The Letter


Hi everybody! I am back with a new little fiction. this fiction talks about a girl recieving a letter from her boyfriend during the day. Not a very pleasent letter at all. and when he comes back home after work, she has to deal with her emotions. This fic was written quickly before sleeping and the second part when I woke up (coincidence with the story? I don't know XP).

Thank you very much for the support you give me, everyday I come on my profile impatient to see if I have a notification (there is not everyday :/) so feel free to comment I will reply with all my heart!



"I don't like you. I never did. So tomorrow morning I will leave, I am fed up with this fake relationship. From: your 'adorable' boyfriend, as you kept on saying stupidly." Everything broke in your world. The love of your life sent you cowardly a letter during his work day saying that you are useless and he will leave the house you share. How can this be possible? You thought he was sincere! Your sight blurred by the tears and you cried in your bedroom desperate as if your life had no aim anymore. How can it has one now that you know that he faked everything during several years? In fact, your life is him. If he leaves what will you become?


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frenchBABY #1
gosh I read this fiction again and it is super bad x'D There are plenty of mistakes and it is waaay too cheesey. I apologize
Author clo
793 streak #2
Good luck~ Who is going to be receiving the letter? :D