Slice of Cake
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It was definitely noon…


Perhaps give or take a few minutes.


Judging from where the sun was in the sky and the length of the shade she was under, Joy guessed that it was most likely near that time. She, like her fairy sisters, knew it was difficult to pinpoint the exact time of day in Seulgi’s Void. Her circadian rhythm usually had a difficult time adjusting, but it seemed Seulgi went the extra mile to match her flow in this visit. She was over the moon. Not only was she touched by that little gesture, she was overjoyed that the sentinel acted on her groaning over last night’s dinner. No pun intended.


She had insisted that Seulgi add some colour to the drab yellow spaces after all these years, and flowers would be the best way to rid the bleakness away. Her dearest eldest instantly seconded the idea at the moment’s mention of flowers, happy to extend a helping hand. That itself made it difficult for the rest of her sisters to disagree.


Everyone knew the Winter fairy loved flowers. Despite being the Master of the cold, Irene found a way to cultivate flowers that bloomed and survived subzero temperatures. Her dearest eldest’s fervent endeavours always made Joy giddy with delight. Their shared passion added fuel to her drive to work harder to add more radiance to the world.


An inviting Spring welcome that everyone could revel in.


Seulgi’s ravens had noisily roused them at dawn without much explanation. After a quick breakfast, the youngest skipping it entirely, Seulgi excitedly ushered them through a different portal. A special place in her Void, she described, that was prepared just for the Spring fairy to work her magic.


With that, they were greeted with blue skies and green fields that matched the Spring realm. Fresh lushness that stretched far into the distance, weather gentle on the skin with streams of clear water aplenty. Joy couldn’t contain her excitement and bounced on every step as she dragged her yawning sisters to work.


Initially there were whines and complaints when preparing the land for a garden, but soon everyone settled into a comfortable work silence, with an occasional groan and laugh. Though they were toiling underneath the morning sun at their assigned task, hard labour, hands dirty, back aching… Joy enjoyed every moment. She could produce flowers at the wave of her hand but where was the fun in that, especially when she finally had all four of her sisters with her.


Watching them fumble around, digging, sowing and planting, all the while beaming from ear to ear, Joy knew they probably shared the same sentiment.


How long has it been since they came together for fun? With the world finally settling down, she knew better to take this opportunity to spend more time with her sisters before the world decided to evolve and shape again. If that happened, the Spring fairy knew everyone, including her, would be running around busy, finding solutions to put things in place. This form of diligence they all had probably came from constantly trying to figure things out.


Joy laughed inwardly, what a peculiar habit to have been formed.  


Knowing her sisters, the Spring fairy wasn’t surprised when Yeri suggested a break from their hedge t. Restlessness always came first to the youngest, whose focus had a tough time staying put. They all shared a laugh when the short break turned to lunch, the rumbling of the youngest’s stomach difficult to ignore.


Everyone freshened up and changed out of their overalls into their own clothes. Pink lace and frills, whites and ribbons, each matching Joy’s Spring colours in their own way. And when baskets of food and fruits were flown in by the sentinel’s ravens, the Spring fairy was thrilled that it had become a picnic. They eventually settled under some trees by a small stream, checkered picnic mats strewn across the ground.


Lunch was abuzz and as they ate, Joy noted that her Fall counterpart seemed less tense in comparison to how she was last night. Her cool gray eyes had softened and her smile genuine. Her appetite seemed to have increased and colour had returned to her face. Joy guessed Wendy had finally figured out what was disturbing their dearest eldest…


Though the Winter fairy had insisted that there was nothing to worry about, Wendy still…


Joy sighed, she guessed some things never changed.


‘That was the second sigh in under a minute.’


Yeri's voice brought Joy out of her reverie, ‘Please don’t tell me if it’s about how untidy my section of the garden is.’


The Spring fairy laughed at the youngest who had laid down not too far away from her, feet soaking in the stream. Full and satisfied, small marigold buds had started to sprout around her. Joy chuckled at the sight,


‘You’re fine. Flowers will grow whether it’s tidy or not.’ Her hazel eyes stilled and eyebrows rose,


 ‘…is Wendy still?’


The Fall fairy whom she expected to see beside Yeri was missing. The Summer fairy lifted her head slightly, peeking before plopping back down, voice tired,


‘Oh, you know how she is.’


Joy hummed in agreement as a light breeze caressed her face. It brought her gaze out to the vast green fields where her eyes landed on her dearest eldest and the sentinel walking amongst the green. White parasol over one, the other sporting a boater hat.


Odd…Joy mused. The Fall fairy always found opportunities to spend more time with their dearest eldest, especially with Winter’s coming. However, Wendy had hastily excused herself halfway through lunch, a sparkle in her eyes. Where had she gone off to? Perhaps…


The Spring fairy chuckled at the thought that flashed through her mind and Yeri beat her to it,


‘I bet it’s something for Irene.’ The youngest said coolly, ‘Since morning, she’s been looking at something by the stream over.’


A short pause floated between them before they turned to look at each other, wide-eyed. The two younger fairies saw the glee bubbling in each other’s eyes and it wasn’t long before they were giggling themselves silly.



Irene could hear her sisters’ laughter in the distance and she smiled at the sound that reached her ears. The happiness that her sisters radiated was infectious and Seulgi who walked a few steps behind her probably felt it too. She heard a soft chuckle escape from underneath the sentinel’s breath as they strolled across the green, wild flowers blooming at her feet.


