brewing pains

Of prefects and captains

A/N: Wendy-centric. Seulgi attempts to brew a potion, Irene insists on helping her, and Wendy worries about her cauldron.

Wendy isn’t a master of the subtle science and exact art that is potion-making herself, but she’s pretty sure brewing a potion shouldn’t be this difficult.

“Wait, wait, I said just the roots!” Irene yelps. “Seulgi!”

“What?” Seulgi looks up from the cauldron – Wendy’s cauldron – and frowns, face slightly obscured by the thin smoke coming out of the potion.

“You…you just put in a whole ginger,” the prefect whines, hands slamming lightly against the open textbook on her lap. “I just said you needed to cut off the ginger roots only and put them in, not the whole ginger.”

“Oh,” Seulgi glances down at all the ingredients and the tools that are laid out on the floor. “So that’s what the knife is for.”

Wendy raises her wand and points it towards the cauldron. “Accio ginger.” She waits for a few seconds but nothing happens.“Too late. It’s probably already mixing in with everything.”

Irene sighs. “All right, let’s just…continue,” she grabs the silver knife, “I’ll help—”

“No, no, I said I’m doing this alone,” Seulgi takes the knife from her girlfriend. “Don’t worry, I won’t mess up again."

Wendy sighs for the umpteenth time that night and tightens her robe around her body, enduring the somehow chilly air in the bathroom they’re currently holing up in. When Seulgi came to her earlier tonight after dinner and cheekily told her to ‘meet her in the ladies’ room’, she didn’t think she’d be sitting on the cold, dirty floor of a certain off-limits bathroom late at night, watching what could just be a brewing disaster – with a prefect, no less.

“What?” Wendy frowns slightly, confused at Seulgi’s request.

Her best friend laughs, and then her lips curve into a sheepish smile. “Oh and also I might need to borrow your cauldron…is that okay?”

“I’m confused.”

“Remember when I blew up the Girding Potion and destroyed my cauldron and Slughorn’s framed photographs in class yesterday?”

“Of course, everyone remembers evacuating the class when your potion started making those funny noises.”

“Anyway, he talked to me today. He said instead of giving me detention, he’s giving me homework. He wants me to brew the perfect Wit-Sharpening Potion to prove that I—,” she changes her expression into a stern one and imitates the professor’s raspy voice, “—take his class seriously.”

Wendy almost laughs, more at the choice of potion than the impersonation, but holds it in. “So you just have to make the potion, give it to him, and you’d be free?”

“Yeah! The problem is, he wants it done by tomorrow. I’ve ordered a new cauldron but I can only pick it up in Hogsmeade this weekend, so…” Seulgi trails off.

“So… you want to use mine?”

“Please?” Seulgi pleads, hands clasped together under her chin. “You’d be supervising me! Irene will probably join us too. Nothing bad will happen, I promise.”

Wendy sighs. “Fine, but where do we brew this potion? You said something about ladies’ room.”

Seulgi’s face lights up. “The first floor girl’s bathroom.”

Irene shivers in her robe and scoots closer to the cauldron to feel the warmth of the fire underneath it. Wendy keeps glancing at her every few seconds, can’t help but feel amused by Irene’s presence in this forbidden bathroom. She thinks the prefect looks generally out of place in this filthy place, and the fact that she’s letting all of this happen is just bizarre.

The oldest girl shifts again to get closer to Seulgi, who is currently cutting off the ginger roots on the dirty floor (Wendy tries not to make a comment on that). Irene settles down right next to her girlfriend, so close that their arms and legs are touching, and suddenly she doesn’t seem all that out of place anymore to Wendy.

“This place gives me the creeps,” Irene glances up at the filthy mirrors on the column of sinks next to her warily. “Are you sure we’re safe in here?”

‘Safe’ isn’t exactly a word Wendy would associate with this particular bathroom given its history, but she’d rather not say anything about that right now. Seulgi turns her head momentarily to give Irene a reassuring smile. “Of course! The Chamber has been permanently sealed, and that giant snake is dead, right? James told me all about it.”

