
Lily- A story of rebirth
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Flashback - December, 12th

Rawee got surprised when her mother-in-law called to inform about Freen being at the hospital after a complicated delivery at home.

The middle-aged female asked her husband to help her find a new excuse to be absent again.

Robin commented with their kids that he wanted to visit an old friend before Christmas because the guy was not in a good shape and asked Richie to take care of the holiday preparations that year.

Since Becky was still packed with work, the girl didn’t pay attention to what her father said.

The couple promised to be back home before Christmas Eve.

They traveled to England on the following day.

Inside the plane, Rawee shared Freen’s secret with her husband, who got in a state of shock at first.

But then, he asked if they could consider the baby their grandchild and the wife replied with another question:

__ How do you feel about Freen? Did you chance your opinion about her after all this time?

__ Of course not. I love that girl as much as before. She’ll always be a part of our family. No matter what.

Smiling, Rawee commented:

__ So you have the answer.

__ But, are we gonna lie to Becca?__ The British guy was concerned.

Exhaling, his partner declared:

__ It’s not our story to tell. So I don’t think we are lying. I hope Freen and Becca can reconnect. That’s what we can do. Encourage both of them.

__ I guess you’re right. Oh my God! I’m so excited! We are grandparents! Do my parents know?

Rawee laughed and told him:

__ Your mother said some things on the phone...It seems they believe Richie is the father.

__ Oh no.__ Robin cracked up.

The couple arrived in London and took a train to the elders’ city.

When they arrived at the local station, Robin preferred to take a taxi than call his dad.

Maggie welcomed them with a nice smile and allowed them to go talk to Freen and see the baby before they could talk.

However, the brunette was visibly exhausted, and the couple preferred to let her rest after a couple of words.

Once they left the guest’s room, Robin asked if his father had a good beverage to share and the two men went to the library.

Meanwhile, the 73-year-old lady dragged her daughter-in-law to the kitchen and spat it out:

__ Honey, I can’t keep silent anymore. Bob and I already suspected something. Looking at the baby’s face, there is no doubt this is Richie’s child. I’m too disappointed. How could you cover for him instead of making him man up?

The Thai female patted the older lady’s back gently and replied:

__ Calm down. Of course, Robin and I would never allow our son to behave like a bastard. It’s not Richie’s. I assure you he never lay a hand on Freen. But if you don’t believe me, ask her.

Puzzled, Maggie stared at Rawee for a couple of minutes.

__ I can’t understand! That baby girl is just like Becca. And we all know your daughter is a female version of my Robin. So I have pictures of both of them when they were newly born. How do you explain this, Rawee?

Sighing, the middle-aged female said:

__ Mom, I’ve already spoken too much about Freen’s personal issues. You’ll have to ask her this time. IF she feels comfortable to share it, I may help and clarify things. Just remember you and Dad accepted to help without questioning.

Shaking her head, the older lady crossed her arms like a stubborn child.

__ I can’t sleep with this anxiety attacking me. Give me something. A hint.

Rawee went to the bedroom her mother-in-law had prepared for her and Robin and grabbed her laptop.

The brunette placed it on the kitchen table and said:

__ Sit here. It’s about time you watch your grandchild’s superb work. Becky is extremely talented. So is Freen. Watch it carefully. As much as you can without falling asleep. Tomorrow morning, I want to hear your opinion.

__ Huh? But that doesn’t answer any of my questions.__ The white-haired female sat on the chair and mumbled.

Rawee caressed the elder’s head and smiled.

__ Let’s see. By the way, you might feel more comfortable wearing earphones. Preferably at a lower volume.

Maggie frowned, but did what she was recommended.

Before going to bed, Rawee dropped at the library and asked father and son not to disturb the old lady in the kitchen.

__ x __

Maggie stayed up all night and she knocked on Freen’s door around 5 am, when she heard the brunette speaking with the baby.

The 26-year-old smiled and whispered:

__ Hi, Grandma.Did the baby wake you up?

Looking at the female with affection, the elder asked:

__ No, honey. Hey, do you need help?

__ I’ll probably need some supervision when it’s bathing time. It’s true I have taken care of several cousins but...she is so tiny.

Smiling, Maggie sat on a chair beside the bed and asked:

__ Have you chosen a name?

The actress caressed the baby’s cheek and responded:

__ I’ve known her name from the start. It’s Lily.

__ Oh, that’s adorable. Actually, Rebecca was supposed to be named Lily. But then, they changed their minds.

Grinning, Freen murmured:

__ I know. It was one of the first things she told me when we met.

Exhaling, the 73-year-old wet her lips before speaking again.

__ Do you love her? I mean Becca. I saw you two acting. It seemed too real.

Freen’s heart skipped a beat, but she looked at the lady’s face.

__ Yes. And I don’t think I’ll ever love someone else.

Maggie was still confused. So she tried to have answers.

__ Rawee said Richie isn’t the father. I don’t understand how Lily can be just like Becca.

The brunette felt pain because she was feeding her tiny one and her s were in bad shape.

__ I used Becky’s eggs. That’s why.

__ But were you two lovers? How did you...?

Freen carefully stood up and put her child into the crib.

Little Lily had finally fallen asleep, and she sighed with relief.

__ Would you mind if we talked outside?__ The actress whispered.

The old lady promptly stood up and opened the door without making a sound.

They sat on the couch, and Maggie grabbed a blanket to cover her guest.

__ Thank you, Grandma. Now, answering to your questions. No, we were never in a relationship. Rawee and Robin hoped Becky could focus on her studies and only date when she turned 21. I respected them. The plan was to do something romantic for her at her birthday party. Both of us knew we had feelings, but we never confessed.

__ So what happened? This is so confusing.__ The 73-year-old seemed to suffer along with the brunette.

Freen glanced at Becky’s grandma with a bittersweet look.

__ As I told you a while ago, there was an entire campaign to destroy my name and, consequently, our partnership. Bec got emotionally destroyed and asked me to leave. Our friend Nam knew my biggest dream was to have a little Bec Bec. She crossed a line and said she wanted an egg donor for herself...

__Then you used it.__ Maggie clapper her hands.

Concerned, the 26-year-old clarified:

__ I told Rawee what happened and asked her to either be the eggs’ guardian or give them back to your granddaughter. However, she encouraged me to go ahead and car

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sunmooskywin 0 points #1
1196 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 29: Awww baby Jasmine!! Welcome to the chaos! I mean family! 🤣🤍
Chapter 28: Hurricanes or Typhoon? 😂 Its good that after so long they managed to release whats within with quickies 😶 piece of life chapter is the way to go now 😌 thank you the update 😊 take care and stay safe
Chapter 28: Hahaha...the hurricane 🤣🤣
Chapter 27: Im so happy for them! 😢 As long as they are safe, healthy... Other occurances will be just a passer by 👍 This is avery good chapter to me... Thank you for the update! Take care stay safe 😊
story19 #6
Chapter 8: Hmmm, becky, arent u a laywer yet, hahaha.
story19 #7
Chapter 7: Dun dun dun.. Go Becky, just kiss and make up alreqdy.
story19 #8
Chapter 6: Ohh, i though the meeting will happen, i got excited but well, it will happen eventually.
story19 #9
Chapter 5: Good chapter, would becky cry a river or go berseck once she found out about the baby.
story19 #10
Chapter 4: That was fast, freen is pregnant. I feel bad for becky though, she deserve to know but she gave up on freen, better not.