Chapter 01: Present

X Marks The Spot
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Kang Wonhee never liked being the center of attention. That’s why ever since she was a child, she did her beat to avoid being caught in any camera shots, especially those that were released in publicity materials. 

Her mother relentlessly brought her to social functions even though an invite was never extended to her. Whenever she asked why she had to tail her mother in those boring events, she always received the same reply: “Someday, it’s going to be you who’s attending these ‘boring events’. Better start acquainting yourself as early as now!” 

All she could do back then was to just mentally roll her eyes at her mother’s unnecessary excitement and to just surrender to her whims. Besides, if it made her mother happy, then Wonhee was willing to do anything just to keep the most important woman in her life very happy for as long as she lives. 

Sitting now in the backseat of a posh car that she didn’t expect to fetch her from the airport, Wonhee released a deep sigh as she rested her chin on top of her palm while looking at the scenery outside the car’s window. 

“What’s with the sigh, Wonhee? Aren’t you delighted to be back home?” Her mother’s teasing voice interrupted her thoughts. 

If I’ve had any choice, I would’ve never returned home. 

She replied, not reflecting the excitement in her mother’s question. “I’m just tired, mom. Jet lag,” she simply explained. 

As much as she wanted to be honest, she could never bring herself to mention her real desire to her mother. The last time she did, it ended up so badly that she had to leave her entire life behind nine years ago. She wouldn’t want to get a replay of those events again, once was already more than enough for her to go through them. 

Even though her eyes were busy checking what’s happening outside their airconditioned vehicle, Wonhee felt her mother’s probing eyes on her unmoving figure. It took everything in her not to shrug her mother off. Aside from the action being disrespectful, she also knew that her mother couldn’t help it given that it’s been so long since the latter had laid her eyes on her daughter. 

A long minute of uncomfortable silence resided between them until her mother spoke again. “I’m so glad you’re back home, Wonhee. I missed you so much.” 

That was Wonhee’s cue to finally face her mother. 

She turned around, meeting her mother’s pleading eyes. When she did, an unknown feeling started to crawl onto her chest, gently squeezing her fragile heart as she once again recalled what happened which led to their prolonged separation. 

Wonhee spoke first before thinking, “I’m really sorry for leaving you alone, mom.

Understanding filled her mother’s eyes, along with unshed tears. “You don’t have to apologize, darling. In fact, you don’t even have to explain anything.” Wonhee’s hand was taken by her mother, who trapped it in between her palms. “I’m more sorry that you have to leave.” 

Wonhee opened her lips in an attempt to argue, only to be stopped quickly by her mother. “Hush now,” she felt her mother’s warm skin on top of her cold cheek. “This time, I promise you this. Whatever happens, it won’t end up with you leaving again. I’m not letting you sacrifice your life for my sake; I’m your mother, I’m supposed to be the one doing that for you.” 

This time, it was Wonhee’s eyes that started getting wet. She sharply inhaled, willing herself not to cry in front of her mother. She’s already thirty years old; she’s not a little child again who can just burst into tears anytime she gets overwhelmed with her emotions. 

A lot of things has changed, and as much as it pains her to acknowledge, it also includes her relationship with her own mother. 

One of the many things she sacrificed when she decided to leave her life behind. 

Wonhee placed her hand on top of her mother’s, making the latter press more onto her cheek. She leaned towards her mother’s touch, finding comfort in it. “I love you, mom.” 

“I love you too.”

Being an only child, she was used to the silence that greets her every time she comes back home to their fancy place. Wonhee knew it was one of the things she’d eventually have to get used to now that she came back. 

“I’m going to be leaving you for a few hours, think you’ll be fine here on your own?” Her mother furiously typed on her phone, piquing Wonhee’s curiosity to whoever it was her mom’s talking to. 

She couldn’t help herself but ask, “Mom, who are you talking to? I’ve never seen you look so agitated while composing a message.”

Her mom’s fingers hovered above the screen while her face reddened as if she got caught hiding a big secret. Just the thought of it made Wonhee even more interested. “Are you dating again?” 

Wonhee laughed as she watched her mom turn more red. She pressed her lips, covering it with her palm as she did her best not to laugh more after receiving a silencing glare from her mother. It felt so good to laugh out loud—she was so scared ever since she boarded the flight back to Seoul. 

Her question was shut down before she got the chance to expound on it. Instead, her mom put her phone inside her clutch and started to make her way towards the door. 
“If you need anything, I’m just a call away. I just need to attend this very important meeting and I hope you understand.” 

Wonhee smiled at her mom, “I’m fine, mom. You don’t have to worry about me. I’m sure I’ll find some way to entertain myself while you’re gone.”

She approached her mom, who then enveloped her in a tight hug. As soon as they let go, her mom placed a soft kiss on her forehead. “You know, I can bring you to the office if you want. It’s going to be yours, anyway.” 

“I prefer to stay at home, mom.” Wonhee can already see where their conversation was headed, she’s just not ready to discuss it at the moment. Inheriting the private bank had been the reason why she chose to study financial management in college before, but it was something she still wasn’t sure she’d want to do for the rest of her life. 

“Okay, maybe next time then.” Her mom kissed her goodbye again, this time on her left cheek. “Bye, darling. I’ll see you for dinner later. Make sure to dress well, okay? We’re meeting someone special tonight!” 

“What, who—?” 

And just like that, Kang Wonhee found herself alone again.

The last time she spent her time alone in her old house was also her last day in Seoul before migrating to Canada. If she were to be honest, she never wanted to leave. 

If it wasn’t for that thing, she would’ve happily spent the last nine years here at home. 

Even though she was in another country, Wonhee wasn’t able to outgrow the urge to always look behind her shoulder, afraid to spot a paparrazi who would catch her in an unfortunate situation.

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december0898 #1
Chapter 3: the confrontation of wonhee and baekhyun is really intense. he must have been badly hurt when wonhee left and seems like he hasn't moved on. looking forward to more backstory. thanks for this.
Chapter 2: Already hooked and am sitting on the edge of my seat after this first chapter. The clear writing buildup of her past to her situation to what we’ll have to deal with in the future chapters, absolutely love them! I’m so excited to stay updated with this new story ~ !
747 streak #3
Chapter 2: Great start, looking forward to finding out what went down between them.
Chapter 2: this is fun!! i look forward to more of their backstory!!