Warm Hearts

Touch of Fear
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Sehun breathed out deeply as he closed the door behind him. The meeting was over, and it had turned out quite well. Much to his surprise, his father had completely given him his support. Although he had known that his father accepted his decision, he found it surprising that the older male supported him in the decision. Accepting is one thing, supporting another. The meeting had been long, but at last they'd found a compromise both sides were content with. Sehun was grateful for that. Mr. Lee was a strict man who stuck to his principles and wouldn’t ever waver about his own opinion and mindset; Sehun had learned that in the two and a half hours of talking and listening to him. The older man's biggest problem had been the lacking safety without an arranged marriage between the companies, which had been solved with a very precise contract, as well as the hours of talking that had made Mr. Lee believe in Sehun and Mr. Oh's reliability. It had taken long and Sehun's voice was hoarse by now, but it had been worth it.


The male quickened his pace to catch up with his father's steps. They silently walked next to each other for a while, heading to the elevator. The silence remained until they were in the elevator and Sehun spoke up, "Dad." How long had it been since he'd called his father "Dad"? He himself wasn't even sure about that. The past few weeks he seemed to have just called his father "Father" in a rather distanced and formal way. "Why ... are you supporting me?" Sehun finished, clearing his throat.


Why didn't he just accept his father's support? Why didn't he just thank him silently and go on?


Because Sehun wanted to know the reason. The reason his father changed his mind. The reason he remained quiet and even gave his son his support. Was it suspicion? Perhaps. But mostly it was only curiosity. Sehun had a little hunch as to why, but it seemed too vague to be properly grasped.


"Because you've changed, Sehun," his father replied, and then silence engulfed them. Never had Sehun heard his father say his name in such a way. In such a calm and, yes, almost warm way. Pride swung in his tone and Sehun didn't know what to reply.


"You've matured," his father continued, and then the elevator door opened. "And I think it has to do with that girl," and the older male stepped out first, leaving Sehun a bit dumbfounded in the lift.


Still speechless, Sehun watched his father walk away. He watched and watched until the elevator doors began to close again. Only as the doors almost met each other, he reached out and stopped it, chuckling a bit. Partly at his own dumbness and partly at the situation. His father not only approved of his decision and Ara, but his father had actually seen the changes Ara had caused. Still a smile gracing his lips, he quickened his pace again to catch up with his father. But he didn't say anything. Because he knew that no further words were necessary, not when his father had realized, understood and accepted.


From the corner of his eye Mr. Oh could see the smile on his son's lips. And he, as well, smiled. Only a little bit, though. Mr. Oh was good at seeing through people. And twice already had that scholarship student managed to surprise him. Him, who hadn't been faced with any surprises in almost ten years. It was refreshing. However, the biggest reason was that he recognized the burning determination in her eyes not only from their first encounter, but he had also seen it in his son's eyes, in which it had lacked the past eighteen years. His son finally stood up for himself. He finally had pride and determination. His son, who had always been like water. Too soft, too kind, without any ambition. The girl had managed to do something he, as the father, had failed to achieve in eighteen years.


It seemed that with this girl, Sehun had matured. He didn't know how, but he found the "how" to be unimportant. Fact was, it had happened. Mr. Oh had never believed in real love, and he wouldn't ever, but whatever the girl had done to his son, he wouldn't mind if it continued.




"My father has not only approved you, but I think he's glad about whatever you did to make me mature," Sehun said as Ara closed the door behind her. He had headed straight to her workplace, having just caught up with her as she finished cleaning. Sometimes Sehun would wonder why their timing was almost always perfect? It was hard to believe it'd be coincidence at times. However, he didn’t say anything. Why would he? He loved those “coincidences”.


Night had long fallen upon them, engulfing the two in darkness as the two slowly made their way to Sehun's car. However, it was a comfortable kind of darkness, lightly illuminated by the soft moonlight. A kind of darkness so common and usual for the both as they had often walked around at this hour.


"But I didn't do anything," Ara mumbled in response, turning to him as she furrowed her brows in slight confusion. She did feel happy about the news, though, and it unknowingly showed it as her eyes brightened.


Sehun smiled, not facing her but looking at the street. "Maybe not directly, but you did a lot, believe me."


Listening to him, the girl's eyes traced his features – his side profile –, feeling that his smile in the night under moonlight had to be the most beautiful expression she had ever seen. "Tell me what," she demanded gently.


"Nope," Sehun turned to her and for a moment Ara was rendered speechless at the way he smiled at her. So full of love and childlike charm. She loved it.

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49 streak #1
Chapter 2: Oh no! Falling in love with the prices at the school ain't good, especially if they are one of the Kings. This turn of event swill either make Ara more protective or create a small break in their otherwise tight bond.
49 streak #2
Chapter 1: Ara doesn't want to crash her sister's happiness but she will find out herself when she goes to the school and sees how her sister is treated.

An exciting start!

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qinwang #4
amazing story
905 streak #5
Chapter 6: What is their mother works for his father's company?
But she already got fired so.. don't think so
905 streak #6
Chapter 5: I was thinking about the calm before the storm thingy and even author said that xD now that was funny
905 streak #7
Chapter 4: i was holding my breath :)
905 streak #8
Chapter 4: i was holding my breath :)
905 streak #9
Chapter 3: and it's kai! xD i'm worried about her.. it's really a 50-50 chance whether those kings would be good or bad
905 streak #10
Chapter 2: she's in love with kai im guessing?