And he is my boyfriend

My Online Girl Friend is a Guy (But I Don't Mind It)

Saturday, the day of the date...



Kyuhyun's feet barely touched the ground as he practically floated in pure joy to the meeting place. He was glad that he arrived early because he got to imagine all kinds of romantic scenarios and had enough time to wipe off his foolish grin. Despite the mental preparation, his jaw still dropped to the ground when he saw his gorgeous hyung approaching. Even though Jongwoon hyung was dressed in a very simple black t-shirt paired with ripped jeans and sneakers, just by revealing his forehead, the older man was so stunning that every man and woman gawked at him; Kyuhyun included. He could feel his ears warmed up when his handsome senior stopped in front of him with a charming smile.


"Kkuru! Let's go. We have many things to do today~"



Kyuhyun beamed when his crush offered him a hand which he happily took. Holding his hand, Jongwoon hyung smirked and beckoned him to bow down. When he did, the shorter man tip-toed and ruffled his hair fondly while praising him "Good boy~". Kyuhyun didn't mind being treated like a puppy. If he got to see his beloved hyung's cute smile like this, he would gladly put on a collar and give a leash to his hyung. Plus, he was excited that the senior seemed to follow Princess Penguin's dating advice— holding hands, hooking arms, leaning on a shoulder, hugging, and kissing...


Is it possible to pause today's time?


Kyuhyun wondered dreamily as he let the other man lead him by hand to their first destination.




Kyuhyun praised his foresight for buying a honeymoon seat at the theater. Although it costed him equivalent to two game DVDs, the money was well-spent because it allowed him and his crush to sit very closely. Right now, Jongwoon hyung who was completely immersed in the movie was leaning on him with his head on his shoulder. Their thighs and their flanks brushed from time to time which fueled his heartbeat to race so loudly that he worried it might bother the other person. Luckily (or not?), his date partner didn't seem to notice it at all. In fact, his beloved hyung's attention was glued to the large screen. Gulping nervously, Kyuhyun attempted to put his arm around the smaller man's waist...


"Cho Kkuru?"



His hand snapped back as if he just touched a scorching charcoal. Did Jongwoon hyung noticed and didn't like—


"I'm cold. Hold me..."



To his utter surprise, Jongwoon hyung actually wrapped his arms around his waist and hugged him first. Then, his crush pouted and asked to be held adorably, even putting his chin on his chest. Kyuhyun was pretty sure that his face was redder than the blood on the screen as he complied with the senior's request and placed his hand on the slender waist, tugging the slim but strong figure closer. Jongwoon hyung beamed and returned his attention to the movie. Kyuhyun, on the other hand, couldn't focus on anything but the warm body in his arm.


This is fine. Kyuhyun thought to himself. I can use this as an excuse to ask hyung out on another movie date. 




"H-Hyung, why are we checking out a woman clothing store?"

"I'm buying a gift for my friend."

"Then... Why are you putting it on me?"


Jongwoon hyung who was holding a white see-through, one piece dress against him smiled mischievously.


"My friend's physique is similar to you. Got any problem?"

"No... But this is embarrassing..."


Kyuhyun blushed in shame, being conscious of stares and gigles from girls in the store, many of whom were familiar faces from their college. He just knew that a strage rumor would definitely start to circulate in the campus tomorrow... When Jongwoon hyung suggested shopping, he didn't expect the older to drag him here! In order to ignore those teasing glances, he struck a conversation with the senior who still chose woman clothes happily.


"What kind of a person is she? Your friend?"


Yes, he was genuinely curious about his crush's opinions on his crossdressed self.


"Hmm? Well, first of all, she's very gorgeous. I was very surprised when I met her in real life. Her beauty was just too stunning!"

"And? And?"

"She's very kind and cool. We met in an online game and she saved me from being scammed. Ever since then, we started hanging out in game and played together. She also listened to my worries and gave me many advices. All in all, she's very cute, unlike a brat like you."

