the date

the president game
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The President Game 
Limited Series 

The Date: Ep. 8
A new exposing targets the most unexpected student and shocks the school. Irene and Seulgi try to go on a first date but it doesn’t go as planned. Seulgi meets with an old friend.


irene had never felt happier and she had to admit the romantic movies were right. having feelings for someone and having a partner was so exciting and it occupied her thoughts constantly. she had been so certain she would go through all of high school without having her first relationship, but here she was, blushing and smiling like an idiot at the school gates all because seulgi asked her out on a date. 

“what are we going to do?” irene asked, looking up at her curiously. 

seulgi fixed the pink bunny hair clip on the side of irene’s head, smiling at her and shrugged. “the most cliche date activities possible?” she replied. “the movies, arcade, bowling, ice skating, dinner at a diner…” 

irene laughed, “all of them in one night?” she asked. 

“why not?” seulgi said with a matching grin, staring at irene’s smile fondly before she gave her hand a tug, making irene step forward so their fronts bumped. they shared a smile before leaning in but before their lips could touch, a voice called out for irene. 

“good morning, president.” seyoung greeted with fake politeness as she walked past the couple. 

“good morning.” irene responded plainly, watching as seyoung’s eyes drifted to seulgi and lingered with an unreadable expression. 

seulgi cleared uncomfortably, looking away from her and back at her girlfriend. “should we go in?” she asked, knowing the school bell would ring in a few minutes to start the day. 

only mildly disappointed that seulgi didn’t try to kiss her again, irene nodded, walking hand in hand with seulgi towards the main building. 

the moment the doors opened, irene felt seulgi freeze in her steps and she too, felt a cold chill run down her spine at the sight of the lockers and walls plastered with paper in an all too familiar fashion. 

irene looked at seulgi immediately but was surprised to see seulgi looking just as stunned as she did, and irene saw an emotion she had never seen in seulgi before. fear.

“look, it’s her.” whispers echoed through the hallway and students stopped to stare. 

“seulgi…” irene gave seulgi’s hand a small tug but seulgi was unmoving in her spot. 

“seulgi!” joy’s voice cut through the sounds of the students hushed murmurs as she and yeri made their way down the hallway towards them. joy had a handful of papers in her arms that looked to be ripped from the walls and yeri looked irritated as she stopped to look at a student with his phone out pointing at seulgi’s direction. 

“what the hell do you think you’re filming?” she snatched the phone from his hands, receiving only a weak protest as she continued to march down the hallway. 

joy looked breathless as she reached them, “there’s too many, we’ve been trying to take them down but i swear more gets put up.” she explained frantically. 

“it’s alright. just leave it sooyoung.” seulgi said, almost emotionlessly but irene could tell she was clenching her jaw. 

“o-oh, really?” joy glanced at irene for help but irene looked just as clueless as her. “okay…” joy said. 

seulgi reached out to take one of the wrinkled sheets of paper from joy’s pile and held it up to read the printed blog post more closely. 

irene bit her lip after reading the headline, looking at seulgi with concern but seulgi showed no expression. 

“who did this?” yeri asked no one in particular. “we’ll make them pay.”

seulgi just smiled a little, placing the paper back on joy’s pile. “we should head to class or we’ll be late.” she said, worrying the others with her nonchalance. “thank you for trying to help.” she added, putting a hand on joy’s shoulder and joy smiled back. 

it worried irene more that she didn’t show any negative emotions; she would’ve preferred for her to get angry or upset as it would’ve been understandable.  

“i’ll see you later, okay?” seulgi gave irene a brief smile before letting go of her hand to head to her first class. she didn’t hug or kiss her goodbye like she usually did and that worried irene more. 

her mind was racing as she walked into class on autopilot mode. voices were muffled and she couldn’t hear any of the questions being thrown at her by curious and nosy classmates. 

“hey, back off!” wendy arrived at her side, shooting the others a glare to make them return back to their own desks. “are you okay?” wendy asked carefully, taking her seat beside irene. 

