Chapter Nine

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Like their hearts; broken in the chaos.


7:03 am 



Another day, another morning, another silence. 


Yet something was different and the difference was being felt by Baekhyun standing in the kitchen, and making himself his breakfast with his usual coffee; his silver hair in a bed mess while pouring the coffee in his black mug before his soft footfalls rounded the counter side to take a place on the stool with the sliced apples in his plate present already. 


His droopy eyes stared at the glass window where the daylight was seeping through the living room, and a brush of his fingers through his hair again after the scenes from yesterday and night, crossed his head like a reminder of his changed phase of life; his room wasn't his anymore as a certain woman named Jeon Iseul, his sweetheart wife, had taken a hold of the things around here after stepping into the place and his life. 


He felt annoyed; despised it since he hated his life getting into a change without his accord and she had always been the one doing it unexpectedly. 


Like before and like this time; he disliked it before but gradually thought otherwise but not this time, he wouldn't let it happen again. 


Baekhyun took a sip of his coffee until the footfalls from the upstairs echoed, taking his attention, and his eyes traced Iseul descending the stairs still in her nightgown while her hair clipped up messily for her strands to brush her face as without his awareness, his eyes gazed her visage in an elegance while sipping his coffee until she had stopped on the floor. 


Her eyes meeting his lingering gaze silently before he turned away nonchalantly where Iseul stared at his broad back for a moment to proceed in the kitchen, not forgetting to notice the seeping daylight in the living room, as she glanced at his visage having a breakfast silently yet not; the habit of his eating soundly haven't changed in years and she hated how she had remembered this little detail of his. 


She was already on the task of making a quick breakfast for herself; the usual black coffee and jam toast but stopped since she wasn't aware of the things were placed at while she didn't have time to check it yesterday because of some commotion with her darling husband who has been chewing awfully loudly to her likes. 


“Where is the mug?” 


Baekhyun had a smirk of smugness at her tone; she didn't want to ask but had to clutch her ego yet again as he cleared his throat. “The second cabinet.”


Without turning to him, Iseul had opened the upper cabinet; a mug was placed there, as she her lips before taking it in her hold, placing it on the machine to make the coffee before opening the refrigerator to grab two breads with the strawberry jam as she had began to do her task unaware of his attentive eyes watching her silently yet continued his own task of having his breakfast seeing her peeling off the bread crusts. 


“I'm going to take a shower.”


“Why do I have to know it?” 


Iseul gave him a weird look; he was already sharing the space in the kitchen as Baekhyun placed the plate in the sink along with his mug before meeting her eyes with his ever nonchalance. “So you don't barge inside, sweetheart.”


Iseul opened to give him her doubles but he had left as she watched his broad freaking back in her sight with his fingers brushing through his messy silver hair and again, taking her whole attention the moment the seep of daylight shone through it and she was quick to turn away because her mind still hadn't forgotten the happenings last night. 


She had yet to get familiar with her surroundings; this place, and the man of a husband around her foremost yet unwantedly. 


Who knows how she'd be able to get through the unknown time of her stay here. 


Soon enough, her breakfast was done, her plate was in the sink with her mug as she opted to wash it off but halted, she was getting late already to decide to do it after being back and frowned to herself. “What the hell is wrong with me? This marriage is literally getting into my head!”


It has been only a day; Iseul was paranoid already. 


Iseul ascended the steps upstairs after taking her clothes and other stuff from the same downstairs room since her luggage was placed there to walk in the room without knocking this time; she found Baekhyun standing in front of the vanity clad in a pair of black, and maroon suit, the blazer was on the bed as he was standing in a maroon waistcoat accentuated with the black button down with the matching necktie while his hand fastening the Rolex; his hair in a upward style of his formal demeanor. 


Yet hard to take her eyes off; she had to look away for it was not something she should be doing at all. 


“What? Is your husband too fancy to look away, sweetheart?”


Iseul didn't flinch at his tone of being usual nonchalant, sarcastically delusional as she rolled her eyes standing beside him with her own words of sass. 


“No, I'm just weirded out by my delusional husband, darling.”


Baekhyun's lips in a slight smirk as he nodded to himself before wearing the blazer as he watched her placing her stuff on the dressing table. “I'll pick you up; let's go to the board meeting together.”


“I can go on my own.”


