
Winning My Ex's Heart


"Coffee, tea or me?" Seungwan looks at the older girl teasingly. A sigh could only be returned by the nurse who's currently on duty. 


After finishing her task at hand, Joohyun looks at the latter blankly before coming up with a reply. 



"How about… " With that, Seungwan expectantly gazes at her. Ready to give the girl anything. 






"'ll never show your face in front of me ever again." Joohyun uttered before scurrying to do another morning round before calling it a day. 


Seungwan dramatically put both her hands on her chest while trying to catch Joohyun's eyes. Hoping that her dumb antics would somehow finally crack a smile on the nurse's stoic features. 


She did catch her eyes though. But instead of a smile, a glare was directed to her. 


"Ouch." was the only thing she could utter while watching the nurse's retreating back. 


A hand soothingly and playfully rubbed her shoulder. Seulgi's grinning face was what welcomed her when she looked to her left. 


"Still not able to melt your ice princess' heart?" 


"I don't want to even talk about it." Seungwan dejectedly said while proceeding to their office.  


"You might want to make it fast. Your time's ticking, we are on the final stage the engagement." 


"I know, Seul. I know." 




"We'll now proceed on making the audit report. Kindly give me the concise findings on your assigned areas by the end of this week." Groans could be heard after Seungwan uttered the latter part of her instructions. By the end of this week means the day after tomorrow. 


She smiled at them encouragingly. 



"As much as I don't want this engagement to end immediately. It is near year-end everyone, we have a pile of engagements to be accomplished." 



"Does your reason for not wanting this engagement to end immediately is in the form of one of the nurses here?" Nayeon uttered, her voice laced with malice. A round of teasings erupted around the room. Seungwan can only glare at her associates while trying her best to hide her blush and smile. 



"I can give an absolute assurance with audit evidence that Nayeon is correct!" her best friend seconded. Loud laughs reverberated again in the serious meeting room just a few moments ago. 




"I'm pretty sure that the report you will make unnie is unqualified." Chaewon added which made everyone cheer for the nth time. 


(A/N: Sorry for all these lame accounting jokes T_T) 



Before things could get more embarrassing for her. Seungwan sternly cleared . 



"I just changed my mind." she started gathering everyone's attention. 







"I actually need your findings first thing in the morning tomorrow. Meeting adjourned." She commanded while trying her best to keep her smile at bay at the bewildered faces of her team members. 




"Unnie!" Chaewon whined. 



"Yah, Son Seungwan!" Nayeon called out. 



"Wendy!" Seulgi shouted her English name frustratingly. 



All their groans and whines fell into deaf ears as she continued to leave the room. 








"I'll carry these for you." Seungwan volunteered as soon as she saw Joohyun carrying boxes of what she thinks are vaccines and other medical supplies. She was on her way to leave the hospital to finally have her much awaited rest but if it involves Joohyun, she'll drop everything for her. 



"No thanks." Joohyun declined, trying her best to stabilize the three boxes on her arms. 



"Hard headed as always." She heard Seungwan uttered beside her which made her eyes roll automatically. 



"I am not a cheater though." Joohyun mumbled back with disdain evident in her voice. 



"I hate to burst your bubbles of thinking how awful I am but the last thing I would do was to cheat on you." the younger girl tiredly explained. A sense of dejavu washed over Seungwan at the familiarity of that particular line. She cannot count how many times she had uttered the same line over and over again in the past. It still left her to wonder how amazing or maybe cruel fate can be. A client's offer of an audit engagement led her to meet her ex whom she never caught a glimpse of again after the latter stormed out of her apartment that one night she broke things off without even hearing her side of the story. 



"Say it to the girl in your apartment who's only clad in a towel." Joohyun fired back almost immediately. 



"I told you—" 




"We are long over, Seungwan." the latter interjected with finality in her voice. 


The younger girl stared at her. Eyes evident with hurt but she soon masked it with a playful smile. 



"We are indeed over b-but it doesn't mean that I cannot win you back." Seungwan confidently uttered but the crack on her voice while uttering that line is a telltale sign that she too isn't sure of the outcome of what she's doing now. 


"Believe what you want to believe." 




"She's quite persistent hmmm?" It was more of a statement than a question coming from the head nurse as they gaze at Seungwan who's guiding a bunch of people to their designated physician in charge. 


After much pestering from the younger girl. Joohyun finally just let the latter be. She even insisted on helping with the free medical mission in front of the hospital in honor of its founding anniversary next week. As always, Seungwan's persist—no scratch that 'hard-headed' self won. 


Joohyun knew more than anyone that when Seungwan is insisting on something she really wants to do or wants to have, the younger girl would not stop until she'll achieve her goal. 