"...So, you like her more than me."


Although he knew that his hyung was talking about him but didn't realize it, Kyuhyun still sulked. A part of the reason was that he was guilty as charged for being a brat, avoiding the older man for no reason. Had it not been for Princess Penguin, he would have gone down in history as a clown who ed himself. Hearing a hearty laugh, he glanced back at his date partner and his annoyance melted away, seeing Jongwoon hyung's eyes curve into a beautiful crescent moon from mirth. The shorter man smiled affectionately and touched his face with the back of his hand.


"I'm here with you now, am I not?"

"Jongwoon hyung..."


Kyuhyun fell in love harder. Even though he was bratty and childish, his hyung still adored him. He swore solemnly to himself to never disappoint Jongwoon hyung again and straightened up, seriously acting as a mannequin for the older. That seemed to make his crush overjoyed because the giggling senior kept taking dresses from here and there to put them against him. If he didn't know about Princess Penguin, he would have thought that his hyung actually chose the clothes for him...



Well, Princess Penguin just had to accept the gifts and lie that she already wore them. Jongwoon hyung wouldn't have know, right?




After a shopping trip, they took a break and had a meal at an aesthetic cafe. Kyuhyun whined and successfully convinced his hyung to feed each other. Although Jongwoon hyung was grumbling, the indulgent senior still attentively fed him the pastries and ate whatever he was fed, including the beverage. His kind-hearted hyung also let him wipe his mouth after so they really looked like a couple! Halfway through the meal, however, he noticed that the older kept sighing and got worried.


"Hyung, what's wrong? Are you already full?"

"Hm, Kkuru, can I tell you something?"


"Well, you see, actually... I like men..."


Kyuhyun pretended to be surprised.


"O-Oh! And that's totally fine! Love is beautiful~"

"Aww, thanks! But the thing I really want to say is... I might have changed my mind?"


Kyuhyun was surprised for real this time.


"What!!? A-Are you saying that you don't like men anymore?"

"Perhaps? I don't know~ Ever since I met my online friend, the girl I told you about, I keep thinking about her and my heart won't stop racing~ I might have a crush on her~"


Kyuhyun wanted to cry. He crossdressed and pretended to be a girl to convince his hyung to date Cho Kyuhyun (aka him). However, it seemed to have a polar opposite effect and his hyung might end up falling for Princess Penguin instead. No! He can't let that happen!


"H-Hyung, you can't date someone you just met once or twice! Especially if it's someone you met online! You should trust only someone you've known for a long time!"

"Someone like you?"

"Yes! Someone like m— Cough!"


Kyuhyun choked on the drink when the topic of the conversation suddenly was changed to him. Jongwoon hyung who seemed to enjoy his reaction too much smirked. The older man put his chin on his palm and leaned over. His mesmerizing eyes shone in delight.


"Say, Kyuhyun, between you who ghosts me and her who stays with me, who should I like more?"

"I... Who do you like more...?"


Jongwoon hyung didn't say anything, just smiling with an unreadable expression. Then, the senior stood up and offered him a hand.


"I'm full now. Let's go take a stroll in the park."


Kyuhyun took the small hand and pulled himself up. He didn't let go of the older man's hand but grasped it, and intertwined their fingers when his hyung didn't mind it.


"So... Who do like more? Me or her?"


Jongwoon hyung beamed and squeezed his hand.


"Let's go."




Before long, it was time to part ways. During a walk in the park, Kyuhyun tried his hardest to slow their steps so that he could be with his crush longer. His heart drummed loudly when he noticed that Jongwoon hyung purposefully slowed his steps to match his, which revealed that he wasn't the only one who wished to stop the time. Unfortunately, no matter how slow their paces were, they still arrived at a fork in a road leading to their respective houses. Kyuhyun shook his head, trying to hold the smaller hand, but the older man just smiled softly as he unclasped their hands.