“Yeah, but what about Myrtle?” Irene stares at the row of toilet stalls, eyes darting to each door, looking out for the ghost that used to haunt the bathroom.

“ Myrtle? She’s moved on,” Wendy informs her. “At least that’s what my sister told me. Myrtle hasn’t been seen in years.”

“Okay, so our only problem is the possibility of getting caught,” Irene glances at the exit door uneasily. “My brother’s patrolling tonight.”

“Relax a little,” Seulgi tells her. “You’d be surprised at how easy it is to avoid running into prefects at night. Why do you think they haven’t caught me?”

Irene only huffs, by way of reply. Seulgi giggles as she continues using her knife to cut off some ginger roots.

Wendy doesn’t want to be caught either, but nearly four years have passed and she has never been caught even once when sneaking out to explore the castle with Seulgi at night. She loathes to admit it sometimes, but she has long gotten over the anxiety and uneasy feeling of breaking the school rules. It’s all just part of being friends with Kang Seulgi.

“You should probably go, Irene,” Wendy says. “You don’t wanna be caught here with us, you’re a prefect.”

Irene takes a moment to think, wheels turning almost visibly before answering, “I’ll stay,” she says, her pale hands gripping Seulgi’s worn out copy of Book of Potions on her lap resolutely. “If Suho catches us I can try to persuade him to turn a blind eye.”

Seulgi lets out a low whistle and turns to the older girl, looking at her in awe. “I’m impressed. You know, Irene, you could just say you just miss me that much.”

Wendy shakes her head and laughs good-naturedly. “You’ve created a monster.”

The Quidditch captain turns her attention back to the ingredient she’s preparing on the floor and missed seeing the faint flush that’s starting to appear on the prefect’s cheeks. “You’re a bad influence,” Irene mutters.

“Heard that one before.”

Irene grins. “It’s still true.”

Wendy scoots away slightly from the other two. “You know, I can leave if you guys want me to—”

“No,” Seulgi cuts her off with a glare. “You’re staying here.”

“Yeah, Wendy, if we get caught just say that Seulgi has kidnapped both of us here,” Irene then turns to Seulgi. “Okay we have enough roots, now put them in.”

Seulgi puts in the fibrous ginger roots into the cauldron and begins stirring it, producing more smoke in the spacious bathroom. Wendy watches nervously, can’t help but feel slightly scared that Seulgi’s mistake earlier might have potentially turned this into another disaster.

She eventually sighs. “Yeah, I guess I’ll stay. I need to make sure my cauldron doesn’t break or melt, anyway.”

“Have a little more faith in me,” Seulgi whines playfully. “I got both of you here supervising me, what can possibly go wrong? This is a good learning opportunity for me.”

Irene snorts at that and turns to Wendy. “You’ve shared classes with her for years. Does she usually ruin her potions like that?”

“Not always. Accidents happen from time to time but her exploding Girding Potion was truly the worst thing she’s ever created in class.”

“Oi!” Seulgi protests, waving her hand to clear away the smoke so her face can be seen clearly. “I can hear you guys, you know.”

“I know, I know,” Irene says in a sing-song voice and begins reading the next instruction. “Now put in the armadillo bile.”

If Wendy’s memory serves her right – and it usually does –  the potion should be lime green by now if brewed correctly, as opposed to the shade of dark green she’s seeing right now. She sits up straighter, eyes subtly scanning the cauldron for any sign of melting and cracking.

Seulgi momentarily scans the ingredients and tools laid out on the floor and picks up a bottle of green liquid. She takes the cap off and brings the bottle close to the cauldron. “How much?”

Irene frowns at the book. “This book doesn’t say.”

“Just start pouring, I’ll let you know when to stop,” Wendy tells them.

Irene raises an eyebrow at her. “You’ve made this potion before?”

The Ravenclaw student nods. “Yeah, I was practically my sister’s assistant when I was younger. She brewed at least five different potions at home every summer break.”