“Have you forgotten the clauses or should I remind you?” 


Iseul narrowed her eyes at him and Baekhyun raised his eyebrows for her to huff silently as she walked past his figure. “Fine.”


“Thank you for the honor, sweetheart.”


“Dramatic man.”


“I heard that!” 


“Good for you!” 


Iseul closed the bathroom door behind her to hear his stepping out of the room as with another frustrated sigh, she had opted to take a quick shower; about twenty minutes later, she had walked out in her bathrobe with her damp hair behind her back in a dewy sight as she stood by the vanity and something caught her eyes. 


It was a credit card; not hers and she didn't have to think much to guess to whom it belonged to and a sticky note on it. 


Buy yourself a new pair of slippers; I'm generous enough to do it for my wife, sweetheart. 


4231 is the pin code.


​​Iseul read the note; her eyes sharp at it as she crumbled it in a fist until an idea crossed her mind, and a smirk on her lips. 


“I'll show you how generous your wife is, darling.”











9:19 am 




“I told you not to wait for me.”


Ji-eun said, closing the door of the passenger's seat of Iseul's car as she looked at the woman seated gracefully in her usual black silk top and flared trousers and Iseul faced Ji-eun with a softened expression. “I told you I won't leave you alone in your mother phase.”


“You hate coming here.”


“This is the least I can do for you.”


Ji-eun tilted her head with a guilty pout; her brows scrunching upwards in a way Iseul had to coo with a mild smile as she reached out, squishing her cheeks. “You're getting cute, mother.”


“I thought I was hot?” 




Both of them chuckled before Iseul found her shuffling with the report file on her lap; they were outside the hospital building since Ji-eun had a regular check-up with her gynecologist in the morning where Iseul had tagged along with her even though unable to step inside the hospital for the past years because of the dreadful year and one grim moment of her life. 


“What's that?” 


Ji-eun had a smile on her lips; a smile so beautiful, and emotional that her eyes watered and Iseul's lips parted at the small ultrasound picture as she swallowed. “Is it the baby?” 


Ji-eun nodded; her eyes softened at the picture. “Yes, little one.”


“Oh goodness.” Iseul sighed, a wave of warmth residing in her heart as she held the picture with a soft smile. “It's so tiny.”


“I can't describe how it felt, Iseul.” Ji-eun uttered, softly as her blurry eyes met Iseul's softening ones with a smile. “But it was so beautiful.”


“I bet.” Iseul nodded. “We're getting two copies of these.”


Ji-eun chuckled, as her heart softened more at Iseul's softening and emotional expression towards the picture; feeling grateful for having her, and how her baby was lucky to have a great aunt until something hit her mind. “How did your night go at your new place?” 


Iseul's smile dropped, and a fed up expression towards her Ji-eun who had to giggle at her. 




“I was having a good time, Eun; you ruined it.”


Ji-eun's forehead creased. “Was it that intense?” 


Iseul's eyes widened; a flush in her system and a soft slap on Ji-eun's arm who laughed loudly at her friend's flustered expression where Iseul continued to glare at her. “Not funny,” She paused with a roll of eyes. “It was a disastrous night, and for sure, my days are going to be awful living with my darling husband.”


“Oh?” A teasing smile on Ji-eun's lips. “Your darling husband?” 


“I was being sarcastic.”


“Already adapting his antics?” 


“Stop it, Hwang Ji-eun.” Iseul deadpanned, and Ji-eun nodded, with a smile. “But, tell me, I'm curious how it went?” 


Iseul stared at Ji-eun's excited expression for a moment before she had narrated the things that happened last night; a moment it took, and Ji-eun's loud laughter was echoing in Iseul's car who was seated silently with her crossed arms. 


“You both threw each other's things out of the balcony?”


“He started it,” Iseul shrugged. “He was being childish only because I took his room?” 


“Anyone would.”


“I'm not fond of it either; the other room was all white and I couldn't stand for two minutes and I don't want to tell him the reason behind.” Iseul sighed, as she swallowed. “This wouldn't have happened if I had listened to mom for doing ballet; she was right, ballet would take me nowhere,” She paused, looking down on her lap as her heart welled up. “I can't do it anymore and dad is not here because of me.”


“Don't say it like that, Iseul.”


