Chapter Five: Confession

Our Shining Days (with Jake from ENHYPEN)
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It was in the evening. Everything was in place. The candles were shaped into a heart, the banner that had both Jake and Miriam’s names, and, of course, Miriam herself was wearing a red satin dress, and her hair was curled and all pinned up.

As she looked at herself in the mirror, she felt nervous but also excited about what was going to happen next. She couldn’t believe that she was actually going to confess her feelings to Jake, especially after everything that had been going on before. At the same time, she felt confident and ready to take this next step towards him.

She then entered out from the school and made her way to the heart-shaped circle of candles. The whole junior grade applauded with cheer and excitement. And the confession was even being taped on video for the school website!

Bangchan and most of his gang members were sitting on top of the middle stairs and watched as Miriam was about to confess her love for Jake.

“I hope everything works out!” Hannah said.

“Me too.” Bangchan added.

Kai looked at the entrance door. He then saw Yeji and Jake coming that way.

“Guys! He’s coming! Get ready, Miriam!” he then shouted.

“Alright, Kai! Cue the music!” signaled Bangchan.

Jake and Yeji were walking together, and made their way to the entrance of the school. As they got closer to the doors, Jake heard Bangchan's voice calling for Kai to play the music.

He turned around to look at Bangchan and his friends who were gathered in the second floor classroom. He then saw Miriam standing there with her red satin ball gown, curly hair, and nervous smile on her face. She looked beautiful and he couldn’t help but feel anxious as he wondered what she was going to say to him. He looked at her with love in his eyes.

She’s so beautiful, he thought, I wonder…if she’s going to confess her love to me. She has to! But…then that means…I’ll have to reject her. In a convincing way possible for Yeji.

“If you don’t turn her down, I will let the paparazzi know that you are here at school, and they will swarm you around constantly with no content. Got that?” Yeji said in a threatening tone.

“Jake Shim!” Miriam called, "My crush for you has now turned into my love for you!”

As she confessed, Everyone ooh and awed at the most adorable scene. But as they watched Jake look up at Yeji with a forced smile on his face, they couldn’t help but wonder why he was playing along with this whole plan instead of just admitting that he liked Miriam back.

But he didn’t have any choice but to pretend like he felt the same way as Yeji.

I…I am in love with you too…Miriam!

He had to do it. It was one of the only ways to protect her from Yeji’s cruel and bitter jealousy.

I’m sorry Miriam!

“I hope my feelings don't trouble you,” said Miriam, “If you don't have a problem, then let’s-”

“I do!” said Jake, advancing towards her, “I actually do have a problem with that. My problem is...I don’t like you!”

Miriam looked at Jake with a sad and confused expression on her face.

Bangchan and the gang could not help but look at each other with shocked expressions on their faces. They, too, had never expected Jake to say something like that to Miriam.

“You want to fall in love, I want to tour abroad! We don’t even know each other! Can’t you all just leave me alone?!” he yelled.

“But Jake, I didn’t mean it that way!” Miriam said, tearfully.

“You made it sound like you did!” Jake shouted, “I mean, wha

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