That's just exactly how she got her back th— Joohyun abruptly backtracks her thoughts and just focuses on assisting the head nurse. 


But her movements came to a halt at the next question thrown at her by the older, "When will you take her back?" 


"H-how? —- I m-mean I don't know what you are talking about, unnie." she tried to dismiss it. But Joohyun is sure that the latter did not buy her blatant lie. The head nurse knew her like the back of her hand. For almost a year of working side by side, they grew super close to the point that the hierarchy between their positions at the hospital became a blur. 



"She's the ex that you are talking about, right?" the older one insisted. Keen on understanding the situation. She actually wants to help too. Her piece of mind to this whole ordeal might be the key towards Joohyun's happiness. 


"The one where you find the need to bre—" Ms. Kim was cut off by Joohyun's hand on as she signalled to her side. A huffing Seungwan can be seen near them. 


"Ms. Son, you can take it easy. It's not that we're going to pay you." Ms. Kim jokingly stated as she handed the younger girl a bottle of water. 


"I am fine, Ms. Kim or should I say Ms. Jung —- ouch! " A slight pinch on her side cut Seungwan's sentence off. 


With the clear display of playful banter from the two, Joohyun unconsciously chuckled lightly. The familiar yet bittersweet sound abruptly stopped Seungwan's world as she relished on the melodious sound that she grew to miss for the past year. 


Realizing her mistake, Joohyun then cleared , keeping herself busy again with arranging the supplies for the nth time. 


Seungwan on the other hand cannot help but to swoon and be overjoyed. She feels like an achievement has been unlocked with her mission of "Getting Together with Bae Joohyun." 



Baby steps. 





When she agreed to settle on baby steps, Seungwan never expected to have little to no progress for the following days. It is as if the older girl grew more wary and conscious of her presence to the point that it seems like Joohyun is already making a move to stop whatever interaction that Seungwan will pull off. 



Hence, when she got the chance to talk to Joohyun, Seungwan immediately grabbed it. 




"Ouch!" She exclaimed dramatically which earned her a slap on her shoulders from the annoyed nurse. 


"I haven't put anything on it yet!" Joohyun exclaimed frustratingly, trying her best to calm herself. 


"And for once, it is just a paper cut Seungwan. It won't kill you." she lectured the childish girl who in return smiled instead of trying to straighten herself. 


"But this paper cut was the result of me finalizing the audit report for this hospital, Joohyun-ah. The management would really appreciate your efforts in attending to me, Joohyun-ah" She tried her luck in calling the older girl just like how it used to be again. Seungwan abruptly saw the creases on the latter's forehead with it. 



"Stop calling me that." 



"You did it first. You called me Seungwan first, Joohyun-ah." she playfully uttered. 



"Ouch!" This time, her scream is real. The latter just pinched the part where the cut was located. 



"It's finished. You can go." Seungwan noticed how the older girl immediately widen the space between the two of them 



"Oh okay, thank you so much." 




Sensing that she still isn't contented with her daily 'Joohyun' dose after not having it for the past few days. Seungwan stops on her tracks and faces the latter with a sheepish smile plastered on her face. 



"I'll just come back tomorrow." Joohyun immediately throws her a glare. 






"For changing the band-aid." It is evident on the older girl's face how she is so done with the latter after she uttered that lame excuse. 



"You know damn well that you can do it on your own. Stop acting so childish, Son Seungwan." A clear shift in the atmosphere can be felt at the calling of her full name together with the word she never knew she will be called again, 'childish'. 



It truly struck a nerve within her. She has never been childish ever since Joohyun left her. Seungwan has never been called like that since then. Working in a corporate world and having a position that's too serious will never give anyone a chance to label her as childish. 



Seungwan realized that she can only be this carefree with Joohyun. That she can only unleash this side of hers in front of the older girl. No one will bring this side of hers unless it is her. Now, she is more determined than ever to win the girl back. 



When she reeled back her mind out of her realizations, she soon found herself leaning both her hands on the latter's table with the girl inside her arms. 



Joohyun stood frozen at the younger girl's bold movements. One minute they were just staring at each other because Seungwan seemed to stop functioning and Joohyun felt somehow guilty for her choice of words. She was actually on her way to apologize although her words were true when Seungwan took a few careful steps towards her without breaking their eye contact which led the two of them to this situation. 




"You know what's more childish than this?" Joohyun is still processing everything so she stays mum, just waiting for the girl to continue her sentence. She hates to admit it to herself but Seungwan being this close still has the same effect on her. More than a year has passed but she cannot deny this familiar warmth. 









"Me kissing you." Joohyun's eyes widened at that. She abruptly pushed the girl away. 





"Easy. I won't do that without your permission, Joohyun-ah." 




