And thank you for bringing a little chaos and fun into my life."


As the night continued, the stew was forgotten, their connection deepening with every stolen glance, every shared smile, and every inside joke. Confessions could wait; for now, they reveled in the unpredictability of the moment, finding comfort in each other's company, and the undeniable spark that had ignited between them.




As the evening cast its warm, inviting glow over Nabong's Diner, Chaeyoung's heart pounded as she and Mina shared dinner in the cozy ambiance of Nabong's Diner. The flickering candlelight illuminated Mina's smile, making Chaeyoung feel as if the entire world had dimmed to insignificance. She had taken a chance, bringing Mina to this hidden sanctuary, despite the risks involved. And the evening's proceedings took an unexpected turn.


Chaeyoung, trying to break the ice, stammered, "So, Mina, I noticed you're pretty good at math. Maybe you could, um, help me with... math sometime?"


Mina's gaze met Chaeyoung's, and she flashed a charming smile. "Of course, Chaeyoung. I'd love to help you with math. But only if you help me with something too."


Chaeyoung's cheeks reddened, and she nodded enthusiastically, her eyes filled with curiosity. "Sure, anything!"


Mina leaned in closer, her voice teasing yet tender. "Help me figure out why you're so cute."


Chaeyoung's shyness melted away, replaced by a warm blush. "I, um, I don't know about that. I'm just, well, me."


Mina reached out and gently tucked a strand of hair behind Chaeyoung's ear. "And that's why you're so endearing, Chaeyoung."


Unbeknownst to them, SinB, the ever-watchful agent, had noticed the uninvited guest. Her irritation grew, and she couldn't help but express her disapproval. SinB quietly approached Chaeyoung motioning for her to come closer, her voice laced with stern authority.


"What are you thinking, Chaeyoung? Bringing Mina here is a risk we can't afford. You're jeopardizing the safety of Sana and Momo."


Chaeyoung, never one to back down from a challenge, shrugged off SinB's concerns stubbornly. "Relax, SinB. Mina doesn't know anything about our mission. It's just dinner. What harm could it do?"


SinB's stern gaze shifted to Mina, who appeared blissfully unaware of the tension surrounding her. She shook her head in exasperation, her patience wearing thin. "Chaeyoung, you better hope this doesn't come back to haunt us."


Meanwhile, on the loft's third floor, Dahyun and Sana were still busy preparing their homemade stew. The scent of their culinary creation wafted through the diner, a warm and inviting aroma that contrasted with the tension below.


Back downstairs, the awkwardness escalated as Sana and Dahyun descended the stairs, carrying their "homemade stew" to share with the group. Smiles turned into shock as they found Mina seated at the diner. Dahyun's eyes met Chaeyoung's, and it was clear that the captain was far from pleased.


The group exchanged greetings, but the tension in the air was palpable. Mina, curious about Sana's presence, couldn't help but ask, "Sana, what are you doing here?"


Sana hesitated, not ready to reveal the truth. "Oh, you know, just hanging out with my friends."


Dahyun's mind was still preoccupied with how to handle Chaeyoung and her recklessness, leaving the explanation to Sana.


Just as the atmosphere seemed to reach its boiling point, a new presence entered the diner. Tzuyu entered the diner with a quiet, yet unmistakable presence, immediately capturing everyone's attention. Her appearance stirred a complex mix of emotions, especially within Chaeyoung, who regarded Tzuyu not just as a teammate but as her closest friend.


The air seemed to thicken with unspoken feelings and uncharted territory, and Tzuyu's arrival added another layer of intensity to an already emotionally charged atmosphere. The tension was inevitable, especially between Tzuyu and Chaeyoung, who had a history of conflict over Chaeyoung's distraction and lack of focus due to Mina's presence. 


Tzuyu had recently discovered her own feelings for Chaeyoung, and her emotions were in turmoil. Her silent, searching gaze settled on Chaeyoung and Mina, and then shifted to the rest of the team. Her eyes spoke volumes, reflecting her deep concern and feelings of apprehension.


