Chapter 22

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Chaewon stopped his car in front of their supposed meeting point with Yunjin. After a lot of persuasion coming from Minju, she finally agreed on coming here tonight despite going to have her wedding tomorrow. Chaewon was leaning against his car while Minju sat down on the hood waiting for Yunjin. A white car came and parked just a few steps away from them. Minju looked up while Chaewon had his calm expression on. Yunjin came out of her car and closed the door behind her. She crossed her arms in front of her chest and with an eyebrow raised, she started speaking.

“Why are we meeting here?”

Chaewon’s expression didn’t change while Minju jumped down and walked towards Yunjin. She had a white envelope with her. Minju stopped in front of the other girl.

“How’s your wedding preparation?”

“Good. I’m getting married. Why are you asking?”

Minju smirked and took out what was inside of the white envelope. Thanks to her gifted mind, Minju had Chaewon printed it out from his email just in case. Yunjin had that skeptical look on her face.

“Read it. I need your opinion on this, Yunjin.”

Yunjin rolled her eyes and grabbed it from Minju. Her eyes were set on the paper but the annoyed look she had on earlier was slowly fading away. She barely reached half of it when she looked up back and saw Minju’s smirk grow wider.


“How did I get that?”

Chaewon didn’t say a word. He was not the one who liked to get involved in an argument between girls. Plus, Minju made it clear to him that she could handle it. He watched as Yunjin’s eyes widened. Well, who wouldn’t?

“Now, Yunjin. Don’t tell me that the report was fake because I’m going to kick your if you start accusing me faking it.”

Yunjin didn’t dare answer Minju’s question. Her mind had played all sorts of ways on how this report could be leaked out. But she won’t crumble down under Minju’s intense stare. She had to do something.

“I-I don’t know what you are trying to do, Minju. But I’m really pregnant!”

“Really? Let’s back track. You claimed to be pregnant, and Sakura is your baby’s father. You dragged your family into this stupid mess and started accusing Sakura. You knew he would torn in deciding what he should do. But you needed evidence. The thing is, Yunjin, you were pretty stupid considering how smart you are in the business world. You should have bribed another doctor who can disappear after faking a report but now, you picked your family’s doctor and had him lied in his report. Then you brought it to your father and started crying your eyes out. Do you want me to continue?”

Yunjin’s hands tightened around the piece of paper. Minju continued.

“You planned out Eunbi’s accident, didn’t you? it, Yunjin! You almost killed her!”

Minju would have jumped at her if it wasn’t for Chaewon holding her back in time. She was ready to beat the hell out of Yunjin for hurting Eunbi. Yunjin immediately backed away.

“How could you?! Is another person’s life meant nothing to you?!”

Minju screamed her heart out. She had lost control. She almost lost her best friend.

“Minju, calm down!”

Minju struggled in Chaewon’s arms trying so hard to break free. Yunjin was planning on killing Eunbi and Minju couldn’t get it out of her mind. Watching Minju like that scared Yunjin.

“I didn’t plan that accident. I-I didn’t k-know. I d-didn’t know…”

Chaewon looked back at Yunjin.

“Yunjin, tell us the truth!”

Yunjin fell on her knees and that moment, tears rolled down her cheeks. Minju stopped struggling to break free and they both watched as Yunjin cried even more.

“S-She took him away from me! Sakura is mine! He left me because that seduced him to the bed and she’s pregnant with his baby! How would you feel if someone do that to you and took Chaewon away from you, Minju?!”

Chaewon and Minju looked at each other and then went back to Yunjin. They saw hatred and anger in her eyes. It was clouding her judgement. Minju pulled away from Chaewon.

“You didn’t know it, did you? Sakura didn’t tell you?”

Yunjin, who was trying to wipe her tears away looked back at Minju.

“K-Know what?”

Minju suddenly lost all of her bravery. The truth was hard to tell. She calmed herself down and took a deep breath.

“It wasn’t Sakura’s. The baby was not his.”

Yunjin stopped crying as she couldn’t believe her eyes. Did Minju say it wasn’t his baby? Shaking her head, Yunjin refused to believe this crap.


“It was Kim Jinyoung’s. It was Dex’s. The baby was Dex’s child.”

Minju saw her surprised look. It wasn’t a pleasing one but rather a sad shocking revelation.

