On Rainy Days



Title:  On Rainy Days

Pairing:YeWon (main pairing) , brief (KangTeuk & EunHae)

Rating: PG-13 [ might vary as the story progress ]

Genre: Romance, Drama, Mystery, Angst.
Disclaimer: Super Junior own themselves and I own this fic. 
Summary: YeSung is a simple guy with a heart-aching story. His destiny will drag him into a vortex of dramatic sequence of events with the other party of this dilemma being Choi families’ three siblings.. as his dreams collapses, and love betrayed him.. Will the cause of his wounds turns out to be the cure for all his pains?  [ FAIL SUMMARY]


P.S: this beautiful story banner is made by my dear friend (cloudy_28) ! am very touched :') thanks ALOT sweety, REALLY thanks *hugs*





YeSung: He is a 24 years old, extremely charming and of a bubbly personality.. His life is a complete misery as he missed his VERY final examination that would have been guarantees him for getting his teaching license.. His dad disappeared in a mysterious way after his mother passed away giving birth to his younger sister MaRi – 6 years old.. His 4-years relationship with his girlfriend also collapses as she ditched him to look up for her career as an actress.. He had no other choice but to work multiple jobs to pay for the fees of tutoring all for the sake of retaking his final examination and passing this latter.. His life will take a complete different path when he was asked to deliver the bridal bouquet for his friend’s wedding as he gets in another funny-accident that will lead him to meet Choi SiWan, a 30 years old paediatrician.. And things won’t stop here as he will get more and more involved with the Choi family in an incredibly dramatic way..



Choi SiHan: a 30 years old paediatrician.. He is 2nd son of the Choi family.. One of Korea’s biggest trading company’s holdsholders.. Coincidence is what lead him to meet YeSung.. But undefined emotions from his side are what will lead to a complete breakdown from YeSung side.. Despite the two marriage plans..Coldness, or brusqueness from SiHan side.. YeSung is not really sure.. And things get 100 times more complicated as SiHan get into a very serious accident where he ends up falling in a coma.




Kangin: He is Choi family’s elder son, 35 years old.. Very cold person.. Like VERY VERY cold.. He spent his 20s working his off to develop the company and receive recognition from his parents as the next Choi institutions CEO.. His optional isolation won’t stay disregarded for good.. As a clear reason for his complete transformation from a caring hyung to his siblings to a completely cold-hearted, hateful person is as his close family members think is due to his love life crisis.. What exactly happened to Kangin to turn him into a block of ice that’ll never melt or be moved whatsoever..? is this ever gonna change? Is HE  ever going to change?


Lee Min Jung : YeSung ex-girlfriend.. she is a Noona, so she is a 27 years old.. raising actress who is getting more and more recognition by the day.. she has never been a nice person.. her selfishness and self-centred personality is clear to everyone.. except YeSung whom fell in love with her from the 1st sight.. as they met in college.. and Kangin whom she ran into, planned to make him fell for her trap as he was already in a very slow recovery period from his wife’s death..all the way to Dr.Choi who also had a very bad luck as he was added to her long list of victims..









Choi SiWon: Choi family’s maknae.. he is a 21 years old guy.. undeniably HOT and is forever the centre of everyone’s attention.. SiWon’s life though isn’t flowery.. as he suffered from family’s discrimination as he was the illegally born kid of  Mr.Choi the senior.. the weird part is he totally resembles his elder brother.. he was a result of an affair between his mom who happened to be a simple lady working on the cleaning team of Choi’s company.. not a very satisfying background for his siblings and Choi family as a whole.. SiWon isn’t the ideal kinda guy.. NO.. despite his background.. as a mixture of extreme wealth [his Dad] and below average income [His Mom] he grew up on the States.. he studied business only for his father’s sake.. although he knew that his elder brother is taking enough care of the company business yet he decided to take part.. his personality? Not very friendly.. actually he is the repellent kind due to his rude attitude.. he will go through ALOT just as much as YeSung.. lol how will the two get to meet one another? You will know in no time J[ hint : supervisor – newbie kinda relationship ] ^^



Leeteuk: the sweetest persona on the entire story (not coz his my bias) but because his tiny role is the candy of this fic.. he is SiWon’s only friend.. or let’s say teacher [ he is 30 years old].. or more like his mentor.. as the two met in the U.S and Leeteuk happen to be a psychiatrist.. who ALSO happen to be.. Min Jung’s elder brother.