"Thanks for today, Kkuru. I have fun~"

"...Yes, good bye, hyung."


Like a sad puppy, Kyuhyun pouted and waved at the other man who didn't glance back at all. Jongwoon hyung's back that got smaller and farther away left an undescribable pain in his chest. For some reason, he had a feeling that he would lose his crush forever if he didn't do something. Before he realized it, his feet took him to a sprint and he caught up with the senior.


"Jongwoon hyung!!"

"Huh? What—"


He snatched the smaller man's wrist and turned him around to face him. Then, he tugged the thin wrist to pull the older man into his embrace. His free hand held his hyung's nape dearly and he kissed Jongwoon hyung's pale pink lips, though he didn't linger and immediately blurted his hidden feelings.


"I love you!! I avoided you because I didn't want to bother you with my overwhelming feelings! I'm sorry!"



Kyuhyun waited with bated breath. He did it. Not only did he confess, but he also kissed Jongwoon hyung! Still wrapping his palm around the slender nape, he tenderly caressed the soft skin with his thumb, hoping to rouse any response from his crush— anything but silence. However, Jongwoon hyung shoved him away and turned his back at him.


"I-I have to go. Bye."

"Wait! Hyung!"


Despair devoured him alive when his senior just ran away without saying anything. No! His impulse ruined everything! He should have kept his head low and be satisfied with their little date. Why did he have to be greedy and bite off more than he could chew!? Kyuhyun cursed himself while pulling his hair to prevent his sanity from slipping away. He couldn't apologize or pretend to joke because he knew it would make Jongwoon hyung even more furious for toying with him.



Therefore, he could only wait for judgement from his future boyfriend (or future ex-hyung)...




Back at his apartment, Kyuhyun waited impatiently for Ye_Nyan to come online but it took longer than usual. Just when he thought that he would have to wait for tomorrow, a little green dot appeared beside the player's name and he immediately sent a message to his senior.


Princess Penguin: Oppa!

Princess Penguin: I got worried bc you were late.

Princess Penguin: How was the date?


Kyuhyun pretended to be casual and asked a question that could decide his fate after today. Seeing the word "Typing..." showing and disappearing several times on the screen made him feel so anxious. Why did his hyung take so long to answer? In the end, he couldn't bear the tension and send another message before Ye_Nyan said anything.


Princess Penguin: Wanna meet?


This time, a reply came immediately.


Ye_Nyan: Sure. Same place.


Kyuhyun didn't bother to shut down the computer and ran out of the apartment. He needed his noona's help ASAP!






"S-Sorry for keeping you waiting."


Kyuhyun, now crossdressed, tried to catch his breath as he sat down opposite his senior who hadn't changed out of his dating outfit yet. He tucked a strand of the blond wig behind his ear consciously, completely aware of the older man's calm but piercing gaze. He didn't want to keep his hyung wait long so he told his sister to do a light makeup and refused a new frilly dress, opting for the same crimson cheongsam.


"It's fine. I know you'll arrive late."

"Huh? How...? No, that's not why we are here. Oppa, you went to a date with Cho Kyuhyun, right? How was it?"

"I... We were happy... I was really happy to spend time with him again. However, I didn't expect him to kiss me and confess all of a sudden."

"Was that a bad thing...?"


Kyuhyun shifted anxiously in his seat. The older man's expression was so calm that he couldn't guess his true thoughts. After a short pause, Jongwoon hyung met his eyes and spoke up carefully.


"Actually, this is what I want to consult with you, Penguin-chan."

"Eh? M-Me?"

"Yup. I told you, didn't I? That I have a crush on Kyuhyun. Naturally, I'm overjoyed to know that he also likes me. However... some part of me still feels hesitant. So, I want to ask you."

"Ask what?"

"Penguin-chan," Jongwoon hyung stared into his eyes unflinchingly. "Should I accept his confession?"


