01. Miss Me?

Cobra's World
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There were lessons to be learned...

And never forgotten...


The early morning rays peeked through the blinds, but instead of a peaceful morning, for Baekhyun it was quite the opposite. Every morning he wakes up in a sweat, his heart hammering inside of his chest - as if it was about to explode. 

The same ing nightmare. 

Another ing restless night. 

Another ing long day ahead.

Baekhyun breathed heavily as he laid on his back trying to calm down, his eyes closed to prevent the light from burning his eyes. He wasn’t a morning person - and he never will be. Hearing a wail, he opened his eyes and saw his husky - Rex coming to him, nuzzling him. Baekhyun smiled and patted him. 

“Good morning to you too.”

The puppy barked and wagged his tail before Baekhyun's face and making him chuckle. Living alone meant being surrounded by silence all the time, so owning a dog was one of the best decisions that Baekhyun made and he has to admit - Chanyeol suggested it and Baekhyun agreed. After all, with Rex being around it felt less lonely and the little creature was a stress reliever - that was no lie. Rex always made Baekhyun laugh with his silliness, not to mention how talkative huskies can get and produce some sounds out of the blue. 

“Let’s get you fed, and no, you won’t get French Fries.” 

The dog grunted in dissatisfaction as if he understood him. Baekhyun chuckled silently as he got out of bed and exited the room. Rex, as always, followed him. He jogged down the stairs and took a left turn, soon entering the kitchen. Once he filled the food bowl with some canned dog food and some dog crackers, he placed it next to the water bowl and patted the animal. Rex sniffed the food, making Baekhyun shake his head and roll his eyes. 

“They are right… I have spoiled you,” He laughed slightly. “I added extra canned food for you brat and your favorite crackers, you spoiled brat. Eat.” 

With that, Baekhyun let the dog eat as he went to take a shower and get ready for the day. 

The same ing routine. 

The same ing cycle. 

But unlike other days, Baekhyun had a strange tingle in his stomach as if something bad was going to happen. 

Or maybe it was only the stress that was getting to him. 


Arriving at the station, he was greeted by some of the officers who were finishing up their night shifts. 

“Anything to report?” Baekhyun asked as he stopped at the reception. 

Being the chef, it was his job to make sure he knew what was going on. Those who worked for him knew that well. Whether it was something big or something small, it didn’t matter. He needed to know. 

“Just the usual, sir,” One of the officers said. “Some disturbance reports, domestic abuse, and some robberies.” 

“It’s all covered and the reports are waiting for you on the table,” The other said. 

Baekhyun nodded. “Call it a day boys.” 

With that, Baekhyun his heels and looked at his wristwatch for a moment as he headed into his office. Once reaching it, he shut the door with his foot and walked over to his desk, sitting down. Another part of his morning routine included checking the mail and reports. Lighting a cigarette, he placed it between his lips; adjusting his glasses he started going through the reports and the mail. Taking a smoke, he placed his cigarette into the ashtray before picking up one of the envelopes that he received. Opening it up, he took a file out of it and started to read. 

Case. 057RD8964B
Byun Seon - Pattern Killer

For a moment there it felt like time had stopped for Baekhyun. As if he returned to the past; when he learned that he can’t trust his parent. His father. A person whom Baekhyun used to look up to when he was young. 

As kids, life is lived to the fullest. 

As kids, dreams are dreamt of a perfect world. 

As kids, hopes are held. 

As kids, many believe in the good of the people.

In the good of the world. 

Monsters only existed in the imagination.

For some, they believed that monsters lived under the bed.

Or in the closet. 

As kids, many live in a perfect world and wish that it never ends. 

But every chapter in life comes to an end, doesn’t it? Just like in a book. 

It has its beginning.

It has its twists.

It has its characters.

It has its own questions.

And it has an ending.

The only difference between a book and real life is that we can’t reread it. Life has no edit or delete button. 

There is no going back. 

The choices we make, mark us for good.

How would a 7-year-old understand this harsh truth? 

Baekhyun ran away from it. 

The fact, that his father is a murderer - that was the nightmare he was running away from. 

What child wants to accept such a thing?

What child wants to hear that their father and murdered an innocent woman?

What child wants to see his father sent to jail?

No child.

And there should never be such a situation… but sadly, Baekhyun experienced it, and it wasn’t a nice feeling. 

The harsh truth hurts. 

Facing Pattern means facing his whole past. 

His life.

His childhood.


Whether he likes it or not… they were the same bloodline. 

He sighed and took his phone, dialing Areum’s phone number. 

“Hello, Cobra...” 

“Pattern escaped. The ld case is reopened.” Baekhyun told her. 

“How? He was in one of the best-protected prisons.” 

“You tell me. I’d love to know that too.”

“I’ll call my source and get back to you. Gather the team.” 

“Even Apollo and Eris?” 

“Even them. He would want to know. And you’ll tell them everything. I know that it’s not something you like to talk about and I know it’s hard, but do you remember what you told me once?” 

