Hellfire Oasis
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The room was eerily silent, with no one else stirring except for their speaking eyes. Yet, Seulgi felt more nervous than ever, every move she made was under the intense scrutiny of the queen, who sat beautifully before her, gazing at her with unwavering intensity.


Seulgi couldn't even count how many times she sighed deeply when the moment she settled into the high chair. Her mind was in chaos, and the pressure weighed heavily on her. Her hands trembled as they continued to move, her eyes darting back and forth between the wooden canvas and the woman behind it, the subject of her painting.


When the queen demanded that she must paint her on the spot, Seulgi, of course, couldn't refuse. She could only hope that she wouldn't make any mistakes and that she would finish the portrait to the queen's satisfaction.


“Can you tell me stories about my daughter when she was still a baby?” the queen asked seriously, causing Seulgi to pause in her work and simply look at the woman.


Seulgi still didn't understand what was happening, why the queen had shown her this beautiful art room, her most favorite in this palace, or why she wanted to be drawn. But she couldn't help but notice the queen's demeanor; she didn't smile, still enveloped in her cold aura, yet there was something gentle and soft about her.


Meanwhile, Irene herself didn't understand why she had demanded Seulgi to draw her. Perhaps she was simply missing someone she longed for, and Seulgi reminded her of him.


Seulgi cleared , her eyes twinkling with fond memories, before she began to speak.


“Yerim, of course, was a happy baby,” Seulgi said, her smile growing as she continued to paint. “But she also had her moments of whining and sulking, especially when she didn't get attention. She was quite the clingy little one.”


Irene's lips curved into a faint smile. Though she already knew much about her daughter's life, but she also wanted to hear from the person who had been taking care of her daughter since the very beginning.


"What's her first word?" Irene asked softly, her voice carrying a mix of longing and regret. Yerim was so baby when the war happened, and Irene regretted missing out her daughter, baby milestones.


Seulgi's smile widened, sensing the tension in the air dissipating as they delved into conversation about Yerim. The atmosphere shifted, becoming gentle and warm.


"Her first word is Mama," Seulgi answered, her gaze softening as she met Irene's eyes.


The queen's smile in response was like a beacon of warmth, illuminating the room with its beauty. Seulgi couldn't help but admire her, her heart fluttering at the sight of the queen's captivating smile. Irene was already a vision of regal elegance, but when she smiled, she was truly breathtaking, and Seulgi found herself drawn to her even more.


“I still have all of Yerim's baby pictures, but they're back in my apartment in the human world, but I don't know how to retrieve all of that because I'm already dead now.” Seulgi explained with a wistful smile, a touch of amusement coloring her tone before she caught herself, remembering she is talking to a queen right now. 


"I mean, I would love to show you all of Yerim's baby pictures, but I don't know how, Your Majesty," she quickly amended, her focus returning to her drawing.


“I will retrieve all of my daughter's pictures,” Irene stated simply. Seulgi felt a surge of curiosity about how the queen would manage to obtain the pictures from the human world while they were in hell. Then, she remembered– the woman standing before her was the queen of hell, possessing formidable powers including the ability to teleport anywhere she desired.


“Tell me more about my daughter,” Irene softly demanded, her tone carrying an air of authority that Seulgi couldn't help but obey. She nodded immediately.


“When Yerim was growing up, she often came home from school with bruises on her face and body,” Seulgi recounted, her voice tinged with concern. 


Suddenly, a loud crash interrupted her, and she turned to see the vase beside her shattered on the ground. Panic surged through her as she met the queen's intense gaze, sensing the anger in her eyes fixated on the broken vase. Seulgi gulped in fear but continued speaking.


“Our Nonno would scold Yerim every time she returned home with bruises. At first, she was reluctant to talk about how she got them, but when I followed her to school, I discovered she was standing up to bullies who were tormenting another student,” Seulgi explained, a soft chuckle escaping her lips.


“Yerim is incredibly brave and has a big heart for everyone,” Seulgi concluded.


Irene struggled to contain her emotions at the thought of her daughter being hurt, but she found solace in the knowledge that Yerim had grown into a compassionate and courageous young woman.



“Life has been hard for the both of us, especially when our Nonno died,” Seulgi said softly, her voice tinged with sorrow as memories of their beloved Nonno flooded back—the only person who loved them wholeheartedly when no one else did, when the world seemed to have abandoned them.


