Invisible Monsters


In an era where witch hunts were considered a nation’s favorite sport, a young woman has fallen under the curse of witchery. She has two identities, but these two sides always try to outrun and dominate her.

And her quest is simple: protect the one she loves.




I was silly, I know. I used to be an ordinary girl dreaming about conquering the world, making her dreams come true and find her Prince Charming.

I used to love gazing at the sky, trying to figure out the shapes of the clouds, sing along with the birds, feel the fragrance of the flowers.

I was happy.

Until the day I met him.

He changed my life. He took away my voice, my freedom.

He has captured my heart.

My Prince Charming, the one destroying me from the inside.





Hello, guys! So I'm back with an one-shot centered around SeoKris and SeoHan.

Now, this is actually my entry for this amazing SeoExo contest, The Beauty and The Wolves , inspired by the 13th prompt, which is 

There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.
―Maya Angelou

Unfortunately, exams begin tomorrow, so I won't be able to update quite soon, but I hope you'll wait patiently. And thank you in exchange!

If you have questions, ask away:


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Fire_trek 340 streak #1
Chapter 1: This was a cool piece of literature! I loved the language used and the emotions that the characters held. I’m not going to lie, I was confused on which one was Joohyun and which one was Seohyun but then I got it at the end. Thank you for your work, author nim
wonderdream #2
Chapter 1: Nice story there. I always like your writing. Thanks for writing this:)
kpoperrose #3
this was a really good read and the i think it's great that she chose Han in the end :D
Chapter 1: I like how this story has the aspect of original fairytales.
You know? The weird rules and detailed nature base.
Chapter 1: Congratulations on winning!

Can you please tell me how and when do you get inspired?
I would really like to know.
Thank you.
Chapter 1: Congratulations on winning!

Can you please tell me how and when do you get inspired?
I would really like to know.
Thank you.
seomate_sone #7
Chapter 1: I love your story ! i have never read a fanfic portraying so as a "bad" woman. wooooot and i love the concept tooo. ! the story seems familiar :)
Chapter 1: I love this story!Can you make a story about Seohyun and Luhan?
jellyfriedgreen7 #9
Chapter 1: This story was wicked!!! Lol, I didn't mean that as a pun whatsoever, I just meant it was great and I really enjoyed it. Seohan was perfect here! Luhan was absolutely gorgeous and lovable. I actually don't know if I understood everything! Because I couldn't exactly connect the title with the story. Maybe I'll try to read this again some time? Hehe.
Good luck with the contest! It's too bad you won't get as many point for using more known couples, but still, this story seems like a winner to me! :D