How I Met Your Appa/Umma


The story is about Kryber telling their daughter, little Eun Ae about their love story. 


Amber POV

I felt warmth when a pair of hands caressing my face. I opened my eyes and was presented with the eyes of my beloved wife. She gave me her most beautiful smile as she realises that I'm already awake.


She lowered her head towards me, cutting off my words. Next thing I knew, I felt her lips on mine. The soft peck quickly became intense. We both gasping for air as we ran out of breath..

“I love you baby...” I continue, whispering the remaining words that was cut before.

As I want to pull her for another round of passionate kisses....

“Appppppppppppppppppppppaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~” a super-extreme-high-pitched yell is coming towards us from nowhere.

“Oh great. Busted”. Knowing the possible traitor of my super-special-outdoor-make-out session, I raise my body up and


I felt a small hand on my left cheek. I turn to face the traitor and found that she is grinning widely to me. Feeling disturbed, I stand up and held her body firmly with my hands, before raising her up to the sky, then to spin crazily on the ground.

“ Miaaaannhheeeeeee.,,,.Appaaaa~....Put me down pleaseeee...... Appaaaaaa~” she screams out loud.

“What?????? Appa can’t hear you Eun Aeiee ” I ask her while starting to slow down.

“Forgive Eun Ae Appaaaaaaa~ Eun Ae promise won’t do that again..... Please let me down appaaaaaaa~”

I stop spinning, and lower onto the mat with the little girl on top of me.

“Hahaha.. That’s what will you get if you slap me, lil princess” I said while panting. I ruffle her hair, messing it more. She smiles and suddenly whispers to me to take a look towards her Umma. It seems like Krystal is deep in her thought as she doesn’t blink her eyes till now.

“You know what aeiee, your umma is the most gorgeous BIRDY to the eyes of a common WORMY like me. ”

“Appa? I didn’t understand. Why is umma is bird and appa is worm? We all are humans right?” Eun Ae had a confused face while asking. I chuckled before replying her question.

“Yes we are humans and if you want to know the story of the bird and the worm, go ask your umma” I answer her and ruffle her hair once more.


Krystal POV

It’s been a while since we had a moment like this. I can see that my husband is really tired and I know he only made it home to fulfil the promise he made with our little Eun Aeiee.

Amber is now spinning Eu Ae crazily onto the sky. I couldn't help but to smile to the scene I saw. I understand that the reason for Eun Ae's action a while ago is just to seek Amber’s attention. Once I realized this, I wasn’t really shocked, as I already know how bad Eun Ae misses her Appa.


Eun Ae always keeps complaining to me about Amber’s tight schedule and she sometimes cried about it. My heart aches when I saw her in tears. The best thing a mom like me could do to comfort a crying daughter is by telling her how bad Amber misses her and it wasn’t Amber's intention to be busy.

At start, she would believe and bought all my reasons I gave to her. However, during Amber’s recent trip to Japan, Eun Ae cried the most. She started crying as soon as Amber left the house. She cried her lungs out and was not distracted by the ice cream as well as Disneyland’s adventure I offered.

Night came. Seeing my daughter crying nonstop put me under stress.

“If you're the bird, then I'm the worm~”

My phone rang and I run to answer the call. A small smile crept on my lips as I knew the caller.

“Hey baby...” his husky voice my ear.

“Hey dear” I replied.

“I've just arrived. There was traffic from the airport to the hotel. Oh yeah, how was Aiee ? Is she doing ” he asks again.

“..... Mianhe. I’m not a good mom... ”

“No, youre not. You are the BEST mom in this world” Amber cuts me off. “Baby, please stop blaming yourself. It is all my fault things happen like this. I promise I will definitely make up with both of you as soon as I return home. Could you please wait a little bit for me, your handsome WORM?” Amber emphasize on the last word, reminding me of our vows. “And please, stop these tearss. I wouldn’t want my house to become salty” he joked trying to lighten the mood.

“Ok, but you better keep your promise. Or I won’t speak to you anymore” I replied with a cold tone.

“Arasso~ Now could you let me talk to the little-mini-ice-princess-eun-aeiee?”

I chuckled towards his words and went to Eun Ae’s room.

I knocked her door and I could tell that she is pretending to sleep. I sat beside Eun Ae on her bed and said to her that Amber is waiting for her to answer the phone. She took the phone from my hand and sat on my lap. She looked into my eyes before speaking to Amber.

“Uhm... nn.. uhmm yes Appa” I heard Eun Ae whisphered to the phone.

Few minutes of silence, but suddenly I heard


“Theme park?”


“Yeayyyyy! Saranghaee Appa” she screams out loud. Amber must have promise her something.

I could see Eun Ae pointing her pinky to the air. Hehe, seems like my daughter know how to make her Appa keep his promises. Not that Amber would break it, but it's the only way to make our daughter believe on our words.

After that, she passed the phone back to me and after bidding each other good night, I slept beside Eun Ae in her room.

-End of Flashback-

Back To Krystal POV

I snapped back to reality as I realized there was some weight on my lap. It was Eun Ae’s. She smiled to me.

“Having fun Honey?” I asked her while my hands through her hair.

She nodded. “Umma?”

“Yes honey?” I lowered my head so that I can face her.

“Appa just now told me that you are a gorgeous bird and he is a common worm. What does it mean umma?”my daughter asks with a frown.

I chuckled after hearing the question. I take a look at my husband’s face and found that he is smiling widely to me and I turn my head back to my daughter.

“Sure you want to know about the story of the bird and the worm honey?”

“Uhm” Eun Ae nodded excitedly.

“But it is a long story; would you be patient to hear all of it?”

With a big grin in her face, she nodded and said “Yes Umma!”

“Well, if you insist. It’s about the story of how I met your Appa” a small smile formed on my lips as I said those 5 last words.

-------------------------- to be continued

testing. haha


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oh my god ; ;; ;
kendappa127 #2
Chapter 19: Update pls author-nim
Chapter 19: "Yeahhh.. I said no"
19 streak #4
Chapter 19: Y~no?..hahaha..
Chapter 19: "Yeah ofcourse not la" hahahha im trying
Chapter 19: "You really think i would say yes? Oh hell NO!" Ahahaha i tried. lol pls do the next chap autor-shi fighting!
Adam_danial #7
Chapter 18: Please continue this story
Chapter 18: yes pls authornim...thanks
reyduffers #9
Chapter 18: Please finish your story author
MniteZ #10
Chapter 18: Authorshiiiiiiiiii . . . . . plzzzz finish your story plzzzz . . ..