Kyuhyun (in a drag) returned the stare and looked into his beloved hyung's beautiful eyes. At first, he thought that convincing Jongwoon hyung to date him would be his sole answer. However, it was something else entirely that fell from his smiling lips, coming straight from his heart.


"You should take all the time in the world you need to consider it."

"What...?" Jongwoon hyung looked genuinely surprised. "I thought you would encourage me to date him? Didn't you tell me that Kyuhyun was a perfect boyfriend material?"

"I did and my opinion didn't change. However, your happiness matters the most so do what your heart wants."


And Kyuhyun really meant it. He was impatient at first because he didn't know the senior's heart. However, he was now contented with just the knowledge that his hyung considered his feelings seriously. Whether it took Jongwoon hyung days, weeks, or even months to reply, he didn't mind the wait. He looked at his crush and his heart raced crazily when he noticed that the older was blushing. The orange hue of the sunset that cast on the man's chubby cheeks through the window made the red roses in his heart fully blossom. The way the older pursed his lips as if to fight off the blush caused a wave of affection to crash against his entire being and drowned him in the ocean of love.


"...I think I know my answer now."


"Penguin-chan," Jongwoon hyung gave him the sweetest smile. "I'm going to confess to Kyuhyun, right here, right now, and I want you to cheer me up!"


With that said, Jongwoon hyung brought his phone out and tapped on the screen as if he was looking for someone's number. Kyuhyun snapped out of the paradise and panicked for real. No! Just his confession alone was already messy. He couldn't risk angering his crush by letting him find out that Penguin-chan was him!!


"N-No! You can't call him now!!"


Jongwoon hyung pouted and leaned in, causing Kyuhyun's heart to go haywire.


"Eh~? Why~? I feel like I'll have enough courage to confess if I have you with me, Penguin-chan~"

"B-Because, um, well, that's right! A confession is very important so you should keep it between you two only! After all, I'm just an outsider. Ohohohohoho!"


Kyuhyun laughed like a cheap villainess from a soap opera to hide his panic, hoping that the senior would buy this excuse. Fortunately, luck was on his side and Jongwoon hyung shrugged, before pocketing his phone.


"Hm, I guess you're right. I'll confess to Kyuhyun tomorrow then~"

"I-I see. Good luck, oppa! I can't wait for tomorrow too."


Countless fireworks went off in his head when Kyuhyun realized that tomorrow would be his blessed day. It would be the first day of their relationship! He was so over the moon that he didn't remember what happened after that but somehow he managed to find a way back home. Still high in euphoria, he didn't even bother to remove the makeup or change out of the dress. He was too busy daydreaming about tomorrow. Ah, how will Jongwoon hyung confess?




Kyuhyun cursed when the doorbell chimed in and interrupted his fantasy. The only people who would bother him at night were his gamer friends but he already told them that he had a date today! Annoyed, he stomped to the door and yanked it open, ready to give the visitor a piece of his mind.


"Yah!! Didn't I tell you that I'd be busy—"

"G' evening, Kyuhyun."

"—Today, wait, JONGWOON HYUNG!!?"


The person outside of his apartment wasn't his friend but his crush. The blond senior who appeared out of nowhere beamed and invited himself into his house, even helpfully locked the door for him who was still shocked. Kyuhyun's whole being shook when he realized that he still disguised as Princess Penguin, but he just talked with his real voice and Jongwoon hyung also called him "Kyuhyun"!!


"H-Hyung, this isn't what you think. I can explain! It's, urm, wait, how did you find my house!?"

"I followed you after we left the cafe."


Jongwoon hyung said casually, still smiling sweetly, and strode towards him. Panicked Kyuhyun stepped back until his back hit a couch and he yelped, falling on it after losing his balance. His brain instantly shut down when the gorgeous older man came to sit astride his hip. The soft touch at his private part sent blood shooting to his whole face and neck, and they imploded when Jongwoon hyung pecked the corner of his lips.