“Your sister brews potion as a pastime? Seriously?” Seulgi asks incredulously.

Irene shoves Seulgi’s shoulder lightly with her own. “Don’t be rude.”

Seulgi turns to the older girl. “What, you do that too? Is that a pureblood thing?”

“No, stop spewing nonsense,” Irene snatches the bottle from Seulgi’s hand and starts pouring the green liquid into the cauldron, to Seulgi’s dismay.

“Hey! I’m supposed to do this myself,” Seulgi whines, but Irene doesn’t spare her a glance as she keeps pouring the bile into the cauldron. The hand that’s holding the bottle trembles slightly and the prefect pours in more liquid than Wendy would have liked.

“Okay, stop, stop. That’s enough,” Wendy tells her quickly.

Irene pulls back the bottle swiftly, visibly alarmed at the tone of Wendy’s voice. “Did I…did I put in too much?”

Wendy gets on her knees and looks into the cauldron closely, feeling the heat radiating towards her face. “Can’t know for sure. Let’s just stir it for now.”

Seulgi quickly grabs the stirrer and follows Wendy’s instruction. The potion swirls and starts changing color, turning shades lighter with each clockwise stir. They all fall silent, Wendy thinks she can almost hear the soft snores of the people in the paintings just outside the bathroom.

A few more stirs later the potion turns light blue and stays that way. Wendy breathes a sigh of relief, as the color is close to what she remembers as the correct one. “It’s fine, I think it’s the correct color at this stage.”

Irene sighs in relief and practically collapses, leaning her head on Seulgi’s shoulder. “Oh, I’m so relieved.”

Seulgi rolls her eyes. “Just let me do everything from now on.”

“To be fair, you made a mistake earlier too with the ginger,” Wendy points out.

Seulgi puts a hand over her heart, looking deeply offended for some reason. “You’re supposed to be on my side.”

Wendy shifts away to the nearest wall and settles down comfortably, leaning against it. “I’m not taking any sides, I’m just here to make sure you return my cauldron in one piece.”

“This is a great brand of cauldron, by the way,” Irene says, observing Wendy’s copper cauldron. “Shouldn’t melt or break easily.”

“Yeah, but you never know with Seulgi,” Wendy chuckles, couldn’t resist taking a jab at her friend one last time.


“Now grind the scarab beetles with the pestle,” Irene interrupts by reading loudly from the book before Seulgi can retort. “Come on, let’s not fight. I don’t want to get hit by a stray curse, die here, and become the next bathroom ghost if you guys end up having a duel.”

Wendy sees the jar that contains the living beetles and gently kicks it closer towards Seulgi with her foot. “How did you even get these ingredients, by the way?”

Seulgi takes two living beetles from the jar and starts crushing their hard bodies with the pestle before they could crawl out of the mortar. The sound makes Irene shudder again. “Slughorn provided these, he just wouldn’t lend me a spare cauldron,” Seulgi mumbles. “Well, he’d be a fool if he would, after what happened in his class.”

“I guess that makes me a fool, then,” Wendy says.

Seulgi looks up at her briefly and points at her with the small porcelain pestle. “No, that makes you my best friend.”

Wendy makes a face, a combination of a grin and a cringe. “Well, my best friend had better do a great job of brewing this Wit-Sharpening Potion, then.”

Silence falls upon them again, a comfortable one this time. The air is still chilly, and the only sound Wendy can hear is the noisy grinding of pestle against the crushed bodies of the beetles and the small popping sounds from the potion inside the cauldron.

Through the thin smoke Wendy stares at Seulgi’s face; all scrunched up in concentration, blonde hair falling down each side of her face. She spots a healing wound under Seulgi’s chin, one the Gryffindor Quidditch captain acquired after falling off her broom on the final Quidditch match last week against Slytherin. Gryffindor ended up winning the year’s Hogwarts Quidditch Cup under Seulgi’s leadership, and Wendy couldn’t be more proud of her friend.

