Chapter 6

Love Is Blind


"Why are you still sitting here...? Aren't you going to send her back..?"

Yesung's mother asked as soon as you left the store.

"She says she can go back herself..."

He yawned and explained as if she did not hear your words earlier on.

"I heard her! And then? You just let her go back alone?"

His mother exclaimed, sounded rather agitated.

"And...what's wrong with that...?"

Yesung looked at his mother, feeling rather confused over her big reaction.

It was not the first time you went home without him anyway.

"Woon!!! Tell me honestly, what are your feeling towards her..?"

His mother sat down and looked at her son seriously.

Obviously he did not sense the danger which was coming his way.

"Not this again om-ma! You know we are good friends!! We have always been, isn't it..?"

Yesung said rather impatiently.

"And are you planning to use this term on her for the rest of your life...? Woon! I gave birth to you. I know you better than anyone else. She definately meant more than a friend to you. And you know it the best. A girl isn't going to wait for you for her entire life, no matter how much she may likes you. If you still are not going to make a move, you are going to lose her for sure.."

The mother stated seriously, hoping to knock some sense on her clueless son.

"What are you talking about...? You are confusing me..."

Yesung frowned and looked at her questioningly.

"You know what? She is going on a date tomorrow....and if everything goes smoothly.....she is going to be officially...TAKEN!"

His mother announced finally.


Yesung repeated softly.


You stared at yourself in front of the dressing table.

You were all set and ready to go for the date this evening.

You knew it was a date, even though you told Auntie Kim otherwise.

However, you were not really looking forward to the dinner.

Yes, Dongwook may be a good friend to hang out with.

And you were pretty sure that he is going to be a great life companion too.

In fact, he is everything that a woman could ask for.

But then, you don't feel the same way for him as what you felt for Yesung.

Dongwook just don't make your heart go thumping like what Yesung did.


"Omo!!! You looked gorgeous today!!!"

Auntie Kim exclaimed the moment you stepped into the store.

Her words led Yesung to look up from what he was doing, and you saw him looking down immediately the moment you caught his eyes.

"You are exaggerating, Auntie Kim!"

You blushed over her comment and shook your head slightly.

After settling down your things, you took over the apron and was about to deliver the drinks like any other day.

"What do you think you are doing? Don't get yourself dirty! Come and sit over here.."

Auntie Kim came to stop you quickly and dragged you to sit at the same table where Yesung was sitting at.


"So early today..?"

You broke the silence and Yesung lifted his eyes from his laptop at last.

"I only have schedule at night..."

He explained and he went back on working on his laptop, busy settling the accounts you supposed.

"And...I heard that you are going on a date later...."

You heard Yesung asking some time later.

"It's not a's just a simple dinner.."

You denied quickly, not wanting to create any unncessary misunderstanding.

"Just say so if it's a date....there is nothing wrong going on a date..."

Yesung stated casually without taking his eyes off his laptop.

Your heart sunk the moment he sounded nonchalant with you going on a date.

Somehow, a small part of you were still pinning on a tiny hope that he will stop you from going on this date.

For whatever reason, you did not care.

Even if he used the most lame reason such as "Dongwook seemed like a bad guy".

You just need one word from him and you will tell Dongwook that you are not going for the dinner tonight.

However, things don't usually go the way you wanted.

"Anyway, I need to leave for my schedule now..."

Yesung announced suddenly and switched off his laptop.

"Enjoy yourself tonight and good luck for your date."

He gave you one last smile before he left by the back door.



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Chapter 2: Poor Yesung and MC.. aigoo this is sad :(
And omg they're meeting again AHHH
Chapter 1: Poor Yesung, but he's blinded by love for someone toxic :(((
ReinaPark #3
Chapter 6: is it the end?? i want more though...
good job..
Chapter 6: Wow. That's just a pinch of reality. Great work here...
gaofushuai #5
Chapter 6: Why he like that? Just taking her as friend? For real? Omg
great fic ^^
Chapter 6: aish.. Yesung is really frustrating.
did he or did he not like her?
Chapter 5: Nice way to end it.
Great fic.
Chapter 4: Such an adorable moment. I'm glad that happened even though she was terrified
I like the girl thing clever way to include the reader without the [Y/N] which can get so frustrating after a while.
Chapter 3: Beautiful, simple, to the point (just like him).
I hate tears. I wants smiles or screams anything but tears, they are too realistic for me (I cry too easily).