Sweet Mistake

Sweet Mistake
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On the stage was dancing a blond youngly looking man who had enthusiasm in his eyes, he was singing, well, now he was more like yelling into the microphone because the song which he was singing was kind of rock. He wasn’t that much kind of rockstar, he wasn’t maybe excellent in it but he still loved it, though he loved his own songs more, like Crazy and others but he somehow loved this rocker song.

This day was special, very special. The money that would be raised from the concert will be sent to help children who have suffered an illness and their parents don’t have enough money. The memory of a boy who went blind and needed a guide dog flew through the young singer’s head. That dog cost an incredible amount of money and his parents really need this help.

But this amount was nothing for the singer. Today’s concert brought together an incredible fifty thousand people! In addition, this concert was being held for three days and today was the last third day. The blond-haired man was excited, the concerts were sold out in all three days and all the posters and other souvenirs, as he called the merch, were also sold out! Otherwise, he didn’t expect some other ending. He had tears in his eyes, but all of them were happy tears, and with a smile, he continued to sing and fans chanted his name.

"Thank you so much to you all for coming here! This was a song New Stage by GUYZ! Unfortunately, we are very close to the end of the concert… I know you would like me to continue, but unfortunately… I'm just a person like you, but I believe that a lot of perfect people have been able to take turns here in the last three days! I'm preparing a new album now… but I'm going to sing you a song at the end of this concert, do you want to?” The blond-haired singer smiled as the whole hall applauded.

“Nice! So… now… now… we can turn to,“ the singer’s voice and facial expression changed into a serious one.

“Crazy!” he shouted into the microphone, and he himself felt that if he didn’t have the earpieces in his ears, he would be already deaf.

The lights were turned off, and the singer threw off his shirt and began to dance to the screams of the fans as he was illuminated by soft white lights and one main red one. And at that moment the singer’s gaze fell on someone, he caught a glance of a pretty figure, it was literally different from the other glances, there were a lot of glances, but something in his stomach twitched.


The brown-haired young man watched his idol, he was holding a lightstick in his hand that glowed in a beautiful color, it was blue, not just some simple, pearl aqua blue. He waved with it to the beat of the song. He saw a lot of fans who were drooling, watching Jonghyun with hungry eyes. This young man could just shake his head at those people and he wondered how he could get closer to the blond-haired man. He never had a chance to go for an autograph… And why? Because he was ashamed! He sighed quietly, but at one point he had a feeling that his idol looked straight at him. He had to blink a few times, it must have been just some imagination.


The blond-haired man’s head ached, it was caused by the strain he had in the last three days. Concert, concert, and concert again, it was for a good cause, but those hungry looks and shouting… He was already looking with sincerity to the end when he would be able to take at least half a year off! Well, he knew that it couldn’t happen, he had to work and he loved it, maybe he just overworked himself a bit more than in other years. And more to add, he was the idol, fantastic, and everyone from the industry looked up to him, admiring him a lot.


Not just fans were watching him, from the backstage a couple of eyes were watching him, carefully and cautiously. Jonghyun could also feel his gaze on him, but he didn’t turn to look at him. Jjong knew him so well, he had to take care of him because he was a member of his bodyguards. But it wasn’t just this look that was different, he tried to find the owner of that stare, but how he was supposed to find one exact person when there were one forty-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine other people? His eyes were wandering down and up, he was looking at all sides. He tried to look over every seat and maybe it was thanks to the light that he didn’t catch a stare from the brown-haired young man.

“Kim Jonghyun! Kim Jonghyun!” the whole hall chanted, and Hyun smiled as he soon got to the end of his concert.

“My dear and amazing fans just now is the concert coming to the last song of my new upcoming album, it’s called Blinking Game! Enjoy it, soon, you will be able to listen to my whole new album,” he smiled but the lights were off.


The young man on the seat blinked in surprise but looked at least for the outline of his idol. Then a soft light was on and Jonghyun was illuminated by it. And the boy couldn’t take his eyes off. As soon as Jonghyun started singing, the boy thought that he was listening to an angel’s voice. He was watching him, he was like a dumb now, couldn’t say anything, he couldn’t even chant his name, he just watched him dully. If anyone wanted to kill him now and asked him about his last wish, he probably wouldn't hear them, because he only had his blond idol in front of him, who had the sweetest smile in the world.


Jonghyun sang with all the subtlety and tenderness he liked to put into his ballads, not only to them but also to other songs. When he finished, he said goodbye to his fans and spent another ten minutes on the stage, because the applause did not stop and also the screams of the fans. But then Jonghyun really ended it and went backstage.

“So, those women are absolutely crazy thanks to you… well, maybe an ambulance will come here soon,” the black-haired man laughed, the man who watched Jonghyun from the backstage during the whole concert, this man followed Jonghyun into his changing room.

