A Hufflepuff & Slytherin (1/?)

Love in all Forms
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Wendy jolted awake, her heart pounding in her chest. Sweat beaded on her forehead as she gasped for air. The room was still cloaked in darkness, but she could make out the familiar surroundings of her bedroom. It was the same nightmare again – the hundredth time, or maybe more.

She should be used to it by now, but each time felt just as terrifying as the last. Dark, faceless creatures soaring through the air, chasing her no matter what she did. There were others like her, but not quite the same. They seemed to be wizards or witches of some sort. Clutching their wants and flying in the air on their broomsticks, fighting back against the ominous beings with magic. But Wendy found herself running in the opposite direction, fleeing in sheer panic.

None of it made any sense. Why was she dreaming about wizards? What were those creatures? Why was she the only one trying to escape? And why had she been haunted by the same inexplicable dream since her fifteenth birthday?

At first, her parents had brushed it off as a silly dream, assuring her it was nothing to worry about. But as the weeks dragged on and the nightmares persisted, leaving Wendy sleep-deprived and jumpy, their concern grew. They had finally taken her to see a doctor, but even the medical professionals seemed stumped by her recurring night terrors.

The only semi-comforting aspect of the dream was the presence of a blonde-haired girl draped in green and silver colored robes. Though Wendy couldn't quite make out her face, she remembered the girl shouting frantically, seemingly trying to warn her about something as the creatures closed in. But just as they were about to strike, she would always wake up, feeling scared and disoriented with sweat clinging onto her body. 

Despite the fear gripping her, she tried to calm herself down, knowing that her nightmares weren't real, wondering what would happen if she didn't wake up at that moment. Would the mysterious girl rescue her? Or would the faceless horrors finally take her life?

With a tired sigh, Wendy glanced at the clock. Only a few hours until she had to get ready for school. She might as well try to get a little more rest, though she knew the same dream would likely revisit her before sunrise.



The sky was awash with hues of pink and orange, painting the horizon in a warm, inviting glow. Birds chirped, their melodies filling the air as the sun slowly inched its way up from the east. It was a beautiful morning, one that promised to be perfect day. But for Wendy, it was just another day, spent in the same old routine.

She dragged herself out of bed, wincing as her tired muscles protested against the movement. Her dreams from the night before were still fresh in her mind, but something was different about today's dream that she couldn't put a finger to, making her feel even more jittery and uneasy than usual. As she made her way to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face, she couldn't shake off the feeling that something was about to happen. Something big.

Wendy hurried through her morning routine, barely able to focus on the mundane tasks at hand. Her thoughts kept drifting back to the dream, and the mysterious girl in green and silver robes. Who was she? Why did she keep appearing in Wendy's dreams? And why did she seem to be warning her about something?

Wendy dragged herself down the staircase, each step feeling heavier than the last. Another night spent tossing and turning plagued by the same recurring nightmare. She felt utterly drained, the lack of sleep taking its toll. Resigned to her sleepless state, she trudged toward the kitchen,  the delicious aroma of food cooking doing little to rouse her appetite.

The cook, a kind-faced woman named Martha, looked up with a concerned smile. "Morning, dear. You're up early."

Wendy simply nodded, too exhausted to muster more than a slight grimace.

"Rough night?"

"The same dream again," she murmured, her voice thick with fatigue. "I don't suppose I could trouble you for a parfait this morning? Something light, perhaps?"

"Of course, dear. Why don't you have a seat at the dining room with your parents, and I'll bring it right over?"

Wendy nodded gratefully and made her way into the dining room.  Her parents were already seated at the long wooden table, her dad engrossed in the morning newspaper while her mom sipped her coffee. 

As she took a seat at the table, her mom looked up with worried eyes. "The nightmares again?" she asked, though the dark circles under Wendy's eyes told the story.

Wendy could only nod, feeling too tired to speak. "The same one," she mumbled. "The creatures...that girl..."

Her dad's brow furrowed. "The medication the doctor prescribed isn't working?"

"I'm on a different one now," Wendy said, shaking her head wearily. "It'll take some time to see if it helps." She managed a humorless laugh. "Though at this point, I'm not sure anything can stop these dreams."

Her mom was at her side in an instant, wrapping her arms around Wendy. "I'm so  sorry, baby," she cooed, rocking Wendy gently like she was a small child again. "Why don't you stay home today? Get some extra rest."