Flowers… The unplanned morning activity was certainly a welcomed surprise.


The Winter fairy usually found herself alone when the Winter cold swept through the realms. The deep slumber of hibernation came fast to her two younger sisters, and her beloved too could not resist the natural urge to hibernate regardless of all the tricks and tips she learnt from the five realms. So apart from the Winter fairy’s realm residents that helped her with her duties and an occasional check up from the sentinel, everyone else would be in deep sleep while she watched over the world slowly cleanse itself. Awash in white.


Therefore, to spend more quality time with each other before Winter, they had all agreed, a long time ago, to always attend the Harvest festival together. Be it busy or not. And today’s addition only tugged on Irene’s heart strings and made her full with utter joy. A little bit more time with her fairy sisters always made her happy.


‘Thank you, for going through all this trouble.’ Irene couldn’t contain herself.


‘Hmm?’ Seulgi looked up from her step, ‘Oh, this? I just took the opportunity that Joy presented to me.’


‘Joy is ecstatic.’


Seulgi’s eyes smiled as she tittered,


‘She better be, especially with all the hard work she put us through this morning. I’ll be sure to drag everyone back here when the flowers we have planted are blooming.’


‘I’m glad everyone is enjoying themselves.’


It was a soft whisper that Seulgi caught onto when another breeze wrapped around them. With the fair weather and the wind gently guiding them around the green, the sudden pause in Irene’s step immediately caught Seulgi’s attention,


‘Hm? Is something wrong?’


Even underneath the dark shade of the Winter fairy’s parasol, Seulgi could still see the striking blue eyes searching for something in the distance, before dipping back down to look at her briefly, voice quiet,


‘No, I was just wondering where did Wendy run off to.’


Seulgi guessed as much and she returned a soft smile,


‘You know how Wendy is, she’s probably looking at something that caught her eye…’


Before her sister could finish, Irene restarted on her step, pulling her parasol down closer to her, leaving Seulgi’s words trailing. There was a flash of dissatisfaction that glazed over Irene’s face that the sentinel was fast to catch onto, and quick to hold her sigh. Knowing that the Fall season was soon coming to a close, her dearest eldest was trying to fill the little time left of the year with her beloved. Every minute together was precious, even like these aimless strolls that she went on.


The cold Winter days were long and though the Fall fairy always tried her best to stay awake…Seulgi knew Irene would wake to a morning to find Wendy curled up beside her, body unmoving and breathing slower than normal. Lost to deep sleep, only to wake when Spring was around the corner.


When she would check up on Irene during her rounds, sometimes she would find her dearest eldest simply watching the Fall fairy hibernate… She wonders, do they ever dream of each other. They do, don't they? With a love so strong, they probably meet in each others’ dreams.


An awkward silence soon settled over them as Irene continued through the fields, wild flowers reaching out to them. However, the moment dark green eyes caught onto the wilting flowers in the path her sister had walked, Seulgi pursed her lips anxiously, stiffening slightly on her step. Her sister's mood had turned sour and had clearly started to leak.


As a sentinel, Seulgi rarely felt frantic, but with things concerning her dearest eldest… That was an entire separate matter. Her dark green eyes quickly moved to scan across the green…Indeed Wendy, where have you run off to?


Without a doubt, the Fall fairy had excused herself to do something for her dearest eldest. However, Wendy was always seemingly forgetful of Irene’s temper that was quick to stir. Not only will Wendy feel the Winter fairy’s cold shoulder, everyone would. Seulgi shivered at the thought of trying her luck to put a cap to her sister’s emotions and she bit the bullet,


‘Irene, we should head back,’ She met with piercing blue eyes that turned at the call of her name. The sentinel wavered, hesitant to continue,


‘J- Joy is calling for us.’

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WluvsBaetokki #1
Chapter 13: I was cackling the whole time 🤣🤣🤣 Seulgi's character is so funny
1699 streak #2
Chapter 13: They meet frequently but Irene didn't remember Wendy's face? Oh well, she probably meet hundred people on caffe so make sense. But dreamwalking is something else than lucid dream.
Riscark #3
Chapter 12: Irene be like, we playing it safe and wasted so many years, now I'm not holding back aT ALL🫣 I'm so looking forward for Milky Way, whenever you're ready authornim
For the next setting, I'm guessing Feel My Rythim?
1699 streak #4
Chapter 12: I cried when I first see Wendy on milky Way vid. But member's big grins each time Wendy sing made it okay.
Chapter 12: Ohhhhhhh I love how Wendy literally short-circuit while Irene endlessly. So cuteeeeeee!
And, how can we forget about the legendary 45 degree! 🩷🩵
Riscark #6
Chapter 11: Ohh I like this one hehe
The tension at the end, the embrace, damnn, I don't mind another one in this setting
WluvsBaetokki #7
Chapter 11: Ahhhh one of my favorite songs!!!! I freaking love the way you write! Makes my heart flutter
1699 streak #8
Chapter 11: Yes! Another chapter or combine with another station song!
CorLeonisAuream #9
Chapter 11: Love this latest chapter, will definitely be down for a continuation for it.
I'm also obsessed with Would U right now
baejoonism #10
Chapter 11: Aww that's so cute and sweet seems like both of them waiting for this moment to happen and finally! ! Would love to read more in this setting!