Irene noticed the sudden change in Seulgi's tone, a flicker of pain crossing her features. She regretted not having the chance to thank the man who had taken care of her daughter. She had countless reasons to be grateful; Yerim had grown into a beautiful and wonderful person, a testament to their Nonno's love and care. 


“And Yerim was always getting sick, and we didn't have any money to go to the hospital. That's when I learned to steal money and con people just us to survive,” Seulgi admitted, her gaze fixed on her painting, her hands moving almost automatically with the brush.


“And my daughter learned to do the same,” Irene added quietly, her words hanging heavily in the air. Seulgi's heart skipped a beat as she met Irene's solemn gaze.


“Well, Y-Yerim is very stubborn,” Seulgi chuckled nervously, trying to ease the tension in the room. “I just want her to focus on her schooling, but she insists on helping me because she said, she doesn't want to see me suffer alone.”


The silence enveloped them, and within Irene, a complex mix of emotions swirled. Despite her attempts to mask any resentment towards Seulgi, she couldn't deny the crucial role the girl had played in shaping Yerim into the wonderful person she had become, despite the hardships they faced. Irene grappled with feelings of jealousy towards Seulgi, knowing that she had been the one by Yerim's side, witnessing her growth, while Irene had been absent.


Seulgi was on the verge of completing her painting, with just a few final touches remaining. She couldn't believe how quickly she had progressed, so absorbed in her work that she lost track of time. Her painting captured the queen's beauty in exquisite detail, yet uncertainty lingered in Seulgi's mind about whether Her Majesty would approve.


“I'm almost done, Your Majesty,” Seulgi said softly, putting the finishing touches on her artwork. With a final , she stepped back, admiring her creation, only to realize that the queen had been observing her the entire time.


Nerves prickled anew as Seulgi descended from her high chair, tidying her materials before awkwardly turning to face the queen.


“Would you like to see the painting now, Your Majesty?” she asked, her voice laced with respect. The queen simply nodded in response.


With trembling hands, Seulgi took a deep breath and slowly rotated the wooden canvas, being careful not to smudge the still-damp paint. 


"I hope it pleases Your Majesty," Seulgi said, her smile tinged with nervousness as she awaited the queen's reaction.


The queen remained impassive, her expression unreadable as she rose from her seat and approached Seulgi. With each step the queen took, Seulgi's heart raced, her body trembling in the presence of royalty. As the queen drew near, Seulgi released her grip on the wooden canvas, stepping back to maintain her composure.


"I strived to capture every aspect of your magnificence in this painting, Your Majesty," Seulgi stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.


Every time the queen drew near, Seulgi couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the majestic presence before her. 


"You are the very essence of beauty itself, Your Majesty," she whispered to the queen, her words barely audible yet filled with sincerity. 


Irene, standing nearby, froze in place as Seulgi met her gaze. In Seulgi's eyes, Irene felt a warmth, as if she were the most beautiful person in the world.


Seulgi continued, her voice gaining strength, "In your presence, the world is illuminated with a radiance unlike any other."


Irene couldn't tear her gaze away from Seulgi, her heart racing as she heard those exact familiar phrases. A phrases she had always been told by her love.


Seulgi stopped herself from speaking, fearing she might upset the queen. As she glanced at the bewildered expression on the queen's face, Seulgi's throat tightened with apprehension. She was on the verge of speaking when she witnessed tears streaming down the queen's cheeks, causing her to gasp in surprise.


“Y-your Majesty?” Seulgi stammered, her voice trembling with uncertainty. She felt utterly lost, unsure of how to react. This was the first time she had seen the queen in tears.


“What's wrong, Majesty? Why are you crying?” Seulgi's worry deepened, her instinct urging her to comfort the queen. Yet, she hesitated, afraid of overstepping boundaries.


“Why do you always remind me of him?” Irene's voice wavered, tears continuing to cascade down her cheeks. 


Seulgi struggled to comprehend the queen's words until, unexpectedly, Irene leaned in and kissed her, leaving Seulgi wide-eyed with shock.