"I'll see you around." As soon as the younger closed the door. Joohyun lets out the breath she never knew she was holding in the first place. 



Keeping her heartbeat at bay was her last concern before attending to her next patient 





Joohyun immediately sported an annoyed look as what welcomed her in the nurse station after doing her rounds is the familiar build of the person that could ruin her night.



"I'll treat you to dinner." Seungwan offered with a smile. Squeals from her co-workers can be heard. Joy who was on her side even lightly pushed her shoulders teasingly.



"No thanks." a bunch of 'ouch' followed suit. 


Joohyun was already smiling inside ready to celebrate, thinking that after being embarrassed in front of her co-workers, Seungwan will leave her alone. 





But what she uttered in reply, left the whole station to laugh amusedly at her, "How about you treat me to dinner then?" 





"Next time it is!" Seungwan ran away as soon as she saw the older girl pick up a ballpen within her reach to throw towards her. 



"Bye, Joohyun-ssi!" 



"Ohh that sounds like your name! Wow!" She added dumbly, clearly amazed with her realization. 


"Bye, Joohyun-ssi and Bae Joohyun-ssi." A round of laughter erupted again around Joohyun. 


A flying kiss was thrown at her by the younger one before dashing towards the exit. 



"Oh my god, she is so funny!" Joy exclaimed after recovering from laughing too much. Joohyun can only huff in annoyance when everyone agrees to that. 


What should she do with Seungwan? 




A cup of coffee on her table first thing in the morning is the usual occurrence for Joohyun upon arriving. Even though the 'engagement' with the hospital as Seungwan worded it already ended, the younger girl still finds a way to show her persistent self. It even gets to this point that almost every day, at least one of her co-workers will ask her if they already got back together. It started when after her work hours, one of her workmates saw the girl waiting for her in the parking lot. 


It took every ounce of her nerves to decline the 'coffee' and 'driving her home' thingy. But Seungwan also used all her nerves to make her agree eventually.  


She was on a morning rotation the past month so it is still quite convenient for Seungwan to fetch her since their work hours aligned. Now that she's on the graveyard shift, maybe the younger girl will stop this antic of hers. 




And she was right. The familiar car of the younger girl, her usual blinding smile and her small wave towards her were all not not in sight when she stepped out of work at 5AM. 


If Joohyun was slightly disappointed, she opted to bury that feeling. 


She was on her way to call a taxi when a blue Suzuki Swift pulled up in front of her. 


"My alarm didn't wake me up. Sorry." A dishevelled Suengwan in her pyjamas apologized while hurriedly opening the door for her. 


Even when she already settled on her seat, Joohyun was still astounded. She never expected the younger girl to still show up at this kind of time, knowing how busy she is. 


"Y-you didn't have to do this, Seungwan." she sincerely uttered. Joohyun never felt so guilty towards the latter again since she broke things off between the two of them. 


"I want to." was what she only replied before driving away. 


They stayed silent for the whole duration of the ride with Joohyun gathering her thoughts and feelings. While, Seungwan is just gauging the girl's actions. 




They were already in front of Joohyun's apartment but no one dared to make a move or say something yet. Words are already at the tip of their tongues, still nothing came up. 


Both were clearly conflicted about their situation. 




"Joohyun-ah…" Seungwan started while inhaling a huge amount of air to somehow gain courage. What she's about to say next will either make them, break them or prolong this blurred status that she tried to build up ever since they've crossed paths again. 


The older girl patiently waited for her to continue.



"I think it's time for us to talk about 'us'. I want to clear things with you, unnie." Seungwan desperately stated. 


With the silence, Seungwan resigned on her seat with a little sigh. 


"B-but if you still don't want to talk. I will wait until you are willing to hear my side." She added to which heightened the guilt that Joohyun is feeling inside. 


"Even if it will take me months or even years as long as ---"





"I know that you never cheated on me." Joohyun finally cut her off with the truth. 


Those words left Seungwan speechless. Her mind went into a spiral mess trying to think of any reason why Joohyun would break up with her that time. 


She soon got her answer though which broke her even more than that night. 


"I never doubted you, Seungwan. I know you wouldn't cheat on me…" 


"What I doubt is the effect of our relationship to you." 


"W-what do you mean by that?" 


Joohyun wiped the tears that rolled out her cheeks before continuing. She even fixed her gaze in front. Afraid that if she will look at Seungwan, she will never want the girl to know the truth that will just devastate her. 




Joohyun's stupidity. 





"Your mom contacted me one time stating that I might be distracting you from your review. I know where she is coming from though. We both know you too well to think the same. It just occurred to her first before I realized that I may be unconsciously doing it already. Distracting you." 


"As much as I am extremely happy that you love me Seungwan, we both know it's too much at that time." 


