
One Word
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Jenlisa. ;) Just like you asked. A loooong one. Currently the longest and I hope would be the last longest chapter.












"There's no such thing as unicorns!"


"Yes there is!!" A girl with huge eyes said strongly. "They're real!"


"You're stupid enough to believe that! Stupid stupid stupid Lisa!" The boy stuck his tongue out and pushed the stubborn girl.


"At least we're not stupid enough to pick a fight with someone. Just because you don't have friends doesn't mean you can share your misery with others." Jennie, the pretty but brave girl in the nursery, stood in front of Lisa. "Too sad that you have such a sad childhood ahead."



The boy became red and was on the verge of tears for everything the other girl said was true. He shouted at them and said they were both stupid to believe in magical pink horses. He ran away after that leaving the slightly younger girl to jump up and hug Jennie.



"Do you believe in unicorns as well?"


Jennie blinked and said in an as-a-matter-of-fact tone, "Unicorns are real."


"I like you already! Friends?" Lisa clung onto her.


"Yeah yeah sure. Just don't get too close to me."


"Sure thing." But she still didn't let go so Jennie pushed her away a bit.








Two kids said to each other and in that moment... their unbelievably long connection in life started.






= = = = =






"Ahh!! Seonsaengnim! I told you. We're still cleaning the room!"


"Lalisa! Didn't you hear the bell?"


"But seonsaengnim~~" Lisa was using her aegyo to her teacher. "It will be a pain for you if you go inside now! It's jinja jinja jiiiinjaaa dirty! A lot of things are missing too!"


The teacher stopped trying to get passed Lisa and studied her face. "Are you hiding something?"



Lisa tilted her head but when Ms. Lee tried to get past her again, she covered the entrance by spreading her long legs. She was smiling widely and the furious teacher slapped her back to reprimand her.



"Move. Or I'll send you to detention again." Ms. Lee's widened her heavy with mascara eyes that can make her look like the baddest female you'll ever see. "And I keep telling you to dye your hair black or at least in darker shade! You have too many violations with this blonde hair! Not to mention this neon highlights!"


Lisa opened widely. "But you also keep a blonde hair for a long time, seonsaengnim! You even tried the silver color before! Where's our freedom in that?"




"You cannot deprive us from our rights!" Lisa spread her arms wider. It looked so funny to her classmates despite their teacher's aggravated look.


"Even your clothes stand out! Who wears her skirt over her jogging pants?!"


"Teehee! Seonsaengnim, you did that. I saw your high school pictures."


"LALISA! If you don't move, I swear you're going to--!"



"I'm so sorry, Ms. Lee!" The smartest girl in the class appeared beside Lisa and the other girl quickly gave a larger smile and nodded like a puppy. "We were really cleaning the room. Lisa wasn't lying."


Their teacher squinted her eyes at the them. "You two..."



The brunette gave her a gummy smile while the blondie picked something out of her classmate's hair. The teacher wasn't able to notice it so they continued acting like good kids.



"You better not be lying." They nodded and Lisa was forced to bow by the other girl. "Especially you, Jennie Kim. I trust you."


"You have my word, seonsaengnim."



They both nodded and watched as the teacher went to her desk. As class was about to start, they took their seats alongside their amused classmates. Only the people in the room could've known as to why Lisa was preventing the teacher from coming in. Why Jennie's hair have one or two leaves stuck in her hair. Why the window was open with the opposite tall and sturdy tree's branch reaching out into their room. Why there was no one announced as late when Ms. Lee checked the attendance.




Why Lisa and Jennie shared a hidden bro fist as they both breathe a sigh of relief as they sat side by side each other.






= = = = =






"Oh come on! Let's wear that, Jennie!"



High school did them good but now that they were in college... Playing around or wearing the same outfits was over. Jennie only shook her head again.



"Yah! Leather jackets are your style! Why won't you wear it with me? We will be matchy-matchy!"


"That's why I won't wear it." Lisa pouted and Jennie pouted back. It became a cute pouting fight between them.


"And here I thought we're this cool couple."


"Well, you thought."



Jisoo and Chaeyoung laughed as they witness the two squabbling.



"Tell me again why you two became best friends."


"Chaeyoung, they have that love hate relationship." Jisoo commented.


"True." Jennie replied.


"Aniyaa! Jennie loves me so so much!!" Lisa hugged and clung onto the brunette. She squished their cheeks together.


"Yah! Let go!"


"Shiroooo! You let Jichu unnie hug you but you don't let me!"


"Because I'm prettier than you, Lisa." Jisoo said nonchantly as she stole food from Jennie's plate. Chaeyoung was shaking her head as she giggled.


"I look like Barbie! I'm prettier!


"Stop it, you two. I'm the prettiest here." Jennie muffled as she was still hugged by the tall girl.


"Says who?"


"Says everyone who's a lot more than those who are forced to say they like you."


"OOOHH BURN." Jisoo said.


Lisa backed away a bit and locked eyes with Jennie. "Fine. You win because... I REALLY REALLY LOOOOVE YOU."


"OH NO."



They somewhat look like fighting. Their other two friends watch them as if they're an entertainment show. It was always like this. Lisa being the clingy bestfriend and Jennie rejecting her. Yeah you could see the love in them.


Lisa will always say in an annoying way how much she looooves Jennie. The latter will say how much she hates it when the other girl say it like that.

Well, that's them.



But Jennie won't admit it to Lisa.




She's cool with that.






= = = = =






"Chocolate, strawberry or cookies and cream?" Jennie asked as Lisa put the DVD in.


"What happened to the milk flavored ice cream?"


"Oh! You want that?!" Jennie gave Lisa a cute smile and the latter nodded her head like a child having her wish come true. She stuck out her tongue. "In your dreams. That's mine."




