after the confession

Warm Dim Turns To Light
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After she confesses to Jiyong last night, both of them continue deep talked until they fell asleep. They feel relieved when they can be honest with each other. Taeyeon story back how's she come to Paris before, she told about her father sudden death and what happen to her family in three years before she meet him again. Jiyong felt sympathy after he heard it. Other than that, Jiyong also told Taeyeon about his life. He tells her, how his parents leave him with halabeoji, how he's start to become a chef and the reason for him to go to Paris before. Taeyeon feel sorry for Jiyong but get to know about how's his ex-girlfriend betrayed him, Taeyeon feel glad that she was there to comfort him at that time.

On next morning, Taeyeon is preparing the breakfast when Jiyong get downstairs. Jiyong looks around, but he just saw Taeyeon is alone in the kitchen. Jiyong smirk while approaching his wife.

“Morning…” Jiyong said by whisper in her ear while his hand hugging from behind.

“Morning…” Taeyeon replied shyly.

“What we got for breakfast?” Jiyong asked while he rests his chin on her shoulder.

“I made egg soup. Jiyong, could you help me with the kimchi?” Taeyeon asked softly.

“Sure, dear…” Jiyong replied before he went to kiss her cheek.

Taeyeon startled with the kiss, but when she’s turn to look at Jiyong, he took that advantage to pecks her lips.

“Yah! Halabeoji will see it…” Taeyeon said try to cover her shyness.

Jiyong grin before he release Taeyeon and go get the kimchi for them.

Taeyeon can feel her nervous when Jiyong spoil her with the kiss. However, she can't stop him.

“Dear, you think should we stop calling each other name? I like it if you call me, yeobo... jagi... or honey?” suddenly Jiyong asked with smirks.

Taeyeon smiles and then she asks

“Why I can’t call you by name?”

“Hurm… I don't get the feel as husband...come on... let me start... which one you like it? Darling or sweetie? Or baby?” Jiyong asked with smiles.

“I don't mind... but now, go get halabeoji... the breakfast is ready,” Taeyeon replied before she pushes Jiyong to get halabeoji.

“We continue this later... arasso?” Jiyong asked while walking to halabeoji room.

Taeyeon is just smiling without answering him.

Jiyong knock the door before he open it.

“Halabeoji, come… the breakfast is ready,” Jiyong said after he open the door.

“Good! You're here... come! Help me with this...” halabeoji said while he's trying to pull something out under the bed.

“What are you doing?” Jiyong asked while approaching halabeoji.

“I just remember that I have easel stand before... I want to give it to Taeyeon for her to drawing.” Halabeoji replied while he keeps looking under the bed.

Jiyong look at his grandfather with frown before he asks

“How you know she’s can drawing?”

Halabeoji chuckles before his reply

“When you're not home, she’s asking me to be her model for her drawing. She's amazing... look! I already frame her drawing!”

Halabeoji point his finger to the wall to show Taeyeon drawing.

Jiyong look at the drawing and then he’s smiling.

“It's look like you two have so much fun without me...” Jiyong said while act, he’s jealous.

“What can I say... she's more fun than you...” halabeoji replied to tease.

Jiyong shakes his head with chuckles before he look under the bed to help halabeoji get the easel stand.

Suddenly, Taeyeon appear in front of the room and saw both of them are looking under the bed.

“What are you two doing?” Taeyeon asked with frown.

Jiyong and halabeoji look at her at the same time.

“Oh… I ask Jiyong to help me get the easel stand.” Halabeoji replied while smiling.

“For what? Why you need that thing?” Taeyeon asked.

“Halabeoji want to give it to you… so, you can use it for drawing,” Jiyong replied to explain.

“Halabeoji…” Taeyeon calls him with pout.

“Here…!” suddenly Halabeoji said after he saw the thing.

Jiyong that also saw it, he went to grab the easel stand before he pulls it out from under the bed.

“Yeah… this still can be using…” halabeoji said happily after Jiyong pull the thing out.

“Halabeoji… you don’t have to bother it,” Taeyeon said with uneasy.

“Don’t worry… I want you to use it when you’re drawing… here!” halabeoji said while handed the thing to Taeyeon.

Taeyeon look at halabeoji with uneasy but when she saw Jiyong nodded, Taeyeon take it and says

“Thank you, halabeoji…”

“No big deal… so, after this, you can ask me anytime to be your model…”halabeoji replied proudly.