To think that when they first met, eleven year old Seulgi was a crying mess on their first train ride to Hogwarts. Wendy and her seventeen year old sister had taken her in their compartment and to comfort her, telling her everything she needed to know about the magic world. Wendy started telling her about Quidditch and that was when Seulgi stopped sobbing into her oversized robe and listened in awe.

“You should really tie up your hair,” Irene speaks all of a sudden, bringing Wendy’s thoughts back to the present time. The prefect is now kneeling down behind the blonde, gently pulling back Seulgi’s hair with both hands. “What if your hair gets into the potion? That’d be gross.”

Seulgi lets out a quiet laugh. “It doesn’t matter. Just one look and Slughorn would know if I’ve made it correctly or not. He doesn’t need to drink it.”

“Maybe he wants you to drink it. You know the effect of this potion, right?” Irene says, running her hand through Seulgi’s blonde tresses.

“Yeah, it’s pretty self-explanatory,” Seulgi leans into Irene. “You and Wendy can have some too. Exams are nearing, maybe it can help.”

“No thanks, I’m good,” Irene makes a face, tugging at Seulgi’s hair playfully. “Besides, I don’t think Wendy needs any Wit-Sharpening Potion.”

Wendy isn’t a heartless enough person to tell Seulgi that she probably doesn’t want to drink any kind of potion that the blonde girl brews, so she just stays quiet in the corner. The smoke gets in her eyes and it stings a little bit, so she closes her eyes and starts reciting what she learned in History of Magic class this morning in her head.

She was just about to fall asleep when she hears a hissing noise. Acting on instinct, she opens her eyes and takes out her wand, quickly jumping to a standing position in a flash “Did you guys hear that?” she points her wand at the column of sinks, already expecting the worst.

Seulgi stares at her amusedly. “What are you doing? It’s just the potion.”

Wendy turns to look at the cauldron. “Oh,” she puts the wand back in her pocket awkwardly and walks closer to the cauldron. The potion is now red, unnervingly similar to blood in appearance – actually the correct color, Wendy notes – but the constant swirling and hissing noise it produces is what alarms her. She blinks away the smoke in her eyes, which seems to be getting thicker as well.

“What did you do to it?” she frowns into the swirling potion, staring at the whirlpool it creates in the cauldron.

“I don’t know, she sprinkled the beetles into the cauldron and then this happens,” Irene holds up her hands defensively.

“Are you saying it’s my fault? I only followed your instructions,” Seulgi mirrors her gesture and turns to Wendy. “Why won’t it stop making that noise?”

“Well, the color is right…,” Wendy starts going around to inspect the cauldron for any sign of breaking or melting. The hissing noise is getting ominously louder as the potions swirls even faster. Smoke is starting to fill the entire bathroom, fogging up the mirrors and windows. She can barely see her friends’ faces anymore.

Then comes the alarming rumbling sound from inside the cauldron, and Wendy starts getting flashbacks of Seulgi’s exploding Girding Potion from the other day. The potion is swirling wildly now it’s starting to spill. “Uh,” Wendy stands up from her kneeling position and backs away slowly, putting a distance between the cauldron and herself. “Guys…?”

Seulgi waves her arms frantically through the smoke. “I can’t see anything!”

Irene pulls Seulgi up and grabs her arm, pulling her towards the Ravenclaw student. “What do we do now, Wendy?” She asks urgently.

Wendy looks at her incredulously. “I don’t know, you’re the prefect here! Aren’t we supposed to follow your lead if anything ever happens at school?”

Irene was about to reply when a loud, single cracking noise surprises them. Even when Wendy can’t see it clearly through the smoke, she can tell what she feared from the beginning is actually happening right now. “Great,” she deadpans. “There goes my cauldron.”

The rumbling noise grows louder as more liquid spills over. “Is it going to explode? Please tell me it’s not going to explode,” Seulgi grabs Wendy’s arm and shakes it frantically, but the latter is unable to say anything at the moment.

“There!” Irene points at the row of toilet stalls. “Let’s all take cover in there until we figure out what to do.”