"Chocolate as usual?"


"I'm cool with that."


"Yah. That's my line."



Lisa stucked out her tongue.



"Aishhh." Jennie sat down in on the sofa while the other one was on the ground. "What are we watching?"






"Then don't watch." Lisa looked up and Jennie bit the inside of her cheeks. "What? Want me to change it? Too childish for the old lady?"



Jennie pushed her tongue on one side of her cheeks making it obvious that she's on the verge of stranggling the girl.



"Teehee!" The usual expression of the younger one. "Just kidding. You're cute like a baby."


Jennie blinked and watched as Lisa began eating her ice cream. "Besides, even if your hair turned grey... You'll still look the most beautiful person on earth."



Just when the third spoonful of ice cream entered Lisa's mouth, Jennie leaned in and ate it. Her eyes's lingered at the blonde girl's surprised ones.



"Yah! I thought you like milk only!"


"I'm cool with that." Jennie cleared and watched the movie.



It was the natural Jennie line. Something said when she wants to stop the conversation between them. It grew out on Lisa too and their talking was dropped as soon as their favorite song was played. They forced themselves to just focus on the movie. But it was a bit harder this time.




Especially when they can't remain oblivious over the fact that both their hearts quickened its pace even more so than usual.






= = = = =






"I can't believe she gets angry the most every time we fight because she ditches me but she also gets angry when I ditch her! Like I can't do the same thing like she did. Where's the justice in that?!"


"I toldy you not to experiment. Why did you swerve that way anyway?" Jennie said in a bored voice.


"Because I thought she's nice!"


"Well, you obviously thought wrong." She typed on her phone and only looked up when the usually loud girl stay silent. "I mean, if it doesn't feel right for you or you're tired with her already... Why not just break up with her?"


"It's not that easy to break up and find a new one unlike you, Kim." Lisa sighed. "I don't know anymore. It's a good thing she's from a different school. I think breaking up with her will be quite messy."


"Do you like her?" Lisa stared straightly to those cat-like eyes. "Do you like her to the point that you can't imagine life without her?"


Lisa blinked once then twice. Her girlfriend found them yet only Jennie was able to notice. Her eyes went back to the blonde.


"No. I don't think so." She shook her head while wrinkling her nose.


"Good." Jennie stood up and walked to the other side of the table. She put her face in front of Lisa and said, "Now, you're going to break up with her."


"What?! I told you I don't know how--"



Lisa's red lips met Jennie's plump ones. She was silenced by the older girl. Her eyes widened as round as a flying saucer while the brunette closed hers. She can't even protest when she opened because the other girl's mouth just became more demanding. She doesn't have an idea what the hell is going but there's this one thing that crossed her mind.




It's one of the best-- No. It's the best kiss she ever received.




When Jennie pulled away, they were immediately faced by an angry Sorn. She remained cool even though the other girl's on the verge of lashing out at her. The pretty girl look was almost inexistent.



"What do you think you're doing with my girlfriend?!"


Jennie raised her eyebrows while Lisa stood up still gaping due to the kiss, not knowing what to do. "We were kissing if that wasn't so obvious."


"Jennie, what are you planni--"


"Why are you kissing her when she's with me?! What the heck are you doing--!!"


"I should ask the same question. What are you doing to my Lisa?" Lisa widened her eyes at the posessive remark said. "If I said I was aware of what happened last night near the club downtown... Do you think you're in the position to complain about her kissing someone?"


Sorn was perplexed and Lisa was confused by the minute. "You--"


"Why don't you tell us? How great it was being trapped between the wall and that guy?" Jennie said in a teasing way that made the other girl angrier yet embarassed.


"Is this true?" Lisa's disbelief eyes focused on her girlfriend. "Have you been cheating on me all this time?"


"Lisa... Look, I can explain--"


"We're done here. It's over. We're over."



Lisa walked away not forgetting to to drag Jennie away from there at the same time. They held hands without saying a word until they reached their favorite spot in the school. Once they stopped in front of the tree, Lisa let out a huge breath and sat on the grass rolling and stretching all about.



"God... I thought it will be a mess. Did you see her enraged face?" She glanced at Jennie before talking fast again. "I mean I seriously thought she'll be slapping me or you! Imagine if she ran after us! Or if she threatens to do something bad to us! And then we won't be in one piece tomorrow! What if we won't be okay--"


"Lisa, are you okay?" Jennie interrupted her. "It's fine to cry, you know. It's understandable if you do especially when someone you like cheated on you."


"Will you lend me your shoulder then?" Lisa looked up and patted her side which made Jennie sat next to her. She leaned her head on the latter's shoulder and giggled a bit. "You're so small, Jennie."


"Short girls have longer lasting love lives, you know."


"Aish. Are you comforting me or what?"


"Just saying." Jennie smiled and raised her head to look up at the sky.






"About that kiss earlier."



Their eyes locked and there were so many things hiding from those orbs. Instead of words being spoken, silence was their only answer exchange.



"I'm cool with that." Lisa didn't know why but her spirits were uplifted only to be brought down by her next words. "But if it bothers you so much then let's just forget it. It doesn't mean anything anyway."



She didn't know what to reply but she did reply.



"Yeah. Cool."



The twisted part of this? They both know it means something to them. Who would even kiss someone like that unless you genuinely like the person?


But no. They ignored it. If it was an infatuation or passion or like or maybe even love... They ignored it.




They don't want to let go of that "cool" relationship that they have.





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congrats on feature
congrats!! on getting featured!
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Chapter 17: enjoyed reading this chapter
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Congrats authy
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congrats on the features
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Congrats on the feature
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Congrats on the feature!
Grats on the feature!
congrats! haven't seen a BP fic get featured before! <3 Love it.