How Could My Day Be Bad?

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⏳ 06:08 AM

Winter's eyes gradually open, squinting against the morning light that floods in from the uncovered window. Immediately, a sense of foreboding about the day settles in.

It was shaping up to be one of those really, really bad days.

The usual morning routine is disrupted—no beach run, no charming encounters with stray dogs along the way. The gym is an unreachable destination and surfing? Absolutely out of the question for the next few weeks.

The mundane task of doing laundry, something as simple as crouching to gather clothes, is now impossible. Each aspect of the day ahead is tainted by the realization that her usual activities are abruptly off-limits.

Observing the scene outside, Winter couldn't help but notice that the weather mirrored her subdued mood. The once bright sunlight that had bathed her room earlier had given way to a somber overcast sky.

The physical constraints on her body fueled a growing frustration, and the weight of it lingered as she reluctantly gathered her crutches and rose from her bed. Despite the challenge, she was forced to face the day.

As she entered the living room, Karina's presence was notably absent. However, a delightful surprise awaited her on the dining table – a steaming cup of coffee accompanied by a takeout breakfast, complete with a small note. As she drew nearer, she extended her hand and deftly switched on the light, illuminating the room which was dimmed by the cloudy morning outside.

"Out for a run. Text me if you need anything."

Winter felt a gentle flutter in her chest but it was accompanied by a slight pang of guilt regarding the text she sent the night before.

It was a mistake.

Reconnecting with someone she had been on the brink—not entirely, but very very close—of falling in love with felt like a deliberate choice rather than a mistake. But she wouldn't admit that, of course.

The more pressing concern was avoiding getting back in. She was fully aware of Karina's ability to effortlessly draw her back. Equally frightening was realizing how Karina could just as easily let her go again.

However, in the aftermath of recent events, she dealt with the realization that despite her best efforts to detach, she remained entirely, a hundred percent, not over Karina and she didn't need further nudging with these endearing gestures.

Leaving coffee on the table. Staying when she's at her worst. Breakfast takeout because Karina's culinary skills are nothing short of a disaster. And those oh-so-thoughtful sticky notes, because nothing says genuine care like tiny pieces of paper with cliché expressions. How utterly heartwarming. Very beneficial for her rock-solid emotional stability.

Things were all set to go her way. Karina was moving out, she was gearing up for a fantastic week away in Japan to drown her frustrations in alcohol—it was perfect.

But talk about timing — a near-death experience and her personal savior turned out to be the very person she was tirelessly trying to avoid.

Raising the cup to her lips, Winter took a sip, savoring the familiar warmth of the coffee that once had the power to lift her mood.

*phone chimes*

where are you?

The presence of Ryujin now carries a weight she hadn't felt before. Despite their usual transition from rivals to good friends after tournaments (not quite hitting the best friends level), Winter would happily pick Ryujin for her post-day hangouts.


so, weird stuff. not
sure if i should believe somi 😆
she said some filming crew
spotted you in siargao 🤔

Taking a deep breath, a painful realization hit. The thought of seeing Ryujin and Karina together is a tough pill to swallow—why did it have to be someone she was friends with?

yeah im with ning

girl??? let's meet up

you coming over?

yeah. didn't want it to get weird
yknow? cause we're friends and i know
you two are not okay


its a long story but I sort of went on
a few dates w karina and now im just
v interested in her

Winter swallows, eyes glued to her phone, watching the other girl still typing. So they went on a few dates—it wasn't just one time.

To be fair, that's exactly how it began with her too. A few dates. And then a few more. Until weeks seamlessly transformed into months, and before she knew it, years had passed. Now she's starting to sense that maybe she wasn't all that special after all. Her day is becoming extra, extra ruined.

just giving you a heads up

dont worry about it
we're not our moms
we're civil

cool. heard the waves
are great over there.
can't wait!

Somi was just out there running to everyone but it was understandable; the place (especially at the bar nearby) was swarming with film crew and industry folks, who naturally recognized her. Surprisingly, there hadn't been any media articles about her yet. Her mom usually texts those right away.

The shuffling outside grabbed her attention, and she turned around to find Karina grappling with the stubborn glass door. The rain was pouring down, and it appeared that she had been caught in it. As their eyes met, the taller girl wore a playful yet struggling expression, complete with pursed lips and a crinkled nose, attempting to open the door.

Winter being physically helpless could only give a sympathetic smile and mouth a casual 'sorry.'

After a bit of struggle, Karina triumphantly entered, visibly relieved. Her face glowed, likely a mix of sweat and rain, dampening her hair and saturating her hoodie. Despite this slightly disheveled state, she still managed to look absolutely stunning. It seemed impossible, but Winter thinks Karina's beauty defied the odds.

"We should get that door fixed." She huffed a laugh, finally settling inside.

"You should wash up; you might catch a cold," Winter suggested, remembering how easily Karina used to get sick in the past.

"Yes ma'am." Karina walked closer and sat on a kitchen island counter stool beside her, "How you feeling?"

"Alright. Thanks for this." She raised the cup of coffee.

Karina nods and smiles. "I'm glad you feel better."

And right on cue, the power goes out, plunging the area into darkness. The natural light is completely eclipsed by the absence of the sun, hidden behind heavy rain clouds.

"Sorry. Happens often. Island life." The smaller girl remarked casually, revealing her familiarity with these frequent blackouts. Limping, she heads to a cabinet, takes out an emergency light, and turns it on, "Usually lasts for just an hour or two."

"Looks like a cold shower is my only option," Karina remarks with a light tone before heading to the bathroom.