Wendy runs ahead of them to the farthest cubicle and pushes the door open immediately. Upon entering she feels herself getting pushed in a rush, and in a second she finds herself flopping down on the toilet seat with a thud. Her two friends have squeezed themselves into the small cubicle with her. “For the love of—” Wendy shrieks as they all struggle to move in the small space. “Why didn’t you guys get in the other stalls?!”

Seulgi slams the door close. “No time to—”

A loud boom cuts off her sentence and they all shriek in surprise. The shockwave causes the whole bathroom to shake, and Wendy nearly falls off from the toilet seat as she squeezes her eyes shut and covers her head with her arms.

The silence that follows is equally as unnerving. Wendy cracks one eye open to find both of her friends curled up on the floor, looking bewildered. Under different circumstances, she would’ve found it kind of funny. “Is anyone hurt?” she croaks out.

“We’re fine…I think,” Seulgi mumbles, pulling Irene up with her. The prefect looks incredibly pale, even for her. “Hey, Irene, you okay?” Seulgi asks, genuine concern apparent on her voice.

Irene blinks a few times in silence before looking up at Seulgi. “Yeah,” she finally mumbles. “I was just…surprised.”

Seulgi rubs her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her and looks at Wendy. “What do we do now?”

Wendy takes a moment to listen to the silence before answering, “Let’s check it out.”

Seulgi opens the door hesitantly. One by one, they step out of the cubicle and take a moment to take in the sight before them. The smoke is starting to clear, and the blood-red potion has splattered everywhere on the floor, the walls, and the sinks. Wendy shudders at the sight, it’s as if a massacre just took place. None of the mirrors and windows has shattered, although the same can’t be said about her cauldron.

The copper cauldron has been shattered into many small pieces from the explosion, scattered on the floor near the small fire. Wendy nearly cries at the sight. Seulgi pulls out her wand and uses the Aguamenti spell to put out the fire. “Wow,” she says afterwards, laughing awkwardly. “This has been quite the bloodbath.”

“That’s it,” Wendy, despite everything, laughs along with her. “Next time you want me to lend you something, I’d better think about it twice.”

Seulgi has the decency to look embarrassed as she carefully walks over to the remains of the cauldron and pokes them with her wand. “Can’t we fix it? There must be a spell—”

“I can try putting it back together, but the durability would be bad. It’d just break again if I used it,” Wendy sighs, turning to the other two. “How did this happen?”

Irene glances at Seulgi. “Well, as I’m sure you remember, Seulgi puts in a whole ginger instead of just the roots.”

Seulgi gapes at her before replying, “You put in too much armadillo bile! That must have done it.”

“I didn’t! You probably didn’t crush the beetles properly.”

Irene and Seulgi keep throwing accusations to each other, and Wendy feels a headache coming. “Guys, guys—”

A male voice interrupts them, “Merlin’s beard!”

They all flinch in surprise, and Wendy feels her stomach lurch at the sight of another prefect at the door, most likely alerted by the noise. Suho has his wand raised, his eyes widen in horror as he looks at the splattered red liquid everywhere, and finally at the three girls. Upon noticing his sister is also there, he gasps in surprise. “What on earth happened here?” he asks directly to her, not lowering his wand.

“Calm down,” Irene runs off towards him, nearly slipping in the process. “I can explain—”

Suho was about to speak again when another person appears behind him, “What is—whoa!”

The boy quickly steps aside and Wendy can almost feel the color drain from her face at this very moment. Professor Longbottom has appeared at the door, wearing a loosely tied purple robe over his pajama and a tired expression on his youthful face. Very much like Suho, he looks pretty much horrified at the sight before him. Wendy knew her luck had to run out one of these nights. She could bear being caught by a prefect, but having a teacher right here to witness all of this? She almost wishes the Basilisk would appear and kill her right now with its stare, and then she would definitely haunt Kang Seulgi every night in the Gryffindor Tower.

“What just happened?” He asks in astonishment, voice cracking slightly. “Is everyone okay?”