A.N: it took me over a year to consider going back to my beloved hobby.. writing a new fic wasn't among my plans.. but the idea hit me so i ran to my laptop and typed it down.. am looking for ur opinions/suggestion.. as this is more like outlines.. many details might change as the story progress.. would LOVE to get feedback from u guys :)


[ the pics are really big.. which is annoying >< will try to edit them - if possible ] !!


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397 streak #1
Chapter 18: Finally!!!! After so many years trying to find this story! T^T I remember reading this in 2019. The ending just.... T_____T
jongwoontrash #2
Chapter 8: FCK. The ending of this chapter just killed me. Huuuuuuu. Fck. They are like confessing to each other silently. Huuuuuuuu. :') It's too beautiful.

Damn. Wait. I really wanna comment at everything but my mind is reeling from the last scene. Hahaha.
Okay. *Deep breath* Aww. Nighttime walks are just cute hahaha. Them eating ice cream and Siwon teasing Yesung and finally opening up to him about Leeteuk. Then there's Yesung offering his company (along with the thigh touching *squeal*) Hahaha. Then there goes there teasing and FLIRTING althroughout. The decorating thing with holding Yesungie's waist. And there's the piano scene!!!!! So sweet!!!!!!! "hyung" They are really getting closer and closer waaaaah (even physically). And Siwon already staring at Yesung's lips (Tsktsk, Siwonie). And Hyuk and Teukie talk stating how obvious the two (lovebirds) are. Hahaha. Then there goes another problematic thing with Min Jung (Damn, girl. All threr of them?). Hahaha. Teuk's talk with Yesung making the latter SERIOUSLY jealous that I can practically feel his pain. And waaaaah amusement parks are really a place for romance, eh? Roller coaster teasing reminds me of their movie date (w/ eunhae). :D Then there goes the water fight. Our Siwonie is getting (more) physically attracted to our (his) Yesung (Well, who won't with him dripping wet like that). And FCK, of course, the best scene of the chapter huuuuuuuuuuu Them finally losing their defenses. The hug. The thoughts.

‘’for a minute.. only for this one minute.. can u think of me… look at me.. at SiWon not Choi SiWon…’’

‘’for once.. can I see u as.. YeSung.. rather than my brother in law.. can I … can I hug u….?’’

‘’I wish I had ever looked, thought… or felt of u as Choi SiWon.. if I ever did I wouldn’t been succumbing to my downfall…’’ (THIS. OH MY GOD)

"For a minute..
Just a minute..
At this exact moment..
I wanna love you..
Kim YeSung.." (WAAAH. FML)

jongwoontrash #3
Chapter 7: "“for this...” and he pointed at his forehead. “komawayoooo....” and he flashed me with that annoying... beautiful smile of his."

