Lights, camera, action!

Sweetheart, It's Our Secret!
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     Someone needs to get fired today; I’m tired of their . Kyungsoo tells himself as he puts on a freshly-ironed white dress shirt and nonchalantly buttons it to the top before straightening the collars and folding them down neatly. He glides his fingertips through the rows of expensive suit jackets and stops at a black single-ed jacket with three buttons before taking it off of its hanger. Placing the jacket on the glass, rectangular display case, he opens up one of the case’s drawers and takes out a striped tie and puts it on without the need to look at the mirror. Kyungsoo takes a quick glance at the mirror to his side, presents a half-hearted smile and puts on his black jacket to complete the look.

Opening up another drawer, Kyungsoo takes out an expensive, silver wrist watch to lock it around his wrist. He checks the time, then walks out of his huge closet and into the bathroom to check up on his appearance. He styles his fringes to one side after applying a bit of hair gel onto the palm his hands. He then washes his hands. Drying them off with a small towel hanging from the metal rack below the sink, Kyungsoo squirts some facial lotion on his hand and messages it on his face.

“Lookin’ fine,” he mumbles to himself.

Glancing at his watch, Kyungsoo then makes his way out of his room and downstairs to where his first meal for the day has already been prepared and set onto the table. Kyungsoo takes a seat after giving a brief nod to his grandfather from across the long, rectangular table.

“I will be leaving for France in a few hours.”

Kyungsoo glances up as he cuts his steak, “Is that so?”

His grandfather nods and takes a sip of red whine. “This time, I’ll probably leave for two years. Enchantment is already in your hands, but you must take good care of it while I’m gone.” His voice is stern as he gives his grandson a hard stare.

“Of course, I will.” Kyungsoo chuckles softly.

“I won’t have to worry about this, right?”

“Grandfather, you know me. I don’t tolerate stupidity or laziness.”

“Very well, child, have a good day.” His grandfather laughs and raises his glass of wine as a toast to his grandson. Dabbing his lips with a napkin, he stands up and walks out of the dining hall where maids and butlers awaits for his arrival.

Kyungsoo lets out a soft sigh and places his silverware down. “Get the car ready for me.” He tells the butler that’s standing a few feet away from him without sparing even a small glance.

“Yes Young Master.”





Kyungsoo makes his way to the front doors, straightening his jacket and checking the time on his watch as the doors open for him. He walks down the marbled steps and frowns upon noticing that his car wasn’t there and ready for him to use. Turning his attention to a maid, he clears his throat.

“Where’s the car?”

“I believe Chauffer Jung is getting it for you.” She answers in a quiet voice.

He rolls his eyes and refrains himself from exhaling too loudly. Tapping his foot against the ground, Kyungsoo eyes the time on his watch and makes a final decision just as the car pulls into the main entrance. Chauffer Jung quickly opens the door and bows in respect as he sees Kyungsoo standing there.

“My apologies for not getting—”

Kyungsoo holds up a hand. “No need to apologize.”


“You shouldn’t apologize to me. Go apologize to your parents because you failed at being the person they raised you up to be.” The Young Master flashes a smug-like smile and waves off the shocked male. “Jung Daeho, you’re fired. Never show your face here again.” Kyungsoo announces without hesitation before walking pass the chauffer and gets into the car.

“Also,” he puts on his sunglasses and turns to look at the staffs standing there to bid him farewell for the day. “From now on, since grandfather won’t be here, you are all dismissed until further notice.” Without sparing another look at his employees’ dumbstruck faces, Kyungsoo starts the engine and drives off.



Did Do Kyungsoo just indirectly fire everyone in one morning?

Why yes, he just did.





“Good… I like your expression… Keep it up.” The photographer announces ever-so-often as he takes several pictures through his focused lens of the camera. The model in front of him is dressed in ripped blue jeans and a simple short-sleeves blue dress shirt that’s ed with a white t-shirt underneath.

Kyungsoo walks into the photo shoot area, arms crossed and a brow raised as he watches Enchantment’s new model posing for the life-sized poster that will be hanging from the ceiling inside the mall.

“Isn’t he just hot?” his assistant squeals in happiness, clutching onto the clipboard that is in his hands.

“Every living man on this planet is hot to you, Baekhyun.”

“I don’t find you hot.”

. . . Touché.

Kyungsoo rolls his eyes and dismisses the rather rude reply from his assistant.

“Anyways,” Baekhyun points to the model. “He’s Kai, currently one of the top stars in Asia. I got him to sign the contract early this week, so he’ll be the mall’s model for now. What do you think? He totally lives up to his name – -on-legs God!” the assistant clasps his hands together in accomplishment and leans closer to the CEO with a suggestive eyebrow. “Since I got someone as hot as him, don’t you think it’s about time we go celebrate at the bar?”

“Obviously you only want to meet that Pork Chan…-yerl or whatever his name is.”

Baekhyun fakes a gasp, “Excuse me?”

Kyungsoo scoffs, “You’re thirsty for him. I can just feel it.”

“Am not! Do Kyungsoo, he’s the one winking at me!”

“And you’re telling me you don’t send him suggestive looks? Please.”

“I was just gre

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August 7th, 2018: Thank you for reading!


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Chapter 45: The amount of love I feel for this story is amazing
961 streak #2
Chapter 45: I finally finished reading.
Jongin was the constant Kyungsoo needed in his life.
Thank you so much for sharing.
961 streak #3
Chapter 23: I have been reading this fic since yesterday.
Now, that boy in the accident is still alive. It was a pity that he didn't get to meet Kyungsoo in the party.
Zndjcjaj #4
Chapter 45: Loved this story!
Chapter 45: My heart is seriously craving for more. It was such a beautiful story.
Chapter 45: Thank you for this heart warming story
I couldn’t even remember that I did subscribe for this before. But I’m excited to read it again
Chapter 44: What a long chapter but I'm glad that everything seems okay now