A Ghost, A Gnome, And A Forest Spirit Walk Into A Bar...

31 Days Of Halloween (Stray Kids): October 2023



Ghost Felix (Not the same as 'Smol Ghostie Felix), Gnome Seungmin, and Forest Spirit Jeongin like to travel away from their home in the Enchanted Forest. It doesn't always work out the way they plan, and sometimes things happen that they don't plan at all. Doesn't mean it's a bad thing though. Also doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt like a bi- Yeah. ;)



31 Days Of Halloween (Stray Kids):  October 2023

Story Twenty-Eight:

A Ghost, A Gnome, And A Forest Spirit Walk Into A Bar...



  A Ghost, A Gnome, And A Forest Spirit Walk Into A Bar...


  Okay, there's no bar.  But there is a forest.  (Hence, the Gnome, Seungmin, and the Forest Spirit, Jeongin.)
  The Ghost, Felix (or Lixie), as he had been nicknamed, came from a lake... somewhere.  His pre-death memories are non-existent and his fresh post-death memories are too confusing to bother thinking about.
  They met in the- you guess it- forest.
  An enchanted forest to be more precise.
  So, now that you've been filled in, let's try this again:
  A Ghost, Felix, a Gnome, Seugmin, and a Forest Spirit, Jeongin, walk into an Enchanted Forest...
  "I'm bored right now," Felix said.  He had shrunken to Jeongin's fox size and was mopping, stomach down on his back.  "We were supposed to go roller-skating and that didn't happen," he said.  "I even agreed to a nature walk out of the goodness of my heart and we didn't manage to find that waterfall.  Nothing on this trip worked out and I'm so disappointed."
  Jeongin's fox ears lowered.
  Seungmin picked them both up.  Felix moved to Jengin's stomach as he rolled him over.  Petting him he said, "It was rather annoying.  We're going to have to get better maps.  I think we should try out some of those Atlas's."
  Felix, still in fox size, hovered up and floated by his shoulder.  "I can show you the website to order the best ones."


...And They'd Rather Be Anywhere Else...


  Jeongin was hiding in one of his many dens.  He's been hearing Seungmin call him for about ten minutes.  It wouldn't take much longer to find him.  Stupid Gnomes and their nature spirit-sensing senses.  He tensed as footsteps got closer.  He barred his teeth as they appeared in front of the roots of the tree he'd created his den under.
  "Innie," Seungmin said.  He lowered and his eyes became visible.
  Jeongin launched out of the den, starting him.  He ran with everything he had.




  Felix had grown to his usual height of five feet and eight inches and he'd used the abundant energy in the enchanted forest to become solid.  He was floating in the pool of a gentle waterfall when Seungmin found him.  "You look about like I expected," he said.
  Seungmin sighed and sat at the edge, putting his feet, shoes and all, in the water.
  He snorted.  "So he ran away?"
  "Yeah.  I guess he's even more dissatisfied with us returning here than he first let on."
  "But our Atlas... es... will be here in two days and we can leave again."
  "Apparently, that's not fast enough."
  He snorted again.
  Seungmin suddenly looked determined.  "I'll set up a date night.  I'll have to set up a trap first."
  Felix laughed.  "I never thought I'd be part of a dynamic that has to catch their shapeshifter boyfriend in a trap before they can ask him out."


...So They Travel...


  Felix had absorbed enough energy to be solid, even an hour after they'd left the forest.  He and Seungmin were walking beside each other as Jeongin, in human form, walked a sizeable distance from them.  "Is he still mad," he asked.
  Seungmin remained silent long enough that he had to look at him.  He was smiling.  Anyone else, not them, would think he was just content.  That simple smile though, touched his cheeks and eyes just so...
  "You two had , didn't you?  You didn't use sentient vines to tie him down again, did you?  You know that freaks him out."
  He grinned.  "I didn't.  It was totally something different."  He put a palm up.  "Swear."
  "Something else on your . List?"  He'd get him to tell him details later.


...Only The Human Can Read The Map... Sort Of...


