Chapter 58

Our Little Deal
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“Here we are.” Luhan walks around the penthouse



You thought it was just a normal condo but then Luhan surprised you by giving a penthouse instead and by giving means he paid 70% of the house cost because he felt like he wanted to give you something and you couldn’t say no because he already paid.



“It’s perfect Luhan.”



The penthouse had a stunning look to it, it’s modern but simple touches goes well with the penthouse design; it has a small Jacuzzi outside on the balcony and a nice view of Seoul city. Everything was perfect except your situation.



“Thank you… So much Luhan.” you smile to him

“You’re welcome, you know, you don’t need to bring your furniture along because it’s already furnished, you don’t mind right?” he asks

“Of course not, time for…” you paused for a while “A change.” you muttered slowly

His phone rang and he picked it up; after a few talks, he ended the call “The moving truck is here, I’ll go get them.” Luhan offered and went into the elevator



You watch him walk away and you headed to the balcony to feel the breeze blowing through your hair as you breathe in slowly. You open your eyes and sigh deeply. You feel so empty that it seems like a sin to not be happy when Luhan was around; he was no longer your reason to smile, it was Kris.



Even if you saw him around the hallway in school, what would you say? You’re sure everyone already knows and you know everyone would stare. If you were to talk in private, what would you say? It’ll be awkward and you’re sure none of you would even utter a single word to each other. If you were to see him now, what would you say? Nothing.






After the workers moved your things into your new home, Luhan decided to stick around and help arrange the book and everything else; you accepted his help because you’re afraid you might do something stupid if he goes and you know, you won’t be proud of it.



You open a box filled with books and arrange it on the white shelf in the living room while Luhan helped you. Suddenly, your hand stopped and you reach out to the book which made your heart aches again; your diary.



Luhan was watching you as you gently open the diary and stopped on a page; it has Kris’ name with a small heart on the side and a smaller written word which Luhan could easily make out as ‘I love you’ and he saw a tear drops onto the paper.



“Luhan…” you look up at him with watery eyes; he didn’t say anything and pull you close to him, tightly into his embrace “What do I do? I’m so stupid.” you said in between sobs

“No you’re not, please Hyo Ri, don’t cry.” he whispers

“Thank you for still being there for me eventhough I was such a jerk, I was cheap Luhan.” you suddenly blurted out

“You are not cheap Hyo Ri, I know that. That was all the past now, don’t you think you can still make it up with Kris? I’m sure he’ll listen.” Luhan assures you

You chuckle lightly; feeling pity at yourself “Listen to me? Luhan… You don’t know what I said during that night that Kris and I fought, I practically spat every horrible word at him, I shouldn’t have done that Luhan. I was wrong, yea he kissed Ji Min but I guess it makes sense just to wake me up from my dream that I have to stand up for my feelings, yet I spat it out on him like he’s a piece of … I shouldn’t have done that Luhan.” you finished



To Luhan, maybe you’re right but he knows one thing that Kris shouldn’t do is kiss Ji Min. No matter how heart aching it is to see you liking other guys, it doesn’t mean he could just break your heart so easily, then it occurred to him. None of you guys knows your feelings to each other and Kris looked like he hates you a lot; however Luhan is not fully convinced of that.



“It’s not your fault, you were angry at him, it happens.”

“He hates me Luhan, he said that to my face.” your body trembled lightly

“H-He did?” Luhan looks at you; obviously not believing what you said

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1872 streak #2
Chapter 5: her ex ticks me off too😤
haha that "bi-ch face" part xD
1872 streak #3
Chapter 4: haha kris is indeed tall as a ladder 😂😉
1872 streak #4
Chapter 3: omg i hate her bf💀
1872 streak #5
Chapter 2: i guess he really don't like her?? or he indeed is shy as heck 😳
Chapter 50: Okay minji is so annoying now
Chapter 78: I Enjoyed myself. I think I'm fan of yours now
Chapter 78: This got so angsty but the ending was cool.