To Love Is To Forget

A "Perfect" Fairytale


***= change of setting (place, time, POV). Now here goes.


Without thinking, he dashed out of the room.

He searched the hall, the main reception and even the E.R. When there was no sight of her, he came to the unanimous conclusion that there’s only one place where she might be.

As he came closer, the unremarkable door greets his sight. It was plain, non-descript, and lies hidden all the way in the corner underneath the staircase.   

The rusted knob crackles as he turns it, and he swings it open with full force.

There was the girl, hunching on the floor with her hands hugging her knees. She jumps at the suddenness, her doe eyes widen in fright and surprise.

He sighs exasperatedly, “Stand up.”

She slowly gotten to her feet, he felt a twinge of pity as he noticed how her slender frame is shaking. The papery thin hospital gown she wears has nothing on the chill of late fall.

 Ji Yong could pick up footsteps thudding on the staircase on top of him.  His gaze darted to her, and she was looking at him with alarm and horror huge in her eyes.

What happens next surprise him even more.

She pulls him in, and shut the door behind them.

This wasn’t what he anticipated. Stuck in a dark closet with a girl. Sure, he has done it plenty of times before…but this is hardly the same circumstance.

A momentary awkward and tense silence settles between them. Ji Yong was taken aback by her action, while the girl withdraws her hand quickly and backs against the door.

“Look…” Ji Yong begins apprehensively, “I know we haven’t officially met or anything. But I’m Kwon Ji Yong, and I was the one who found you.”

 She flinched at the sound of his voice, but remained silent.

“Relax, I have no intention of harming you” he continues, raising both of his bare hands as he begins to take small steps toward her “In fact I’m here to help you, but you gotta trust me.”

 Her huge brown eyes moveed apprehensively over him, from his outstretched arms to his face as if to analyze the sincerity of his words.

“Can I at least know your name?”

A long pause follows, and he almost jumps at the sound of her soft voice. “Dara”

Ji Yong was so shock she spoke, that it took him nearly 5 seconds before he continues, “Ok…Dara-shii…First of all, we should get out of the closet and go back to the room, the nurses are looking for you and Dr.Hwang will be worry-“


Ji Yong was taken aback, but before he could open his mouth, she cuts him off.

“If you want to help me…” she spoke slowly, “Please get me out of here.”

She said the last part almost pleadingly.

Ji Yong stares at her, speechless. He was shocked, he didn’t prepare a respond for this.

“Please get me out of here,” she whispers, “before they find me.”




He empties his newly ordered drink in one swig.

 The flashing strobe lights and loud, bass-heavy music drown his mind of all other thoughts. 

He needed that.

Or more exactly, he just needs to get rid of one thought: her.

It has been three days and nights, an agonizing three days. His mind was wrecked through turmoil of emotions: anger, worry, desperation.

He doesn’t even know if she was dead or alive, if she was harmed, or simply ran away.

He hopes it’s not the latter choice, because it won’t be pretty when he found her. But he prays-Dear Lord- that it wasn’t the first.

His gaze drifted slowly across the dance floor. Abandoning all their inhibitions, people groove to the music. Bumping, grinding, humping, dancing is just an excuse for dry-ing.


The ecstasy is so all-consuming, it leaves him a brief moment of nothing but pure bliss after.
And he needs that.

He was so tired of her images flitting across his mind every now and then, leaving him aching and broken, agonizing.

His feet unsteadily make their ways to the floor, his body joined the pool of sweaty moving limbs. He moves, drunkenly, to the beat. If his mind was straight he would be doing no such thing, but he doesn’t give a now.

He needs a distraction.

A warm and soft body grinds against him.

Through hooded lids, he could make out that it was a girl. She was gazing in to his eyes alluringly, grinding herself even more in to him.
His gaze sweeps over her short, black tube dress that clung to her bodacious body enticingly.

Something about her seems familiar….

But his mind soon become too muddle to think straight, and he let instincts take over. So he holds on to her hips and presses his body in to her.


Word Count:801-short chappie.

A/N: So anyone guessed what happen to our dear Dara? Or more importantly what will happen to Seunghyun?

(we got a little bit of CHOOMTOP in here xD )

And props to Ji Yong, for being such a hero everytime =)

anyway, thank you for reading, we're almost there and the mystery of Dara will be resolved soon.

And for those who asked whether this story is a dargaon or tabisan...Look at the banner. -joy2daworld365


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daintyjenny #1
Chapter 11: I hope you continue to update this story and I am glad that you will not abandon it. I am excited about what will gonna happen to them. We will be patiently waiting for the next chapter. Thanks!
yelram327 #2
Chapter 11: 💚
Chapter 10: I just read this and it was so good and new but it’s a pity not to continue this :(
dontmesswithme__ #4
thank you for this.
swaglord #6
love this
Chrisfkboy #7
Loved it
Babana #8
cyndzrose #9
Chapter 1: daragon please
lolwhat84 #10
this seems cool