
One Word
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"Ni... Ni... Jennie!! Nini, wake up!!"



The little girl coughed out water and the kid with her still had worried eyes. There were pats on her back with the thought of making her recover after she almost drowned. Jennie still see things in a blur and all she can make out was the face of her friend.


It was actually the face of her two friends. She's friends with the twins of the Kim family. She couldn't tell which one is in front of her but she believed it was the younger.



"You saved me."


"Of course I will. I won't let anything happen to you."



She was young but if she would ever fall in love, she decided right there and then that that was what her prince charming would say.



"Thank you... Jin."



Her savior only blinked at her and before the latter could say anything else, Jennie hugged him tight. The black haired kid reciprocated it and little Jennie smiled.


That was the time she swore she also won't let anything bad happen to her savior. She won't let anything hurt her new profound crush. She'll do whatever it takes to also protect and keep anything harmful away.




And lastly... She'll also love him from that day onwards.






=  =  =  =  =






"What do you think of me?"


"I love you."



Little Jennie smiled at those words and held her friend's hand.



"If I ask this years from now... What would you say?"


"My answer would still be the same, Nini."


She jumped up in joy when she heard that and hugged the latter. "Then I'll hear you saying you love me? Again?!"


"Nope! You'll hear what I just said."


"Why?! Why won't you answer with an 'I love you'?"



They stared at each other then Jennie felt her cheeks being cupped. She leaned in and their foreheads meet against each other. The dark short haired kid smiled at her sheepishly.



"Because I may not be brave enough to say it again. Grown-ups became like that, you know. Things change too much and becomes messed up."


"Then if I hear those words..."


"It means what it exactly means." There was a smile in those heart shaped lips. "My answer would still be the same, Nini."




~  ~  ~  ~  ~











"Oh my god!! What the fu--"


"Wake up, Jendeukie! We're going to school!"


"It's Saturday today!" The brunette covered her ears and majority of her face with her huge pillow. "It's a free day!"


"NAH UH! Not in our schedule! Come on up, you little lazy mochi! We have things to do this day in school!!"







"OKAY OKAY! I'm up!"


"Good." Her best friend stopped the continuous ringing noise for a beat. Jennie slumped back in bed only to hear a loud sound again. *CLANG* "Now shower and be fast because I'm hungry."


"Ugh... You go on ahead. I won't eat break--"












Even groggily, she stood up from her bed and chased Jisoo in her room. They even ended up outside in the hallway with them fighting over the kitchen equipment. They were too much in their own world and noise when they bumped hard onto someone. They both stopped playing around and Jisoo kept a wide grin on her face while Jennie struggled to make herself look decent. Though her bed hair and long shirt was so not helping.



"Morning Bro!" Jisoo greeted her twin brother with multiple light punches on his arm.


"Ah. Ah ah ah! Stop that, noona." He yawned and Jennie let out a gummy smile after seeing the cute sight. "It's too early in the morning and please if you're gonna wake someone up... Don't wake others along the way."


"Sorry, Jin! I told her not to do that."


"Yeah but you won't wake up." Jisoo ruffled Jennie's hair and the latter hissed at her.


"I'll try setting an alarm next time." She offered a smile yet the guy only looked at her.


"Try sleeping in another room or... I don't know... In another house where you won't trigger my sister to act wildly." He walked away with that and shouldered his backpack.


"Yah!! Kim Seokjin!! That's rude! Come back here!" Jennie pulled onto her arm to stop her from chasing her brother.


"Don't bother him anymore. We've given him much trouble this morning." A small smile was on her face but she seemed pretty down by those words.



Jennie went back inside Jisoo's room and started getting ready for school. Jisoo followed her and frowned. As the ever supportive and lovable friend that she is, she tried cracking up a joke.



"If it helps, I also wake Jin by that, you know."




"And then he'd go... 'Waaah! Stoppp! I'm sorry I did wrong!' And he would stomp his feet on his bed like the young kiddo he denies to be. But I got it on record so..." She shrugged nonchantly and giggled.


"Shut up!" Jennie exclaimed but Jisoo showed her her phone. "Okay. No. I won't. That's just--"


"Oppurtunity to see my boring brother not be so boring once in a while." She teased Jennie and the brunette giggled. "You know you'd looove to see it."


