
If I'm Not in Love with You
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The cast and crew were prepped up to be working until late at night the next afternoon.  She was surprised to see her cast mates huddled at the center of the stage when she came to the auditorium.


She curiously approached and tried to squeeze in the hunkered circle. “W-What’s going on?”


Then she saw it. Four white lilies in a thin wicker basket. It had a lilac silk ribbon at the top of the ring and it had her name in silver glitters.


Her cast mates cheered and laughed as Minseok tickled Kyungsoo at her sides.


Her eyes quickly scanned the props people.  “Where’s Chanyeol?”


Everyone murmured that they hadn’t seen either him or Jongin. 


It was already turning five in the afternoon.  She had a feeling that Chanyeol wasn’t going to show up.


She smiled wearily at the happy crowd as she retreated to the dressing room to set the bouquet aside, crestfallen.  Why was she hanging on to hoping that her mystery guy was Chanyeol?  Sure, he had graduation practice but he couldn’t even keep his promise to be there.


The first flower had already wilted, while the second set had faded. What she received yesterday was on its way to wither. Now she didn’t know what to do with this. If the gift-giver was too scared to support his gestures with a face-to-face encounter then the flowers were useless.


She was sick and tired of this!  She had other things to worry about than set expectations for her faux boyfriend and him not meeting them... She was headlining a play tomorrow, for crying out loud!


The next day, a Saturday, she was having restless dreams of an unsuccessful play when she felt somebody gently shaking her awake. Minseok smiled and invited her to go have breakfast.


Ten in the morning was their call time. Kyungsoo, Yixing and Minseok came in fifteen minutes earlier. Her heartbeat stopped as she saw Chanyeol and Jongin working together on one of the village houses. She was just about to walk over when her friends pulled at her arm to join the cast in one last briefing before the final rehearsal. It was only when the professor announced to have lunch at 2 p.m. that she found him backstage.


“Uh, Chanyeol?” she called abruptly.


He turned, on his way to the supplies closet. “Hi, Kyungsoo,” he greeted, his smile tentative.


She was uncertain where to begin. There were so many things she needed to ask, so many things she wanted to tell him.


Chanyeol bit his lip. He had missed her yesterday since graduation practice took up his time but he was actually in a terrible rush. One of the huts got disarrayed and he was about to get some rope and superglue to find a way to fix it. “Kyungsoo, I’m sorry... I...”


“Chanyeol,” she began softly, her eyes not with its usual sparkle. “Are you avoiding me?”


His mouth opened to directly oppose but then closed it as he locked eyes with hers, his mind battling with extreme thoughts that he felt like being pulled into all sorts of directions.  He had wondered all day yesterday if it was all right to send her a tiny text message to let her know he was thinking of her, until he hadn’t been able to send any message at all. If she only knew how much he wanted to get down on one knee this moment and ask her to be his girlfriend, for real... but this wasn’t the right time.


“No,” Chanyeol answered, hoping she would realize the purity of the truth behind it.  “It’s just that...” He looked at the supplies closet at the far end of the hall. He gripped her hands. “It’s just so chaotic here right now.”


It crunched Chanyeol’s heart when she looked like she was ready to cry. Then he realized how insensitive and cold he must have sounded. “Kyungsoo...” he tried again. “I’m sorry.” Then, to her amazement, he leaned close and pressed his lips tenderly on her forehead. “I’m not avoiding you,” he assured sincerely.  “Graduation practice finished late yesterday so I hadn’t been able to come.  And the play’s in five hours but there’s still so much to do, with props falling apart...”


She didn’t hear the rest of his explanation.  She could only look at him, his kiss confusing her all the more. There was nobody around, and yet he kissed her in affection... What did that mean?


He attempted a small smile as he squeezed her hand. “Good luck with the play later. I know you’ll be brilliant.”


And with that, Chanyeol reluctantly let go of her hand and ran to the supplies closet.


Kyungsoo turned away, two tears rolling down her eyes, feeling as though she only embarrassed herself by asking her dumb question.


Fifteen minutes till opening. Professor Hwang announced for everyone to gather around the stage and hold hands to join each other in prayer—the actors, wardrobe, dancers, stylists, writers, lights, audio and props.


They did the ritual before a performance without fail. She stood between Sehun and the professor as everyone held hands in a big circle.


“Once again, we are gathered here together...” the professor was saying, her eyes closed.


Kyungsoo respectfully bowed her head as the others did while the professor continued her exaltation.


A few moments later, she raised her gaze towards Chanyeol, who was standing between Jongin and Jongdae. His eyes were closed as well and Kyungsoo discerned that he couldn’t see her.


“I know I haven’t prayed as often as I should,” Kyungsoo prayed silently with her heart. “But forgive me for my requests tonight: Please give me the strength to tell Chanyeol how I feel... Please let him take the time to listen to me. Please don’t let him hide behind the flowers, if he turns out to be the one sending them. Please let him know, if my words will not be enough for tonight, that I need to hear him tell me how he feels about me too.”


She felt Sehun squeeze her hand. She looked up to his encouraging smile. Professor Hwang grinned and ended the prayer. Everyone answered, “HWAITING!!!”


Then they all applauded happily, the crowd breaking into a million pieces as all went around giving hugs to one another, murmuring their well wishes for a fine performance. She struggled to weave through the crowd for him, until their eyes met.

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57 streak #1
Chapter 2: Being invisible had its perks such as Chanyeol not having to embarass himself so badly. She is stunning but the boy forgot how to breath for a minute or two.

Now they have something connecting them. Chanyeol is visibke and he better use that to his advantage!
57 streak #2
Chapter 1: Kyungsoo is so pretty and kind, no surprise Chanyeol fell for her. All these years it must be hard to hide his feelings, especially simce they share the same class.

Maybe he can combine the task with something he loves and write a poem about Kyungsoo? Though his poems are a disasters maybe for her he would put in some effort.
ahzeeee #3
Already read it when its posted on A03, just wanna say thankyou for always bringing these wonderful stories for us at every fest!