Run with me | 🧟‍♀️


Zombie. That's it. Jiminjeong but Zombie au. With a slice of ive, itzy, lesserafim, honestly basically izone. 


" RUN! YU JIMIN, RUN!! DON'T ING LOOK BACK! JUST ING RUN!" The girl sprinted down the stairs, round the corner and down the hall of the school, the zombies chasing after her just a few steps away.

... Yerim unnie! don't tell me she's dead! I need to get behind the ing barrier.

" OPEN UP, IM HUMAN! I NEED ENTRANCE!" A door between block a and block b of the school building, originally to separate the art students and the music students, but now it acted as a border between humanity and infected.

As the distance between Jimin and the zombies became bigger there was hope slowly building its way up Jimins mind, but all hope was crushed at the lack of response from the door.

No! ! 

" I'M ING HUMAN! OPEN THE ING DOOR!!" Turning around, there was only 200 metres left of a gap between Jimin and the 50 zombies now. 










" YA! GET YOURSELF TOGETHER! I CAN'T HELP YOU HOLD ALL OF THEM BACK! YUJIN! I NEED-...HELP!" With a grunt, a short haired girl smashed two zombies heads in with her electric guitar. How...

" Mj! Back up!!" A metal bat came swinging through the classroom door next to Jimin, and a tall girl emerged. 47 more to go.

" Hey, here's a weapon. Now go beat them up." Jimins fingers wrapped around the... broomstick, courtesy of the tall blue haired kid from before

" Won't this brea- AISHII-" With a swing from one of the zombies, Jimin had nothing to do but to swing at the zombie, breaking the neck off a former teacher. Along with the stick. 

" Oh hey, it's your math teacher Ryu!" The tall girl from before said to another short haired girl wearing a biker jacket and a wooden bat.

" Damn I know I hated his but never wanted him to end up Mr Bae." She sent a flying kiss to the rolling head of the zombie and swung her wooden bat once more, 45 to go.

" Hey, new girl! Here's my bass instead of that stick." With Ryu's bass in hand, the four girls begun breaking heads, tearing necks off and smashing heads in.


" What's your name?!"

" Jimin! "

" The dance Captain?!"

" Vice cap-TAIN!" Jimin got the string off the bass guitar stuck in one of the zombies head mid sentence, kicking the zombie back with her foot to free her weapon again.

" COOL, I'm Ryujin! Tall kid is Ahn Yujin from Track, Other Bob haired kid is Kim Minjeong! We're the school band- JinJinJeong. Oh - is that the school nurse?? NOOOO I LIKED HER!!" The school nurse trudged towards Minjeong, left eye missing and part of her jaw dislocated.

" that ." A swing and brain juice gets splattered onto the windows of the hall as Minjeong heaves a breath, running out of stamina at this point.


" I need to go find Wonyoung. GET RID OF THESE GUYS ALREADY!!" Three big swings leave only 5 zombies left standing, but Yujin was fully out of the battle now, leaning on the door as she catches her breath.

" Yerim unnie saved me, this life is too precious for stupid zombies to take me out! OFF!" Jimin swings the bass one more time before falling to the ground in exhaustion, 3 left.

" You're all out!? - I'm tired too you know!?" One swing from Ryujin breaks the skull of a former student, she falls to one knee as she too drops out the battle.

The last one standing, Minjeong tries to swing her bat at the two students closest to her. Succeeding first try but falling to the inertia of her own swing, collapsing down onto the wall. One Remaining.

The four students try to gather their strength to fight the final zombie, 20 metres ahead of them. But Ryujin, being part of the archery team noticed the slight difference between the normal zombies and the one ahead of them.

" way right? NO ING WAY!" With only one enemy left, the girls finally paid attention to the zombie that was slightly taller than the rest.

Slightly buffer, their skin a purple that wasn't possible in humans.

" ITS A LEVEL TWO INFECTED, WE'RE ING DEAD!" Ryujin screamed, holding her bat out infront of her as a last ditch effort.

All four girls had but one thought on their mind " Is this really how we're gonna ing die?!" Losing hope, they clenched their eyes shut, preparing for the pain of being bitten. The sound of flesh and bone being crushed against teeth.