“No because if only dad weren't coming to my performance or if he hadn't gone to buy those ballet shoes,” Iseul's tone subsided in a whisper as her eyes burned in teary ones. “Maybe he'd still be alive.”


And maybe she could have apologized to him for doubting him; for being a bad daughter. 


Ji-eun's heart hurt for Iseul; she was blaming herself for something out of her accord, something just because her mother had said in the heat of the moment as she was quick to hold her cheeks to make her face her where Iseul found Ji-eun's empathic eyes towards her. 


“It's not your fault; chasing your dream isn't a fault, and blaming yourself for uncle's death shouldn't be close to it.” 


“I don't think I can do it yet.” Iseul gave her a sad smile. “Maybe not until I'm off this guilt and it will probably happen after I will get behind the actual reason of his death.”


Who knew it was going to break her more than she already was in her darkness. 


“We will get through this.”


Iseul nodded at Ji-eun; her best support system. “We shall leave now.”


Ji-eun asked her to hold up as Iseul found her capturing the ultrasound picture to watch her sending it to someone as she frowned. “Are you sending it to auntie?”


“Yeah, and Kang-min.”


“Kang-min?” Iseul's forehead creased in amusement and Ji-eun found her expression utterly teasing as she rolled her eyes. “He's a friend, Iseul.”


“Just a friend?” 


“Yes; I'm not in the position to go further either right now.”


“Well, whatever you do will be supported by me but I will have to check through it too.”


“Jeon Iseul!” 


“Alright, Hwang Ji-eun!” Iseul bit her lip with a threatening smile before she showed something to Ji-eun who frowned. “Why are you showing your credit card?” Her frown eased. “That's not yours.”


“Exactly,” Iseul smirked. “That's my darling husband's card,” She paused, giving her a smug expression for Ji-eun to blink. “What are you going to do with it?” 


“Purchase generously.”


Ji-eun had to shake her head; the car moved along Seoul but Ji-eun could only guess the chaos of the pair wasn't something to stop in a day because both of them had been stubborn as hell like each other. 











10:36 am




“Where have you been, Lee?”


Baekhyun questioned, his eyes on Kang-min with a frown while seated on the chair of his cabin where the latter stood in front of him with the exact frown. “I have been working for you, sir.”


“Why didn't you come to pick me up like usual.”


“You got married.”




“I'm respecting your privacy, man.”


“Privacy, my foot.” Baekhyun rolled his eyes the way his pen was twirling around his fingers. “I got my room snatched; got my remote on the road last night, and have to wait to get in the bathroom, is this privacy?”


Kang-min had his lips pressed as if holding back his laugh as he watched his boss continuing his rants. “Is this what you call marriage? Don't do it,” Baekhyun leaned forward with a serious expression. “I'm giving you a piece of advice, there's nothing more disastrous than this, Lee.”


The next thing Baekhyun watched Kang-min laughing his out, flapping his blazer behind from his waist as he clutched his stomach where Baekhyun leaned back; his fingers pressed against his mouth as he watched the man of a friend enjoying his condition with a loud laughter; he was asking to be fired. 




“No, go ahead, I can just kick you out later.”


Kang-min wiped his tears off; a smile displaying his dimples intact, as he was quick to take a chair. “It's just been a day utmost to your marriage and you're acting like an old man fed up by his wife, Baekhyun-ah.”


“Have you been married, Lee?” Baekhyun's forehead creased, and Kang-min shook his head. “I do have plans.” 


“Good luck with finding a good wife,” He nodded. “Because I got Jeon Iseul as a wife; you can guess how my life is going to be now.”


“Lady boss is not that bad.”


“She's worse.”


“What about your honeymoon?” 




Baekhyun rolled his eyes before a vibration of his phone got their attention; Baekhyun had his done stare while Kang-min's eyes rounded in surprise. “Is your card having a fault? Why so many purchases when you're not doing anything?”


“That's Iseul being my sweetheart wife.”


Baekhyun mused, closing his phone with a click of his tongue as he regretted leaving his card even though he had no objection about the payment issue since it was full enough but Iseul doing things like her usual antics had him question his actions and feeling bad for his card being used so drastically. 


“Lady boss is definitely your wife; her actions are just like yours, boss.”


Kang-min chuckled, and Baekhyun imitated him for the latter to roll his eyes before Baekhyun tilted his head; his expression serious now. “Did you get Choi Myung-Soo's secretary's information?” 