Winter eases herself onto the couch, the cushions yielding to her weight. With deliberate care, she arranges herself, finding a comfortable position while making sure not to hurt her injury. Closing her eyes, she contemplates the darkness around her. This power outage is a common occurrence, and she's confident it will be fixed soon.

As she sits there, the ambient sounds of raindrops tapping against the windows and the gentle rustling of leaves outside create an almost hypnotic ambiance. She floats on the edge of consciousness.

She falls asleep, the last thing on her mind being the time: six twenty in the morning.


⏳ 07:18 AM

Winter slowly opens her eyes, a soft murmur lingering in the background. She finds herself comfortably lying on the couch, snug beneath a thick blanket. Puzzled, she can't recall how she got into this position or where the blanket came from. However, the faint voice of Karina reaches her ears, engaged in what seems like an unpleasant phone conversation.

"You're unbelievable mom..."

Winter, still half-asleep, catches Karina's frustrated tone. "I am not doing that. Do you hear yourself right now? Not wasting my phone battery on this conversation. I'm hanging up." Karina concludes. As Winter senses movement, she closes her eyes once more and drifts back into sleep.


⏳ 08:33 AM

Winter jolts awake, her eyes snapping open as if catching herself from a sudden fall in her dream.

Upon hearing faint sobbing in the background, she hastily attempts to stand up, momentarily forgetting about her injury. A sharp pang of pain makes her wince, forcing a pause just as hurried footsteps approach. "What's wrong? Are you okay?" Karina appears, kneeling in front of her with slightly red and watery eyes.

"Are you crying?" Winter asked back.

"Oh," Karina sniffles, "Dad just called. Mom collapsed in the middle of filming an interview today. We had a huge fight before that, so I'm feeling pretty ty."

Winter knew that her mom was sick with some kind of heart ailment.

"ty day—you and me both. But I hope she's okay."

They never talk about their families unless they have to. There was nothing to discuss. No one would be caught asking, "How's your mom?" or "How's your dad?" or "What about your dumb little prickly cousins? (Ning's an exception), your god-awful aunts and uncles who despise me?"

"You filming later tonight?" Winter steers the conversation.

"No, it's on pause until Somi is satisfied with the rewrites."

"Right. Somi." Winter's tone held a subtle note of dislike.

Karina chuckles lightly. "Why do I feel like surfers hate her?"

"I don't. She's just—a little too much sometimes." Then Winter, seizing onto her question, added, "Why? Who else have you talked to about her? Didn't realize you knew a lot of surfers."

This caught Karina off guard. She knew where this question was leading to, "Just, folks around." She brushes it off.

"Like who?" Winter pressed.

There was no easy way to sidestep the question, and Seulgi was the only other person Karina knew. And they had only spoken like three or four times. "Ryu."

There was an awkward pause. Winter expected this response, but it still stung a little. "Forgot you two are dating."

"We're not—it's not as if she's my girlfriend or anything," Karina responded abruptly, attempting to clarify the situation.

Naturally. I mean, who would be kissing random girls in stranded cars if they were officially with someone, right? That totally makes sense. It's not like this revelation is raising Winter's hopes or anything. But hey, who needs hope when she's absolutely, positively not entertaining the idea of being involved with Karina again? Stupid brain.


⏳ 11:12 AM

Taemin's unexpected arrival brings a sense of surprise to the apartment, accompanied by the comforting aroma of food he's brought along. The power still hasn't come back on.

After a bit of casual conversation, Karina and Taemin discreetly migrate to a corner, engaged in a hushed debate. "What the hell are you still doing here?"

"She's alone. What do you want me to do?"

"I can stay with her." Taemin offers.

"If you're up for traveling back and forth to the hotel, running Jisoo's errands. Be my guest."

Clearly frustrated, he lets out a sigh, "I remember signing up to be your assistant, not hers. Whatever happened to that?!" Expressing his discontent, he questions the sudden shift in priorities. Karina laughs it off.

His eyes darted discreetly to Winter who was busy texting, "I don't want any drama. Can you do that for me?"

"Of course."

"Things will never be the same between you two. Do you understand that?"

"I do."

"Hypothetically," Taemin starts, arms folded between his chest, "You were to start seeing her again..."

Karina rolled her eyes, ready to protest, but Taemin cut her off. "IF you were to start seeing her again, be seriou

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things happened!! i know but ive just been really really busy. comments and feedback are appreciated and motivate me to write more! hope everyone's well <3


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Winrina1st #1
Chapter 9: CAN WE PLEASE COME TOGETHER N MASS REPORT @.karinayudefender???
No_looksies #2
Chapter 10: I love this story so much you have no idea.. I am so glad that Rina and winter are getting closer... Please be more honest with your feelings guys
plutoooooo #3
so goooooood! I love this fic too much🥺🥺🥺🥺
cleofierayne 34 streak #4
Chapter 10: Myghadddd really those people so fast connecting things up with just photos. Hahaha 😂

I wonder how will Karina's mom do after knowing this. And now Ryu getting sus with what's going on with the two.

Pleasee I just want them to lay their honest feelings now after Karina blow Winter's phone with her drunken confession 🥺😭😆 I'm sure they're gonna talk after leaving that party.
jushshhh 11 streak #5
Chapter 10: karinayugf fighting for her life 😭
jushshhh 11 streak #6
Chapter 9: i'm feeling bad for ryu, i hope she's not an 😮‍💨
jushshhh 11 streak #7
Chapter 9: jenrina kinda 😜
jushshhh 11 streak #8
Chapter 7: the fans 😭😭😭😭😭 lol
Chapter 9: this fic makes me want to rip my hair out… but like in a good way…