The offer was tempting - shutting herself up in her room, burying under the covers to block out the world. But Wendy knew the nightmares would simply follow her there. At least at school she could try to focus on her studies and get her mind off of her nightmares.

"It wouldn't make a difference," she mumbled into her mother's shoulder. "I'll just have the same nightmare again." Reluctantly, she pulled away, offering her parents a half-hearted smile. "Better to go learn something."

Her mom looked like she wanted to protest, to insist Wendy to stay home. But seeming to think better of it, she simply nodded reluctantly. "Alright, sweetheart. But promise me you'll come straight home after classes? No dawdling or staying late."

"I promise," Wendy replied, though they all knew she rarely lingered on campus anyway these days. Her daily routine was simple - school, home, attempt homework, nightmares. Rinse and repeat.

No matter how idyllic the day seemed, she couldn't shake the haunting images that plagued her mind. The nightmare visions felt so real, so visceral, like memories her brain had dredged up from some forgotten corner of her subconscious.

Just then, Martha walking in carrying a small glass dish filled with yogurt, granola, and fresh berries. Trying to push the unsettling thoughts aside, she  offered the cook a grateful smile and started in on her light breakfast

Her parents made an effort at light conversation, commenting on the beautiful spring weather and discussing plans for an upcoming family vacation. Wendy did her best to engage, nodding along and offering short replies when necessary. But she was just so tired. She couldn't help but feel disconnected from the conversation. Her mind was elsewhere, lost in the dream.

As she finished the last bites of her parfait, she forced out another reassuring smile at her parents. "I should get going now. I'll see you both later tonight."

Her dad gave a nod over his breakfast. "Have a good day at school, pumpkin. We love you."

Her mom rose to give her a peck on the forehead. "We're here if you need anything, okay? Anything at all."

Wendy nodded,giving her mom a hug. "I know. Thanks, mom." With a sigh, she shouldered her backpack and headed for the front foyer where their driver, Frank, was waiting.

As she stepped out the door, she felt a sudden gust of wind, nearly knocking her off-balance. She looked around, wondering where it had come from, when something small and heavy fell from the sky and landed at her feet. She bent down, picking up a small, old-fashioned parchment scroll, sealed with a strange crest she didn't recognize. Curiosity getting the better of her, she unfurled the scroll and began to read:

Dear Miss Wendy,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry...

Wendy's brow furrowed in confusion as she read on, the unfamiliar terms leaving her utterly baffled. Hogwarts? Witchcraft and wizardry? This had to be some sort of prank. Her eyes skimmed over a brief introduction about Hogwarts being a school for young wizards and witches to study magic, but she couldn't make sense of the words. This was completely nonsensical. Magic didn't exist!

To ensure a smooth and safe journey to Hogwarts, please find enclosed a pre-paid return ticket for the Hogwarts Express train, which will depart from Platform 9¾ at King's Cross Station in London on September 1st. Your school supplies will be waiting for you at your chosen house's common room.

Her hands trembled as she read those words over and over again. This has to be a prank. Yeah, definitely a prank - but how could anyone know about the details of her nightmares? The wizards, the magic, the strange creatures...those terrifying dreams that she only knew. 

Aside from her parents and doctor, she had never breathed a word of her nightmares to anyone. They were too bizarre, too far-fetched to share. She had always  felt uncomfortable even admitting them out loud, as if saying it makes her feel even more stupid. She knew they weren't real, but d

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It's hard writing 2 stories at once 😅I'm going to focus on my main story but I'll come back to this once it's finished!


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Chapter 11: Wow I'm loving this new story 😍
Riscark #2
Chapter 11: Out of your comfort zone and yet you already nails it from the first chap, can't wait for more hehe
Xhoxlgyit #3
Chapter 11: Wow love this! Can't wait for the next Part🥰
1699 streak #4
Chapter 8: Wow that's very bold of Irene lol
Riscark #5
Chapter 8: Damnnnnn, talk about being bold 🫣
Riscark #6
Chapter 7: Their chemistry tho, got me blushing like I'm the one being pursued hehe 🫣
Jfludjzekze #7
Chapter 9: A Hufflepuff & Slytherin is already my FAVOURITE 😍💙🩷
Chapter 9: i really like the idea for loneliness, it’s realistic and i’m also a er for angst or hurt/comfort i think any pairing would fit really well with it too because of her bond with all of them
Riscark #9
Chapter 9: I like wenseul, although when it comes to wenseul, I always love them as a soulmate platonic type, but still, I'm a er for meet cute