  "I think this symbol stands for a tree," Felix said.  He turned the book a little.  "Or maybe it's a sign?"  He let "sign" drift off in confusion.
  Seungmin sighed.  "Next time I'm getting offline maps."
  Jeongin squeezed his pack's straps.  "I don't know why I keep traveling with you two."  He picked a direction and started walking."
  Seungmin said, "At least if he gets lost he can scent his way back to us."
  "He seems... moody... er... than usual," Felix said.  "Wouldn't you agree?"  The Atlast hit the ground and he gasped.  "Crap.  I'm a ghost again."
  Seungmin grinned at his cuteness.  Leaning down to pick the Atlas up he said, "You're always a ghost."  He dusted it off.
  "Yeah, but usually I can hold things."  He sighed.  "Oh well, I guess I'll float from here on out.  My physical body batteries are dead."  He hovered three inches off the ground and shrugged.  "Sorry."
  Seungmin was already examining the Atlas.  "You act like I don't already know this about you," he said.


...Why Are Ghosts So Scary?...


  Felix was blue-transparent and manning the door, unnecessarily, floating back and forth in a mall bathroom.  "Maybe you ate something bad," he said to Jeongin who had thrown up once.  He was in the stall feeling nauseous.
  "I don't get sick from human food or otherwise," came the strained reply.
  He started to reply when the main bathroom door opened.  There was a split second of a human seeing him, doing a double-take, and-  "Please don't," he begged.
  They screamed and ran out of the bathroom.
  Later, at the camp they'd set up on B.L.M. Land (Free Wild Camping Spot Owned By The Government), he complained, "Why do ghosts have to be so scary?"
  Seungmin, who hadn't heard the story until they got back, had been laughing for a solid two minutes.
  "It's not funny.  I'm not scary or a demon or anything spooky whatsoever.  It's not fair."
  Jeongin, who had eaten some crackers to settle his stomach... also found it funny.  He said as much and enjoyed his disappointed expression.


...There Are Much More Scary Things (Than Ghosts) - Like...


  Seungmin stared in horror at Jeongin whose stomach had become a real stomach-  Not the y, flat plain of pale toned flesh he was used to.  He was leaning against a tree, looking all the more like he was in labor.
  He... wasn't actually a he... and they'd had while he was in a feminine shape-  Well, parts of him had been.  He must have accidentally created the ovaries and womb as well.  "You're pregnant," he demanded.
  "Duh," he said through gritted teeth.  His stomach tightened into a hard ball:  A contraction.
  "Why didn't you tell me?"
  "Come hold my hand, stupid.  They're yours," he yelled.
  He did and he helped him deliver, not one, not two, but three babies.
  Felix, who had found them mid-way through the second baby crowning, said, "They're all so beautiful," and proceeded to absorb as much natural energy as he could.  He solidified and stole baby number two, the only girl.
  They cleaned them all up and placed the babies in a sacred circle so the forest could feed them magic.
  When they weren't doing that, Jeongin was feeding them from s that nature had seen fit to force on him.  He grumbled but was overall thankful.


...And There Were Five...


  After much debate, the babies were named:

  Poppy (the little girly - Felix's words), Wilde (Boy Number One with a silent "E"), and Gobay (Boy Number Two with a long "O" - Like Pokemon GO!)  Gobay?...  Yeah.

  At first, it hadn't mattered, being stuck in the forest, because Jeongin had to heal and the babies needed to nurse and absorb magic.  So they could develop a human form.  Jeongin would need to manipulate it in human company, Felix not counted, (for Ghostie Reasons ;)
  Now, four months later, Felix was pouting as Seungmin had stolen all the Atlases and Maps from him.  He'd put them in his bag and was downloading offline maps for the areas around, and their next B.L.M. Land camping spot.
  A baby had been strapped to each of them (for now).  They'd rented a car this time (and car seats) - and it'd be arriving any minute.
  Last, they were sure of two things:  One, they were bound for more misadventures, and two, as long as they were together, they could handle anything.



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Thank you for reading,

Demitria_Teague (Author ;)


Read the Newest Chapter - "Undine Bed and Breakfast" >



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cookie13 #1
I am enjoying everything you have written so far. I can not wait until you post the next chapter and I will keep on enjoying the story.
Chapter 7: Congratulations