Twin is Out

One Snowy Day
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Hello here the new chapter

sorry if there a mistake in my writing.

A/N : the birth and medical information might not be accurate bcs i write based on internet research. sorry of there any misleading info




Minjeong keeps throwing a quick one second glance toward Jimin in the passenger seat, who is sweating and breathing heavily.

She didn’t dare say a word. A few minutes ago, she tried to say a few words of comfort but ended up getting yelled at.

Jimin is already losing her mind due to the amount of pain.

The hospital has already been informed that they are on their way and Jimin water has broken. All the staff are already at the hospital entrance, and as soon as Minjeong pulls over, they come rushing towards the car with an emergency stretcher.

Minjeong gets out of the car with a bag that they packed yesterday and gives a quick gesture for the security to park her car, and she runs by the side of the stretcher as they push it inside.

The staff nurse is getting busy, turning on the oxygen machine, and helping Jimin wear the mask.


‘Ma'am, you can’t enter the labour room’

What??? Minjeong was beyond flabbergasted when the nurse stopped her at the labour room entrance. What does the nurse mean by saying she cannot be with Jimin?

‘I already signed a document that I’ll be inside, and everything is approved by my girlfriend's doc.’ Minjeong tried to break past the nurse but was stopped by another nurse.

It was a hectic situation in which Jimin is in pain and needed her the most. Her lover is about to give birth to their twin, and here at the entrance, Minjeong is having difficulty passing the security.

They already prepared and informed the staff that she would be by Jimin side during the operation, so why –

‘I'm sorry, Ms. Kim’ The staff nurse, wearing a dark shade of emerald green scrub, ‘we need to clean you up first’ the nurse pulled the trolley filled with all the medical equipment needed to clean a wound.

‘Your nose is heavily bleeding, and it might be a fracture –

‘and?? My partner is giving birth inside! I can’t just wait here!’

‘Ms. Kim, blood is a biohazard, it can cause infection if you walk inside –

‘Oh my god!’ Minjeong wiped the blood that was dripping out of her nose, she fell quite hard on the floor a moment ago. She raked her free hand through her hair frustratingly ‘just clean up the wound fast! I needed to be by her side.’

The staff nurse gets to work while other nurses kind of avoid staring at Minjeong, some of them have a shade of red on their cheeks.

Minjeong knew it was an utterly embarrassing moment for her, the hospital employee probably figures out how panicked she was before coming here to the extent that her nose is bleeding.

‘It’s not a fracture,’ the staff nurse said, lightly pressing and checking Minjeong's nose. She hissed in pain. ‘It will swell and you’ll need a proper check-up after this.’

‘All done’ the staff nurse announced so Minjeong about to walk inside but getting blocked for the third time, and she is pissed by now!

She didn’t raise her voice, she just gave the nurse a murderous look with her jaw muscles tensed up.

‘I'm sorry, Ms. Kim, you need to wear a protective scrub first before walking in’

Minjeong let out a sigh, about to wear the given outfit and then another wave of mortification crashed against Minjeong.  

She just realised she wore a thin white t-shirt and a boxer only. No wonder it felt cold as soon as she got out of the car! She got this sneaker on, but no pants!

She wished the earth would swallow her right here, but Jimin needed her! stomach down her pride.

Closing her eyes and inhaling a huge amount of oxygen, she was going to pass out from embarrassment, so she really needed it right now. Quickly suit up with that blue scrub, a scrub cap, and a mask… the last one is a glove, and then she was escorted inside the labour room.


She had already lost a huge amount of time, so the moment Minjeong walked inside, she went straight to Jimin's side and held her hand tight. Bending down to place a kiss on Jimin's forehead, ‘I'm sorry I'm late’ she whispered.

Jimin is no longer awake, she has been put to sleep. The anaesthetic surgeon there briefed Minjeong, Jimin was put to sleep with general anaesthesia due to the fact that the twin needed to be born very quickly.

She is standing at the right side of her sleeping girlfriend, who is lying down unconsciously on the operation bed. There is a screen blocking the view below Jimin's chest.

Minjeong here doesn’t know what to do other than pray that everything will be alright, she doesn’t know where to look. She kept her eyes on Jimin's sleeping face, which is all calm, and she will constantly glance at the screen, even though she cannot see anything other than hearing the staff voice.

At her side, there is only an anaesthetic surgeon and Sooyoung, who walk back and forth, sometimes she stays with the surgeon and then goes back to check the screen and goes back on the other side.

Minjeong was told this procedure would take about thirty to sixty minutes. Since Jimin is delivering a twin, it might take forty minutes to an hour.

Minjeong heard the surgeon and midwives communicate to smooth the whole process, and Jimin cardiac surgeon, Dr. Park, which is Minju wife is inside this room too.

