♕ Daily Tea - a high society university applyfic. apply open!

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Daily Tea - a high society university applyfic
Dearest Reader,
I came here to bring news about the students in this exclusive university - Hwaseong University. As we all know, everyone here comes from a rich family, aside from the lucky scholars who I will also be talking about later on. All students seem to be rich and popular, living a lavish and luxurious life. Everyone wishes to be part of this university. Everyone wishes they can be part of the elite.
But I am, unfortunately, a bearer of bad news because behind the glamour and the luxury, there are dark secrets hidden in the shadows. And it is time for those secrets to comes to light and ruin the perfect image that everyone in this university tried so hard to keep.
In this thread, I will reveal to you every little dirty secret that I know about the students in this university.
Stay tuned.

Mx. Weaver
Hi there! Iara here. I got the inspiration of this applyfic from Bridgerton even though I haven't finished the first season yet. I just like the idea of gossips and teas being spread around, specially for rich people. As to why it's a university, my co-author said that they'll be too busy working if they're adults. Hence, univ students.

I hope you guys will give this fic a try.

Do leave a comment so I know that people are interested/still reading. I appreciate receiving comments. Thanks!


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26 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 1: as an addict Bridgerton consumer, I'm sold :"))))))
never watched bridgerton, but who doesn't like gossip and rumors with the elite and rich, huh?
curious how this story will go esp with mx weaver revealing their secrets~
will apply soon!! =]
SEATED. looking forward for more omggg.