KYAAAAAAA~ HUHU. THAT WAS SO SWEET. AND FLUFFY HUHU. Forehead kisses are just amazing.
Totally lived this chapter too. Yesungie spacing out and smiling nonstop. Haha. Even MaRi can't resist the Choi maknae. And I really like Hyoyeon's characyer too. Tsk. The rooftop argument. Our boys are starting to get jealous with each other. But then there goes the allergic to shrimp thing (little details make me squeal) and the sofa talk where Yesungie traced Siwon's face (awww~) then them talking about Hyoyeon's close relationship with Yesung (him thinking like his her mom is just so precious). And there goes MaRi about her oppa's obsession with brownies and Kara unnies. Aaaaand Yesungie being jealous of our leadernim. Hahaha. The people around them are starting to notice the "whatever" between the two (Even Leeteuk who just knew them for a few hours). AND OMG THE LAST SCENE. I don't know but rapid forceful turning arounds to a hug (haha) really gets me everytime. These two ate just sooooo cute. :') YeWon all the way.
jongwoontrash #4
Chapter 6: Waaaaah! I LOVE THIS CHAPTER SO MUCH. I really liked the pasta making part because I'm really a er for tension!!! Gaaaah! It was so cuuuute. Also the chocolate baking with the cream (). Haha. Naughty Siwonie. Then the "backhug" during pasta making wahahaaahuuu kyeopta. Even the quite serious part with pinning Yesung to the refrigerator. Haaaa~ Then there was the movie part. Haha. Siwon teasing Yesung was so cuuute and so was Yesungie brushing his lips against Siwon. AND the jacket scene waaaah totally liked Siwon finding other excuses for his affectionate gestures (like what he said after they cooked the pasta with regards to him saving Yesung). Then there's the ending which totally gives hints to what happens later in this series. Kyaaa. This chapter is paaaaacked.
jongwoontrash #5
Chapter 5: This is my 2nd (or was it 3rd?) time reading it and I just wanna say that I like this story so much!!! I didn't get to comment because I always end up itching to know what happens next but this time I want to let you know my thoughts. I liked the last part of this chapter because the both of them are starting to connect both ways (the graveyard scene in the previous chap was also good since it showed Siwon's vulnerable side that made Yesung feel). I really like Siwon's thoughts here and his instinct to go follow Yesung and hug him while crying. Kudos to you, authornim. :)
nighcloud407 #6
Chapter 18: TTT___TT ITS SO HEARTBREAKING #sobs I'll miss siwon and yesung tease each other #sobs ,oh this so sad:(

Actually, need time to open this final chap, seriously I need to call my courage and prepare my heart to this chapt. previously I used to seek for an update, but especialy for LAST CHAPT, I put my curious aside bcoz I havent prepare my self yet for the ending that I expected it would be so heartbreaking like this since u r the MASTER OF ANGST.

dont be sorry this story are amazing this way though its not a happy end but at least yewon still belong to each other ( ) thanks for ur stories if u have a time I still wait for another yewon story, PASHA!!
nighcloud407 #7
Chapter 18: TTT___TT ITS SO HEARTBREAKING #sobs I'll miss siwon and yesung tease other #sobs ,oh this so sad:(

Actually, need time to open this final chap, seriously I need to call my courage and prepare my heart to this chapt. previously I used to seek for an update, but especialy for LAST CHAPT, I put my curious aside bcoz I havent prepare my self yet for the ending that I expected it would be so heartbreaking like this since u r the MASTER OF ANGST.

dont be sorry this story are amazing this way though its not a happy end but at least yewon still belong to each other ( ) thanks for ur stories if u have a time I still wait for another yewon story, PASHA!!
Chapter 18: Awwww honey, you put so much emotion here!!!! :'( You know I was sobbing so much here! I want to forgot this :'( it's make me so sad to read something like that about my baby Yesungie!!!!!! :( WAAAHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE SOB SOB SOB :'(
But I don't hate it, you write something dramatically realist >.< And it's so so beautiful! I swear this is amazing! :D You did a good job!!!! ^^ u know I prefer the happy ending so I will wait for another new happy story! :D
OMG!! Your YeWon here really deserve to be happy, and Mari who will grow up without her brother betside her... Arg it's so sad!!! :(
Honestly when I was reading this end, I could't still accept the fact that my Sungie dead but... GOD! You had to make him give his eyes to his forever love! *o* OMG OMG OMG! That was so JJDJKLOWER DUDJDHFHGSJJDDJJDDJFKFJGIITUG >_< but again stiiiiiiiil so sad, why did u have to make me cry a lot tonight!!! :'(
Snif... Love youuuuuu, I enjoyed this and it's the most important think :D
Kyaaaaaa this story is really aw aw aw amazing!!!! Thanks for making it ^^
I still need more YeWon Moments, plz plz write more when u can honey, and plz no more die, I beg you '^^ xD
Wasurenagusa #9
Chapter 18: Ah author-nim this story was TOO beautiful. I'm so glad I've found this fic. Though the ending is giving me a hurt feeling inside... this is such a good story. I hope to read more from you. (Oh and ignore my previous comment for chappie 17, I didn't knew there was a chappie 18 until now.) Still sobbing in my mind. One of the best stories I've read on asianfanfics :D Great Job.