Unfinished Emails

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Yoona savors the rare quietude of a tranquil Sunday afternoon. The apartment is bathed in the soft, diffused light of a lazy afternoon, with rays of sunshine filtering through the sheer curtains, casting playful patterns across the wooden floor. The only other sound is the soft hum of the city beyond her windows, creating a perfect backdrop for a productive session.


Today, she plans to make the most of her peaceful sanctuary, nestled comfortably on the plush living room couch that offers a perfect view of the skyline through the floor-to-ceiling windows. The couch, a deep maroon with enough cushions to support her in luxurious comfort, beckons invitingly.


As she settles in, pulling a lightweight throw over her legs, Yoona flips open her sleek laptop, its screen bright against the subdued light filtering through the semi-drawn blinds. Her inbox, a usually daunting sight, today seems manageable—a curated list of potential opportunities that spark a flicker of excitement in her. There are emails from a few well-known directors and producers, discussions about upcoming dramas and movies that could define the next phase of her career. Each message holds the promise of new creative challenges and breakthroughs.


Yoona takes a moment to sip her green tea, the steam warming her face as she mentally prepares to dive into the responses. She knows her words need to be considerate and sharp, as they could potentially lead to significant roles. Around her, the living room is quiet and orderly, with soft jazz playing in the background from a vinyl record player, setting a soothing soundtrack to her afternoon.


Despite the task ahead, she feels a sense of contentment. The couch has become her makeshift office, surrounded by little trinkets and houseplants that make the space feel alive—greenery draping over edges and colorful pottery catching the light. Her favorite photo of her and Junho, smiling on a beach under a sunset, sits on the coffee table, a sweet reminder of their shared moments of joy. With Junho's bustling schedule and her own erratic shooting hours, moments like these are precious.


As she readies herself to tackle the first email, the clink of keys at the door signals Junho's return. The anticipation of his company adds a warm flutter to her heart, though she knows it might complicate her plans for a productive afternoon. As the door opens, she braces herself for the affectionate chaos Junho is bound to bring into her serene setup.


He's been out the entire day, busy with his latest music project, a collaboration that's as exciting as it is demanding. The apartment—his haven and her workspace—now transitions back to their shared nest as he steps in. He looks tired—lines of fatigue etched around his eyes, yet the way his face lights up upon seeing her ignites something warm in her chest. He doesn't wait for an invitation, collapsing beside her on the couch with a contented sigh that speaks of homecoming.


Without asking, Junho makes himself comfortable right in her lap, as if her thighs are his rightful spot. His head nestles against her, and he lets out a contented sigh, disrupting her carefully arranged setup. The laptop, perched precariously on her knees now, teeters as he adjusts himself to fit more snugly against her.


"Hey," he murmurs, his voice a soft baritone that resonates warmly against her skin.


Yoona can't help but smile, her heart warmed by his affection. Her fingers pause above the keyboard, her resolve waning under his touch, thou

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