I don’t want to die πŸŒ§οΈπŸŒ΄πŸ›–

Surviving on the cursed island🏝️
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The next day, Seungcheol kneeled and told Jeonghan to get on his back, baggy back, cause this frail cutie wouldn't handle walking all that distance for the hot spring, Mingyu told Seungcheol that he would guard the cottage or else they would find that group in there.

He agreed on that although he wanted Mingyu to chill and have a warm bath with them, now carrying the cutie on his back, Jeonghan hugging that neck while his heart fluttering, " H-Hyung I can walk when we are close to the hot spring." He said innocently, the man smiled there.

" No worries kid, you're light as a feather ."

Jeonghan giggled, leaned there, and looked from his point of view at the huge trees, green, wood trees, saw a squirrel peeking from his house in the tree and he giggled and waved.

Somehow, he feels so safe and happy.

" Boss, we are getting close ."

Seungcheol nodded, " I wanted to bath with all of us, but if we did together we might find them in the cottage, those group of bastards, I'm fine with sleeping anywhere, but Jeonghan needs shelter more than us, I'm really glad that he could sleep on a bed at least."

The man said while hearing the poor lad snoring close to his ear.

He chuckled.

, so cute.

He was too comfortable that he slept.

He was holding Jeonghan on his arm while sitting by the edge of the hot spring, the steam of the hot air rising and Joshua busy checking for the last time, " Hyung, it's safe for us to go in now, I can't see any snakes or anything."

Joshua said and smiled seeing the boss pecking Jeonghan's forehead as he held him, the boy was stirring though as he blinked, " We reached." He said looking at the breathtaking sight, eyes shinned.

" Woah, so beautiful." He stood up, jumping happily, and pulled off his bags a soap and shampoo he had, but soon he realized something, looked back at the two men and he blushed.

Wait, he can't take a bath with both so easily like this, he was so shy to be , he saw Seungcheol stripping, Joshua too, Seungcheol get in and smiled feeling so good, " , this is so great." He washed his face with the warm water and Jeonghan still sitting his eyes shining looking at the topless man.

" Huh?! What is wrong Jeonghan come in."

He said turning to face the cute lad, " I-I will take a bath after you."

Joshua glanced at the shy boy.

He chuckled.

That is so like him.

Seungcheol swam over and looked at the cutie blushing, and shook his head but the man held him and pulled him in with his clothes on, Jeonghan yelped, hit the man's chest cutely as he whined, and rubbed his eyes.

While the man holding him, he was very nervous and so shy but he wanted the younger to bathe and clean up, and hot spring was very useful for stress and fever attacks.

" We are all men so don't be shy, I'll give you our back so clean up." He said gently with a warm smile, jeonghan's beautiful smooth half wet hair looked so gorgeous, his eyes and cute blushing cheek, pale white skin, and flawless face, the man turned around, cheek burning, bit his bottom lips, held the soap and rubbed all of his body even hair, Jeonghan looked at both turning their back to him and he hesitantly stripped, held the shampoo and poured some on his hand, washed his hair well and smiled happily.

" Aww~it feels good."Β 
The scent of the shampoo filling the air, the sounds of the running water, Joshua washing well before he swims around relaxing on his back.

" Boss, I will go with Mingyu tomorrow, he deserves a bath like us."

He said and the boss smiled.

" I was about to say that too, be careful then, I will be in the cottage with Jeonghan."

Jeonghan splashed his face with the hot water and rubbed his eyes open, noticing that Seungcheol's back was so muscled and wide, he was very big and the tattoo he had connected with his right arm looked amazing.

He blushed madly, " You good Jeonghan ?!"

The man asked without turning noticing the cutie so quiet, he turned around hearing no answer and his eyes widened seeing the younger dizzy as he was about to fall, he quickly held him, " Shua, bring the towel you have." He said picking Jeonghan up and waving in front of his face.

" Mhh~I-I'm dizzy." He said cutely, Seungcheol covered the lad with the towel while trying not to see anything, heart beating wild, he didn't know that a can be so damn pink and beautiful.

Joshua took clothes from Jeonghan's bag and gave it to Seungcheol.

" H-Hyung, you dress him up, we can't leave him like this."

He said looking at the man's cheek red.

" Alright." He looked back at Jeonghan and saw him looking blankly at him.

" I c-can wear by myself."Β 


In the end, he helped the boy dress up and they got back afterward, Jeonghan on the man's back as he was sleeping, Joshua entered the cottage first and saw Mingyu sitting by the sofa.

He stood up, and saw cheol putting the cute on the bed as he held the blanket and continued to sleep, Mingyu chuckled.

" I can see how great the bath was, you all smell so good."Β 
Seungcheol smiled, " Go tomorrow with shua, I'll be here in the cottage with Jeonghan." He said gently and laid close to Jeonghan.

" Okay boss, I appreciate it."

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1576 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 5: Cheol won't give up on him, even though he's barely more than a stranger. This guy really does have a heart of gold! His heart is probably already very gone for Jeonghan, too, so that probably plays a part in his hopefulness.

When that wish comes true and this is all over and Jeonghan has successfully undergone the surgery and recovered, at least it looks like he'll have new people who genuinely care about him to call family.
1576 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 4: Seungcheol is already giving in to his angel face, he's so accommodating and gentle with him. No wonder Hannie thinks he was joking about the mafia thing.

They keep calling each other hyung and kid, but did they ever talk about an or just assume? It would be amusing if they were actually the same age just like irl.

As sweet as their developing thing is, Jeonghan's health will only get worse the longer they're stranded and his medicine will run out eventually... they really do need to be rescued asap.
1576 streak #3
Chapter 3: His condition does seem quite dire. Hopefully it doesn't worsen too much before rescue comes and he can get that surgery.

"Jeonghan smiled feeling so happy that he got with a kind group, despite them being from the mafia."

Yeah, well even if they're criminals back in society, they may be the safer group to be part of because they already are used to an established order and discipline. It's probably going to devolve to chaos and power struggle with the other group, which is likely more dangerous.

Either way, these "kind" criminals have taken him in and cared for him like their own. Getting to sleep next to the mafia boss with a "handsome face" isn't so bad, either. Hannie is understandably very thankful, but he could probably show his thanks by listening and resting. He'll probably just overexert himself and risk his health further if he does too much...
1576 streak #4
Chapter 1: Seungcheol comes across scary and gruff, but he seems a good person to have on your side in a survival situation. Maybe both him and Mingyu will help take care of Jeonghan so he doesn't feel so hopeless.
Chapter 17: πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
Chapter 15: Yaaay an update
I wish you could do a meanie version also
Chapter 13: This is an amazingly perfect! I adore your writing so much ❀️
katarinayuu #8
Chapter 13: Ohhhh this is such a perfect ending I really love it 😍 I keep waiting for your updates all the time

I know you mostly write Jeogcheols but may I request a Meanie too or a meanie side story ?

I would love ❀️ that
You don’t have to and I’ll keep waiting for your next story
Chapter 12: I hope nothing bad happens now