“Yes,” Kang-min urged him to open the documents as Baekhyun did so for him to continue. “I'm going to send this to Mr. Park to get to his place.”


Choi Myung-Soo's secretary was close to him, doing his work like a right hand man, it was sure that his secretary was aware of the disappeared things from Choi Myung-Soo's place and where it could have been kept including that particular file. 


“Can't you do it?” 


Kang-min frowned. “Why?” 


“I know we're playing like a team but I can't seem to put my trust in yet.” Baekhyun stared at him, and Kang-min understood his reason for not trusting the cops as he pressed his lips. “I get it, but let's try to do it or you can observe him around?”


Baekhyun nodded. “What about the factory?” 


“I'm going to visit it to do a check-through.”


“You mentioned about Iseul having a factory.”


Baekhyun questioned, closing the file and Kang-min hummed. “Mr. Park informed me about a man, Kwon Jaewon, doing an illegal work in the factory where Iseul's work shoes were being made; she got aware and fired him but that man made a huge scene enough to be physical,” Kang-min paused, and found Baekhyun's expression a bit too serious by the last words as if not pleased about it until Kang-min completed his sentence. “Lady boss had taken the matter in her hands; brought the whole factory to fire him and arrested him.”


Kang-min swore he found a twitch of pleasantness in Baekhyun's eyes; a smirk foremost as if he was proud of her. 


“You look proud.”


“You're delusional.”


“As you say, boss.”


Baekhyun rolled his eyes at Kang-min's teasing expression; he couldn't deny it either. 


“Are you leaving now?” 


Kang-min checked his phone after Baekhyun's question with a nod, but found a message from Ji-eun as his eyes twinkled, and a soft smile on his lips after seeing the picture of the baby where Baekhyun tilted his head, discerning his change of expression. “Did you get a wife for yourself, Lee?” 


Kang-min flinched and Baekhyun chuckled to find him glaring at him before he pushed his phone towards him as Baekhyun stared at it confusingly. “What is that? A black bean?”


“That's Ji-eun's baby.”


“What?” Baekhyun's eyes rounded like a surprised child. “That's a baby?” 


Kang-min chuckled; his eyes softened at the picture. “Yes.”


“You look happy.”


Kang-min turned to him to find a softened expression on his face; no sarcasm but a genuine one as Kang-min nodded, “I am happy around Ji-eun,” He trailed off, with an understanding smile. “I know what it is but I don't want to tell her right now because she's comfortable with being friends, and someone she can share her things with and she's in a phase where she doesn't want to have anything but support by her side; I want to be that for her.”


“You're down so bad for Madre.”


Baekhyun mused; genuinely surprised even though he predicted it somehow but respected Kang-min's choice of handling his life by his own accord since Baekhyun can't do it for himself as he was standing at a point he couldn't get into it again. 


Maybe it wasn't for him; or so he thought since it was around him. 


Kang-min had left, and Baekhyun had found himself busy with his work in a much drown that he hadn't realized the passing of an hour and within a few minutes of his detachment from the computer his eyes fell on the time of his Rolex, and a knock on the door for him to permit the person inside who turned out to be Maria Garcia. 


“Yes, Ms. Gracia?” 


Baekhyun questioned, his eyes back on the screen to find her figure through his peripheral vision standing in front of his desk. “Mr. Lee asked me to inform you about the board meeting with Ms. Jeon-” 


“Mrs. Jeon.” 


Baekhyun uttered, closing the screen as he looked at Maria utmost seriously. “It's Mrs. Jeon and if not familiar with it, you can address her Mrs. Byun too.”


Maria gulped, nodding. “Yes, sir.”


“One more thing,” He stated further. “I want every employee to respect her; she's my wife, even if she wasn't, she's still a woman to be respected,” He trailed off, his eyes sharp yet serious. “Any disrespect to my wife, it's a disrespect to me and I don't tolerate it; keep your watch on it, Ms. Gracia, I want no complaints.”


Maria had understood; he was mentioning about the morning of his wife's visit for her to nod in dismay. “Understood, sir.”