"Next time, we should prepare an ambulance and a paramedic to the podium to prevent this," Hyun grinned, but he walked into the changing room and let his stylist take care of him, all stylists were amazing with their work.

"Um, these measures won't prevent your fans wouldn’t be collapsing, you shouldn't have these concerts, but if you don't, half of your fans will probably leave you and the other half will follow them shortly after," the black-haired man laughed and sat down in the swivel chair and he started spinning with it around and around like a small child.

“Nah, you really believe my fans,” Jonghyun laughed and threw at his bodyguard a hairbrush which the bodyguard caught laughing and he shook his head.

“I want to visit your boyfriend in the coffee shop, what do you think?” Jjong smiled softly. “Jinki?” the bodyguard widened his eyes.

“Do you have more boyfriends?” Jonghyun laughed and shook his head, he stood up, fixed his shirt, and ran his hand in his hair when he took on his hat and mask.

“I don’t have more!” the bodyguard muttered grabbing Jonghyun around his shoulders. “Calm down, Minho, I know you love your Jinki, but still, we can go to the coffee shop, can’t we?” Jonghyun grinned.

“Jinki will be happy to see us there, he is your fan,” Minho grinned walking outside with Jonghyun as he fixed his black sweater.

“I know… I can sign a few autographs right there… maybe a few fans will show up,” Jjong smiled and with Minho, he walked through the back door of the concert hall into the streets.

Minho took them with his car to the café, they were lucky that no one was stalking them, because if yes, it would be unbreathable in the café, although they would manage, especially Minho! Jonghyun wore his black glasses, he tried to hide his identity from his fans, although his hat and facemask will hopefully help him as well. Minho was wearing a cap, glasses, and a facemask so that no one would recognize him, though he feared that the height difference between the two young men might betray them. They entered the café, where a few eyes turned to them, and then there was an excited scream.

"Minho!" A sweet voice came from next to them, and two arms wrapped around the dark-haired man's waist.

“You would recognize me even if I was decorated in mud, wouldn’t you?” Minho laughed, but he hugged the brown-haired young man who was in his work uniform.

"Sure!" He smiled excitedly as he kissed him, then looked slightly surprised at Jonghyun's eyes. Hyun’s eyes sparkled, Hyun grinned and walked over to the table when a few pairs of eyes were watching him.

Customers held their breaths. Is he really that singer who was at his concert a while ago? The one who was on the stage the whole time? Is that really Jonghyun?! It surprised them, and no one dared to approach, ask, or perhaps just touch the star. Hyun sat down when Minho came to sit with him, and Jonghyun looked at him, smiled, and took off his facemask, hat, and glasses. All the people held their breath, now even more. It was true, Kim Jonghyun was here! Jinki walked to the table with a little red face.

"Welcome to our place, choose from our menu anything for today. I hope it will spread a smile on your face," Jinki smiled, gave them two books, and bowed.

"Thank you," Jonghyun smiled with a nice smile and nodded as Minho gave Jinki a loving look when his boyfriend flushed like a tomato.

Jinki walked away and Jonghyun leaned back in his chair and grinned at Minho.

"You shouldn't make him so nervous when he's at work," Jonghyun smiled and winked.

“Me? You're the one who makes him nervous here with your smiles. I might start to be jealous that you want to take him from me!” Minho muttered and Hyunnie laughed.

"Sorry, my little frogie," Jonghyun made his puppy's eyes and grinned as he opened a smaller book and looked at the menu. "Ah, who is this, is that really my friend?" Minho breathed out shaking his head as he looked at the menu as well.

"With the best puppy eyes in the world, after all," the idol grinned. "And even if you don't want to talk to me, you have to be with me because you're my bodyguard," he added, stretching his back as another blond-haired man came to the table.

"Do... you have a choice… what would you like to order?" He smiled nervously as Jonghyun looked at him. "Just a second," he smiled and noticed that the waiter was wearing a scarf that belonged to his last album’s merch! “In this café, it is full of fans,” Jonghyun grinned looking at Minho who laughed. "Don't be surprised when the last time you had a photo shoot here," he chuckled shaking his head as he looked at the blond-haired man.

"Kibummie, how's your dad? What about Woohyun?” Minho grinned and tilted his head to the side as the blond-haired man looked at him in surprise and blushed more. "G-good… thanks," he smiled and nodded.

"I'd like a caramel latte with a pinch of cinnamon, flavored with white chocolate, please," Jonghyun smiled looking at Kibum with a smile. "I

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961 streak #1
Chapter 1: They finally found each other in the cafe. Yet, they have been seeing each other in concerts. Taemin can be considered a successful fan for being a part of his idol's life.