Minju is supposed to be Jimin cardiac surgeon to monitor her health and heart condition during giving birth, but she just gave birth to a healthy baby girl too, so she is unavailable.

Jimin is having a caesarean lower segment incision, which is a horizontal cut about ten cm long at her lower abdomen.  

Another scar on her body… Minjeong knew how much Jimin hated that but her girlfriend was willing to sacrifice her body to nestle the twin in her womb.

Tightening her hold on Jimin's hand, her girlfriend didn’t even know what was happening right now. The smell of blood is eye watering and Minjeong here… is having a hard time breathing.

She doesn’t expect the scent to penetrate her mask, that is how strong the smell is in this. Its just her that has a thick frown while the rest of the healthcare profession looks all calm.

She has no idea how many minutes have gone by at this point. Her dull ears manage to pick up a few words, and then she barely hears anything. Perhaps she is too freaked out and losing her composure, or maybe she is just dumb!

She swears she studied all of this, the procedure, and everything yet it feels like she walked in here without a brain.


The surgeon announced she about to pull out the first baby, and Minjeong's heart start to race then. She doesn’t understand a thing when the surgeon asks for forceps.

What is forceps?!

Is it safe to pull out her baby??


What cut?? Cutting what? It put Minjeong in a panic state even more because she doesn’t understand the medical term, that equipment which sounds very dangerous in her ears.

She is sweating in this cold room, her wide eyes glued to the screen.

‘You can look, Ms. Kim’

She can look behind that screen? Minjeong kind of doesn’t want to leave Jimin alone and go to the other side, but

Her heart stops!

The sound of a baby crying filled the room. Now her heart is racing and sweat is dripping down. Without her own knowledge, she is slowly taking a step forward without letting go of Jimin's hand, which is free from any medical wires.

The crying continues, and it doubles now, the twin is out.

All the staff are so delighted, they were talking excitedly and noting down the details while Minjeong pupil is slightly shaking at the sight she just witnessed.

Jimin gut is out open, it's all red and blood is everywhere! Her shaking pupils shift to her two newborns, who are also covered in blood.

The two midwives are holding the baby and basically shoving it in Minjeong's direction so she can see better, but it only makes her heart pick up the pace.

She felt colder than before, her feet are sweating now, and her back feels like a river because she can feel the sweat dripping down.

She can hear her own heartbeat in her ears and even her own breathing. The sound of the machine beeping and the twin crying that was so loud earlier is now fading.

Minjeong doesn’t respond when the staff calls for her, one of them is already standing behind her and lightly tapping her back, trying to bring her back but –

The blurry ceiling is the last thing in Minjeong's vision, then it’s all black.

Now the labour room is in chaos, not because the mother is delivering a baby but because a woman who is not pregnant passed out.




Jimin couldn’t help but find it funny and let out a chuckle as she saw how panicked Minjeong is the moment her girlfriend woke up.

Minjeong fell twice today! One in the morning after Jimin water broke and second is inside a labour room.

Her girlfriend's nose is a bit swollen due to the fall.

‘jagi, jagi’ she called Minjeong, who jumped out of the hospital bed and ran towards her. ‘calm down’ she interlaced their finger the moment Minjeong's hand found hers and calmly explained to Minjeong what happened after she passed out.

Jimin keeps the gender of their child a secret from Minjeong for the time being, but their babies are healthy and there have been no further complications. A half hour ago, Jimin woke up from anaesthesia.

‘I didn’t tell anything to your family yet but Hyein was here an hour ago. She brought your pants’ and she lightly slapped Minjeong's arm for being so careless. ‘You’re not allowed to sleep after this!’

‘I'm not ’ Minjeong defended herself and looked around the room. ‘Where are our twins?' Minjeong is so excited to meet her twin!

‘Feeding time, I can’t get up, so a nurse needs to feed them’ since she had a caesarean procedure, she is not allowed to sit like a normal person yet because then her surgical wound will burst open, making her at high risk of getting an infection.

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menjadisaya #1
Chapter 18: Poor minjeongie 😭
Chapter 12: this is so heartbreaking😞💔
Chapter 6: Minjeong is such a selfish ugh
Chapter 5: this chapter is ing sad. damn! BUT did Minjeong inside Jimin? that's too risky, she might get pregnant if they don't have any protection
Chapter 2: oh Jimin hava heart decease? i feel so bad for her😔
Chapter 1: im prepared
375 streak #7
Chapter 38: succhhhh a great fic thankk youuu authorr, i enjoyed your story so muchh ❤️❤️
Chapter 41: excited 🤭
Chapter 37: Omggg what a great story! Why i just found it, ooohh thanks for the story authornim 🥹🫶
12 streak #10
Chapter 40: YESSSSSS