“Professor! Did the explosion wake you up?” Seulgi asks almost casually at the Herbology teacher. Being from the same House as the Neville Longbottom has its perks.

The professor’s eyebrows raise, probably at the mention of an explosion. “No, I was about to head to the greenhouses, I forgot to sprinkle some slug repellent on the Mandrakes.” He then stands up straighter, as if suddenly reminded of his position as a teacher. “Please explain to me what happened here.” He looks at Irene, who’s standing the closest to him.

Irene turns even paler at being questioned directly. She opens only to splutter, “I-I, uh, you see, Professor, I-uh…”

The prefect struggles to form a sentence. Wendy can’t take it anymore, and Irene is spared having to answer when the Ravenclaw student interrupts her, “It’s my fault, Professor.”

Her declaration is met with silence as they all turn to look at her in disbelief. Even Seulgi, who seems to be the most unaffected by the predicament, is now looking at Wendy as if the latter just grew a second head.

“Miss Son?” Professor Longbottom finally speaks, eyes trained on Wendy in doubt.

“It’s my fault,” Wendy repeats, sounding firmer this time. Not even knowing where she even got the courage to speak, she continues, “This was my idea. I wanted to brew Wit-Sharpening Potion as I heard it’s quite a very difficult potion to brew. I sneaked out to this place so no one would bother me.” All lies, the potion is only moderately difficult. “But I made a mistake—”

“Me!” Seulgi exclaims all of a sudden, surprising everybody. “It was me. I came with her because I wanted to help, but I prepared the ingredients the wrong way and, uh….” She falters and steps aside, so the professor can see the remains of the cauldron better.

“And—and then Irene and Suho found us. They were both patrolling nearby when they heard the commotion,” Wendy stares pointedly at the twins. “Right?”

Irene gapes, but quickly nods frantically in agreement. ”R-right!” She turns to stare pointedly at her brother, practically glaring at him. “Right, Suho? Right?”

He nods quickly, looking slightly intimidated by her sister’s intensity. “Right.”

Professor Longbottom’s eyes dart to each of their faces, processing everything silently, his face unreadable. Wendy fidgets, taps her foot slightly, and shifts her weight to the other foot restlessly in her place. Nearly a minute has passed and he still hasn’t said a word. She thinks he might just know they were lying to him.

Eventually, he lets out a sigh. “I’m surprised. I expected this sort of disregard of the school rules from Seulgi and her friends in Gryffindor, but not from you, Miss Son.”

Wendy hangs her head down in shame while Seulgi just scratches the back of her neck sheepishly. “But,” the professor clears his throat and continues. “I have to say, your interest in Potions and eagerness to challenge yourself is admirable, Miss Son. Brewing potions isn’t for everyone, I know that all too well. You’re quite the prodigy among your peers, aren’t you?”

She lifts her chin slightly at the compliments to look at the professor, who doesn’t look all that upset anymore. Wendy might be imagining it, but she thinks he actually looks rather impressed.

“Just do it at the proper place and time,” He says, more kindly this time. “There’s no real danger in this place anymore,” he pauses to allow himself a small, meaningful smile. “But the current Headmistress wishes for us to leave this place alone, as she says every year.”

Wendy nods guiltily. “Yes, Professor. It was careless of us to be here.” Seulgi only nods along with her.

“For that, I’m taking thirty points from Ravenclaw and Gryffindor,” he says finally, pulling his robe closer around his body. He then turns to the prefects. “One of you, do stay here to help them clean this mess and them back to their common rooms.”

“I’ll do it,” Irene pipes up. “I’ll handle them. Suho can go back to patrolling.”

The professor bids them goodnight and leaves quietly. Suho scowls at the three of them before leaving, muttering something under his breath. Irene closes the door, and once they’re sure Professor Longbottom and Suho are out of earshot, they sigh in relief. Wendy feels her legs tremble, so she leans her back against the wall and dramatically slides down to a sitting position, unable to say anything.

“Thirty points!” Seulgi laughs in disbelief. “Only thirty points. Any other teacher would have given us detention straight away for this mess.”

