♦Sapphire academy ♦ APPLY CLOSED


♦ Welcome to Sapphire Academy ♦



a place where famlies can have thier daughtrs become more well ladies and serve as proper business women in the world. a place where ladies with talents and to much time in thier hands attend . a place that hold secret that  may cause the truth of the legend of diamonds to be revealed.  a place in which the alices and malices can find the truth of thier existence. Fourteen girls in a fight amongst each others. In which both groups believed each other to be enemies. 






♦ History  ♦

Sapphire Academy is a school in which all ladies are assigned a two butlers.  They attend this academy to lead a more proper life in society and create a more well establish bussiness. all ladies here are expected to follow the rules and laws of the school. among all ladies there are 14 girls which are divided into two different classess . the malices and alices . the malice are said to be  the dark  unfriendly and evil are believed to be the ones who bring the academy bad luck and its tragetic. the alices on the other hand are said to be sweet pure , and full of kindness. but what happens if in reality it the other way. what happens if the alices and malices only demonstrate what they are by name but their personality it not what it seems. what happens when the director of the academy is only using both for her advantge . what happens when the alices and malices discover that their roots go as back as to being twins. what if they discovered that the director is the true enemy and what if thier butlers arent who they seem to be. what happens when thier butler are from the midnight academy and were in search of the true alices and malices to prevent the director from achieving her goal.

♦the alice's ♦

the alices are a group of girls that are often seen as sweet sincere honest gentle and lady like. most people would consider the alices as the true definition of the perfect ladies. there are seven alices that possess different ablities.
Avaliable| Taken
the alice of fire: this alice dominates in the field of fire . she manipulates and can make create fire from air. she is seen as the alice with attitude by most students. despite being an alice she is the alice that loves pranking other with the help of her two butlers.

the alice of water: this alice dominates with anything water related she has the ability to create water from air as well as convert the water to ice. although it required energy and she is often in need of drinking mainly water. most people would think she is the ice princess but in reality she is the optmistic and cheerful one of the group

alice of wind: she can control the direction of the wind she also can create hurricane and she dominates in created weapons out of air. her ablities enable her the ablity of teleportaion with it. she is the clusmy one of all

alice of illusion: she is able to create a copy of anything as well as trick her enemies by making them see a differen reality. she can also create your worst nightmare. she is seen as the daredevil of the group.

alice of healing and sound: she can manipulate sound and  cause the sound waves to change . she can heal other alice but unlike the malice of healing she can not heal a life threating injury

the alice of light: she is seen as the ace of the group . her ablities alow her to teleport and stop time in any area . she can create a light that can blind her enemy or burn them. she can also summon lighting and thunder.

alice of earth: she controls nything earth related. she can also control nature. she is able to make plants out of air and use them to her advantage

♦ The malice's ♦

the malices are said to be a darker and more evil version of teh alices. although a secret the malices are more powerful than the alices.the malices are in reality sweet and a bit of sadist toward thier enemies. each girl dominates a different field.
Avaliable| Taken
 malice of fire:  dominates in the field of fire . she manipulates and can make create fire from air. she is seen as the malice with attitude by most students. despite being
an alice she is the malice that loves pranking other with the help of her two butlers.

the malice of water: dominates with anything water related she has the ability to create water from air as well as convert the water to ice. although it required energy and she is often in need of drinking mainly water. most people would think she is the ice princess but in reality she is the optmistic and cheerful one of the group

the malice of mind techinque: she can control a person mind she can also create a person  memory or delete it. she is able to inflict pain. she can see a person past and hear the feelings and thoughts.

the mailice of darkness: the alice dominates in the area of darkness and shadow manipulation. most people often refer to her as the ace of the group. she dominates in most dark techinques with a low control over all the other malices ablities. she is often seen as the  main enemy. she is often protected not only by her two butlers but by all the malices.

the malice of technopathy: she can crack any system as well as install and create different progams . although most people wouldnt see this as ablity she also dominates with controling anything electronical.

the malice of earth : she controls nything earth related. she can also control nature. she is able to make plants out of air and use them to her advantage

the malice of healing and lighting: she can heal any wound no matter how severed she can also control lighting. she is the most talktive and she is best closest combat


♦The ranks ♦

Shadow :   They require ten pink gems to move up to the moon rank. the shadow ranks is the furthest dorm form the academy. 

Moon: they are requried to have 10 white diamonds to become sun rank. there dorm is closer to the academy. they are allowed to go anywhere during weekends. as long as butlers are present.

Sun :  they are consider to be the best of the best . they required to have 10 pink and  10 white diamonds as well as 10 yellow diamonds. the diamonds can be used as a way to skip class a test or leave the campus


♦ Butler Ranks ♦

 S : The best butlers in their acadmey  Only a few gets this

A: the second highest: they are very know for being well in closest combat

B : the third highest  they are  best in the medical feel.

C: the clumsy ones that can still protect his lady.



1. no bashing of any kind

2. subscribe before or after your done with application

3. i will only select 13 girls since i  will be in it.

4. application must be neat

5. there is a password

6. kim Jaejoong and  Kim Hyun Joong are taken

7. dont unsubscribe because your character will still be part of the story.

8. Have fun

9. if you are chosen comment every 2-3chapters if not ill your character dies in the story.

10.  the password is { a picture of your favorite kpop group}


this is my first applied fanction . and i hope you all like it .  Please do not plagarize my story. this is my first one and i hope  one trys to copy it.  I do not own any of the idols here only the story line


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hey, again i had a new username change!

was ILOVEPEACHBOOBOO aka Sofia Xiaxue Taemi Dahlstrom's creator and am now LUMINOUSSTARDUST!
Chapter 26: it's okay.
hope all is well with you.
will check out the new apply fic. =]
Haha, omfg reborn! It's so awesome even though I've read more of it than watched it. It's still awesome either way.
I would so apply if you make a story like that.
My otaku heart wouldn't be able to resist it XDDD
Hmm if you got an idea from it, then why not? ^^ good luck with your studies! I will be waiting patiently :3
yeah, Hitman Reborn is one of the best animes made *o*
write ahead! oh well if you'll make one i suggest to make it open for both boys girls spots :)
good luck with college!
i don't know what that anime is about though~
but if you want, go write ahead!
i may or may not apply, depending on how it is.
anyways, good luck with college life!!
hey, i just want to notify you that i was BUNNYXWARRIOR aka Sofia Xiaxue Taemi Dahlstrom's creator, and that my username has been changed. =]
Congratulations to doojoonloveb2st and Mikato ^^
cantresistTAEMtation #9
Congrates to mikato!! Wow her ulzzang is very very gorgeous.. LOL. her personality is likeable, (obviously, shes a malice) hwaiting authornim!!
Thank you for choosing me! ^~^