Seulgi froze on the spot, her mind racing with confusion and disbelief. As she felt the queen's lips moving against hers, and the sensation sent a jolt of electricity through her. As the queen's arms wrapped around her neck, Seulgi sensed a silent plea, a demand for reciprocation.


With each passing moment, Seulgi's resolve crumbled, replaced by a surge of desire she couldn't suppress. She heard the queen moan, and in that moment, all hesitation vanished. Seulgi surrendered to the intensity of the kiss, her arms enveloping the queen's body as she responded with equal fervor. Their lips met in a passionate embrace, igniting a fire that burned between them, transcending any boundaries or expectations.


There was hunger in the kiss, an intensity that felt almost punishing, yet it sent shivers down Seulgi's spine. She let out a grunt of surprise as Irene's mouth opened, allowing her tongue to slip inside, teasing and exploring against hers. Caught off guard by the sudden intimacy, Seulgi found herself unable to resist the enticing dance between their tongues, a sensation both unfamiliar and exhilarating.


Then a rush of memories hit Seulgi like a bolt of lightning. She remembered the kiss she had shared with the queen, the night when she had awoken to find the queen in her room. Seulgi had pulled herself away from the kiss, but she hadn't been able to bring herself to move away from the queen's touch, her curiosity piqued as she stared at the queen with a mixture of confusion and intrigue.


Irene, who disliked being interrupted, glared dangerously at Seulgi, her expression conveying a warning.


“I—I remembered everything, the night you kissed me. Y-you erased my memories,” Seulgi blurted out, her words tumbling out in a nervous rush. But Irene merely raised an eyebrow, her expression unreadable.


“So what if you remember?” Irene's tone was ice-cold, sending a shiver down Seulgi's spine. “Are you going to be angry with me now?” 


Seulgi shook her head nervously, feeling a sense of apprehension wash over her.


“Then kiss me again now!” Irene demanded, pulling Seulgi close. Seulgi found herself unable to resist as their lips met once more, succumbing to the allure of the queen's kiss. 


Despite the confusion and uncertainty swirling within her, Seulgi couldn't deny the undeniable attraction she felt towards the queen.


Seulgi couldn't suppress a low groan as Irene on her tongue, the intensity of the kiss igniting a fire within her. Cupping Irene's face with both hands, Seulgi responded eagerly, the kiss growing even more passionate and fervent, each movement fueled by a mutual need and desire.


“I could start a fire with you, Kang Seulgi,” Irene grunted between their kisses. Seulgi felt her insides knotting, a rush of heat flooding through her at the queen's words, igniting a fierce blaze of desire within her.


Seulgi's kiss was forceful, passionate, and hot, her tongue exploring every inch of Irene's mouth with fervor, eliciting a loud moan from the queen as she on her tongue.


Irene responded eagerly, matching Seulgi's intensity as she returned the kiss with equal fervor, giving her exactly what she wanted.


“We really shouldn't be doing this, Your Majesty,” Seulgi whispered against Irene's lips, though her words were barely a whisper as she continued her fervent ministrations.


“We really shouldn't,” Irene agreed, her voice filled with a mixture of desire and restraint, even as she continued to kiss Seulgi back. 


Her hands found their way to the back of Seulgi's head, tangling in the soft strands of her hair. Seulgi couldn't help but moan softly as Irene's other hand rested on the back of her neck, massaging her nape.


“Hmm..” Irene moaned in response as Seulgi tore her lips away from the queen's and latched onto her neck, finding herself tilting her head to give Seulgi full access. Her hands tightened on Seulgi's head, fingers raking through her scalp, pulling her closer in an intoxicating embrace.


Irene was too caught up in the sensation of Seulgi's lips on her neck to even think about anything else. Seulgi's kisses trailed up her neck, along her jawline, and back to her lips, claiming once more. Their hands began to roam freely over each other's bodies, igniting sparks of desire with every touch.


But as much as Seulgi didn't want to, she forced herself to pull away from the delicious kiss. Despite the overwhelming desire coursing through her, she knew she needed to regain control of her actions. She was scared of what might happen next, of the consequences of giving in to her desires. Taking a deep breath, she tried to steady her racing heart and clear her mind, bracing herself for what lay ahead.


“Why did you stop?!” the queen demanded angrily, her gaze fixed on Seulgi's swollen lips.