“When Eunbi got pregnant, Uncle Changmo asked Uncle Hodong for help. Sakura didn’t want the baby to be born without a father because Dex refused to take responsibility. So, he volunteered to be the one instead. Eunbi didn’t know about your relationship with Sakura until he admitted to her one night. Sakura didn’t want to hurt you anymore, so he ended what he had with you. Yunjin, it wasn’t Sakura’s fault. It was not Eunbi’s fault too.”

The truth was nothing she had in mind. Yunjin felt like she was a hell of jerk. She was blinded by revenge and forgot the rationale of everything. She let her anger consume her and because of that, an innocent life was sacrificed.

“I… I… I’m… sorry.”

Yunjin buried her face in her palms, feeling ashamed of what she had done to Sakura and Eunbi. She killed an innocent poor life just because she let her emotions took control her body. Minju didn’t know how to react. Should she go and consoled her or let her pour her heart out? Chaewon was the same as Minju. He felt sorry for Yunjin.

“Yunjin, the only thing that Sakura is at fault was when he broke your heart. It was his mistake, but he didn’t mean it. You know him longer and I’m sure you would know what kind of person Sakura is.”

Yunjin looked up and she looked so disappointed in herself. With a shaking voice, she asked that one dreaded question.

“Did Eunbi really lose her memories?”

Minju walked towards her and knelt down. She placed her hand on top of her shoulder.

“She didn’t, Yunjin. She pretended to so that she can let Sakura go back at you. She sacrificed her love just to see you happy.”

Minju knew Eunbi since they were small. That friend of hers always put other people more than herself. She put a strong image but deep inside, she was fragile and honest about everything. She kind of understood Eunbi’s reason behind her actions. That shows how close they were.

“Minju… I’m sorry.”

Yunjin couldn’t help it. It was her fault. Eunbi was just another stranger, but her sacrifice meant a lot to Yunjin.

“There’s nothing to forgive, Yunjin. You’ve done nothing wrong to me or Chaewon. You should say it to Sakura and Eunbi.”

Yunjin burst into more tears. This wouldn’t have happened if she asked Sakura directly. She would have the answer sooner and stopped herself from being a jerk. Chaewon who had been silent since before started speaking.

“Can you tell us what really happened the day Sakura was in your bed?”

Yunjin wiped away her tears and tried to calm herself down. It would be a long story, but she had to tell them.

“That day…”




Yunjin ended the call and smiled at Dex. The said guy grinned.

“I told you; he won’t let anything happen to you. Brilliant, am I?”

Yunjin just chuckled. They were indeed on top of Namsan tower. Dex had everything covered up. The moment Sakura comes in, his plan will start.

“You should get ready. He’s coming.”

“I know, Dex. Hey, can I ask you something?”

“Yeah, sure. What is it?”

“Why are you doing this? I mean you don’t like Eunbi and you’re not Sakura’s friend too.”

Dex’s body tensed for a moment before he composed himself. He couldn’t let Yunjin notice his sudden emotion’s change.

“She’s a devil in disguise. I just don’t want other people to become her victim anymore.”

Yunjin was staring at him, but he was saved by his phone. He picked it up.


“Sakura is already here, sir.”

Dex’s smile grew wider. That was fast.

“Let him come upstairs and you, gather our people. Don’t screw up.”

“Yes, sir.”

The call ended and he looked back at Yunjin.

“He’s here.”











. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .












Sakura was screaming her name when he reached the top floor. On the edge of the building, he saw Yunjin standing with her back facing him. Hearing her name being called, Yunjin turned around.


“Yunjin, don’t do this. Please. I’m not worth it. Don’t be stupid!”

“I can’t… Sakura, I’m sorry.”

“No, Yunjin! Stay there! I’m coming!”

Sakura was so eager to get to her. His eyes were fixed on her and he barely registered anything around him. Two people were approaching him from behind. He was about to call her name again when he felt a cloth in his mouth blocking his air. He struggled but the other men had him secured so fighting back was not an option. Then more men came out of nowhere pinning him down on the floor. Sakura felt his eyelids were getting heavier. The chloroform was spreading inside of him and making him numb. He tried not breathing but it was too late. He finally succumbed to the darkness.











. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .










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we're still waiting for the epilogue 💪🏻
reigngrey #2
Chapter 23: Waiting for the epilogue
reigngrey #3
Chapter 6: Thank you for the update.
219 streak #4
I remember this story! That's why it's familiar. I like it fr.
564 streak #5
Is this from Yulsic story 9 months?