“They’ll hate me… Athena. ” 

“Cobra, do you remember what you told me once?” 

“Yes...I do. Family sticks together through thick and thin.

“Exactly. And we are one family. You were there for us and we will be there for you. They won’t hate you because it’s not your fault. You are not the murderer, your father is.” 

“Just because your father did something doesn’t mean you have to take the blame,” Chanyeol’s voice spoke. 

He smiled. “Thank you… you two.” 

“Hush. We’ll see you later and keep that chin up, Cobra,” Aruem said. 

“At the old place, Re.” 

“At the palace where it all started.” 

“Yes, that one.”

He took a deep breath as the call ended and he then dialed Sehun and sighed. 

“Yes, hello, Byun.” 

“How are you doing?” 

“Currently, I am my son’s toy. I don’t know where he got that energy. Anyways, what’s up?” 

“Pattern escaped from prison. We got a new mission on our hands.” 

“Pattern, as in your father?” 

He hesitated. “Yes…”

“When do we meet?” 

“Tonight after Jinri finishes work. We have to adjust to her schedule as she is working in the courthouse. So does Jongin.”

“No problem. Old place?” 

“Yes, old palace in Gwangju,” Baekhyun said. 

“We are coming,” Hana called out. 

“I’ll visit those bundles of joy...” 

“Please...I feel drained...” 


“Sorry, gotta go.” 

Baekhyun chuckled. “Stop whining, Oh. When Areum had twins you whined. Now... there’s a consequence.. “ 

“Must you tease me?” 

“Of course. But I have to go.”


Baekhyun ended the call, placing his phone down. “So it comes to this… huh?” 

Mumbling to himself, he closed the file and leaned back in his chair.

He’ll let others know through the text. If he calls and speaks his name one more time he’ll scream. His puppy came over to him and placed his head on Baekhyun’s leg. He smiled and patted his head.

“I am okay, Rex... don’t worry.” 

He grunted looking up at him as Baekhyun smiled slightly. 

It was time to face the monster under the bed.

She was woken up by voices early in the morning. She slowly sat up and realized she wasn’t in her apartment but in Areum’s. She recognized toys in the corner and a photo frame of twins above the TV. She took her phone and saw she had a missed call from Christine and three messages. 

Where are you? We are called to the compound where we are practicing.


I am at Park’s apartment. I overslept. Yuta did as well.


With Yuta, huh? So he confessed?


She rolled her eyes. 

Yes. He did this by robbing the whole store -_- 


So cute! No guy would do that. Take that in mind. 


Ara smirked. 

And what about you and Byun? 


We went for a drink as friends.


“You two are annoyingly cute...” Ara huffed as she dropped the phone on the coffee table. As she moved, Yuta moved, mumbling something. She sighed. “Dude… I have to move.” 

“Shhh… just a couple minutes.” 

Ara rolled her eyes and before she managed to retort she heard Areum and Chanyeol.

“That prison is guarded 24/7, lasers are connected to the system. So how?” Areum hissed. 

“Did he have some connection in there?” 

“Yeol. He was locked inside at all times!” 

Yuta suddenly got up and looked at Ara. Who escaped? 

“Yes, I get that. But what if guards--”

“My source said that there was no way for anyone to come in contact with him except for one person and I assure you, that it wasn’t Haneul.” 

“I know it’s not Mad Dog. He wouldn’t let it happen. Or his wife Yuki.” 

“Exactly, so the question is, how? How come the security cameras didn’t catch him?”

“Through a hacking system.” 

“Someone helped Pattern from outside?” 

Pattern. Ara’s blood turned cold. She looked at Yuta. She could imagine what this meant to him. Pattern killed Yuta’s father and it never slipped his mind. She placed her hand on his shoulder. 

“He escaped.” He switched to Japanese. 

It’s a habit of his, an indication he is angry. 

“Yes.” She replied. “Let’s call Ma Yuki.” 

“No. I am fine.” 

Ara bit her lip. 

Footsteps prevented her from saying anything else because Areum and Chanyeol walked into the living room fully clothed with twins. She bit her lip. 

“I can help with breakfast.” Ara smiled. 

“It’s fine,” Areum smiled. “We’ll order food this morning.” 

Ara nodded. “Okay…”

“Is everything okay?” Chanyeol asked. 

Yuta was silent. Ara sighed. “Yes, we just woke up.” 

Nari ran up to them and hugged Ara tightly. “Morning, Ra!”

“Morning, chipmunk!” Ara grinned, kissing the latter's temple. 

Yuta cracked a smile and ruffled her hair. 


Chanyeol smiled but his eyes observed Yuta like a worried father. Ara used a chance to approach them. Yuta was busy with twins so he didn't know what she would tell them. 

“We heard you guys talking. And he changed when you mentioned Pattern.”

Areum sighed. “Pattern and he... know each other.”

“I only know he killed his father,” Ara said.

“It’s more than that...” Chanyeol told her. 

“But, he should tell you, love,” Areum said, looking at her.

