SKY Drabbles


A series of drabbles considering the lives of Sungmin, Kyuhyun and Yesung from "The Man in the Middle" AU. All stories will feature SKY; Sungmin, Kyuhyun, Yesung.


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397 streak #1
Chapter 1: LMAO, so funny, yet so hooooot~
Cenya14 #2
Chapter 1: Kyu and his games lol cute stiry
KcuLL22 #3
Chapter 1: lmao this is crazy xD
naye8134 #4
Chapter 1: hahaha xD! the end! lol poor changmin and minhoo~~

You are making me read and like things that in the past I would never accept, like kyuhyun and sungmin in the same fanfic and with yeye, and this drabble with a something-like-a-uke-kyu xD he is not the uke but... goood i don't know how to say it! sorry~~

Well the main point is that I like a lot this first chapter/drabble >w< hope to read more~~ Sungmin is so perfect here and yeye is his erted but cute self while kyuhyun is just as egocentric (?) as always. They are so perfect together ^^!

-Sorry for the strange comment.... I think I need to keep practicing my english U^^
TaiShanNiangNiang #5
Chapter 1: Yea! The drabbles have begun :D
Nooo, not the mic, nooo! Ornery maknae!
Hmm, I think I'm beginning to appreciate Kyu's thighs more and more >< Seriously, his thighs are NOT supposed to ruin my bias list (of one!)
Chapter 1: ;w; This was really cute~ I hope you'll add more drabbles like this soon. :3
Chapter 1: seems just like Kyu to run off and play right after all that :p
XDD Well, at least Yemin have each other for company.

Yay for the update baby... I'm still making very slow progress on my own stuff OTL
justaweirdisho #8
Chapter 1: Squishy. Thighs. gave me an idea exactly what this was about, that idea was right.
Thanks for the update.