Once Upon A Time


Status: no longer accepting entries

Once upon a time, there lived...

Oh, hello there!

Welcome to my first and solo organized contest, Once Upon A Time.

Here, my dearest author, you are the storyteller and your favorite idol(s) will be your fairytale character.


Message from the judge


[#1] - Hello! I'm kpopbaby03 but please do call me vee with a capital V. There are only two purposes for this contest. 

One; is for you, dear author, to learn to be more creative and improve in writing.

I have no high expectations, as long as you are creative and your English is understandable then you are doing just fine.

Two; I am hungry for stories like this. As I currently cannot create stories, I thought I would let you all do the writing for me. Does that sound weird/harsh to you? Haha, please do not be offended. I just naturally sound like that.

Hint; Stories with posters excite me too.



Table of Contents


In the foreword section below, you will find rules, prizes and the deadline. 

In chapter one, you will find entries.

In chapter two, you will find questions asked

In other chapters, you will find announcements and other stuff





one; do subscribe to this contest so that you are updated with any announcements.

two; one entry per author.

three; , yuri and are allowed but please no without plot.

four; you are not allowed to have a co-author, betas are allowed.

five; you may only base your story to a maximum of four fairytale story of your choice (you can choose to use the whole story, half of it or even part of it only/ The fairytale used can be a metaphorical version of your entry). You may also add in your ideas to spice things up. But you must remember to have at least one present in your story.

six; you can either do a one-shot, a two-shot, a three-shot, a drabble or a chaptered story (maximum 25 chapters).

seven; any idol/band and any pairing is allowed.

eight; link back this contest in your foreword and please mention which fairytale you are using.

nine; stories made before the 22nd of Sept. will not be accepted.

ten; no plagarism. (You will be disqualified and reported to any moderator)

eleven; submit your entry by commenting below and adding the end as the password. (So I know that you've read the rules)

twelve; you may submit your entry even though it has not been completed but please be resposible and complete it before the deadline.

thirtheen; any genre is allowed and the ending is entirely up to you.



First place; 200 karma + beta help + review of any 3 stories + subscribe/upvote  2 of your stories + 1 one shot story (can be used at any time)

Second place; 100 karma + review of any 2 stories + 1 shot story (can be used at any time)

Third place; 50 karma + review of 1 story (can be used at any time)



February 14th 2013

once upon a time, valentine's day mattered.


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Chapter 11: Whoa~ It may not be first place but I'm just glad that I won something^^ It was my first ever contest so I'm just so glad that I won something!! It was supposed to be chaptered but I didn't have time for that. I'll enter other contest and keep this contest in mind. Thank you so much!!

CONGRATS TO THE OTHER WINNERS AS WELL. They really deserved it for all the hardwork they put into it, unlike me xD
Chapter 11: Congratulations to the winners :D

This contest was so much fun :3
Chapter 11: what's "sed lex, dura lex"?

anyways, congrats to the winners!!
and i'm glad you had a great time reading all the entries...
that was a lot of entries. XD

i had a great time doing this too!!

anyways, if another contest happen, would love to participate! hehehe.

again, congrats to the three winners!!
Chapter 11: Congratulations to the winners! I really had fun since it's my first time writing a fairytale-themed story :)
simplewrite #5
When will the winners be announced?
I finished my one-shot for Oh Sehun's Candle Emporium~ I hope I'm not too late for the three day extension...
Hello there! I've finished my story "Wolves" [Little Red Riding Hood].
Thank you so much for the extension, I doubt I would have been able to finish without it! ^^
I hope you enjoy reading, and good luck with the judging of the entries! Hwaiting to all that entered!