A crunch grabs their attention, the moist sound and texture of blood and flesh being ripped apart. Their eyes drift back up to the purple creature, only to find it falling down to the floor.

" What the fu-" A pair of legs stood beside the corpse, the person was dressed in a black hoodie and black track pants along with a black mask and a black backpack. Modern grim reaper? Why are they dressed like that??

" Any of you see a red haired brat running around? She sings well and she's probably arguing or bickering with this tall pretty girl who kind of looks like a frog. My girlfriend is worried about that kid." She pulls down her hood and her eyes catch your interest. She looks pretty...

" Who are you?" Minjeong barely got her words out as her whole body shook in fear and anxiety from the level two zombie.

" Kang Hyewon. I'm looking for Jo Yuri and Kim Minjoo." She pulls out the knife she stabbed into the temple of the level two infected and cleans it with the shirt of another infected before returning it to its sheath.

" Why do you have a knife... why are you on our school property?!" Jimin held up the bass guitar towards the older woman, if a month of this madness had taught her something, it was that humanity was scarier than infected.

" Calm down! Calm down! I'm here because my girlfriends your dumb student council pres, she didn't come to see me before I get deployed again so I came down to the school to find her! The knifes because I live right there, I just grabbed it and came back to look for the kid." Pointing to the apartment building outside the school gate, Hyewon crouched down to meet the girls.

" Seriously, I'm a sergeant from the twenty-fifth brigade. Infantry. All I need is my cousin and maybe her best friend" Holding her palms up beside her head, Hyewon sits down onto the floor hoping that the four girls would finally trust her enough to at least give her information on where Yuri was. Or at least the directions to the cafeteria.

Unfortunately for them, another infected burst out the cabinet next to the classroom they were right beside. 

" BEHIND Y-" Before Yujin was able to scream fully Hyewon had already gotten off the floor and kicked the zombie out the open window, a thud and the crunching noise of bones following behind half a second later. Then, she sits back down. 

" Minjeong, if she wanted to kill us I think she would've already." Ryujin piped in from the back and Minjeong allows her electric guitar to fall back onto the floor.

" Jo Yuri as in the choir captain right? I think she's in Jinhyun's team isn't she?" Jimin chooses too to lower her guards and finally offer the information the sergeant was looking for 

" And where would Jinhyun's team be?" Hyewon jumps back up onto her feet, ready to proceed in the direction of her bratty cousin that she unfortunately loves.

" Behind the barrier. Yujin, can you open the door? Why didn't you guys open the door for me earlier?" Bringing her left hand to her nape, Yujin begins biting her lips.

" The thing is, Yunjeong and Yewon's team started fighting and people started choosing factions and bull. They started killing each other so my team decided to leave the zone and wait for things to settle down, when we were just about to head back in you came running down the halls and we decided to help out." Minjeong stood back up and began helping Ryujin and Yujin up, taking a moment before deciding to stretch her calloused left hand out to Jimin.

" Do you want to join us? We're not the strongest or smartest team but, we'll treat you well." What's the worst that can happen, Yerim unnie's team is dead anyway. I can't survive this alone. Nodding her head, Jimin grabbed her hand and pulled herself up, muttering a thanks to the mysterious guitarist.

" Wait. Killing each other? Wouldn't that mean my kids in danger? . Move out of my way!" With a kick, Hyewon burst the door open. The group of girls gasps at the sight ahead of them, bodies lay sliced stabbed and chopped infront of them. The silence was loud, practically deafening even.

" YURI! ANSWER ME!" Silence replied, the lack of an answer had Hyewon panicking. A drum beginning to sound in the back of her head.

The woman sways weakly before falling to her knees, Minjeong swiftly catching her before she could hit the ground fully.

" Hyewon, you good?" The girls watched in silence, it wasn't as if they could say everything was fine and that Yuri was safe. Not with the sight laid out before them at least.

" We should check the whole block out, there must be survivors, at least one person who killed the rest." Jimin walked ahead of the fallen soldier, leading the way to the next classroom and the next, sliding open every door to expose more mutilated bodies left and right. Blood staining and painting the walls and floor, pellets of red remaining on the ceiling of the classrooms.