"Right." Jennie took her shirt off and changed in her uniform.


"Wow! A full show. My my my... Jennie Kim, stripping is not good in front of your gay best friend."


"Shut up."


"But I'd take that instead of Jin acting like a spoiled kid any day."


"You give him reasons to hate you." There was no reservations between the two so Jennie felt comfortable doing her thing with Jisoo still there.


"Yeah but he thinks I'm the only person on his side every time so he can't help but love me." She sat on the bed and browsed through her gallery. She smiled at one picture where her twin and her looked so happy and contented, hugging and smiling together. "I love teasing him but I love him too, you know."


"I know. And I know you know that I would gladly be by his side too." She exhaled and crawled over the bed to see what Jisoo was looking at. "I would love to be there actually."


"Well he doesn't realize it, Jennie."



Jisoo can smell Jennie's vanilla scent behind her and knew that the girl joined her. She closed her eyes and found herself relaxing with that. Yet her heart pounded faster and faster, she's afraid it was even louder than the sound she made when waking up Jennie.




And she's afraid Jennie will hear it because that implied something which a best friend shouldn't be having against her own best friend.




"I'll make him realize it. I told you... Jin is not just my prince charming. I want to also be the one protecting him and being by his side." She stood up and proceeded towards the door. "You're okay with that, right, Jisoo?"


"I know. You've said that millions of times, Jennie. It's fine."


Jennie smiled then left the room. Jisoo started packing her own things and decided to just clean up the mess they had for the sleepover. She shouldered her backpack and went down the stairs. Only to see Jennie and her twin interacting like good old friends. Her smiles aren't rare but those eyes full of love and sincerity were the ones staring at brother.



Jennie's straight. She's straight like a fixed and well structured road. Jisoo knows very well where that road leads to. It's to the lesser half of the twins. To the less perfect one. To a part of her who's standing on the other side of the room. To someone like her but will never be her. To Kim Seokjin whom Jennie has said, millions of time, that she fell in love with.



And Jisoo's sure for those millions of times.




She's not fine with that.






=  =  =  =  =






"Oh God. Look at that."


"Dude, no." Jin ate more popcorn and laughed out loud with his sister. "."


"That's just crazy." Jisoo kept on laughing and laughing with the show they were watching on TV.



It was their usual quality time with each other. They don't lose that because hell hath no fury like a dejected Jin. She loves it actually because it was therapeutic and everyone knows that it was what Jin needs. Every single time.


Jin had a few problems growing up. There was a time in their lives when they spent their summer apart and he got the help he needed. He changed so much and most of his memories were forgotten too. It was hard for their family but once they get him back on the track, he slowly opened up to them again.


Jisoo was out their mother's womb by only a few couple of minutes which made her older. She's supposed to be the mature one, the understanding daughter, and the selfless sister especially when it comes to their terms. It actually went perfectly fine that way since her brother was showing quite the rebel side while she's the goody two shoes student in class. They have many similarities but the things where they differ shouldn't be underestimated.


She'd do anything to make her twin happy. She tries hard to make him feel like she didn't all the good things from him and not outshining him every single time. She wasn't selfish and she never was but there was that one thing, one person, she keep thinking of not giving up to her brother.



"Hey noona."




"Will I get your support if I tell you I like someone?" He stared at her as the question was out of nowhere.


"Why? Is it a he?" She squinted her eyes and it really wasn't a problem for her. "Because even if it is I'd support you, you know. And I've known Yoongi for a long time too--"


"I'm not gay! I'm not like that!"


"Ouch. You just hurt your gay sister's feelings." She placed her hand on her chest, acting as if she's really hurt.


"Ahhh jinja!!" Jisoo bursted out laughing and he followed suit. When they calmed down, he took her hand and played with it. Just like usual. "But seriously... Can you support and help me no matter what? No matter who she is?"


"What's she like?"


"Well for starters... She's really... I feel like... I'm safe around her."


"What? Is she a lifeguard? I told you to learn how to swim, right?"


"Hahaha. Yeah that's funny." He rolled his eyes then he just stared ahead. "I don't have to hide who I am and I've had a tough time in life but she just... She accepts me. No questions. No second thoughts. But she also makes me smile. Like a lot."