“Because I don't know what's really going on. You always said you hated me, you made me feel it every day. But then here you are, kissing me all over and over again," Seulgi replied, her voice tinged with exhaustion. She didn't want to face the truth of the queen's intentions towards her, fearing she was being used.


Irene's face darkened with anger at Seulgi's words.


“What is this between us? What are you to me? What am I to you, Your Majesty?” Seulgi continued, her words tumbling out in a rush as she struggled to make sense of their complicated relationship.


“You make me feel warmth, yet there's a burning hatred within me. You make everything in me burn, Kang Seulgi.” Irene said dangerously to her.


Seulgi groaned, her senses somersaulting with those words as she gazed down at the queen for a moment. Without hesitation, she leaned down and captured Irene's lips in another passionate kiss. In that moment, they were both lost in their own world, consumed by the fiery passion between them.






Yerim found herself once again in a recurring dream, standing in the familiar surroundings of her parents' house in the human world. As she wandered through the house, she heard faint giggles emanating from a nearby room. 


Curious, Yerim followed the sound and pushed open the door, expecting to find her father painting.


To her surprise and dismay, Yerim's steps faltered when she saw another woman standing in front of her father, the subject of his painting. It wasn't her mother. Instead, it was the same woman who had appeared in her dreams before, gazing at her father with a look of love and adoration. Yerim's anger surged as she watched her father smile lovingly at the other woman.


Confusion and betrayal welled up inside Yerim as she struggled to comprehend why the other woman was here instead of her mother.


Then Yerim felt herself being pulled away as the scenario in her dream shifted once more. This time, her father was holding a baby, and she knew already that the baby was her, while the other woman remained by his side, showering the infant with affectionate kisses. Yerim knew deep down that this was just a dream, and yet, she couldn't shake off the intense anger bubbling inside her.


As Yerim approached the woman beside her father, her hand poised to push her away, but then the dream abruptly changed again. Now, she found he

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As we prepare to enter the final chapter of Hellfire Oasis, I want to thank you all for accompanying these characters and their stories thus far. Your support and engagement have meant the world to me. See you all in the final chapter!♡


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Oct_13_wen_03 0 points #1
Chapter 32: No way 😭😭😭 next chapter is the last one? I can't believe this book is come to end 😭😭😭🩷🩷🩷😒
0 points #2
Chapter 31: Chapter 31: I am not lying when I say that I am sad to learn that the next chapter will be the last. I have trouble putting into words how this story makes me feel. It makes me feel happy, imaginative, frustrated, soft and a lot of other feelings. This is far from beginner's work ma'am! damn your writing is very good that it makes me want to ask for more chapters (hehe) and as for my favorite chapter that i like to reread is from chapter 14 where yeri becomes clingy to her mom, when she embarrassingly appeared in front of everyone because she's looking for irene, or the other chapter where Yeri would say she loves irene, or when irene would kiss her daughter even and yeri would be shy, and.. just everything about our yerene duo, yes i am a er for em. and pls don't remove ur kofi for me, I'm gonna give you lots lots when i have a job , but for now, all i can give you is my big thank you, for writing this, and for giving me something to look forward to everyday. hellfire oasis, please don't end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 points #3
Chapter 32: woah, this is a masterpiece.
0 points #4
Chapter 32: Omggg?! I didn't expect the last part, Seraphine and Seulgi?? Irene you better hurry up now 😭
percydary #5
Chapter 31: there are so many beautiful chapters here that i always read again and again but my favorite the most is when yerim saw irene for the first time, I always imagine how beautiful that scene and when irene woke up and her being so possessive to her own daughter
63 streak #6
Chapter 30: 💯😌🙏
Chapter 30: Michael is the guardian angel of Irene's family, he helped them until the end and Eunwoo doing the same with Yeri but the diff part was he had fall in love with her but now idk cos of Wendy and Seulgi's fate being meant to be in heaven not in hell and her reaction? I really cant wait for seulrene's story!
Chapter 31: my favourite chapter has been chapter 15! seulrene moments making me melt and yeri finding out, starting the chaos!!
Chapter 31: my fave chapter was when Seulgi and Yeri kissed Irene and also when Irene woke up, i always read it. twas like magical 🥺
zjkdlin0121 #10
Chapter 31: my fave chapter was when queen irene woke up