Baekhyun gave her a nod of a cue to exit the cabin as she had turned away with a jealousy and envy and anger in her system where Baekhyun leaned back; he was recalling Iseul's words from the time she had visited him and how she had left with a taunt to discipline his staff that left him in a confusion and after asking the same assistant of in charge for Iseul that morning he had been aware of the treatment Iseul had gotten in his absence. 


It didn't put him in a great mood; he had hated people taking advantage of the things on his name, in his absence, and questioning his questions so he had done a bit of discipline for the ones who needed it with a warning. 


The next moment, he was wearing his blazer again to pick up his sweetheart wife from her office and he rolled his eyes at his own thoughts; marriage thing was getting into his head much annoyingly. 


“Not bad.”


Baekhyun commented, finding himself outside the building of The One; it was just like the brand, shining, as he had given the guard his keys to park the car before pacing inside the building with his much authoritative demeanor and for surely known, as he could feel the stares of the people on him, or maybe, their owner had gotten married to him could be a reason too. 


He had asked for Jung Hae-Jin, Iseul's secretary since he had come with a bit of surprise to Iseul's dismay but that was his joyous thing not for her and within a few minutes, he found Jung Hae-Jin coming towards him in his usual formal suit. 


“Good morning, Mr. Byun.”


“Good morning, Mr. Jung.” Baekhyun gave him a nod, “I'm here to pick up my wife,” He trailed off, tilting his head. “Is she busy?”


“Everytime.” Hae-Jin gave him a smile. “Follow me this way, sir.”


The next thing Baekhyun had found himself on the top floor of the building; probably where Iseul's office resides, and the moment he had walked down the floor, the whispers and stares was something he couldn't neglect, nor react to since he was accustomed to it but those stares were more of an admiration for him. 


“What's happening outside?”


Iseul questioned to herself; the chaos could be heard through her cabin as her framed eyes glanced at the door while pushing her strands away from her face tucking out of her sleek ponytail, and with a knock on the door, she had let her secretary inside as her forearm leaned on the table while taking off her frames. 


“What's with the noise outside, Mr. Jung?” 


Hae-Jin smiled. “Mr. Byun is here, ma'am.”


“He is?” Iseul's forehead creased; her eyes looking over his shoulder to find her darling husband in her sight as Baekhyun tilted his head, with a wave. “Hi, sweetheart.”


Iseul another flush in her system; he was here to enjoy the reaction of her dismay at his sight with the brag of his affection and he was excellent at it since she could see Hae-Jin smiling in awe to realize the chaos outside where Iseul nodded with a mumble to herself. 


“Of course, he has to come with grand entrances.”


Iseul stood up grabbing her purse where Baekhyun took a minute to trace her attire of yet another black, but appearing unwavering and irrevocably beauteous, as she was coming to his visage and Iseul found his hand opting for her to hold as she couldn't even glare at him since her secretary was standing right here before holding his hand in a firm hold. 


“They look so beautiful.”


“Look at them contrasting together.”


“Oh my goodness.”


Iseul heard the moment she had walked out of the cabin with Baekhyun; her one narrowed look at them had them silent to be back at their tasks unaware of Baekhyun's upside-down curve of how impressive it was to see the sight, and attentive to their words, Baekhyun had acknowledged the contrast of their outfits of maroon, and black combination. 


They were twinning almost everyday; it was weird, and without their accord but somehow couldn't be hated. 


“What's with your grand entrances?” 


Baekhyun heard her questioning as they were walking to the elevator; their hands in a hold, and their backs being admired from the employees behind them where Iseul heard him whispering; he leaned in closer to her ear. “It's fun, sweetheart.”


“Don't act smart.”


“Act?” Baekhyun's forehead creased. “I'm smart.”




“You can't disagree.”


A flinch to her system at his sudden action of his fingers tucking her strands behind her ear; a warming chill within, feeling his fingers brushing her ear in a soft grazing manner as she swallowed, frowning deeply. “What do you think you're doing?” 


“I'm acting as an affectionate husband, sweetheart.”


Baekhyun almost snickered at her blown off expression; damn, a sight to fancy, until she felt him fixing her necktie, almost strangling him with a lip-tight smile of her rosy lips. 


“You're overdoing it.”


“I don't think so.”


“I will strangle you right now.”


Their banter of usual continued till they had left in the elevator; till they were in the car and probably it will continue at home too. 


Home, it was going to be just not yet. 





