The Last Sorceress

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200 years after The Great Cataclysm, Terra-born Atelier Rosche learns that she is meant for something far greater than anyone from her world can even begin to comprehend. She will be the one to reclaim lost peace, to restore glory to a broken realm. She is Tierra Gloriosa's 49th sorceress, and she will be the last.


Eons ago, Titan lovers Arun and Shara fled their war-torn realm and fell asleep, dreaming two worlds into existence. Exotreia, the Titans' First, and Terra, the Titans' Second. It is hard to tell which the Titans love more; for Exotreians are birthed strong and powerful into a realm of danger, and Terrans are without powers, yet blissed with ignorance of the chaos outside their peaceful little world. But it is safe to say that the Titans loved Tierra Gloriosa enough to leave it in the care of the Empyreans, a sorceress - the Queen - and her twelve guardians. For centuries, the realm flourished.  

But then the Great Cataclysm happened. Sorceress Athena ran away and left the world to die in chaos and darkness. Her twelve guardians fought a losing battle and later fell into crystal sleep, patiently awaiting for the return of their Queen. Without the Empyreans, Exotreia was lost to the Shadows, and Terra was ripped apart by hatred and distrust.

For 200 years the guardians waited, until the day the hope flower blooms again.


There is a saying that goes among Exotreians when describing their Queens.

❝Some are born great. Some achieve greatness. And some have greatness  upon them. ❞

Atelier has no idea just how important her role is in reclaiming peace across the realm, but she will learn. The new Queen shall rise from a glimpse of light amidst the darkness.

And the Heavens shall tremble.

Part I: She Who Hails from Terra
Part II: Invitation from Danger

Part III: The World Unseen
Part IV: The Song of Dragons
Part V: Gem of a Different Colour
Part VI: Atelier Rising
Part VII: Flow Like Water
Part VIII: To Break an Empress
Part IX: The Cavalry Has Fallen
Part X: The Queen Who Was Promised
Part XI: A Tale of Two Sisters
Part XII: Remnants of Past Glory
Part XIII: The Shadow Explodes
Part XIV: And the Heavens Shall Tremble
Part XV: The Last Sorceress


[NOTE: This story is hardly a fanfic. I'm just "borrowing" (read: casting) the idols as characters in this story.]
- CAST -
Jeon Jungkook - Himself
Kim Seokjin - Lucem Hanedir
Park Chanyeol - Chanjyushir L'Taeran
Oh Sehun - Sephyrus Hunathgrol
Park Jimin - Caius Tao
Zhang Yi Xing - Paddra Ssal Lay
Do Kyungsoo - Kyungrig Soorei
Kim Jongin - Mah'habara Qun Kai
Kim Minseok - Xiumin
Kim Taehyung - Kreiss Noel

- Credit(s) -

ambrozia from fairvoyance graphics
for the (very beautiful) main poster!
banner size: 180px x 80px
Shirotakashi from PLANET MANGO Graphic Shop
for this alternate poster:
My dear sister, whom I bribe to make posters for me. ^^
Here's one of them:
She also made the trailer above!
You can find more of her shiz on Twitter







First runner-up in the Best in Fantasy category!

Featured on 2nd March 2016 (GMT +8)!

Author's Pre-amble:

Updates are sporadic atm; new chapters whenever I feel like it.

I try to be consistent, but sometimes, happens - or rather, life happens - and I can't write as much as I'd like.

I hope you enjoy this story. What you read here today is a result of an idea that came to be in 2010. That's nearly 10 years ago! A lot has changed since then, which amazes me actually. I'm so excited to be sharing this final version with you all.

Disclaimer: I realise that I'm a storyteller, not a writer. As amazing as this story is, my writing . I hope the overall plot makes up for it?


Avoid reading the comments. It's spoiler galore! You've been warned!


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[TLS ♡] I uploaded CH61 while I was half-sleepy last night, so I forgot to ping here! But ye, new update! Yay...? ;w;


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Chapter 64: Hello! I downloaded the app and am still a bit confused about how to get coins and stuff to be able to read the chapters. But I found the story and am following to get updates of when a new chapter go up. I was wondering, what will be the number of the last chapter that was uploaded here but on the new app? From the preview of the latest chapter, I saw something about Kreiss and the last thing I remember reading here was that they were going to do some type of event for the fake sorceress and Atelier and Jungkook were ordered to come along as servants since she's being punished for defending Yeolie. Yeah... something like that.
Yeah I got that email too (I'm also over there with one of my stories).....I rarely check the site as of late as I've been so busy with work. Didn't know that was a thing. May have to check out the app to continue reading the story. Hopefully things are successful for you over there!
Chapter 64: All the best lhyric😇
2489 streak #4
Chapter 64: Congratulations!! <3 Wishing you all the best in this exciting endeavor!! ^^
Chapter 64: Oh wow! Congratulations! I've never used that website but I definitely want to continue reading the story. I wish you most success! :)
2489 streak #6
Chapter 63: Wow, as we're delving more into Xiumin's story, I'm getting more and more intrigued. :D He's such an enigma right now, but it's clear that he feels guilty about killing his brother. I really wonder what led to that happening. :O I feel like Kai might do some digging, since Xiumin is so noticeably distracted. I want to believe that Xiumin is a good guy, but I guess we'll see how his arc pans out. >___<

Even though Rhysand just showed up, I like him already. XD I think he could be a great ally to Atelier if he finds out she's the actual sorceress. ^^ And I'm sure the festival looks absolutely beautiful. x] Despite everything's that happened to Atelier so far, I'm glad that she's at least getting to travel and see different sights while experiencing different things. She absolutely deserves to enjoy the festival and I hope it's just as amazing as it promises to be. :)

But, YIKES, things are not looking good for Sooyoung. x___x I don't blame Atelier for feeling numb when she heard about the tiara. She was bullied so much by Sooyoung and all of that trauma is hard to undo, especially without proper closure from the abuser. =/ I hope Jungkook is okay though, since no one wants to have to come to terms with the likely death of a close friend. :(

Anyway, happy to see you back!! <3 And no worries about the hiatus!! ^^ 2020 has been absolutely crazy and it's completely understandable that you had other priorities to focus on. :)
Chapter 63: Nothing can express how happy I am to see an update of this story. Thank you for the update! <3
Chapter 63: Hi! I hope you are doing well!
Thank you for updating an awesome chapter as always!
Atelier has mixed feeling about the Sooyoung ordeal and is trying to see good in her, but sure the way how others have made you feel never goes away. Jungkook may never understand how Atelier feels.

I just hope she gets her powers back! And she remembers Kreiss?- Kriess?

I'm sticking to this story till the end!

Stay safe author!
Chapter 62: Just passing by to say how much I love and miss this story. I hope you are well author-nim!
uroppa #10
Chapter 62: I just reread everything from where i last stopped at 30 smth.

I hope youre doing good, and im curious to see the whole story you planned for play out :’)