Mina, sensing the mounting tension, decided it was best to gracefully excuse herself from the situation. She offered a polite smile and, with a small nod to the group, stood to leave. Chaeyoung, ever the thoughtful one, attempted to follow her, but a firm hand on her shoulder stopped her in her tracks.


Dahyun's voice had taken on an entirely different tone, one that sent a shiver down Sana's spine. It was a stark contrast to the warm, gentle Dahyun she had spent the day with. This Dahyun was authoritative, firm, and somewhat intimidating.


"Stay, Chaeyoung," Dahyun commanded, her gaze unwavering.


Chaeyoung, under Dahyun's authoritative presence, murmured an apology to Mina as she watched her leave the diner. Mina glanced at all the people inside one last time before stepping out into the chilly night, leaving behind a group whose cozy atmosphere had quickly turned frosty.


The unspoken tensions and unresolved emotions hung heavy in the air, a reminder of the intricate web of relationships and desires that had woven themselves into the lives of this close-knit team.



The aroma of the long-forgotten homemade stew still lingered in the air, a gentle reminder of the cozy evening that had taken an unexpected turn. The team gathered at the loft space, where Dahyun called for a meeting, her voice carrying a tone of urgency.


Jeongyeon and Momo, having gone out to buy Momo's personal supplies, arrived a little late. As they entered the room, all eyes turned to them. Sana and Momo were asked to go downstairs to discuss something privately. It was clear that the team needed to address an issue that wasn't meant for their ears.


Reluctantly, Sana and Momo made their way downstairs, but their curiosity got the better of them. The door was slightly ajar, and the voices from the meeting carried to where they were standing.


Momo nudged Sana with a mischievous grin, and they exchanged a knowing glance. They may have been asked to leave the meeting, but they were determined to eavesdrop and find out what was going on. Together, they pressed their ears against the door, their fingers barely touching the wood as they listened intently to the hushed conversations taking place on the other side.


Dahyun cleared , her voice carrying a sense of urgency and frustration as she addressed the team. "I need to remind all of you that this is not how I pictured our mission to go. We're in a critical situation, and our objectives seem

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momoringmylove #1
bakeland #2
Chapter 21: I spent about 4-5hours to read it.God damn!It’s sooooo gorgeous!! I mean I seldom enjoy stories between Dahyun and SANA but in this I really have a sense of well-being.It’s all because of love!! I have to have a important exam this year which cause me anxiety.However,this story really relives me a lot! I gained great confidence and power. I believe that I can make it through as I have TWICE!Wish everyone a happy future!
Chapter 21: Thanks for this wonderful story 😊😊
SaiDa Bonus chapter pleasee 💜🤍
Um_what #5
Chapter 21: I’ve been following this story for years. Would always be so excited when there was an update. It’s been an amazing journey. Thank you so much for writing this I look forward to your future works!
Saida13 #6
Chapter 21: Thank you so much Authornim for this Beautiful story. Maybe a bonus chapter for Saida moments. God bless you.Can't wait for your another wonderful story
Jamess #7
Chapter 21: wow the final was beyond amazing 😁👍👍
reveluv316 812 streak #8
thanks for the update
Jamess #9
Chapter 19: aww man….i knew that was dahyun and her team that came up😁😝…anyway i can’t wait for the final 🥹
Chapter 18: Did Mina betray them? To friends and parents? Oh no, I can't believe it, I'm in denial 😭
Where is Chaeyoung anyway? She wasn't even mentioned in the chapter...
Now I remembered a scene of Mina in the bathroom saying something like 'why did it have to be you Sana?', at the time I thought she had a crush on the co-captain, but it was actually a clue?? I'm so confused lol
Oh, and did I really think we were going to have the trisal saidahmo here? But in the racing scene between Dahyun and Momo it seemed that she gave up for Sana, oh how sad ;-;
I'm waiting for the next chapter to see how this ends 👀