" Yuri ah, you can't have died right? Come on, it's your unnie... come out already..." Trudging down the halls of the next level, then the next, and the next, hope was dwindling rapidly. Tears were already streaming its way down the sergeants cheeks, every second with a lack of response was one more confirmation of the worst truth she'd ever faced. The demilitarized zone was better than this, at least there her family was safe.

To the soldier who'd went back to her parents home in the month since the apocalypse started, Yuri was her only family remaining. A final thin thread holding the woman together after being forced to stab her own parents in the head.

" JO YURI! K!" One final scream and the girls fall into silence once again. 

How did all this happen in two days? Yerim unnie and I left to find more materials for our classroom, and all this happened during that time? 

These ing idiots, humanity is threatened with extinction and they kill each other instead of those ing things? Are you kidding me!?

Faint yet piercing, a scream resounded from two floors above the girls. They dash for the nearest staircase and bolt up the steps, skipping as many as they could, as fast as they could.

" Could that be?" Hyewon was the fastest between the girls, the woman had just passed the marine exam afterall. With a few more months she might've actually joined the marines.

Finally reaching the top level, out of her peripheral view Hyewon spotted a shadow walk round the corner and immediately chased after them.

" YOU THOUGHT I'D LET YOU STAB ME AND ING RUN!? GET BACK HERE YOU !" The man drenched in blood shouted as he limped towards the three girls 

" STOP RUNNING!" Hyewon exclaimed, finally shortening the distance between herself and the knife wielding student

" is this ?" The man swung the knife at , momentarily forgetting about the girls running from him.

Taking half a step back, Hyewon narrowly avoids getting her neck sliced before palm smacking the blade out the man's hand and throwing a punch at his jaw.

" !" Agitated, the man throws his body onto her and begins strangling the soldier who scrambles to elbow his arms and kick his knees as she tries reaching for the knife on her waist

" Hyewon unnie!" A thud rings down the hall as the girls finally arriving to the sight of the man knocked out cold on the floor right next to Hyewon who was getting bear hugged by a red headed girl. Looking up revealed two more girls, one with peach coloured hair and one with pink coloured hair. ( It's gonna be a big team, so we're getting 

Jo Yuri: red hair Chaewon: peach hair (personal fav colour of hers tbh) Minjoo with pink hair! For future references: Wonyoung is back to purple ( she hasn't dyed her hair in Ive yet-) Yujin with blue ( BEST ONE NGL) and also we get red chaeyeon)

" Is that Jo Yuri?" The girls shared glances before finally deciding to introduce themselves. 

" Cool cool, so...what are we gonna do with this dude?" They formed a circle around the boy, inspecting him for a moment before Chaewon started smirking and grinning at Yujin. They haven't met before this but they seem close...

" I say for killing almost everyone we know, being hunted by zombies would be a good punishment. It's like a death sentence but not really." The girls tie the boy up with curtains from the classrooms and carry him back down to the second floor before throwing him out the window.









2 hours later



















And that's it for the one shot section~~ if you liked it, subscribe and leave a comment so I know that it's a good enough plot for people to like 😎✨ if you're interested in it, I'll start writing the story section intro and all including the first day of the infection😏✨ 

Since this is a one shot, the continuation will be completely different, story event wise compared to this, but the writing style the context and the plot stays the same~ 

I really hope y'all like it cause I wanna write a zombie au with most of the 4th gen girl groups I know, like and can at least write the dynamics and banter of hahaha we didn't actually see much JiminJeong in this one since...yknow, that would defeat my agenda of making this a series 😃😃

but yeaaaaa what's better than zombies, teenagers and soldier Kang Hyewon (actually inspiration from that one commercial she acted in, where she was a detective and stuff) 

also if you're wondering what country this story is set in...wellllll I kind of wrote it mixing Asia and Europe and America and stuff but let's say Korea! Cause that makes the most sense Ngl- but Yeaa leave a comment with a group you wanna see and I'll add them in or sumn I'm gonna have fun with this afterall hahaha


WILL come back to this after spiderman is done. I just can't do two big ones at once, and I realised a shorter stroy about a zombie apocalypse just wouldnt hit the spot.







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27 streak #1
Exciting! I love Jiminjeong + Zombie au! Waiting for your next update authornim!