Sounds of beeps went through her ears like an echo of unlikable beat; her blank mind awakening behind a throbbing pain, and her almond eyes fluttering slowly to greet the white ceiling in a blur to close her eyelids as a feel of pain hit her head again before tilting her head to look at her surroundings of white walls. 


A window with streaming down drops of rain. 


An oxygen mask covering her nose and mouth that she had been breathing through; a blink of her eyes and her mind began to remember the happenings; the reason for her lying in the hospital bed, and her heartbeat quickened like her breathing at the reminder. 


Red. Shattered glasses. Lights. And everything fell on her. 


The opening door of the room had taken her attention to find a nurse walking in; gasping at the sight as the next minute, she was standing by Iseul's side doing something to ease her breathing while pressing a button as before Iseul could comprehend, a male doctor had walked in for a quick check up. 


And Iseul came to know about the shocking news of her being in a coma for three months; it was August. 


She was seated on the bed; the right side of her temple had a bandage while the back of her right shoulder sting a bit as she was leaned against the rail of it while her lost, shocked, and panicking eyes glanced at the window again to find the rain still pouring down as her mind clicked over the monsoon ending now. 


In the start of it her heart was broken; betrayal, last call with her father, red and dark in the end. 




Her dry lips uttered, as she looked at the nurse and the doctor. “Have you contacted my family members?” 


“Your mother will be here shortly.” 


Mother? Was she? But why mother? What about dad? 


Her eyes blinked a couple of times as the moments with her mother and father hit her head with a pang in her heart, and the next second, she heard the door opening to find her mother walking in; her heart tightened at her presence but did she see a relief in her eyes? 


Was she really happy for her to be alive after calling her a mistake? 




It was the first time she had called her so softly; Iseul's heart warmed, but pained at the same time yet she couldn't call out her mother ‘mom’ and swallowed her dry throat as her eyes looked behind her. “Where is dad?” She met her teary eyes now as Iseul frowned, “Didn't he come with you? Did you tell him that I'm awake?” 




Another person; Ji-eun, and Iseul's eyes teared up at her presence, relieved, and happy to find her pacing to her with her loud sobs as within a second, Iseul was engulfed in Ji-eun's embrace, her warm and calming embrace that Iseul was in need of which her mother didn't give even right now she was standing over them and looking at her silently with tears but something held her eyes that Iseul couldn't tell. 


“You scared us, fool!” 


Ji-eun cried, and Iseul sobbed, “I'm sorry.”


“You have to be healthy quickly.” 


“Why isn't dad here yet?” Iseul questioned again, and Ji-eun's face blanked; her hands on Iseul's shoulders tightened as she glanced at Yeona for a second to look at Iseul again who frowned; anxious. “What's wrong?” 


“Iseul, let's take a rest first.” 


“Ji-eun,” Iseul held her hand; the drip still etched on the back of her hand as her heartbeat quickened, her lips trembling unknowingly. “Where is dad?” 


Ji-eun tilted her head down for a moment in silence while her grip on her shoulders tightened as Iseul met her teary eyes. “Uncle is no more.” 


Iseul blinked a couple of times; blank, perplexed, as she kept staring at Ji-eun's teary eyes in an uncomfortable silence, “Are you kidding me, Ji-eun?” That was all she could utter because her words felt foreign, and unbelievable but seeing her silently looking at her in sympathetic expression while trying to hold back her sobs had her heartbeat fast as Iseul turned to her mother. “What is she saying? Where is dad, mom?!” 


Her mother had tears in her eyes yet she composed herself silently. “She's right; Tae-ha is no more with us.” 


Her one reply had Iseul's heart drop in the pit of her stomach; her mother never joked around with her. 


A paper bag was extended by her with a cold, and painful expression. “If it weren't for you, he would have been with us.” 


“You're lying; it's impossible!” 


Iseul screamed, as she tried to stand up but a pain on her right knee had her stop as she deliberately removed the sheet over her legs to feel her heart stop for a moment; her right knee was bandaged and she was unable to move it, and her chest tightened as she held Ji-eun's arms. “What-What happened to me?” 


“You hurt your knee, Ms. Iseul, during the accident.”


The male doctor replied; a sorrowful expression on his face, “I'm sorry but you won't be able to do ballet again.”