He smiled really wide and infected his sister too. "Hmm little Jin is in love."


"You think so?" He exhaled and just kept smiling. "I think I like her too much. Maybe for awhile now too. And I just realized it when we spent this long talk and time together."



Jisoo's mind was working and running if there was a chance that he was pertaining to Jennie. Yet he kept on talking and sharing that she just blurted out her thoughts.



"Do I know her?"


"Well she studies in our school. Maybe you do and maybe you don't."


That didn't calm her. "You and your vague answers, Kim Seokjin."


"I haven't confessed and asked her yet. But I will. In due time. You still haven't given me your answer."


"Well if she makes you happy, I'm all good. Just... she doesn't look like... you know."


"Don't judge people. That's bad." Jisoo squinted her eyes because between the two of them, Jin's mostly the one looking at appearances which is why he hasn't had any serious relationship. "And no. She's probably the most beautiful person I know. Inside out."


"I sure hope I get to meet her."


His phone rang and he picked it up. He grinned and get up from the sofa. "I gotta take this."



Jisoo shook her head and texted Jennie. She doesn't want to hurt the girl but she feels like she needed to tell her. She asked her to come to their house.


Jin came back and when they started watching again, she got a reply from Jennie. There was a little hope when she thinks that telling her the truth will make Jennie give up on Jin. She didn't like the thought of it especially when it was selfish on her part.




But she was happy when Jennie replied she'll be there since she misses Jisoo too.






=  =  =  =  =






"So what's this urgent thing you're gonna tell me? And why didn't you just say it when we're at school?"


"Because it's really private and a heart to heart thingy."


"It's been days, Jisoo. Is it still that important? I mean I can go there later since I'm really planning to."


"Good. Just get over here first. It's a lot to better anyway. Are you on your way?" She heard Jennie hummed through the phone. "It might change things between you and Jin. It might change your feelings because--"


"I'll never change my feelings for him, Jisoo. I said that before." She can imagine a smile on Jennie's lips still. "In fact... I don't think it ever will."




'Yeah but that was when there's no potential rival for you.' Jisoo thought while she lied on her back.




"Why are you so inlove with him? Why not somebody else?"




'Why not me?'




"Well it's because when we were young, I... Oh! I'll tell you about that later. I have to go now. Bye!"



Jennie dropped the call before she can even respond. Jisoo sighed and covered her eyes with her arm. She was somehow feeling helpless but she can't exactly share it to her bestfriend. After all... it was because of that same person.



"Knock knock." She sat up and saw her mom walking towards her. "Can I come in?"


"Ummaaaa." She whined like a child and they hugged. "Ahh... I've missed this. I love you, umma."


"Aww! Is my baby Jisoo feeling sad?" She cooed her while she sat beside Jisoo.


"Not really. Just... I don't know." She sighed then brought up a smile. "What's up?"


"You make it sound like I came here because something's up."


"Well you don't always check on me. Jin gets all those knocks on the door. Not me."




"Just kidding. I'm not jealous, Umma." She chuckled and her mom caressed her hair.


"Jin said he likes this girl. Have you heard about it?"


"Ah... The Bella to our little Beast." She got hit on the arm but both were laughing. "Yeah, I did. I think he's really happy with her."


"Yes, I think so too." She continued on caressing Jisoo's hair and the latter didn't miss the frown.


"What is it, Umma?"


"Nothing." Jisoo raised her eyebrows and that elicited a sigh from her. "Just that... I don't want him getting hurt and acting up all again. You know how he is."


"Yeah of course I do."


"And that... You'll still be the best understanding and kind sister that you are to him."


"Umma..." She started because she already found it weird. "Are we talking in riddles here?"


She didn't answer the question and continued talking. "I always find it sweet of you whenever you do things even giving up what you like for your brother."


Jisoo blinked but she didn't think of those words further. "You mean my long hair before because he wanted us to match?"


"Yeah some things like that. I remember how I can't tell you two apart because that was how I can tell the difference between you identical twins." She laughed and and Jisoo smiled a bit. "You looked like a boy back then."


"A pretty one though."


"Yes, a pretty one."


"The prettier one."