"J-Jongwoon hyung...?"

"Cho Kkuru~"


Jongwoon hyung purred and tugged the collar of his t-shirt to show his slender neck and flawless shoulder blade.


"Won't you hold me~?"



Strings of reason that imprisoned the beast within him snapped at the seductive invitation. In a heartbeat, Kyuhyun caught the older man and threw the smirking older under him, swapping their positions. Then, he captured the taunting full lips and stole the smaller man's breath with a starving kiss until he felt those small hands crawling on his back helplessly yet overjoyed. Retreating to allow the other person a room to breathe, Kyuhyun didn't pause his advances and marked the tempting neck while his hyung panted audibly.


"Hyung... Can you wait? I'll get out of this drag ASAP and we can continue."


Kyuhyun was about to get up but he fell on top of the smaller man and almost crushed him. The cause of it was none other than his playful hyung who wrapped his legs around his hip tight. He gulped thirstily when one of those naughty legs slid into the cut of the cheongsam and felt his buttocks plus back thighs sensually. Jongwoon hyung, still panting with swollen red lips, smirked and spoke up while tucking a flowing strand of the blond wig behind his ear.


"Why would you? Cho Kkuru, your beauty is breathtaking..."

"Hyung..." Kyuhyun whispered amusedly. "I'm crossdressing right now."

"Will that be a problem?"


Kyuhyun stared at the man beneath him. A red lipstick from his makeup smudged the smaller man's lips and painted his neck with numerous tiny red roses. The sight was so y and gorgeous that his lower body reacted honestly, and he knew his beloved hyung could feel it because Jongwoon hyung suddenly blushed; though a glimpse of expectation and excitement was shining in those beautiful dark eyes.


"No, it won't be a problem."


Kyuhyun whispered a confirmation and dove right back into the luscious lips just as Jongwoon hyung grasped his nape and yanked him down.





Although Kyuhyun found out later that the crimson dress and the blond wig did, in fact, get in their way and inconvenience them a few times, he didn't mind it because it gave him an excuse to carry his lover to the bedroom and "retry" their game of love.








"So... Hyung knew from the beginning that Princess Penguin was me?"

"Nope. I genuinely thought that you were a girl when we played the game together, though I knew immediately that you crossdressed."


After their hot first night, Kyuhyun asked out of curiosity while they were cuddling. He felt shy after realizing that his silly crossdressing plan had been seen thoroughly by his beloved hyung. So, he got back a bit at the older by snuggling into his arms and nibbling the toned chest, eliciting a cute moan from his lover.


"Aish... Why are you biting me!?"

"Because I feel like the biggest fool right now! Hyuuung, did you enjoy seeing me clowning myself? How did you even find out? My crossdressing game was flawless!"

"Pabo-ah, how could I not recognize my beloved dongsaeng and my crush?"


Jongwoon hyung explained and kissed the crown of his head. The senior then snorted fondly when he saw his stupid but whipped expression.


"To be honest, I was genuinely shocked when you showed up like that. However, I soon realized that you probably did it to find out who my crush was. And why would you bother to pull this stunt if it wasn't for your feelings for me? When I connected the dots, I was overjoyed and decided to play along~"

"Hyuuung! You did find me silly, didn't you!!? Hmph!"


Kyuhyun pretended to be upset and turned his back to the older man. Although his boyfriend's melodious laugh made his heart skip, he refused to look that way. After the laughter subsided, he felt the warmth getting closer and the mattress behind him sunk a bit. Then, a pair of thin but strong arms wrapped around his torso, followed by a light peck on his nape.


"Aww, forgive me, pretty please~ Kkuru~"


"You asked me who I liked more between you and Princess Penguin, right? The answer is, I love you, Kyuhyun, all of you."


Kyuhyun's ears immediately perked up along with a bright grin but he still kept up with the act. It was only when the other person wrestled himself into his arms and came to lie on his body did Kyuhyun drop his fuming act. He smiled affectionately and played with the messy blond locks as he confessed from the bottom of his heart.