Irene walks over to Wendy, almost slipping again on her way. “Wendy, why?” she breathes out, face still retaining its slightly tense expression. “You could’ve just said you had nothing to do with it.”

“Yeah, why did you lie to him?” Seulgi asks her too. “The explosion was my fault, you didn’t have anything to do with it. I could’ve made an excuse for you.”

Wendy slowly gets on her feet again and thinks about what happened for a moment. Sure, she’s also here in the bathroom past curfew and all, but the explosion really wasn’t her fault. On top of it all, the cauldron that she has so kindly provided has been shattered to pieces thanks to the other two’s carelessness.

She supposes she could have let Seulgi make an excuse for her, but with how things turned out for them she thinks it could have been a lot worse. “Eh, it’s all right. We’re lucky it was Professor Longbottom,” she shrugs. “Irene was stuttering, and you already have too much trouble on your hands so I thought I’d just shoot myself in the foot.”

“Well, I couldn’t just let you take the blame alone,” Seulgi grins at her. “And yeah, we’re lucky it’s only Professor Longbottom.”

“If it was anybody else I probably would’ve thrown you under the bus and saved myself,” Wendy feigns a serious expression.

“I wouldn’t have protested. I did that to your cauldron,” Seulgi winces, glancing at the shattered cauldron on the floor. “I’m really, really sorry for everything, and thanks for trying to protect us.”

“It’s my fault too. Sorry, Wendy,” Irene says, bowing slightly. “Cheer up, I’m getting you a new cauldron in Hogsmeade this weekend.”

Wendy shakes her head. “Nah, it’s fine. It’s not the cauldron,” she sighs. “I’m just thinking about how this might affect my chances of being chosen as a prefect for the next school year.”

Irene cringes. “Wow, do you really wanna be a prefect that much? Let’s switch places,” she pats Wendy’s shoulder.

“Not really, but my parents are kind of hoping, because my sister was one. She was Head Girl too.”

Seulgi pats her other shoulder. “Don’t worry about it, I’ll talk to Professor Longbottom later. I doubt he would even report this to the Headmistress in the first place, though.”

“If you really get chosen, I’ll try and make sure you get your turn to use the prefect’s bathroom according to your preference,” Irene tells her.

“Thanks,” Wendy smiles at them, feeling content in an instant. “I don’t think I’ve mentioned this before, but I’m actually glad you walked in on Seulgi in the prefect’s bathroom back then.”

Irene’s cheeks flush slightly at the mention of the incident. “Ugh. Why are you even bringing this up.”

Seulgi turns to her girlfriend. “She’s right, though. Aren’t you glad you were clumsy enough to walk in on me? Wendy wouldn’t have introduced us to each other if it wasn’t for that, and we all wouldn’t be hanging out together all the time.”

“’Clumsy’? You were the one who didn’t know about the schedule, it was hardly my fault.”

The couple starts bickering again in front of Wendy, only this time it sounds more like playful teasing than an actual fight. Wendy only shakes her head and laughs inwardly at them and the mess they’ve made tonight. She wouldn’t say it out loud right now – because Seulgi would gloat about it too much – but she wouldn’t trade her friendship with both of them for anything else, even if they break a few more of her fancy cauldrons.





A/N: I had a lot of different plot ideas for this chapter but I’m a y writer so most of them were too difficult for me to write and I left all of them unfinished…rip

Then seulrene did that cute vapp broadcast so I settled with this plot and actually finished it (idk about the quality tho lol) exactly one year after I posted the first chapter (not the foreword). Thank you for reading 샤샤샤

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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
many years have passed but your work still the best 🤍
morphine007 #2
FlyOrWalk #3
Nah man
bananacoups #4
430 streak #5
Chapter 1: Aww, these two dorks are cute
nobody2 #6
Chapter 2: loved this fic!
cupcaketree123 #7
Chapter 2: That was kinda cute. I did not expect this when i read this was gonna be a red velvet x harry potter crossover. But i‘m def nit complaining :D