Seungwan's mind reeled back to the times wherein she would talk to Joohyun on the phone during her study time. But she's actually compensating for every minute of it by extending. 


Their abrupt coffee dates. Still during those times, she is studying. Seungwan just wants to spend some time with the older girl. To spend her little break with her. 


She knew she had her lapses back then and it led her to some backlogs, but it doesn't undermine the fact that this reason of Joohyun is unacceptable. 


Letting out a humorless chuckle, she replied, "We can talk this out back then. You don't need to resort to breaking up with me. I cannot believe that after almost two years of dating me, you still think that I am a kid who cannot make efforts to listen to you or make adjustments!" 


"That's the problem, Seungwan! You are so understanding to the point that you are blinded by how cruel people can be, how cruel I can be! See?! Even though I just let our relationship end so easily at that time, you still pursued me persistently." 


"That's because I love you! " Seungwan exclaimed. 


"And that's my point." 


"You need to grow at that time. We both need to grow. We need to learn how to love each other less. I cannot afford to be your downfall back then, Seungwan-ah. I love you too much to hinder you from getting the CPA title you fought so hard to achieve even before I entered your life." 


"I honestly cannot understand you. I just c-can't." Seungwan hopelessly mumbled, tears downing her cheeks. 


"All this time I felt guilty that I never even acknowledged how broken I am when you left me. I need to bounce back immediately because I still have a board exam that I need to pass. After I've got the results I am aiming for, I feel like absolute , Joohyun! I cannot even find it in me to celebrate because that's the time that our break up hit me the most. Imagine how guilty I am for not running back towards you immediately. For not winning you back at that very time that I have lost you." 



"That's what you should do, Seungwan. I am glad it pushed you to your limits."



She looks at Joohyun incredulously, "I can actually do it. You just don't trust me enough." 






"It's not really about learning how to love each other less, Joohyun. It's about trusting each other more." 




Months have passed that they never heard from the both of them. They try to slowly understand and comprehend where one is coming from and the gist of each other's reasoning that they have uttered that eventful night. 


Bustling through companies' financial statements that Seungwan needs to audit and hustling through the throng of patients that Joohyun needs to tend to, they both learn to regain their balance. Going back to their old lives. 





"Who's coffee is this?" Seungwan inquired to Nayeon after she arrived and noticed a brewing hot coffee atop her desk. 


"I don't know, Wannie. The security just told me that it's for you." Nayeon shrugged. 


Being caught up with her busy schedule for the day, Seungwan does not have the luxury of time to think about trivial things such as someone getting her a cup of coffee. 


But maybe she should have inserted that thought on her busy schedule. It would probably save her the shock of her life if she has been able to puzzle things out together before coming face to face with Bae Joohyun after her work hours. 



"Hi." the older girl curtly uttered with a small smile. 




She roamed her eyes on the Japanese resto they frequently go to when they were still together. Seungwan didn't have the guts to dine in this place again, afraid that she may stumble upon Joohyun and on her words upon seeing the latter. 





"Seungwan… " 





"Let's talk it out after eating." Seungwan cuts the latter's sentence. She wants to settle everything once and for all. Hence, she needs time to think on what to say and how to say it. 



They are currently walking towards where she parked her car when Joohyun breaks the silence between them again, "It's probably useless to say this to you since you probably hate me already and that I've hurt you more than enough but I just want to apologize." 



"I'm really sorry, Seungwan-ah. It took me a while to show my face again because I felt really ashamed of how bad I've treated you." 




"You're right, Seungwan-ah. I should have trusted you more. I should have communicated with you better. If you would just give me a chance again, I promise that I will love you right this time." Joohyun sincerely stated looking straight at the younger's eyes. 


She was catching her breath and nervousness as she waited for Seungwan to say something. Joohyun was never a really religious person but at that time, she was helplessly praying that Seungwan would give her another chance. 


"You were right too. I should love you less, Joohyun-ah… " 



Oh. Joohyun was slightly disheartened by that. This is the only time where she wished that Seungwan shouldn't have listened to her.





"Because all I want to do right now is to kiss you despite everything." Seungwan finished.  


Joohyun did not wait for another second to pass by before making Seungwan's impulsive thought into a reality. With new-found courage she gently encircled her arms towards Seungwan's nape as she pulled her in. Molding their lips together. 



The feeling is like their first time. They both thought. 


Even sweeter this time as they give their love a second chance. 


It takes Seungwan to know, understand and accept the truth before she wins her ex's heart again. 


Not measured by time anymore but by forgiveness and learning to risk again for love that she once had and wants to have in the future. 








A/N: How was it? It's been a while my Wenrene fam! Hope you like this story. Comments and upvotes are highly appreciated. Thank you for reading! <3


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