Iseul could only whisper; a plea for the doctor to change his words, but he didn't, and Iseul felt her breath hitching, her chest tightening as her teary eyes stared at the paper bag as the memory of his father and their last call beamed in her head of bringing a surprise with him; the surprise was here but he wasn't; her dad wasn't here, and he won't be here anymore. 


A sob left her lips as her trembling hands had taken out the white box; her heart welled up to find ballet shoes wrapped in a beautiful wrap with a card, and the moment she read it, her head hurt, but her heart hurt more. 




She had hugged the shoes to her chest; her lips trembling in loud cries, cries of pain, cries of guilt and regret, cries of her shattered dream, cries of losing her loved one, cries of the cruelty of life happening to her. 


And the drizzle of rain had cried along with her. 


A loud thunder echoed, and her heart jolted, likewise her eyes opening wide with a gasp; her heartbeat in a rapid pace, and bead of sweats on her face as Iseul roamed her blurry eyes around to find her at a known place as she lifted her head from the headrest of the couch to glance towards the balcony where the slow drizzle of newly arrived July had begun to pour down. 


Like the drizzle from her eyes; a memory so painful to forget but enough to frighten her to face it again like a nightmare. 


Iseul gulped a lump before her lips as she tried to calm herself down before sitting up straight to glance down at her hands; fisted again, her nails digging her flesh again as she opened her palm to stare her reddish skin under the warm golden light from the chandelier to brush her fingers through her open hair with a deep sigh w

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Chapter 20: Not me squealing here whenever they wake up together. (That "you can touch me all you want, sweetheart") like hello sir!?!? You can't just drop these words and expect us to function normally. They both deserve the world ✨
Chapter 19: The flashback scenes are so precious. The innocence of them fills my heart with love 💕 now CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE OBVIOUS TENSION BETWEEN THEM??? like it's so so damn suffocating. Let's just lock them up in a room(Baek will enjoy it to the fullest 😏) Both of them are so hot on heels. Can't handle all this tension. Not a strong soldier for THIS BAEKHYUN!
Chapter 18: Where can I find this Baekhyun for myself?? Ughhh Just reconcile already!
Chapter 17: Iseul, my precious baby don't hurt so much. Everything in this chapter made me cry😭😭😭
Chapter 2: Do you guys know how to save the progress on here?
Chapter 20: Chapter 20: BaekSeul's moment is sooo precious 💙🥰
Ayla12 #7
Chapter 20: They are so cute, I wanna cry right now 😭. I wonder how you can write the story so beautifully, niaa🥺❤️. All the details of their actions are written so concisely. You're such a good author🌟.

In Chapter 15, I love how you portray Baekhyun as a husband who doesn't want to give up on his wife. He's really trying his best to console Iseul🥹. And Iseul didn’t even hesitate with his actions. C'mon Iseul, please acknowledge that Baekhyun is already falling in love with you!

In Chapter 16, you give us a cheeky Baekhyun. Despite being sick, I love how considerate Iseul is towards him—taking care of him, calling her mom to ask for recipes, and even staying beside Baekhyun until he falls asleep. Iseul, you deserve to be there beside Baekhyun; you deserve all the love in this world, dear❤‍🩹❤‍🩹. (Thank you for considering the idea before authornim, my heart is full when reading it 🥺❤️)

I can feel how lonely Baekhyun was back then when he had no one around to take care of him when he was sick. It's okay, Baekhyun, you're not alone now. I love when Iseul comforting Baekhyun, and when Baekhyun let his guard down and cried in Iseul's embrace, my heart is wrenching!! Huaaa, please, both of you deserve the whole world❤️❤️. I love this pair so muchh.

Thank you so much niaa for writing this beautiful and amusing story. Looking forward for another exciting chapters! Have a great days ahead authornimm💜💜
Chapter 20: Damnnnn both of them,just kiss😘already.
Ayla12 #9
Chapter 18: Cant believe you give us double chapter again this time❤️!! Arghh i love the angst part so much. My heart sank as well when iseul let out her fear and thought. I swear that I really love your writing niaa🥺❤️❤️ it would be cute if suddenly baekhyun got a fever after the rain and iseul take care of him (cause we know how clingy man would be if they are sick hehe). But overall, i really loves both chapters. Cant wait for another exciting chapters! Love youu niaa. Happy weekend☁️