“I just… feel helpless,” Ara mumbled. 

“Just give him time,” Chanyeol said. 

“It’s enough to make him smile,” Areum smiled. 

Ara smiled. “Okay. So when do we leave?” 

“After we eat breakfast. I gave you something clean to wear. So you can freshen up.” 

Ara smiled. “Thank you, Re-Re.”

“I’ll be back, boy,” Baekhyun said, as he patted Rex. 

The dog wagged his tail and continued to chew his toy as Baekhyun gathered his stuff and exited the car. It was good that Ravi was accompanying him or else he would go crazy. His brother-in-law was an amazing guy, but his temper was a bit shorter than Baekhyun's in terms of Baekhyun’s younger brother - Kin.

The latter and Baekhyun were friends - best of friends he knew everything including his drama-like family situation, after all, the latter married his sister. Ravi leaned against his black Volvo jeep waving at Baekhyun who was now approaching him.

“Thank you for coming…Mina couldn’t come?

“Hush,” Ravi patted his shoulder. “No, she said he is dead to her.”

Baekhyun nodded. “I can't blame her… I mean, why do I even bother?”

Ravi looked at him. “Really? He treats you like . I wouldn’t bother if I were you. But you do.” 

“He has nobody… he is sick.” 

“Really? Sick. That gives him the right to manipulate you and gaslight you. A lot of people have borderline personality disorder. So ing what? But Kin is a spoiled brat, he never will understand hardship.”

Baekhyun sighed. “I am aware of that…”

“Are you? It’s been 16 years, Byun. It’s time that brat finds out the truth. I would tell your mother as well. I hold no respect for either of them. Letting you grow up too fast. Your sister had to be a mother figure. Ungrateful brat...”

“Mother doesn’t give a and you know that, besides, I don’t even know where that woman is and I don’t care.”

“No .” He said, “Good. You should do the same with your brother.” 


“Okay, okay. I’ll shut up.” 

“Thank you.” 

“I am glad I can serve you, Your Highness.” 

Baekhyun smacked the back of his head. “Shut the up.”

“Ah, acting like Athena won’t help,” He hummed. 

Baekhyun rolled his eyes, and with that, the two entered the building. 


“Thank you, Ma.” 

“Oh shut it. It’s not the first time you visited outside the visiting hours. Areum told me you’ll come. Come this way.” The female said.

Areum’s mother was the head of the private mental institution (Yes, she was an elderly woman in her 60s, but she was vital) where Baekhyun had placed his brother. It gave him a sense of relief and he didn’t have to worry if his brother had been fed, cleaned, etc. Plus, Ma passed through the same, so she knew exactly how to help such people. But when it came to Kin - she was blunt and told him that there was no recovery for the latter, but that she would do everything she could. It was a harsh truth he knew but he was hoping he could be helped. He had a schizophrenic specter mixed with borderline. 

Very rare. 

“He asked for you.” 

“He did?” Baekhyun asked, exchanging looks with Ravi.

“Yes. I told you he’ll have good and bad moments. Don’t talk about your father. That’s all I can recommend...” 

“He’ll start the subject anyway.” 

Ravi sighed. “Doesn't he always.” 

“In my case, I didn’t mean to snap, it just happened. I wouldn’t remember what came over me.” She explained. “He? He has a chip on his shoulder and uses anger to mask fear.” 

Baekhyun nodded. “I sent you the payment this morning, I added a little bit of extra. Is he causing trouble for you and the staff, Ma?” 

She sighed, looking at him. “Areum will kill you. She said you don’t have to,” she smiled, “And a little, but my bluntness kept him as quiet as a fly.”

“I know, but it’s the right thing to do,” Baekhyun smiled. “Ah, Ma always has a tight grip on people.” 

Ravi chuckled. “Like your sister has on me.” 

“We women have to have a tight grip on people.” She winked and stopped before a wooden door. “Here we are.” 

Ravi looked at him. “Ready?” 

“Yes, let’s do this.” 


Silence filled the room as Baekhyun observed his brother who was coloring something, not even bothering to look at Baekhyun. Taking a deep breath, he cleared his throat. 

“How have you been?” 

The latter mumbled something unclearly, but that was that. Baekhyun tried again.

“How have you been, Kin?” 

“You don’t ing care,” The latter replied, shrugging his shoulders as he continued to color. 

“Would I ing be here, if I didn’t care?” 

The latter frowned.

He sighed. “Kin...I am sorry…” 

As always, Baekhyun apologized first, yet, in almost all cases, he wasn’t sure why he was apologizing as he did nothing wrong… yet he did it every time. The people

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14 streak #1
I was quite confused at first as there are similar characters as crosswind love
didn't think I would read a story about mafia and crimes
Nice first chapter, poor Sehun and baekhyun
38 streak #2
Woah.. finally it's here.. one of my favorite character from VG... description and forward seems interesting... so excited to read..
i’m excited!! can’t wait.
This looks interesting!! I'm excited for this one.