"I love you too, Jongwoon hyung. I've always been, with you and only you..."



Jongwoon hyung beamed in tears and squeezed him in a bear hug. Kyuhyun chuckled and patted the soft hair absentmindedly. Suddenly, a scary thought occured to him.


"Hyung... If you knew that I was Princess Penguin... W-Why did you buy that see-through dress...?"


Jongwoon hyung propped himself up to look at him in the eyes, before smirking suspiciously.


"Hm~ Why indeed~?"




Little did Kyuhyun know, he would find out soon enough.







"Baby... This is embarrassing!! My cool and handsome husband image is ruined!!"

"What are you talking about? Dearest hubby, you look gorgeous!!"


Despite his lover's praise, Kyuhyun couldn't help the shame currently beating him to a pulp. One month after officially dating, just when he thought that his beloved boyfriend already forgot about that risque dress, Jongwoon hyung showed up at his apartment on their first anniversary with the damn dress. He tried to pull off an aegyo but his hyung's was cuter. So, here he was, putting on the white see-through, one piece dress with the same blond wig that his boyfriend got from his sister (NOONA!!?). Still whining, an awesome idea blessed him and Kyuhyun immediately acted.


"I'm happy that you like it but I'm still embarrassed...  Ah, if only my gorgeous and kind boyfriend would crossdress with me~"


He spoke up as if he didn't mean any of it but his maximum puppy eyes were thrown at the older man. Then, to his surprise, Jongwoon hyung actually smirked knowingly to his request.


"I know you would say that. Wait a sec, Baby~"


With a light peck on his lips, Jongwoon hyung skipped to the bathroom and was gone for about ten minutes. When his boyfriend showed up again, the older man was dressed in a HIGHSCHOOL GIRL UNIFORM WITH CROP-TOP SAILOR SHIRT REVEALING HIS ABS AND A PINK SCOTTISH MINI SKIRT BARELY COVERING HIS SLENDER THIGHS.




Jongwoon hyung purred as he painstakingly, very slowly lifted up the hem of the mini skirt on purpose.


"Do you want to have fun with me...?"









[To protect the viewers' innocence, a footage of a volcano eruption will be shown instead]




Author's note:

Happy life to kyusung ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I resigned from my job (finally!) and currently looking for a new one. So, I'm not sure when my next update will be. I'm working on a new chaptered fic but it'll probably take a while to finish. Just a head up that I might be IA for the time being!


Take care and love you!   <3

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Chapter 2: ACKK ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡ kyusung couple goals in crossdressing 🤭

best of wishes author-nim in finding a new job 💙
Chapter 2: wait I love this so much 😆 idk why it's so fun to see Kyu being teased most especially by Yeye 🤭
_MyName_ #3
Chapter 1: Yeah, I thought right away that Jongwoon knew who the pretty lady was xD he must've had so much fun seeing what Kyu would come up with next
Chapter 2: So cute thanks for always updating
Honeymoon89 #5
Chapter 2: Aaaa no wonder at first meet jw blushing and cant see kh face! He know already from that time...hahah i love how jw play along with kh (and princess penguin) even when he knows the truth already. And wow! Is that some sort of new kink jw? 😏😏Well.. your kh hubby will probably love that too! Happy for u both!🥰🥰😍😍

Dear authornim, all the best in finding new job💪💪may the kyusung power will always be with u!😘💙
389 streak #6
Chapter 2: XDDD we all need Kyu and Woonie crossdressing together!!!
Chapter 1: Hahahaha. I ship this crossdressing Kyu. I remember he did it in SMTown.
Thank you authornim for the story.
haha cho kyu pabo loser LLLLL
Chapter 1: Ye_Nyan emoticon is too cuteee 😆😆😆
Lunayaa #10
Chapter 1: Cuteee