her happiness

Warm Dim Turns To Light
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After a week passed, Taeyeon still set a boundary with Jiyong, but he didn't. Jiyong will act casually with her just to set off the boundary. He knows Taeyeon will insist with her words, but Jiyong noticed that she willingly to do the chores and act as his wife in front of halabeoji. Sometimes, Jiyong like to took advantage to or touch her.

On that day, Jiyong come early to the restaurant to planning the recipe for Taeyeon birthday cake. He wants to bake the special cake for her and show her his love. While he's focusing, Youngbae that just arrived went to approach behind him.

“What are you doing…?” Youngbae asked.

“Yah! You startled me!” Jiyong replied with surprised.

“What are you planning secretly?” Youngbae asked with suspicious.

“Nothing.” Jiyong replied try to hide his plan.

Youngbae narrow his eyes before he snatch the book on the counter and then he read it.

“Yah! Give me back!” Jiyong said while try to get the book from Youngbae.

“Ohooo.... someone is planning a surprise birthday cake... is that for your wife?” Youngbae asked teasingly.

Jiyong smiles shyly before he takes the book from Youngbae hand.

“Is look like my guess is right...?” Youngbae continue with teasing smiles.

“Yes, it’s for my wife… happy?” Jiyong asked sarcastic but he start to feel embarrass after Youngbae know about it.

“Wow… she’s lucky if have that special cake for her… baked by her own husband…” Youngbae replied with tease smirks.

“I don't know if she likes it...” Jiyong said with unsure.

“Yah! She’s your wife… of course she’ll love it…” Youngbae replied to give boost to him.

Jiyong nodded slowly.

“So… did you already told her about your feeling?” suddenly Youngbae asked.

Jiyong shakes his head slowly.

“Aigoo… how long you want to keep it? Until she found someone else?” Youngbae asked sarcastic.

Jiyong look at him with uneasy after he mentions that.

“What? It’s true… you don’t tell her, she never know about it,” Youngbae continues.

“Actually, I plan to tell her on her birthday...” Jiyong replied slowly.

Youngbae smiles after Jiyong said that.

“Good for you! How you plan to do it? Write on the cake? Romantic dinner? Firework?” Youngbae asked excitedly.

Jiyong chuckles when he sees his friend excited face.

“Why you laughing? Tell me… what’s the plan? Want my help?” Youngbae asked.

“I'm not sure... but for now, I'm focusing on the cake. We talk later about the rest...” Jiyong replied.

“Great! Argh… I’m so happy to help you,” Youngbae said excitedly.

Jiyong smiles before he looks at the book and thinking the best cake for Taeyeon.





Taeyeon and Yoona went to the restaurant to have discussion with Jiyong about the kimbap project. When both of them arrive, the restaurant empty without customers. Taeyeon asked Sunny about it.

“Why the restaurant empty?” Taeyeon asked.

“We have VIP customer booked the whole restaurant to propose his girlfriend.” Sunny replied excitedly.

“Omo… that’s so romantic,” Yoona said with jealous.

“Isn't? Hurm... but still... no one is asking us to marry... except her...” Sunny said while pointing to Taeyeon.

Taeyeon chuckles before she asks

“Where is Jiyong? We’re here to meet him,”

“He's busy in the kitchen... you can wait him at leisure room.” Sunny replied.

Taeyeon nodded before she went into the kitchen.

Inside the kitchen, Taeyeon saw Jiyong is busy with his work. However, Sangmi presence in there, make Taeyeon feel uneasy. She’s remembering how Sangmi confess her feelings to Jiyong on that night.

“It’s look like the chef is busy,” Yoona said when she saw Jiyong.

“Let’s go wait for him in leisure room.” Taeyeon replied before she and Yoona leave the kitchen.

Few minutes in leisure room, Jiyong still didn't come. Suddenly, Sangmi enters the room while bringing them drink and some snack.

“Chef asks me to bring it for you two. He'll come after the preparation.” Sangmi said.

“Thank you…” Yoona replied before she take the snack and eat.

“Erm… Mrs…” suddenly Sangmi said while looks at Taeyeon.

“Yes?” Taeyeon asked.

“You're the lucky person to marry the chef!” suddenly Sangmi said randomly.

Taeyeon and Yoona frown after she said that.

“Thank you…” Taeyeon replied hesitated.

Sangmi smiles before she left the room.

“What’s wrong with her?” Yoona asked while munch the snack.

However, Taeyeon just lift her shoulder to answer her.

Moment later, Jiyong enter the room after he finishes with the preparation. He smiles after he saw Taeyeon and then he went to sit beside her.

“I’m sorry to let you two wait for me,” Jiyong said to apologies.