Jiyong and Taeyeon chuckles after halabeoji said that.

“Okay…okay… can we go have breakfast now? I’m hungry….” Jiyong said.

“Let’s go!” halabeoji replied happily while all of them walks out from the room.








While Taeyeon is focusing on her work, suddenly someone knocks on the door.

“Yes?” Taeyeon shouts.

“Is someone busy?” Jiyong asked after he opens the door.

Taeyeon smiles widely after she saw Jiyong presence.

“What are you doing here?” Taeyeon asked while she gets up from her chair.

“I got to delivery something...” Jiyong said while take a step into the office while hiding something behind him.

Taeyeon look at him with suspicious eyes before she asks

“Don't you have to get prepare at restaurant right now?”

“Don't worry... I still have my assistant chef in there...” Jiyong replied before he pulls out his hand from behind, and then he handed the bouquet of daisies to Taeyeon.

Taeyeon stunned when she saw the bouquet before she takes it from him.

“You go to omma shop?” Taeyeon asked.

Jiyong nodded with smiles.

“You like it?” Jiyong asked.

“Love it! Thank you!” Taeyeon replied happily.

“So... can we have a date tonight?” Jiyong asked while he put his hands on Taeyeon waist.

“Where you want to go?” Taeyeon asked with smiles.

“Hurm… this would be our first date as lover, I want to make it a special date...” Jiyong replied before he kisses her cheek.

“Jiyong, behave! We're at office...” Taeyeon said after Jiyong kiss her.

Jiyong pout with sulky after Taeyeon said that.

Taeyeon grin after she saw Jiyong sulky face.

Then, she put the bouquet on the couch beside them. She went to hold Jiyong face before she asks

“Did I offend you?”

“Little bit...” Jiyong replied shortly.

Taeyeon smiles and then she tiptoed her legs to whisper in Jiyong ear softly.

“I'm sorry... but if you can behave nicely, I'll give something more special to you tonight...” Taeyeon said by whispering in his ear.

Jiyong rounded his eyes after she said that. Taeyeon chuckles after she saw Jiyong show interested with her words.

“Promise?” Jiyong asked with grin.

Taeyeon nodded before she reply


Jiyong smiles widely and then he says

“I'll pick up you after office hour... then, we can go for date...”

“Yah! Didn't the restaurant closed at 11? You want to leave out earlier?” Taeyeon asked with uneasy.

“Don't worry... I'll ask Youngbae to take over for me... besides, I can't bear to not see you...” Jiyong replied with smiles.

Taeyeon narrow her eyes after Jiyong said that.

“But... that's your work too... it's okay to leave it to others? What if the customer asks for you?” Taeyeon asked uneasy.

“Then, you can wait for me until 11?” Jiyong asked with uneasy.

“Sure... I can wait... after all, we still have a lot of time to spend together...” Taeyeon replied try to persuade him.

“Arasso… then, why don't you come to the restaurant after office hours? We can go after the restaurant closed.” Jiyong said his thought.

“Sure… I’ll see you at restaurant…” Taeyeon replied.

Jiyong pull Taeyeon to hugs her. 

“Love you... take care, okay?” Jiyong asked while hugging her.

“Nae…” Taeyeon replied cutely.







“Korea! I'm back!” the guy said after he takes off his sunglass.

“You look excited to come back here…” his friend said.

“I am… and I come to demand someone's promise...” the guy replied.

“What promise?” his friend asked.

However, the guy is

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Chapter 50: Ohhh its now the end. This is a good story! Thank you so much.
309818 #2
Chapter 50: Oh its over? Craving for more... Thank you.. All your stories are awesome
MelTT08 #3
Chapter 50: It was really good! I'm sad it's already over 🥲
Chapter 48: I can’t wait for them to meet again. Thanks for the update.
Chapter 46: Fany is here to save the day! Thanks for the update.
309818 #6
Chapter 45: I can't 😭😭😭😭
Chapter 45: Feel so sad for the both of them. I hope Taeyeon and Jiyong can start over again.
tyeam0309 #8
Chapter 44: Fighting authorinm, thank you.
309818 #9
Chapter 44: Huhuhu nooooo 😭😭😭
Chapter 43: Ahhh Jiyong is in trouble again. Hope the chaos will be over soon.