That Corner in The Library


Taemin had marked this corner of the library as his, except that someone else forced him to share the space.


Im totally 2mination right now.

Inspired by: Bruno Major - Like Someone in Love.
Thanks for reading 😊


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967 streak #1
Chapter 1: Wow!
Minho had to stake his claim before someone steals Taemin.
misc13 #2
This is adorable!!
64 streak #3
Chapter 1: This was very sweet to see how their love progressed from friendship to romance. Taemin was used to be alone, headphones on without any music while he was sailing in the islands of daydreaming. Until Minho came and asked him for the book he was reading. Only to have that specific book all around him. That was the very first hint that something was building between them.

Then they started spending time together and not being awkward around each other. Until Jongin came and made Minho jealous.

but the rose really looks good on Taemin. It enhances his beauty.

How it turns out, Kai is in opposing team of Minho. So Taemin could watch Minho also play and get Mimho jealous of his interactions with Kai.

The way minho confessed was a little weird but definitely his way of confessing and hey, things worked out in the end. So everything is good.