“mm.” irene nodded absentmindedly and wendy looked sympathetic. 

“i can’t believe it.” she said after a while because the silence was too awkward. “if seulgi got exposed, does this mean she didn’t do the other…” she trailed off, furrowing her brows in deep thought. “or it could be someone trying to copy her.” 

“i don’t know.” irene said, but who did it was the least of her concerns. she only cared about how seulgi was feeling and how she was coping with it. 

“did you know?” wendy asked curiously. “about seulgi’s family, i mean.” 

irene shook her head slowly and she was still trying to process everything and make sense of it. 

“there’s nothing wrong with coming from a less wealthy family, of course. and-and farming is honest work!” wendy said, trying to reassure her friend. “it’s just unexpected, i suppose, i thought everyone at this academy had to be, you know, rich… god, i’m not helping am i? sorry, i’ll shut up now.” wendy did a motion of zipping and winced at her own nervous rambling.  

irene smiled, “it’s okay.” she said. “i don’t mind any of it, i just hope she feels alright.”  

“i’m sure she will be okay.” wendy reassured. “and she has you.” 

irene nodded, giving her a grateful smile just as their teacher entered the room, putting an end to their conversation. 


seulgi was already waiting outside the classroom when irene’s last class ended and irene was eager to finally have time to talk to her privately. 

“hey,” seulgi said, looking bothered for reasons unknown to irene and she took irene’s hands in her own, looking down guiltily as she exhaled. “i’m so sorry, but can we reschedule our date for another day?” she asked. “something came up and i have to be somewhere.” 

“yeah, of course.” irene said, looking worried when she saw seulgi’s distracted and anxious gaze that was so different to her usual confident demeanor. “is everything okay?” she asked and seulgi avoided eye contact, nodding. “hey.” irene called and she touched seulgi’s face to tilt her head to make her look at her. “talk to me?” 

seulgi gave a small apologetic sigh, knowing she hadn’t been communicating as much as she should’ve today. “i’m sorry.” she said again and irene shook her head. “it’s my mom.” seulgi said and her voice came out with a small waver. “she’s sick.” 

irene’s eyes widened, “do you need to go to see her? i can come with you if you don’t want to be alone.” she offered quickly, only thinking that she wanted to be there for her. 

“i don’t want to inconvenience you…” seulgi said hesitantly and irene looked at her like she was absurd. 

“it would never be an inconvenience.” she said gently, squeezing seulgi’s hands and seulgi smiled at her gratefully. “so we’re going.” irene decided. 

what she didn’t expect was for their driver to drop them off at a hospital that was located in a small town outside of the city. 

seulgi didn’t speak much other than the occasional “are you sure?” “are you okay?” check-ins with irene, to which irene always said yes. 

she let seulgi lead the way and her heart felt heavier when she realized how familiar seulgi was with the layout of the hospital ward, and how some of the nurses even recognized her. 

seulgi’s hand never left hers, which she was grateful for, and when they stood beside the bed where seulgi’s mom slept, irene felt seulgi hold her hand a little tighter. 

“how long has she been here?” irene asked quietly. 

“in and out, but almost a year.” seulgi replied as she leaned down closer to reach out and press a hand against her mom’s cheek, feeling the warmth, and she breathed out in relief. “doctors said she had a high fever earlier but they gave her medicine and luckily the temperature has stayed down.” she explained. 

irene looked at her, unable to imagine the kind of worry or fear that would be going through her mind when she found out. she couldn’t think

