Chapter Twenty-Five

Wolf, the Top Gang

Soon enough, Bora had finished coloring Jinah’s lips a vibrant pink and put a light coat of clear shine. Jinah thought she looked like a blowfish with that plump. Her lips weren’t long or wide so it looked even more plump. Blowfish-like. Bora said Jinah’s lip shape was very pretty. It didn’t change the fact that she looked like a blowfish though. Jinah’s nails were black and dry. Soyu had pushed her nail beds down and trimmed the area around it. Soyu frowned at Jinah’s black wristwatch. When Soyu told her to take it off, Jinah insisted that it matched with her dress color. Soyu retorted by saying digital watches like that didn’t math with her dress in general. Reluctantly but without a choice, she took her watch off and was replaced with silver and white bracelets. Bora had gotten a ring for Jinah but it didn’t go through all the way so she went out to get a bigger one. Soyu mumbled something about Jinah being impoportionate – wider thighs compared to her small waist, long fingers but thicker than its corresponding length. Jinah didn’t answer because she didn't know how as Soyu wrapped a pendant around Jinah’s neck. Then Jinah was fitted into thin black heels, speckled with small crystals. Jinah growled in discomfort, and the two girls laughed at the youngster’s hatred for heels.

          “If you want to, you can kick them. Heels hurt, you know,” Soyu said with a mischievous smirk. The two seemed to feel better after Jinah assured them earlier.

          “Don’t push it though. Fang is a Top gang. They’re dangerous,” Bora warned. “They get what they want and if it’s your head, they’ll have it. I’m not exaggerating.”

         “The thing is, if they go against me they’re going against Wolf. Wolf’s a Top gang too, you know. No matter how strong Fang is, a Top gang is a Top gang. It won’t be an easy fight, right?” Soyu and Bora giggled and nodded in agreement.

          Jinah was slowly becoming fonder of Soyu and Bora. They were not only nice but they had a story. They actually lean from their past experience and they don’t try to earn other people’s sympathy. Sure, they told Jinah their story but it seemed like an accident, and judging from how they just talked fluently, they didn’t talk about it much. If they did, they’d fall apart during it. They probably weren’t even conscious that they were talking about it. But respect and fondness were different. They still wore quite revealing and short dresses, but they were somewhat admirable. They were decent people. It was hard to find decent people nowadays.

          Hyuna peeked her head in, breaking their thoughts. “Two minutes until – wow!” she strutted in and stared at Jinah. “You guys did really good! Stunning!” She made Jinah turn around twice, inspecting every aspect. “Enticing and cold – perfect. I love it. Well? Come out!” Hyuna took Jinah’s hand and dragged her out. Jinah tripped over her own foot but Bora caught her. Jinah thanked her in a rush as Hyuna continued to pull Jinah with her.

          Jinah saw an unfamiliar girl next to Luhan and it made her narrow her eyes for some reason. But then Luhan was just drinking from his glass and didn’t even look at the girl as she talked so that somehow eased her. Ease? Why? Jinah couldnt answer that. But she didn’t have to, because Hyuna shouted, “Heya, Wolf!”

          They turned and Hyuna waved at them. She pointed at Hyunah several times. “Look!”

          Bora’s hands were on Jinah’s shoulders, patting rhythmically. Soyu stood next to Bora, a hand on her small hip. Jinah’s eye twitched at the sudden attention from Wolf. They were all staring at her, speechless. She really didn’t like having so many eyes on her. But when she looked away, she saw that other people were looking at her too. The young women examined her up and down. Some murmured amongst each other, glaring at Jinah, judging her. Others just stared in awe, pointing at Jinah and whispering inaudible things. The males were wide-eyed and staring, a few their lips and looking rebellious and devious. Smirks were painted on their faces, and Jinah felt a bit insecure, but she brushed the thought away.

          “Well?” Hyuna demanded, sassily shifting her weight. “Don’t just stare at her like you’ve never seen a girl. Say something!”

          Jinah noticed the little changes in the gang too. Some had eyeliner, and all had their hair fixed up a bit. They had all changed – from ripped or comfortable pants to leather ones or dark jeans. From graffiti or plain colored tees to fresh white shirts or dress shirts. From letterman jackets to leather ones, or none. They looked like classy gangsters – it was weird but not a bad type of weird. More like a different type of weird. Kai jutted his jaw to the side. He didn’t have any words. Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and Suho were shamelessly looking at Jinah with round eyes and open mouths. Sehun blinked, his face indifferent. D.O, Tao, and Chen nodded with approving smiles. Xiumin rolled his eyes while Lay and Kris grinned, giving her an encouraging thumbs-up. Luhan was just staring, his mind blank. No, not blank. He couldn’t figure out what to say. Then Luhan croaked, “You look nice.”

          Hyuna rolled her eyes. She went up to him and raised her fist to hit him, “That’s it?” Just as she was about to swing it down, her bracelets jingled.

          Sehun was holding Hyunas wrist tightly, preventing her from hitting Luhan, who didnt flinch, but was wondering what to say. “We’re a Top gang. Don’t forget it,” Sehun hissed quietly.

          “You guys are so unappreciative though!” Hyuna pouted taking her wrist back. “Look at her eyes! Don’t they look bigger and fiercer? It totally matches her sharp jaw! And oh my gosh, just look at…”

          Soyu leaned into Jinah’s ear as Hyuna went on and whispered, “If they are this dull and ungrateful, run away and come to us. Anytime.”