"Of course." She pinched her cheeks and became serious again. "Maybe you can do the same thing this time around?"


"Cut my hair short again? Um... How about no? Because that would minus my appeal." Her mother shook her head but her smile was sad. "What do you mean? I don't get what you're talking about anymore, Umma."


She kissed her on the forehead and exhaled. "Let's just give him what he wants, okay? And keep him happy."


"As always." She doesn't really get tired of saying that but the way her mom acts make her doubt a bit.


"Good. He said he'll bring his girlfriend today."


"Already?!" It was just a week ago when they talked about it. "Well I'm happy for him!"


"I really hope you will be." She muttered but Jisoo heard it.


"Why do you act as if I'll get in the way of my brother's first serious relationship?"



Mrs. Kim shrugged and just smiled sadly yet again.



"Because I know you well, Jisoo. Everything about you even if you don't say it. I know how much you sacrifice for him but this favor might be too much for you to take."



The conversation with her mom left her puzzled so much that she was thinking of telling it to Jennie. Her brother and his girlfriend still haven't arrived and she was getting antsy by the minute. When their doorbell rang, she ran for it and opened it. It revealed people she was expecting to see at the same time though they're missing another one.



"Jennie! Jin! Nice! You two came together." They both had smiles and she wasn't sure how to feel about that. She looked at Jennie and her twin then she whispered at him. "So Umma told me you're bringing your girlfriend. But I don't see her. Where is she?"



He moved away from Jisoo a bit then smiled even wider. Her eyes dropped to her brother's hand entertwined with Jennie's. She lifted her eyes to see Jennie and Jin acting shy yet sure around each other.



"Now you see her, noona."



As always, she would gladly give things up for her brother. She has done that for a long time because she's satisfied as long as a certain someone's still by her side. She wanted it to be a dream but it wasn't.


That's when Kim Jisoo realize that her mom's words were right. She doesn't want him to get hurt but she'll be the one sacrificing again. Her mom hopes she could be happy for her brother but not this time. Because it was really too much of a favor.




It was really too much for her twin brother to even take Jennie away from her.






=  =  =  =  =






"We just talked and sat down for a long while. I told him this story about us from before." Jennie helped Jisoo in doing the dishes. "Then he said he can't remember it and I thought he was about to reject me because of that."


"There were gaps in his memory." Jisoo replied monotonously.


"Yeah he said that. But then he gave this... amazing confession and I just..." She smiled and giggled and Jisoo never thought she would ever wish for Jennie to not do that in front of her. "I said I like him too and that it was too bad he can't remember because that was the first time I realized that I like him."


If Jisoo didn't keep her feelings in check, she would have slammed and broken their chinaware in pieces. "Wow. What a sick love story. Why haven't you shared that to me?"


"It was... I don't know." Jennie ran her hand through her hair. "Just something I'd like to keep to myself?"


"Oh... Like the fact you've been together for the past five days now and you didn't tell me?"


"Jisoo, I know you're my bestfriend but he said he wanted to surprise you--"


"Yeah I was really surprised."


"Oh come on. Do you hate for it?" She didn't reply and Jennie pouted. "I thought you didn't mind because we're like sisters. And now--"


"We're one step closer to being one?" Jisoo bit her lip.


"Yes!" She squealed and hugged the black haired girl. "I'm really really really happy."


"Yeah you are." Jennie pulled away and wanting to hide her real feelings, she blurted out anything to stray away from the topic. "So what was that memory when you realized you like him?"




'Stupid Jisoo. Why would you ask her that? Being a martyr?!'




"It was when we were seven. It's kinda blurry now to me but... I drowned and he was the one who saved me. He told me that he won't let anything happen to me so I decided back then." She turned her back on Jisoo and was about to leave the kitchen. "I'll also protect him and be there for him. I started liking him that day and it only grew deeper until now."



She left Jisoo alone and didn't see how pale her face has turned. Jisoo clenched her fingers tight as she thought back to that summer when she was seven. It was around that same time when she cut her hair short. The same time when no one could tell her and Jin apart so bad. The time when she and her brother switch places for fun.


Jisoo ran towards the living room, her

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congrats! haven't seen a BP fic get featured before! <3 Love it.