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0 points #1
Chapter 14: Why are they both trying to hide the truth? Mr. Jung is the wrong one here and got what he deserved. Now, I'm getting suspicious of Irene like maybe she really is the master of the game all along. If so then wow.. That's so hot of her? Am i overthinking? I just don't want their love for each other to be fake.. please they're so cute. 😭 Well, I don't doubt seulgi's love for irene. She might not know it since she said so herself that she's not used to feeling things but i know she loves irene. She can never hurt her! But irene? Idk. I have so many questions. I'm getting scared of the ending ngl. One thing's for sure tho 😅 they definitely matched each other's freak.
430 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 14: Omgomgomg i have no clue what to expect for the finale now 🤯
Seulgi thinks she can finally win, but... Who has she been playing against 🧐 taeyeon seems to be a 'referee' of sorts more than another 'player'. Or maybe i just need to reread everything 😂
67 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 14: It's getting more and more exiting! 🐻🐰
0 points #4
Chapter 14: I just finished read it. And the story is so interesting. And I wonder a lot of things. Like what make Seyoung hate Irene so much, like there might be something right, like is it just because of jealousy or something happened in the past perhaps? And what is exactly Seulgi do, is it have something to do for her to make a living by being involved in this Themis things? Or is she in debt for her Mom hospital bill? And Taeyeon, is she kind of Seulgi's senior or boss in their 'company'? And I remember that Taeyeon did mention about her sister. Is it Seyoung or someone else that not yet appeared? Or is Irene? Hmm.. there's so many mystery. Including Irene, although most of the time she's kinda honest with her thought, especially to us the readers but it might be something else right. On the previous chapter, Irene's reaction to the revelation of their teacher's dead body was really convincing that she's innocent, but apparently in this chapter, Seulgi did mention that she somehow found Irene being not so surprised, as expected from Seulgi that admit herself being so observant. Anyway like, if Irene did killed her teacher, she actually did it to defend herself, but actually her being silent about it and not telling the truth might harm her and like she can be charge for some law about that. Let's just say that they're going to play it clean. I mean they're trying to exposed the villains in school. They want to put in justice for everyone. They couldn't being the one who will doing injustice things right, like Seulgi is still so honest and on the right side till this very minute, I mean like she mentioned before that she won't be exposing someone innocent, she won't create some lies. But actually, what Seulgi and Themis did, might be unfair somehow in someway like you know that there must be some case that they're only see it from the surface, like maybe some crimes just inevitable for someone case, maybe this is why Irene being objected in the first place or she might be just care for he school reputation idk, and Irene having a sign as a psychopath from her confession making Seulgi being proud somehow couldn't be ignored too lol, idk that she's just have that in her, or it's just the fact that she did it to someone who try to harm her satisfied her on different level idk. And anyway for WenJoyRi, this triangle love is somehow interesting too, like there's some plot in there not only for the sake of some side pairing hence you didn't even put the tag of their pairing. And is Joy not really into Wendy or something, I really really really excited for the next chapter update and somehow I don't want this to end soon. I hope you can answer all of my curiosity in the form of the beautiful chapters on further updates. And I think it's so nice story, I secretly hope that some wlw series will somehow making some adaptation from your story especially omg it gonna be hit I'm sure anyway it's such a long comment because I want to tell my thoughts on this one, thank you for the story and keep up the good work love ya
924 streak 0 points #5
Chapter 14: My guts telling me that Seulgi would not exposed Joohyun but someone else, and if that happens Seulgi will be the one to take the blame instead of Joohyun since she'll get the weapon from her.
I can't wait for the finale to know if my theory is right 😁
0 points #6
Chapter 4: OMG Irene was so cute over here and as always I love your writing style Author-nim I can't get enough of your story 😍😍
0 points #7
Chapter 14: Ok woah wasn't expecting Irene to be the one that did it 😯. And it did kind of annoy me that Seulgi's immediate thought was how she would be able to end the game with this new info but then I can't really blame her at the same time. I bet she won't actually go through with exposing Irene. She said it herself that she has become her weakness.
Oct_13_wen_03 0 points #8
Chapter 14: OMG I can't believe next chapter is the end of this 😭😭 this is so good and can't wait for moreeee 😭🤍🤍🤍
eunxiaoxlove #9
Chapter 13: Excited for the next one!
430 streak #10
Chapter 13: Yay you're back! Guess i was right about the teacher, he's a paedo and deader than dead. Good riddance sicko. We're so close to the end now!