Black Pearl


The survivors of the Desolation gathered in the wreckage of what once was their home. Injured and stricken with grief, they were forced to flee without the chance to bury their dead. The King had heard of their greatest power and he’d taken it, destroying everything in his way. The few who lived found that the only way they could be safe was to always be moving. They took to the seas and managed to create a life for themselves by jumping from island to island. By chance, word reached them that the King that had decimated them kept his prize locked in the highest tower of his castle. Wu Yifan, the leader of the crew of The Dragon decided he would stop at nothing to take that prize back and then use it to right the wrongs of the past.


Been studying pirate ships and so that I can write this for everyone! Please love it!


Note! This is not a redemption story. Wu Yifan is off the rails and he will not get back on them. Kris in real life let me down and I do not support him. 

However, I do love this story and I won't give up the plot. So I'm going to tweak some things. I hope you enjoy it!


LOVE ME~!!~~


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kikyo-sky #1
i love this !
747 streak #2
Chapter 6: Sehun calling out to Tao shows that he is already making friends on the ship. It was also a great moment when Tao realized that he is finally free. Junmyeon seems to be loosening up a bit as well. I’m wondering what Yifan would do if he knew the pearl was right under their noses? Can’t wait to see what happens next, thank you for the update.
747 streak #3
Chapter 5: I think Yifan is already suspicious. I’m glad they were welcomed by the crew, I can’t wait to see where they end up. I just hope it’s far enough away from the King. Thank you so much for the update:
747 streak #4
Chapter 4: Their reception was better than I thought it would be, at least they aren’t treated badly. I think Yixing’s diplomacy is helping a lot. Can’t wait to see what happens next. Thank you so much for a new update.
Wait, all the stories from like 10 years ago are getting updated. This is wonderful 😭😭
747 streak #6
Chapter 3: The King is going to have a big shock when he finds that they are truly gone from the immediate area. Yifan seems so done at this point, but hopefully he will soften up a bit soon. Looks like Soo is on the way, can’t wait for the newcomers (and ZiZi) to meet everyone else. Something tells me they won’t be in as big a hurry to escape as they think. Thank you for the update, I can’t wait to see what happens next.
747 streak #7
Chapter 2: So glad I ran across this story, I absolutely love the first couple of chapters. I did not read it before, so everything is new to me. The plot is interesting and so is your characterization. I am thinking already that Tao might somehow be the treasure. At any rate, I can’t wait to see what happens when the three get back to the ship.
Kaisoo_4_Ever121 #8
Chapter 2: This is getting pretty interesting! Cant wait for the next chap!
Chapter 10: I have a theory... Based on the fact that Tao's power in the Mama MV was time...
Chapter 10: I just found this story and im falling in love with it, never knew we needed a pirate au so much!!! The plot and characters are amazing and I love how you manipulate the powers!!!! I look forward to the next update my ♡♡♡ have a great day ♡♡♡