          Jinah laughed awkwardly “They’re just idiots. Day two and I can tell.”

          Baekhyun stood up and slowly walked to Jinah. His eyeliner was thicker than Jinahs, but it didn’t look weird, despite the fact that eyeliner suited Baekhyun was weird for Jinah because – well, wasn’t makeup a girl’s thing? But he looked good, real good. Baekhyun blinked and swallowed. “Suho, you really chose well – holy – what the – oh my – what – I – what the , you’re so pretty.” Hyuna smiled at him but Baekhyun saw Soyu’s glare. “I mean, you always looked pretty but… what the .”

          Jinah snorted at his attempt at – whatever he was attempting at. “Let’s just get out of here.”

          Kai was in front of Jinah. It was so abrupt Jinah took a step back. Wasn’t he just on the couch? Kai’s black hair was more disheveled than usual, and he looked like he just woke up. He scanned her up and down before smirking. “Well, now you look like a real girl.”

          The girl next to Luhan scoffed. “Jerk! I think she looked cute before too.” She walked up to Jinah. She lifted the straps, making the dress go up and Jinah yelp a bit. “There. Finishes the y look.”

          “y my ,” Xiumin muttered. His orange hair was spiked up, not that Jinah cared.

          “I’d rather you not,” Jinah murmured, pulling the dress back down, making the girl frown. The girl raised her eyebrows and then glanced at the rest of them.

          “Not everyone has to dress like a to look attractive, Jihyun,” Soyu snapped in Jinah’s defense. Soyu already knew Jinah wasn’t the ideal and typical DE girl, and that Jihyun was.

          Jihyun rolled her eyes. “She looks attractive. Now she’s got to act attractive.”

          “Acting and looking are different. Last time I checked, short dresses are physical, not behavioral.”

          “Soyu, Jihyun, guests,” Hyuna warned with a fake smile. Then she turned to the gang. “Well, are you guys satisfied?”

          “Hell yeah,” Kai said. “Jack, if she looked like that every day… the things I would do…”

          Jinah frowned at him in disgust and suddenly felt self-conscious and vulnerable, especially under Kai’s sharp and focused gaze. She didn’t like this feeling. Not that she was scared, but she was very aware of others watching her intently.

          “I personally think she looks gorgeous any time,” Chanyeol said before shrugging, “but okay.”

          “I agree,” Luhan said with a smile, finding his regular self again. He had eyeliner too, but much less than Baekhyun. His hair was swished up and to the side. “I like it. Are you satisfied?”

          The Luhan-silence. Awkward. He was looking right at Jinah which didn’t help either. As for his question, she honestly wasn’t. Everything looked fake and her feet hurt already, but there was no way she was letting anyone know that. Luhan paid for the dress and the girls took their time fixing Jinah up. She should be thankful, not complaining. “Yeah. Yeah, I am. Thanks.” she looked back at Bora and Soyu. “Thanks,” she whispered.

          Bora hugged her. Soyu mumbled during the hug, “I was serious with what I said earlier. If you ever feel sick of…you know, gangs. Run. Run and come here. They’ll never know you’re here until three days later. Maybe never. Okay?”

          Jinah smiled and nodded. “Okay.”

          Soyu smiled back. “Have fun at the Rave. It’s exciting.”

          “Drink and flirt,” Bora winked. “You’re free from dwelling restrictions now.”

          Jinah chuckled. “I don’t think I’m ready for that yet, but thanks anyway.”

          Bora hugged her again and Hyuna tackled her with a hug too. “Feel free to come back any time! And as for the accessories and shoes, return them any time within seven days, okay? Well, have fun!” Hyuna exclaimed. Soyu waved and Jihyun fake smiled at her. From far, Jinah heard Dasom say bye. The girls laughed. Then, Lay thanked Hyuna and paid her bills. Jinah felt uncomfortable with people paying for her so she looked away. And then they left the building.



they're going to the Rave now ?!!?!?! rated chapter is coming up ?!?!?! yeah but don't expect too much it's not rated for /for some of you erts sry isn't my thing LOL/ and um yeah ANYWAys just like yeah uh. yeah o.o wow that was an awkward A/N..



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wtg || update! ch70 ♡


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WuJiaYing #1
Chapter 74: Omg I’m squealing over how cute their date was. Rereading again after a while =)
tiffany93 #2
Chapter 74: Hello again! It feels like forever since I read this story last. I'm looking forward to what's to come. :)
Chapter 74: missing you and the story so bad... come home soon. :kneeling:
Chapter 74: Me rereading this for idk how mny times bcs its so good ;;
Heartsne #5
Chapter 74: omg an update !!!! i stopped at chapter 65 for the longest time ever. i am so glad you didnt stop this story. time to reread for the 1923822 time !!
Chapter 74: i feel like i've been gone for so long i didn't know you updated!! i'm really looking forward to the next update and see how things would go,, poor luhan tho HAHA thank you and see you on the next!! :D
RachelHoon #7
Chapter 74: You have NO IDEA HOW EXCITED I WAS TO SEE AN UPDATE! Thank you so much for this, really looking forward to see how things unveil aaah and I feel bad for luhan bdhsj she’s really clueless
fayepopper #8
Chapter 74: I MISSED YOU :)) Thank you for updating slfbskdn
gogogirl26 #9
Chapter 74: Its okayy hann you got ur girl tho ;)
Chapter 74: hello?!?! missed you so much. you really know how to make my year better

but haha.... they won’t have a tomorrow huh? :/