“It’s okay… with the drink and delicious snack… it’s worth,” Yoona replied happily.

Jiyong look at Taeyeon and saw her is focusing on her tablet.

“So, what are we going to discuss?” Jiyong asked while looking at Taeyeon.

Taeyeon lift her head and saw Jiyong is staring at her.

“Ehem… well, the supplier already agreed, but we need you to choose the packaging design before we vote in the meeting.” Taeyeon replied try to be serious.

“Okay… I’ll do it,” Jiyong said.

“Also, because it's food, we still need to do the R&D process before we can produce it out.” Taeyeon replied.

“Sure…anything you think it's good, just proceed it.” Jiyong said with smiles.

“Wow... it's so easy to work with you, chef! Don't you want to ask us anything? It could be the process?” Yoona asked.

“Don't bother. I trust my wife. Besides, she’s known what better for the project...” Jiyong replied while looking at Taeyeon.

Yoona smirk teasingly after Jiyong said that, but Taeyeon face start to get blushed.

“Okay… here the latest design for the packaging... just choose which one you prefer...” Taeyeon said try act normally.

Jiyong take the tablet from Taeyeon while he looks at the pamphlet in there.

“Who design this?” Jiyong asked.

“My team...” Taeyeon replied.

“But the drawing it’s your wife...” Yoona said to interrupt.

Jiyong rounded his eyes after Yoona said that.

“Wow… you still got the talent,” Jiyong said to compliment.

“What do you mean, I still got the talent?” Taeyeon asked with frown.

“Yeah... look at this... your drawing... it's beautiful. Same just what you do it for me in Paris.” Jiyong blurt out the old memory.

Taeyeon look at Jiyong after he mentions that.

“You still remember?” Taeyeon asked with surprised.

“Of course, dear. In fact, I still keep the drawing.” Jiyong replied with smiles.

Taeyeon got speechless after Jiyong saying that. Out of nowhere, she felt touched when Jiyong say he's keeping the drawing.





After the discussion, Jiyong went to send them to leave. But, on the way, they saw all the staffs are watching a VIP customer propose to his lover from the CCTV screen. Jiyong, Taeyeon and Yoona just went to approach them.

“Wow~ look at them… he's preparing the bouquet!” one of the staff said.

“The bouquet is so beautiful... I want one...” another staff said with jealous.

Jiyong shakes his head after he saw his staffs behave like that.

“Chef! Have you given your wife bouquet?” suddenly the staff asked.

Jiyong and Taeyeon startled with the sudden question.

“Yeah! Of course, he had... right chef?” Yoona asked try to defend Jiyong.

Jiyong smiles awkwardly before he looks at Taeyeon.

“He doesn't need to do that... besides, why we have to waste money for that?” Taeyeon asked with uneasy.

“That's we called gifted... appreciation... aigoo... Yah! Why don't you go ask imo? Isn't she working at florist shop?” Yoona asked.

Taeyeon chuckles after Yoona asked that.

“Okay, we have to leave now…” Taeyeon said before she drags Yoona to leave the restaurant.

Jiyong smiles while he follows behind them. However, before Jiyong left, suddenly Sangmi calls Jiyong.

“Chef! I need your help…” she said.

Taeyeon stops her steps and then look at them both.

“What?” Jiyong asked.

“I can't find what you need for the desserts... can you help me?” she asked.

“You can ask Daesung…” Jiyong replied before he held Taeyeon shoulder to leave there.

“But… chef…” Sangmi said with uneasy.

Taeyeon noticed it and then she says

“It's okay. You may go... after all, we park the car nearby.”

Jiyong look at Taeyeon with uncomfortable after she said that.

“But…” Jiyong try to say something.

“It's okay. Just go... you're busy. Go...” Taeyeon continue while she pushes Jiyong back into the kitchen.

Jiyong continue his staring at Taeyeon, and he noticed she's trying to push him over. In the end, Jiyong going back into the kitchen with upset.


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Chapter 50: Ohhh its now the end. This is a good story! Thank you so much.
309818 #2
Chapter 50: Oh its over? Craving for more... Thank you.. All your stories are awesome
MelTT08 #3
Chapter 50: It was really good! I'm sad it's already over 🥲
Chapter 48: I can’t wait for them to meet again. Thanks for the update.
Chapter 46: Fany is here to save the day! Thanks for the update.
309818 #6
Chapter 45: I can't 😭😭😭😭
Chapter 45: Feel so sad for the both of them. I hope Taeyeon and Jiyong can start over again.
tyeam0309 #8
Chapter 44: Fighting authorinm, thank you.
309818 #9
Chapter 44: Huhuhu nooooo 😭😭😭
Chapter 43: Ahhh Jiyong is in trouble again. Hope the chaos will be over soon.